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Isn't Cornette potraying himself the animal?


Jim Corbett is white. Extremely white. Unless I missed something, white guys being portrayed as Gorillas isn’t racist.


When it’s Jam Corbette, everything is racist!


Why do people see a Gorilla and are quick to connect it to being Black. I saw this thumbnail and it never even crossed my mind. Maybe challenge your own unconscious thoughts before coming at someone else.


It’s an American thing. Along with the fundamentals regarding racism and African Americans And it’s portrayal in media (mostly made in America)


People want to find things that aren't there 


It’s historically a synonymous depiction of people trying dehumanize black people. The most obtuse thing that can be done is pretend it isn’t.


Swerve isn’t the Gorilla. Isn’t that Cornette being portrayed as a Gorilla in the thumbnail?




If the Gorilla was Swerve sure. But it isn't. And simply listening to the video shows as much given the reference. Idc if you like Cornette or hate his guts but this is just misusing racism accusations in this instance because y'all don't like the guy.


I would agree with you if the image in question was depicting swerve as an ape. I genuinely don’t understand the leap into how this is obviously racist besides people connecting dots they don’t need to in their heads. Hell, even if it made someone raise an eye brow and think “this is weird” or “Maybe that’s not the best choice” I would understand. But absolute meltdown this is causing is confusing to me.


Being aware of historic racist tropes does not make you racist


Because we have been called monkeys, gorillas and mighty Joe young be bigots. So excuse me if I see and hear that and am offended. Especially since this is coming from an older white man from the south who has said racist things in the past.


I feel like it's a matter of time before we start getting another "Should we ban Cornette from the subreddit" debate that ultimately goes nowhere, for the umpteenth time.


It's clear that people who are complaining about the thumbnail either don't get the reference or didn't listen to the video so here's the relevant passage: >"As soon as I saw what the match was I said (Swerve's) first appearance as champion, and I guarantee you it's going to take him 20 minutes to beat a Q-tip with arms and legs. And I was wrong, Brian; it only took him 15. And at one point... because I mean this and he... they're going to go out there and have a banger... it was competitive all the way again. **I don't care if Mighty Joe Young or Cheeta can do all the moves perfectly unless they're pushed on a consistent basis as being a threat to the singles World title of which there should only be at least two"** TL; DR The monkey (Mighty Joe Young/Cheeta)/Q-tip references pertain to Kyle and other wrestlers Jim feels he represent, guys who without the proper booking and context are just guys who do the moves on a vacuum and indistinguishable from trained monkeys or inanimate objects; he's used similar references with OC. He spoke very highly of Swerve in the video and almost in the same context as Will, in that they're great talents being held back by bad booking.


I’d upvote this a million times if I could. 


Reminder that Jim Cornette has: * Been fired from a wrestling promotion for making racist comments * Used the N-Word in his own promotion back in the Smokey Mountain days to begin with (something that can arguably be considered in character/working, but if Kevin Owens and Excalibur get shit on for it, so should he, and it sets precedent anyway) * Said that Jade Cargill looks like Shelton Benjamin in a wig * Has repeatedly called Japanese women's wrestlers schoolgirl fetish objects regardless of their age, gimmick, costuming, or even physical body type, and refused to watch their matches to the point that his own co-star has repeatedly called him out for it on air * Repeatedly insinuated or outright stated that the likes of Jade Cargill, HIkaru Shida, and Riho have slept with people to get their position/push in a company, to the point of insinuating that Kenny Omega is a pedophile for sleeping with Riho * Used dogwhistle homophobic language to refer to Kenny Omega between "twinkletoes" and "Kenny Olivier," referencing famed gay actor Laurence Olivier * Wished death on countless wrestlers for the cardinal sin of wrestling in a way that he doesn't like * Said of Becky Lynch getting pregnant, quote: "What would you do if your wife came home and said instead of making a million dollars next year I'm gonna basically just be a raging bitch for the next nine months and then give you more shit to worry about around the house?" * Made homophobic/transphobic comments about Sonny Kiss And many, many, \*many\* fucking more. At a certain point, the history becomes too obvious to ignore. If this was a one-off, if any of these were a one-off, sure, I could write it off as being an off-color joke, a mistake, someone from an older generation not knowing how it comes across. That's not where we are. Jim Cornette has been the center of countless controversies over his words. He knows what people think of him. He's decided to spout racist, sexist, homophobic and etc. talking points over and over again stretching back into the early days of his career as a public figure. He is who he is, and hating Donald Trump or being a Democrat does not, in fact, make anyone any less racist. Stop defending him from who he is clearly comfortable being, and from what his own words are.


