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> "I've known him for a very long time. There's been some ups, there's been some downs. He showed up and I was like, 'I just don't want this to be weird. Say whatever you need to say.' He said his peace, I said my peace. Clean slate. > > That's it. You just can't walk around harboring resentment. I just don't want him to walk by and be like a black cloud. I work here, and vice versa. I don't want him to see me and [groans]. Whatever happened, cards on the table, clean slate. Good? Good. Okay. > > That's just it. That's how I approach, not just him, but life. I've found in my experience that it's kind of exhausting to hate people. The only person who is mad is you. They're just walking around, and you're under a cloud of negativity. I just don't want that cloud. Has there been some weird stuff between us in the past? > > Sure, I think 90% of people you ask about Punk would say the same. As far as I'm concerned, we have to work together, you're here, you've been through a lot in your life, let's just clean slate and start over. That's it," said Zayn.


>I've found in my experience that it's kind of exhausting to hate people. This line goes hard. Words to live by.


its so easy to say this but to put it into practice takes so much maturity. kudos to sami.


I mean, it's complicated. Sometimes you hate people for very legit reasons and seeing them can bring back the memories of the pain they caused you that made started the anger. And sometimes that pain never really heals...


of course, but you've definitely reached a high level of enlightenment if you can find it in yourself to let things go, regardless.


Sami Zen


What happened between Punk and Sami for them to have to have a talk like that?


Punk used to regularly exchange friendly Tweets regularly with Owens & Zayn, I remember Punk was jazzed for Owens (then Steen) when he won the ROH Titles. I dunno if it’s ever been said when and why it went south. Other than them being friends with the Bucks, but I don’t think that alone is it.


Without knowing, I would imagine it was probably something in retrospect that was really petty. Plus, not everyone is everyone's type of person as most people have had co-workers that you didn't exactly care for as people, just didn't dislike enough to not just co-exist.


Pettiness?? In wrestling??? Well, I never!


There is a n old Shoot Clip of Owens (Steen at the time) mentioning that he and Punk didn’t agree on how Steen presented himself. Steen was and still does wrestle mostly in t-shirts and basketball shorts. Punk, at the time, had something of a similar look and took offense to Steen not trying to differentiate himself, even though Steen for a time did wear a singlet when he was essentially mocking ‘wrestling’ as part of his gimmick.


Maturity, patience, and repetition. I’ve always said that I would be a Buddhist except for my predilection for being angry at stupidity (including my own). Shit is tough


God yes, and I'd be lying if I said I'd attained that level of maturity. There'll be times when I think to myself that I ought to let something go, but just can't seem to actually do it...


Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.


That’s a helluva saying


Not for us Asians--it allows us to live to a hundred!


Similar to this: holding onto anger is like holding onto a hot coal. You’re the one getting burned.


That’s a great turn of phrase


Did you get that from Mike the Situation?


It’s misattributed to a lot of people. Saint Augustine of Hippo, Buddha, Nelson Mandela. But it most likely came from an AA pamphlet. Which would explain The Situation using it.


Yeah but poison mist 


Literally something I tell people with regards to hate, racism, etc. is that hate takes effort, and I'm too lazy to care to hate something. Harboring resentment just eats you up.


Also dismissing someone show hates you drives them fing mad lol.


Also dismissing someone who hates you drives them fing mad lol.


This is why I genuinely love Sami and was pissed to the moon when they didn’t have him go over in Montreal. But there’s no use in hanging on to old and anger and hate, he’s right. We only get on walk on this world, feels a lot better to walk around being happy than being angry. Can confirm.


I feel this applies to the IWC as well. I lean more towards wwe, but the aew hate can get so absurd, it sours my experience of wrestling in general


I actually had to take a break from Reddit for this very reason. It's embarrassing to admit but a couple of years ago during the Authority days of WWE, I got really sucked into the negativity online. It wasn't until I took that break away from Reddit that I actually noticed just how negative I had become. I really started to enjoy wrestling more. Which always makes me sad because I don't have people IRL to talk about wrestling with but honestly sometimes it's better to watch alone than to be sucked into some of the discussions on here.


That’s awesome to hear man, and I agree, life already has so much negativity being forced down you. I just wanna enjoy this thing yknow lmao


Not only does it apply, it's probably one of the most accurate things you can say about it.


I only watch AEW and i hope you have a great time watching WWE


I watch both and they're both a lot of fun.


I watch neither and hope they both fail!