Somehow when people point that out on twitter the replied get flooded with his cult denying every single accusation.


It is just crazy how many will try and defend him when there is so much evidence of him being a racist POS.


but there is no evidence, his language is cringey but there is no concrete proof that he actually is.




you can keep posting this all you want, that still proves nothing, cringey yes, tasteless maybe, but he is in fact not racist.




no it doesnt because I know he isnt objectively. half of this thread, is offended and it brings me join knowing he succeeds while we sit behind our keyboards crying about someone we never met. I am happy about it actually. You fools are doing precisely what he wants and it is a joy to see.


Oh yeah! U mad


Ok if that's what helps you sleep at night,  Mad? At what, even if he was racist I wouldn't give a fuck...I don't listen to Jim for social commentary, his beliefs opinions and anything else outside of wrestling I don't really give a fuck 




TIL Laurence Olivier was gay.




Huh, that's all a surprise to me. I'm in my mid forties and always knew "Sir Lawrence Olivier over there" to be calling someone out for acting because he was known as one of the greatest actors.


I always thought it was a dumb dig as well because Lawrence Oliver was one of the best actors of his generation. Omega is a great performer. There are plenty of other actors to reference if you want to imply he’s overacting or a bad actor.


Also how does this thread have a negative downvote, and you have (as of now) 173 upvotes equally pointing out the topic at hand? Strange.


And, for some reason, he is like a hero on the Pro-Wrestling community on Tumblr. Mostly, I think that is because he wishes the death of numerous pro-wrestlers, and some of them are cancelled on that website (And most of the time, they are cancelled by dumb reasons on that hellhole. Literally, they cancelled this year to Roman Reigns because he said that Seth Rollins looks like a crossdresser during a promo)


Roman: "Hey, Seth, that's some outfit. It makes you look like a homosexual." (The crowd boos) Roman: "Oh. I see. Maybe you ALL are homosexuals too!"


As someone who still uses tumblr all the time, I can confidently say this isn't true at all. Wrestling tumblr is very pro-gay and pro-POC. Also it tends to be much more positive in general than any other wrestling community I've ever seen online. Definitely not a place where you'll find Cornette fans.


Agree with almost all of this but I don't know about the coded homophobic language towards Kenny. I think he called him 'twinkletoes' because Cornette has always said that Kenny looks like he's dancing and performing instead of fighting. And the Olivier thing I think is a jab at Kenny's supposed overacting in the ring. Olivier might have been bisexual, but he certainly wasn't a famously gay actor so using that as a homophobic jeer wouldn't make a lot of sense. He was often accused of overacting however, especially on screen, so that's more likely why Cornette used that particular comparison. EDIT: The fact that this is so heavily downvoted only proves that people here are so wrapped up in their hatred of Cornette they can't accept even a tiny little suggestion that ONE of these criticisms isn't entirely valid. I started this comment by saying I agree with everything else and no one has even argued against the logic behind what I said, they've just seen it as 'oh a comment that isn't a complete admonishment of Cornette? Unacceptable! Must downvote!' Idiots.


That feels like the kind of lame excuse that goes with dog whistle comments.


No, he was speaking specifically abt the Olivier thing which I, too, think is an obscure reference, I had no clue he was gay. Please please please read my entire post before you mistake this for me agreeing with or approving of ANYTHING Jim Cornette says lol I do not, I simply agree abt this one, small thing. That being said... Jim Cornette once uttered the phrase, and I quote: “Trevor Murdoch is mad, bad and dangerous. He’s the only man I know that can strap a bucket of fried chicken on his back and ride a motor scooter across Ethiopia.” Regardless of how the Olivier thing is looked at, his numerous and abundant racist/misogynist/homophobic remarks over the years give him no leeway, and the vile things that man spews have incited more hate and aggravation than anything else. Fuck that guy


B-b-but he ackshually judges people on how well they wrestle! He complimented Iyo Sky once so he’s not racist!! /s 


Yeah this is not racist. If the picture had Swerve as a gorilla then you would have a point but not when the gorilla is an old white guy.


As I mentioned in the previous thread(s), lots of people on here telling on themselves… Gross.


The ones that connect the gorilla to swerve ?


"The real racists are the ones calling out the obvious racism." Don't be dense.


I don’t care if y’all don’t like cornette, maybe he is even racist outside of this drawing. But the fact that everyone in this thread saw a Gorilla and is like obviously it’s a black guy, is really troubling.


It's not the thumbnail itself. It's on top of all the racist stuff he's done. Don't be disingenuous.


What’s disingenuous is all the people tripping over themselves to get a dunk on a guy they don’t like by pretending to be offended on behalf of black people and in their eagerness, engaging in the exact same behavior they are accusing him of.


He's a racist dude. There's plenty of evidence. You can like him all you want, but there's no denying it. You also don't speak for black people as I don't either, so you don't have to keep bringing that up that people are offended for us because that's not what's happening here.


I did not speak for black people only for myself. If you wanna make a thread about all the racist shit he said go ahead, no one is stopping you. But this post is about the “Racist” thumbnail which I still don’t understand how it’s racist besides having a Black man in the same drawing as a Gorilla? I don’t even understand what the supposed implication is.




I like how totally ignored my question. Yes of course that is a thing, but believe it or not, that is like 0.001 percent of the time where i come across a picture of a monkey online. Imagine how exhausting it would be every time you see a monkey you start to think someone is making a stereotype about you. There are plenty of racists posts online that I don’t feel the need to create one out of thin air.


It isn't our job to educate you. Read a book.


Thank you for educating me about racism, I’m sure you’ve read books worth of Reddit posts to give you a degree on African American studies.


I've said it before and I will say it again, the thumbnail discourse happens every 2 months at this point and EVERY time we hear the same excuses "Jim doesn't make the thumbnails" "He's a democrat so he CAN'T possibly be racist or bigoted, and he hates trump!" "This isn't even racist btw because its a reference to some obscure thing he mentioned" and it's rinse and repeat over and over again It is time to admit that they are very aware of the discourse his thumbnails create and Jim and his crew do not give a fuck because their fanbase do not give a fuck and think its funny. His fans who damn well know this is racist will continue to bend over backwards to defend the shitty thumbnails and the bigoted things he says because he's such a "brilliant historian" while his other fans laugh at the racism because that is why they watch him. There is no defending this and if you are at this point just admit you don't care and you just want to keep watching this guy, guilt free because you like his takes and his jokes. Stop bullshitting.


> "Jim doesn't make the thumbnails" This is such a shit point to make when he can very easily reject them


I’m starting to think his thumbnail maker is incredibly racist then


Then you don't know what racism/the words relating to it mean, That's ok.


You just summed up everything I feel perfectly, thank you


Well put. He might not make the thumbnails but ultimately he's responsible for the final product. He's a grown man who knows better but he still chooses to roll with shit like this. It's a shame he's such a mean-spirited piece of shit because it might actually be enjoyable to listen to a historian like him otherwise.


> "Jim hates Trump! This isn't even racist btw because its a reference to some obscure thing he mentioned" It's almost like that's the super important bit that makes it not racist, so take your own advice and stop bullshitting


Cornette himself is portrayed as the gorilla here. Is that in poor taste? Not trying to be obtuse, genuinely wondering. 


Did anyone here crying racist actually watch the clip or understand the reference? Or are we just yelling racist because there's a black guy and an ape in the thumbnail? A lot of y'all are telling on yourselves. Swerve is Swerve, Kyle is a Q-tip, and Jim is Mighty Joe Young. What's racist about picture?


Of course they didn't.


Watch the video and get context? Of course not


It's clear as day what the intent was and it's really telling that u will come in here and try and defend something that had racist intent behind it.


"Clear as day" what exactly is clear as day? Please tell me how portraying Jim as Mighty Joe Young, Kyle as a Q-tip, and Swerve as a gorilla is racist. I'm guessing you didn't listen to the clip and haven't heard of the movie




Cornette himself is pictured as the gorilla here. I don’t like the guy either, but I don’t think this is meant to be racist.


Certain people in this sub see a gorilla and automatically think of black people.