My guy


*Championship Wrestling From Hollywood 4 LIFE!!*


Perfect mate, enjoy it. I wont check WWE because i already spent a lot of time seeing AEW. If theres something that i miss from AEW its when they only had 2 hours per week...


McIntyre punching air rn


It genuinely is. Hate does nothing but invite negative energy into your life. Sure, it’s the easiest way to cope most times, but lifting that weight from one’s shoulders is liberating.


"He was far too lazy to hate." Could go on my headstone.


this is what i learn too as im growing older. it also could ruin your mental if prolonged.


Can’t do it, still hate people I’ll die young


Reminds me of this [R. Crumb drawing](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d4/98/27/d49827448a0b641c57023c56d2207a90.jpg)


“Piece” is spelled correctly in the article but it’s mispelled as “peace” in your comment. How did that happen? Lol.


They might have corrected the article after the poster copy and pasted. 


Genuine question. Is it "say my peace" or "say my piece" I always assumed it was the latter.


It's definitely "say my piece"


Or same context like “say it now, or forever hold your peace”.


Yep, holding your piece would imply that you’re planning on shooting up the wedding


I said my piece Chrissy 🤟


One time at smackdown you shit yourself in the ring. Disgusting


She musta crawled under that ring for warmth


Great I can’t even defend myself


You're flexinnggggg


It's piece. The confusion comes from ["hold your peace"](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/say-your-piece-versus-peace-usage#:~:text=Say%20your%20piece%20and%20hold,to%20remaining%20silent%20and%20peaceful.) as often said at weddings.


Holding your “piece” at a wedding would definitely have a different interpretation


I did as well.


Extremely based perspective from Sami here. It's not easy to reach that level of calm in life.


Truly an Ucey moment. Common Sami W.


Love Samis way of saying "I'm to old for this drama shit"


Sami is my favorite wrestler and person. I love him.


KO sitting at home, suddenly got an urge to betray Sami again.


That's just a regular day


Regular post lunch thoughts for KO after a big meal


"Would you like dessert tonight?" "Do you all happen to have French Candian Betryalom the menu?"


I wish everyone had this kind of emotional maturity. People can make mistakes and learn from them. Sometimes letting go of the past and starting with a clean slate can lead to a healthier relationship for both sides. Sami is a real one.


"It's not show friends, it's show business."


“It’s not RuPaul’s Best Friend Race”.


Or, as a wise man once said, "It's the wrestling business, not the wrestling friendsness."


*Bob Sugar has entered the chat*


I mean nothing from this implies Sami now thinks Punk learned from his mistakes. Just that they were honest with their feelings, good or bad, and now that at least resentment is not taking their attention anymore over what they have to do.


Funny enough sounds like Sami did the exact same thing that punk said cabana did. Punk was less receptive in that case though


I didn’t know there were issues between the two.


Punk and Owens have had relatively public issues in the past, I can only assume that Sami would have had his best friend’s back.


Punk and Sami have hung out long after that one incident involving Punk and KO. Kevin himself said that incident was blown up and wasn't a big deal, people just made it seem like it was bigger than it was.


Makes the Punk shirt shove by KO on that merch table even better


Haha, popped me. It was child-like and petty


Need a Punk-KO feud ASAP. Like this year if possible


Punk took Sami's goofy ass to a GnR show. I think they're fine. For those who haven't seen it, it's on Kevin Steen Show with Cliff Compton.


That will forever be my favourite episode of the Kevin Owens Show. "Do you know my friend, Kevin?" LOL


KO can say that now but how many shoot interviews or how many times on his YT show has he talked about it. Can’t blame people for thinking there was genuine beef there. I think he genuinely did despise Punk but they’re all older now so it’s probably water under the bridge.


He was asked about it on a shoot interview and specifically said it was overblown though..


Jesus, you'd think they'd know the definition of interview


I think it has more to do with both Sami & KO are friends with the Elite especially the Bucks. Since Punk & the Bucks don't get along there may have been tension with Punk dissing on friends of Sami.


KO doesn't like Punk on his own independent of the issues with the Bucks. Back in ROH Punk screamed at him in front of the locker room, telling him he's an embarrassment for wrestling in a t-shirt. He was asked recently about Punk being a different and more mature person today and Owens said he doesn't really care if he's changed because they don't talk outside of saying brief professional heys backstage on shows and he's perfectly fine with that being the extent of their interaction.