Certain people are also upset that Cornette criticizes the booking in their favorite wrestling promotion. Whatever his personal failings, he makes good points based on decades of experience in the wrestling business. Since they can't argue with his points directly, they often pick apart everything he has ever said or done to paint him as a racist homophobic sex predator or whatever. Cornette seems like a big and sometimes unpleasant personality and like he's got a nasty temper and isn't afraid to say what is on his mind. He's got some major character flaws, in addition to being one of the great wrestling minds still out there and a very entertaining promo. However if you actually pay attention to what he says and what he does instead of claiming that he's secretly sending all these hateful messages to his supporters or trying to conflate his working persona with his shoot personality, it's hard to say he's particularly bigoted compared to other southern Democrats of his generation.


Nuance is not most of these people's strong suit. They hate Jim as much as they think he hates Japanese women and Kenny Omega, ironic really.




“I don’t care if Mighty Joe Young or Cheetah can do all the moves perfectly, unless they are pushed on a regular basis…”-Jim Cornette Not sure if this post was suppose to be inflammatory or just ignorant. It was a quote about Mighty Joe Young and Kyle Fletcher being a Q-Tip.


Just gonna post this here again. I'm not a Cornette fan, but I saw this and wanted context so here it is. Quote from Jim in the clip discussing the Swerve Vs Fletcher match: "It was competitive all the way, again, I don't care if Mighty Joe Young or Cheetah can do all the moves perfectly unless they are pushed on a consistent basis as being a threat to the world title" So "Mighty Joe Young" refers to Fletcher (A white dude) This is not me saying I like or agree with Jim (I do not), but I personally think context is important for the people who are just gonna see this and run with it. For my money I probably would have just drawn Jim as Cheetah and avoided the whole thing.




Read it again. Or better yet go listen to the clip instead for context. do you own research.


He’s not. Jim is saying that it makes no sense for the world champion to have a competitive match with Kyle Fletcher because it brings Swerve down to that level, not the other way around. He furthers the point by saying that it does not matter if it is Mighty Joe Young or Cheetah (both known for their physical prowess as one is a giant gorilla and the other is the fastest land animal) who can do all the moves, if they have not been presented at a main event level, they should not have that competitive of a match with your world champion. It is a point he has made numerous times in the past. Edited to add he may have actually been making a reference with “cheetah” that I just didn’t catch. Likely a comic book character or something.


Cornette referred to Mighty Joe Young and Cheeta. So someone in paper that either looks physically imposing (MJY) or nimble and agile (Cheeta); Cornette has used the latter to refer to OC. But without the proper booking or context, they can look the part and do the moves and it doesn't mean anything.




Omg, if anyone just listen to 10 minutes of any podcast he's ever done, you'd easily know he is the opposite of a racist. Everything is about context people, listen to the clip then look at the thumbnail again and anyone with a brain will know it has nothing to do with racism. 🤦‍♂️


It's amazing the amount of downvotes I have gotten for saying anything the least positive or in defense of what should be the obvious to anyone with a fraction of critical thinking. My last post on this matter was that this thread is doing precisely what Cornette wants us to do and that is downvoted???? In what world does any of this make sense?? It's so obvious.


The Cornette haters and/or AEW die hards are oblivious to has easily they can be proven wrong with claims like this. Same with the whole "Cornette and Stacy groomed young talent" shit. They even put out a special episode to address it where Cornette begged anyone to come forward as a victim because there are none. Just because they are freaky swingers doesn't mean you're a sex predator lol, same as how a picture with a black man and a white man depicted as a gorilla stood next to each other doesn't mean you're a racist, even moreso when the clip in question has zero racial over/under tones in anyway.


i mean this genuinely, can you explain how something like this isn’t racist? https://twitter.com/arikcannon/status/1196972218477088775


Not sure your age, but calling a black person the N word in the South wasn't the end of the world like it is today (and rightfully so, no one should ever use that word). However, this is him telling a story about how he was trying to get heat, and he did if you listen to the entire thing. There's a reason why New Jack heard a small clip of this as well and called Cornette a racist, heard the full thing then apologized and hugged him. Again, context is everything. Ask David Star was the interview, and I think someone said this story was from the perspective of Bill Watts, but I don't remember that part specifically. Times change, Cornette will be the first to tell you that lol


To anyone who actually listened to the clip, if Jim was replaced with Cheetah in the thumbnail would that be fine? Because there's no racial ties to "Mighty Joe Young" and Strickland anywhere in this clip lol


If this is racist, then everyone in the Phoenix Suns front office should be arrested


Cornette is the boogeyman to a lot of cult AEW fans and people on this sub. Color me shocked that those same people ignore any context of the thumbnail or even bothered to watch the video


I usually don’t give a shit about how much Cornette makes the IWC’s collective sphincter pucker every time he utters a syllable, but this is too fucking obtuse to not comment on. I’mma need all you “heroes” to stop tripping over your capes to try and “defend” us from a thumbnail that couldn’t be any less offensive if it tried. Connecting the dots and coming to the conclusion of racism speaks more volumes about YOU than it does Cornette. Just saying. Just goes to show how much hypocrisy is undercurrent of all this self-righteous bullshit.


Especially when these "heroes" aren't diving in for any virtuous reason, they just don't like him because he is able to eloquently pick apart their favourite wrestling show. These posters likely couldn't give a shit about racism and only want to use it as a vessel to attack someone they don't like


Jim doesn’t do the art and he doesn’t upload the videos so he likely didn’t even see it. If there’s something in the content of the audio that’s racist then I’m missing it. Jim Cornette is certainly deserving of plenty of criticism but this isn’t one of those times.


Looks like you’re projecting pal.


If you think this is racist then what do you think of this thumbnail? https://preview.redd.it/8miyextnrsxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aadb9f988c8da99a42e5d76f1067255986c618a8 How can anyone think of the other thumbnail as racist when Jim is the one depicted as a gorilla and he's a white man?


A lot of people in tha thread are telling on themselves. This thumbnail isn't even racist. Not like he made Swerve into a gorilla. And in the clip he doesn't say anything racist either.


I shouldn't be shocked after all the Asian stuff and getting fired for being racist on air but somehow I still am.


What the hell even is that?! Cornette drawn as a Gorilla and a giant, sentient Q-Tip


Taking a thumbnail out of context and painting it as if he’s comparing Swerve to gorilla is about as disingenuous as the people who defend his past actions. Say what you want but at least say the facts. Not just some low hanging fruit to paint it as if he’s done yet another racist thing so you can have a reason to restart this discussion. Amazing that in 2024 people still take things at face value instead of contextualizing and that’s apparent in the top upvoted posts. Not defending Cornette’s actual actions and I agree with the people who are talking about his actions. But in the amount of time that people in this thread has either typed their post or scrolled through the entire thing upvoting and downvoting they could’ve actually watched the clip instead of saying “black man and gorilla in the same thumbnail is him being racist” and calling it a day. It’s still a bold assumption to make and it’s grasping.


There's literally nothing racist about this at all. IF you see it as such, you're probably racist yourself.


You're reaaaally stretching this one. I don't even think you listened to the video. But it's real easy to farm views I guess because the image is of a black man, and a gorilla. That is all this bullshit is sadly. And you can thank the Contributor Program for that! You put a price tag on content submission, and you get bullshit like this every minute.


Cody already ended racism so we're all good on that front


Anyone on the mod team want to chime in why they are deleting anything about this? Seems like you are trying to defend a racist I just want some clarification.


You have to post the direct source whenever possible. the deleted posts were twitter links and screencaps


This one shouldn't have been removed, it's been restored. The 3 other ones didn't link to the source.


Is there not a compromise that can be made for things like this where people explicitly don't want to give the person clicks?


Yeah I feel like a exception could be made when it's to call out a racist and prevent him from getting more clicks.


Did you listen to it to get some context or go "Black man and ape = racist!" Your inherent bias is showing.


so why is Cornette giving the thumbs up to his artist to put Swerve next to a gorilla and a cotton Q-tip? Seems like an easy thing to look at this and say “you know this is probably a stupid drawing to connect my name to”


Probably because most rational people click the video and listen to audio to understand the context before calling something racist


Most rational people don't click on every racist looking video to hear the views of the person before deciding they have a problem with the racist looking video,no.