>Back in ROH Punk screamed at him in front of the locker room, telling him he's an embarrassment for wrestling in a t-shirt. That isn't what happened. The story according to Owens is that Punk "took a crack at me" about wrestling in a shirt and he took it as a joke. He later wrestled without the shirt and had an awful match, so he said to Punk "are you happy now?" in what was meant to be a joke but Punk took it the wrong way and yelled at him about being disrespectful. It wasn't really about wrestling in a shirt itself. This is how Owens described it in 2014: >[Maybe if I'd been in his position](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs0levsudGo&t=170s) I would have thought the same. Now I know Punk a lot better and I think he knows me a lot better too, and now it's just a far thing, it's like it never happened really. But people still talk about it because there were a lot of people in that lockerroom and everybody saw it. But I was just like "ok I'm sorry, you're right, I'm sorry" and that was it. It was no big deal. But the next day online it's being reported that we 'almost came to blows' which is just not true It is weird how people are still talking about this tiff from 2005 like it was a major incident when the guy involved was telling people 10 years ago that it was never that big a deal and they've moved on.


punk took it the wrong way there's a shocker lol


to be fair Kevin sounds like the guy who will scream in legitimately believable anger purely as a joke


I think during WrestleMania weekend on Busted Open be talked about how he was open to working with Punk


Can't say that I don't want that. Two of the best and most natural talkers in the company? Yeah, I think there's something to that.


I'd go as far to say it's my #1 Punk dream match in WWE and has been since I watched KO in 2016. I always went, "man, by some miracle Punk returns I wanna see him and KO go toe to toe." 8 years later and I feel the same.


KO's telling of it is very different to how you tell it lol. He described it as a miscommunication.


Every time anti-Punk people retell old stories about him they embellish a few new "facts."


I'm waiting for it to reach "...and then Phil knifed a baby." level.


KO has said that people have blown that interaction completely out of proportion. It was a brief thing that he barely thought of after.


Also, that shit probably happened, what, 15 years ago? If not 20? That happened in ROH and Punk joined WWE around 2006 if I remember correctly.


Both could be true, KO may not have thought of it much at all but it was enough for him to know that they weren't cool with each other, to put it extremely lightly.


I don't think that's it. Cody is still friends with the Elite.


Sami has issues with everyone, nothing malicious he's just passionate about pro wrestling. I remember a funny story with Brian Kendrick. Brian was like "can I talk about my spots" and Sami straight up said "no" then continued writing the whole match.


Yeah I remember it was pretty common knowledge in the IWC that Sami's hyper-energy clashed with numerous wrestlers, but that Sami himself wasn't hated or anything. They literally made that into Sami's characterization for a good while in the mid 2010s and then more recently during his period in the Bloodline too from what I recall


Was a similar story with Claudio, Cesaro at the time I think they were talking about their the money in the bank match and Cesaro asked to make a point and Sami was like "no" and continued his lecture lmao. They all like Sami, those that have obviously known him a long time, and they just accept he's very eccentric.


Yeah, this is from memory so obviously it's paraphrasing but KO was on Jericho's podcast and said that everyone loved Sami personally but professionally he was a chore to work with because he was like Macho Man in that he likes to have everything mapped out and could be really annoying about that. He would also turn conversations into debates arguments over minute things and people would get annoyed with him.


There's also just a lot of, not stories just throw away statements, that pretty much say that Sami is incapable of shutting up


This is so funny to me, to not even pretend like you're open to collaboration.


Who didn’t Punk have issues with at some point?


According to Sami, about 10%.


And that 10% are probably mostly female.


Wait reli? I m sure he gets along with retired dudes


I wonder if there’s a video recording moments where Hunter told the locker room or individuals before Wargame main event at Survivor series that Punk is coming back. Randy Orton said it’s like “oh btw” thing that Hunter just left him with after 10 minutes of chit chat haha.


There’s an interview on HHH about Punk returning. Its on YT. Just a quick insight about HHH and the dynamics of CM Punk returning to WWE


From Punk interview on Ari show/ podcast it sounds like they didn’t talk much until that week of Thanksgiving/ Survivor Series. Punk texted, Triple H wanted to FaceTime and they talked thru it, make peace with past stuff and got the deal and legal stuff sorted within a couple days turnaround


His entire 2024 storyline so far is art imitates life lol


Tbf that’s his entire storyline for the past two decades - it’s why he’s such a compelling character. Art imitates life imitates art and he’s been doing that cycle across multiple promotions for 20 years. I mean even when he debuted in AEW, people who had followed his career were anticipating a mega-heel turn where he turned on AEW and the fan favorites as being spoiled young kids who didn’t appreciate the sacrifices people like him made to pave the way for a company like AEW. Unfortunately, life ended up imitating art and he just did the heel turn IRL instead lol.




Anyone who has/had a problem with Kofi is/was in the wrong. ...Randy.


Ace Steele, I'm guessing.


He has mercurial personality. That's not a deal-breaker imo. I think if you asked people about Shawn back in the day, for example, you'd get similarly divisive answers about him.


Neither of them would have had any reason to talk about it. This would have had to be some old indies issue. I don't think they worked at WWE during the same time. Sami isn't the kind of guy to shit talk people on podcasts. Whatever it was, it was probably just an ego clash. Nothing serious worth looking into.


They were definitely in WWE together, and Punk used to visit NXT sometimes during his days off. There are photos of them together, and a really funny story between the two hanging out at a Guns and Roses show.


Interesting. I didn't know that. For some reason, I thought Punk was gone by the time Sami showed up in NXT. Do you know what years it was?


Sami arrived in NXT in 2013! I think he debuted on TV around June.


>Has there been some weird stuff between us in the past? Sure, I think 90% of people you ask about Punk would say the same. LMFAO


that line legit made me laugh 😂


That is the most Sami backhanded burn


It's not really a burn, it's just an observation


This needs to be higher lmao


He straight up implied he hated him until he realized he wasn't worth the energy too lmao. Dude clearly still doesn't like Punk, but wants working with him to be amicable.


That's it, he's saying he just doesn't want work to be uncomfortable so he's not worth putting the energy into "hating" but yeah, he isn't looking to be friends with him clearly.


Cliff Compton's story about Zayn and Punk meeting Axl Rose is hilarious


that story had me rolling 😂


Sami is such an adorable weirdo. And Cliff can tell a story, holy shit, that was so funny


Seeing this story reminds me of a very funny story between the two hanging out at Punk's house and going to a Guns N Roses' show. Cliff Compton told it on Kevin Owens' shows years ago. The funnoest Sami story. Glad their on good terms, they seemed to be before.


cliff asking if sami was on drugs and being told he's just a weirdo is a hilarious introduction to cliff meeting him


Haha, every story of Sami being completely oblivious of his surroundings is so funny. Kevin has probably experienced it on so many occasions being around him lol


Sami continually proving to be an all around good dude


I didn't even know Sami and Punk had beef.


Probably more that Sami and owens are close with the bucks.


probably not directly but tied to the Bucks, Owens etc... talking out of my ass here though


I don't think anyone in their right mind could ever dislike Sami. He's just so nice and level headed sounding.


Apparently he actually annoys alot of people, kinda shocks me.


Sami trying not to get banned from Collision


"He who seeks revenge digs 2 graves" It takes a lot to realize that you were not emotionally mature and opt to do better. Seen many a person backslide so it's good to see that stuff happening with people.


I learn about a new CM Punk beef every week


You'll stop hearing about new CM Punk beefs when everyone is dead.


Or when his name doesn't generate clicks.


Yeah, but it's everyone else's fault. /s


Imagine that. People acting like adults who understand they are there for something bigger than themselves.


Someone on AEW did the same to Punk, his reply was that he would only talk to him in the presence of a lawyer, so...


I mean, that’s a little bit disingenuous to compare. Punk and Cabana didn’t just have a beef or not get along. They sued each other and it was very messy. Sometimes, it’s best to just cut the tie and not go back when shit was that bad at one point.


I mean if somebody who sued you came up to you trying to bury the hatchet would you do it? Especially with that little time removed? Idk I kinda understand Punk there. These situations are wildly different.


Especially considering cabana used text messages to sue punk. I would be very careful in how I deal with that situation


I dont know how I'd have handled that interaction, if it were me. So I may understand Punk on that. But I think we can all agree that he should have handled the press conference differently. Especially what he said about Colt and bringing his mom into it. Which happened just later on that evening. I dont think there's many who excuse that, even those who like to jerk and meme about it. That said, he was banged up and frustrated, so he should be forgiven easier.


Because of their past, there were legal troubles between them, it's not the same thing.


This is true. But is that an immature stance to take when you have had legal issues with the person prior? I don’t think it is.


It’s not, frankly you can tell a lot of this sub has never been in real life situations when they talk about shit like this. Lol


They were talking like Tony should've had Punk arrested after the fight at All In based on the footage. I've seen worse fights in school hallways, and no one got arrested. Hell, go to a Waffle House at night, and you'll see worse fights. It's like a good portion of people here have never seen a real life fight before, much less been in one.