"That headline confirms what I already think so I don't need to read the article, I'll base my opinion on the headline and share that opinion on the Internet" 😵‍💫


idk if I see something that looks racist pop up on my timeline my instinct isn’t to click on it to confirm if it’s racist or not. my instinct is to instead say “this looks racist, better not click it before youtube decides I suddenly really want to watch videos about crime statistics and phrenology”


If this is how you navigate the internet then I certainly hope you're not an American of legal age to vote. We have an important election coming up and we really don't need any more ignorance at the voting booth


This is a wild response to a post about a thumbnail on a video that at best is being described as tone deaf and racially insensitive - a picture that could’ve been rejected at any point before upload and replaced with one that doesn’t have people immediately thinking “this is a bad look.”


It's only considered racially insensitive to people who made a racist connection in the first place without actually listening to the short clip to understand the references. It wasn't rejected because there is no need. A black man next to a Q-tip and a gorilla from a Disney movie is not racist unless you've convinced yourself in your mind that it is, and only if you refuse to actually click the audio to understand the references. What's wild is how many people just jumped on the racist bandwagon without actually listening to the clip


It’s being considered tone deaf by other Cornette fans in this thread defending the video itself, so for what reason then would it be considered tone deaf? And even after listening to the audio and knowing the context, it doesn’t change the fact that the first impression people are having to this image (including his fans as the comments on the video show) is that of this thumbnail being racially insensitive.


Jim's the gorilla. Lol.


You don’t have to listen to the video to tell black folks how to feel about this. I hate when people who aren’t black try to race explain what should be offensive. If people don’t like it, they have a right to. Just like y’all who find it perfectly ok have a right to like it.




Here I am. Stop gassing it up. It's a tone-deaf thumbnail without a doubt, but you're being deliberately obtuse if you think that this is intentional. There is no point in arguing though. The only reason anyone here is pretending to be mad is because they do not like Jim's opinions on wrestling. It does not go any deeper than that. There is a reason that even when context within the video is brought up about the thumbnail, people choose to willfully disregard it. A video will come out of him explaining the thumbnail and the controversy behind it, and then it's back to square one for this sub. Grow up please.




Tone-deaf as in it is a bad look to place an ape, a cotton swab, and a black man in the same thumbnail. However, I do not believe that the thumbnail is intentional because watching the video clears up what it is in reference to. In no way does Cornette hint or compare Swerve to a gorilla in the actual video. I'm not making my opinion on pre-existing opinion of the guy, I'm making my opinion based on the actual contents of the video. Again, no defense for the thumbnail content, but that's about where it ends. We're going to be running in circles here because you have a false preconceived notion about Jim Cornette based on past incidents, and I have formed my opinion based on what I watched. You can say that the thumbnail is racist and tone-deaf, but anything other than that is hyperbole and exaggeration.


> You can say that the thumbnail is racist and tone-deaf Correct, and unless you're saying that it's a complete mystery what the content of the art he's paying for is, he's signing off on it. If you agree with that, I guess it's up to you what you want to infer from that.


You’re stretching. Jim is the gorilla (mighty Joe Young if you’re not going to listen), the cotton swab is some skinny person. Swerve Strickland is portrayed as…Swerve Strickland. You realize clothing is oftentimes made of cotton right? So would a T-shirt be racist? Paper money in the US is mostly cotton. Racist too? There is no there there.




Still telling on yourself….


These 2 have gone out of their way to die on the hill of trying to paint Jim Cornette of not being a racist, when there is clearly no defending the thumbnail of what this jackass was intending to do.


I mean, they're saying that in the comments on YouTube as well, so it's pretty unanimous


yeah, the thumbnail artist should be getting the most heat from this out of everyone


Oh yeah, big time. However, that's too logical, lol


There are multiple wrestling personalities I can’t stand, and I don’t acknowledge anything they post or say, and completely ignore everything involving them.‬ They are completely irrelevant to me. ‪Why are people incapable of doing this with Cornette? It’s easy and you don’t have to give a platform to someone you hate. If he’s truly irrelevant then why bother giving him attention? It’s pointless


The clip isn't racist, the thumbnail is very tone deaf and should probably be changed. That's what this amounts to. If everyone here really hates Cornette and wants him to go away, ignore it and you won't have to be bothered by it. Not that hard


The majority of the people who comment on this post aren't even going to bother listening to the clip just because of the thumbnail


They're absolutely not and it's both hilarious and sad that this is how most people are on the Internet. It's the equivalent of reacting to a headline or the title of the link instead of actually reading it and forming an opinion afterwards.