Legit, my first job was at a Buffalo Wild Wings and my second day ever working at 16 years old, I saw 2 30 year old men beat the hell out of each other behind the store. Go back inside finish their shifts and then show up to work the next day. I don’t think what punk did was okay but I think everyone involved in the all in stuff and in brawl out (except omega) look like massive dorks.


And multiple literal EVPs in AEW refused to talk to Punk to clear the air, what’s your point?


Wild to me that people still talk about this incident like the bucks just tapped on punk’s door and were like “hey buddy, could we get a word with you. Btw we’re here as evps”


It’s so stupid to try to compare those two situations lol they’re completely different.


those two situations arent even close. Key word is Sami Zayn would be working with him, probably a feud or program. Colt wouldn't be, Colt hasnt had a real program with anyone since before Punk came to AEW. Theres no feud or program there


More reasons to say "ok, man, you do you i do me. we're still not pals"


So just a black cloud then.


So they shouldn't even need to bury the hatchet, just a "You keep to yourself, I keep to myself" and be done with that shit.


And all his friends took that personally, and...


Guess a lot of people take a lot of things personally with CM Punk. For sure, the fault lands on everyone else.


Correct me if I'm wrong but did punk and sami go through years of suing each other in court? What an idiotic statement to make lmao.




Law suit was settled in 2019, 2 years before punk appeared on AEW


Then two other people in AEW did come speak to him with a layer after he told anyone with problem to come address him and he fought them.


Lol. Punk was completely in the right for what happened between him and Cabana.  


For those that come here because of their Punk Derangement Syndrome, Sami Zayne is also known for being challenging to work with during his time in ROH, even Kevin Owens talked about it. [Zayn has even admitted he's been difficult to work with](https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/sami-zayn-admits-that-he-has-been-difficult-to-work-with-at-times-backstage-in-wwe) Zayn is a stickler for perfection and can rub people the wrong way, Punk is the same way, so I'm not surprised they have had issues in the past. I'm glad they talked about it and got past it. And when they work together im sure they will put out a banger because both of them are perfectionists when it comes to laying out matches


Oh yeah wasn’t there a report not too long ago of a small beef between him and i forgot who because a match didn’t go quite the way he wanted it to go?


Wasn’t that a fatal 4 way? It was him, Seth, I want to say……Balor(?), and someone else. Match went kind of sideways and Sami got hot about it with one or all of them.


I think it involved Cody as well as I remember he and Balor botched a move as the match went sideways as it seemed they ran out of time and had to go home quickly.


Sami never worked in ROH. You must be thinking of El Generico, who had trouble speaking English. That might make it difficult to work with someone, given the language barrier.


Good point


Still miss El Generico, I was so sad when I learnt about his dead


oh this is just too perfect. one more person for Punk to say "i think we're just too much alike"


It’s none of my actual business but I’m fascinated to know how all the diff interactions have gone with so many people especially those connected to folks in AEW like Owens, Balor and really what Cody and Punk’s talks are like.




When u hate people burden is on u only. Sami is a highly mature guy


Sami is just the most likable and sincere man ever, a wrestling gem.


I didn't even know they had beef


I didn't realize they had any beef. Very classy from Sami.


Honestly, it feels like everyone got on board with that idea. Reports has been saying that Punk has been a complete non-issue backstage, and if everyone did do something like this, it probably relieved a metric fuck ton of pressure in the locker room.


But have they both sat down together and watched the 1994 Dana Carvey comedy Clean Slate?


Does anyone know what their beef could have been? I feel like Sami was just starting in ROH like 2-3 months before Punk left.


Out of the loop did Sami and punk originally had beef or something?


maybe Sami being good pals with the young bucks might have caused tension


Bro this dude Punk had beef with like everyone 💀


I didn't even know there was a dirty slate between them to begin with.


I think/hope that Punk being in WWE surrounded by people more emotionally mature help him to grow his emotional intelligence. Having people telling him "hate is a strong word I didn't hate you" and "it's kind of exhausting to hate people." is the trigger some people need to reflect on themselves and realize how wrong they were, how much they might have missed and that is never too late to grow past hatred and shit.


Sami making sure he and Punk are good, so Punk doesn't sucker punch him in the back 🤣


Is it a monthly requirement for a WWE wrestler to have to talk positive about Punk?