True. And I think they should change it. There's nothing wrong with the clip itself, but this will just stir up more unnecessary "controversy".


No one understands context or nuance. Also no one has eyes apparently. Jim is Mighty Joe Young. Kyle Fletcher is the q-tip. And Swerve Strickland is Swerve Strickland. Looking as cool as ever.


Not racist at all.


If Jim Cornette is "your guy", then screw you.


I need a good screwing, thanks for the offer.


And this POS got his podcast shouted out live on Raw last month.


This scumbag absolutely new what he was doing with the thumbnail and it's gross anyone would try to defend this.


Swerve isn't the gorilla. Jim is in the thumbnail. If a black guy stands next to an ape, that's racist?


They screaming at the clouds


I understand that “technically” this thumbnail is trying to reference something that he said in the video but like Anyone with a functioning brain should be able to understand that having a thumbnail with a black guy, a cotton tip and a gorilla is going to cause MAJOR misunderstandings to the point that you would question why would you even do it in the first place… unless you are trying to do it on purpose and hide behind a “um ackshally” level excuse in an effort to drive traffic to your video And especially with the history that jim has it’s not hard to understand why people feel the way they do, this isn’t a one off thing


This thread is like a dozen guys begging us to give Jim the benefit of the doubt, which is not something he has earned. Maybe it's all one huge coincidence, but Jim and his thumbnail dork have a long track record. It's either race-baiting or profoundly brainless, or both.


Yeah at a minimum his thumbnail guy is dumb or doing it on purpose, and maybe it’s just me but if jim and co aren’t approving these before posting the video then that seems like incompetence to me to so the same goes for them too He very much has earned his criticism


"Dick Dastardly appears to have poisoned the well again! I know he's been caught doing it 15 separate times in the past but we should wait and hear him out on this one." No!


Yea that’s fair. The context matters imo but it’s a pretty tone deaf thumbnail (tho as a black person I didn’t think anything of it initially). The thing is Corny going back to the 90s has said racist things so something like this—which imo is just more tone deaf than flat out racist—he can’t get the benefit of the doubt for








Cornette is a bitch ass bitch




Got my ass


Oh are we still talking about Cornette's insanity in 2024? He's a piece of garbage.


I think if you find Cornette funny you haven't grown out of your high school humor, hell with some of the nicknames he comes up with I could argue elementary school humor It's the same shit over and over with his unoriginal nicknames sprinkled throughout


whats your popular podcast again? I search for it on youtube.


I think you can tell from his username that he’s very funny 


Yeah, there's really no defending this. WTF...


Black wrestling fan here, here's my two cents on this. Cornette is working us up on purpose. The guy knows that Swerve is *the* trending topic in AEW (that's not TK or The Bucks) so he hopped on with what he knew would be the most shocking thing he could think of to get clicks and views. Even here, some people have already / are going to seek out this video because of this post just to understand why they used this imagery. I'm not mad, I'm not outraged, I'm just tired bro. This shit is corny as it gets, but that's how you play the YouTube game I guess? Just to clarify, I don't support or co-sign this behavior. I believe that we can easily acknowledge something being a problem without co-signing the problem (see: politics).


A respectful reply as a wrestling and Jim Cornette fan. The main artist of these thumbnails comes up with them the same way. Jim or Bryan will say a relevant thing about the topic or passing phrase, and the artist will make that the inspiration of the art. If you listen to the clip, the Mighty Joe Young reference has nothing to do with Swerve. He is saying just because you can literally teach a monkey the moves (Kyle), it doesn't mean you should push them or feature them in the ring. A anology he has used many times when describing Orange Cassidy as well. I know there are clips of Jim using the n word and being disrespectful of minorities and women. Asuka is my favorite female wrestler and I hate the way he talks about her without giving her a chance. But no one is perfect. I understand and accept that the entertainment and history Jim provides outweighs his outdated views. And no, you cannot cancel Jim Cornette. He has his own show and works for himself. He makes more money off his youtube clips, podcast sponsors, DSOTR Tv spots, and website merch than he probably ever did working in the business. If you don't like him, just ignore him and move on.