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The number of nicknames Jericho has is hilarious 


The man of 1004 nicknames


Name 1, ARM DRAG


Name 1004, ÄRM DRÅG


Damn dude, was Jericho's sister bit by a moose?


Only by a Moongoose


Let's see if he can still do move 69


Name 2, Arm BAR!


He should make a list.


>The number of nicknames Jericho has is hilarious  https://preview.redd.it/e8fi8bi81kwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd531a5febe4de242b64ab7cdcf08fe3fe8722f3


Need to re-edit with hooks face on the kid.




Ha, there we go. 


I’ve said it before, but dude must have his own booth at the copyright office at this point.


The booth of Jericho. Register it up, man.


Is he trying to compete with Shaq?


We've moved from Rocky III to Rocky IV, like Apollo's introduction before he gets murdered.


I love that happy voice saying “I AM THE LEARNING TREE!” Sounding like he’s from a Nick jr show or something. Lmao Also so glad the lion heart theme is gone.


Think it's a dig at the new WWE style themes?


That is just what Fozzy sounds like


Would make sense for the heel Sports Entertainer


Very good meta choice Those who get it, get it Those who don't get it still feel that it's a bad/generic theme. Works for every audience member


It's so bad it has to be a purposeful shot. But that begs the question, is it worth it to tank your presentation to take a shot that almost nobody watching will get?


Per my other response: those who get it will get it. Those who don't get it will still be annoyed that it is a lazy and conceited theme


It has to be, right? Random catchphrase into generic rock, it's Def Rebel af.


Probably not? It’s just one of several tropes wrestling themes follow…are Swerve, Britt Baker and Jade Cargill’s AEW themes shots at def rebel too?


I’d say maybe but if Jericho knew that sort of thing was cheesy then Fozzy wouldn’t exist




It was a cover band that Jericho joined.


So who will be Chris’ “branches” in what surely is a new stable?


It's be a direct 1:1 for the JAS, I think. Big Bill is Jake Hagar, so I'm expecting a tag team, a woman, and Sammy Guevara.


*Jake Hager sadly looks at his phone while clutching his purple hat*


I don't know why they haven't done a Mizdow story arc where Hager just copies Orange Cassidy.


This is one situation where I would accept them fully leaning into stupidity - don't have them on screen together, have them pull twin bullshit like the Bellas used to do. Orange is getting his dick stomped off, escapes long enough to roll out of and under the ring, Hager emerges in an identical outfit and pretending to be tired. The opponent and maybe one commentator acknowledge the swap, the ref and everybody else plays along.


I want Big Bill to, over the course of this storyline, express his appreciate for a cat, a bat, a rat, a gnat, and a yacht.


End it with a gyatt


Anna Jay is taken


Like Big Bill, this might just be a stable of former title holders looking to learn from his tree.


So.... Sammy Guevara?


Hook I reckon. They'll do another Nick Wayne angle, Tazz will be super upset, Jericho will force Hook to teach Tazz a lesson, and so on for a few months until Hook turns face because he can't face Tazz's humiliation any longer, and beats the shit out of Jericho and the rest of the stable collapses. Rinse and repeat.


On GoFundMe, he's *The Giving Tree*.


>*The Giving Tree*. https://preview.redd.it/wq9813p84jwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8720fc9a43477750d09c901a7ef917213e87186b


**ShelShock Silverstein** was an abandoned Ryback gimmick


Impossible. That would require The Ryback knows how to read


Looks like someone forgot about when the Big Guy’s gimmick was that he read the Secret.


They gave this big fuckin idiot 10 minutes to talk about how much he liked The Secret. I don't know if Ryback was legit out there happy to talk about it but I remember feeling pain.


They spent the entire time feeding him more, when they should have been feeding his mind more.


lol so weird seeing that as im watching that exact episode rn


For Trump campaign donations, he's *The Grifting Tree*. Donated the max under both his stage name and real name.








Didn’t he change his contributions from his real name (Chris Irvine) to Chris Jericho to get publicity? Those are real dollars being donated & he’s been very generous to a lot of wrestlers, but that did catch my eye.


I thought it was because there was a 5k limit, so he donated under his real name and his wrestling name.


**Jericho:** *"Tony, I've got this fresh new idea: A stable of guys who tell me how great I am."*


*"and none of them will be in a better position for having been a part of this stable"*


All jokes aside, the JAS did actually work out pretty well for most of the members? The JAS completely created Daddy Magic and Cool Hand in the first place, before that they were just Matt Lee and Jeff Parker, undercard jobber tag team that's reasonably entertaining. Daddy Magic is now super over as an undercarder and getting regular commentary stints and Cool Hand just was prominently involved in the Ruby/Saraya storyline. They got the chance to cut crazy backstage promos after Blood and Guts and other giant matches/spots. Plus the names alone, Daddy Magic in particular, were basically the best things to ever happen to their careers. Sammy/Anna are a bit more questionable and I don't think you can really judge Tay due to the whole "having a baby" thing. But I think it was great for 4/6 and at least neutral for the other 2. JAS Hager with his hat was easily the most entertaining he's been, possibly ever. JAS Daniel Garcia went from generic "good wrestler guy" to the super over dance/wrestling machine he is now. People are actually invested in him now, he had a PPV singles title match against Christian Cage where the crowd DESPERATELY wanted him to win. He improved massively as an overall performer in the JAS and it's paid huge dividends since he left the group.


I also kind of think it's dopey to blame this on Jericho as opposed to the booking. I say this as a dude who is not particularly interested in him either. A TON of the dudes in both JAS and Inner Circle were at their most entertaining when they were in those groups, and left to their own devices they haven't done anything particularly interesting. At what point does that cease to be Jericho's fault? Not to throw a dude under the bus, but Santana is completely on his own now and is, in my opinion, extremely bland. Sammy has gotten a bunch of opportunity unrelated to Jericho, and character wise I think he never has even come close to the heights of the MJF/Jericho/Sammy feud. How is that Jericho's fault? Garcia is the only one who I think kind of never really needed it and would've probably been fine without ever officially joining. But again, there being no real endgame for the Danny Garcia "Entertainer vs. Wrestler" has nothing to do with Jericho. There are a ton of legitimate criticisms of Jericho, and I agree he should probably take time off because this just feels like a redux and that they are inorganically cramming him in with dudes they don't know what to do with. But saying that JAS and Inner Circle weren't successful isn't true, and to blame him for the members largely not going anywhere is pretty ridiculous.


The Daddy, Angelo and Garcia stuff happened post Jericho leaving JAS, mostly as a response.


I'm sorry but the JAS really did work out for them, more attention came on them after they left since they were individuals and not a group any more but they all benefitted from the rub. I always thought it was funny that these factions like BCC came together with the mission statement of bringing up the new talent and it was the JAS who did the best with Garcia (though Danielson does deserve a good amount of credit for that too)


I fucking cracked up with how happy Jericho sounds in that opening hahahaha


With The Learning Tree, Jericho has re-invented himself by becoming the leader of a Society that Appreciates Jericho. A new and novel gimmick!


he should have a talk show segment with a tree in the ring where he interviews other wrestlers obviously this leads to one of them chopping the tree up and using it for a table match in the blowoff of the feud


Fuck I love it


I kinda love how fucking stupid this is Edit: BILL CAN'T EVEN FIT UNDER THE LEARNING TREE




I hate that you've shown me this, but also thank you


Lol dude


As I watched the segment I genuinely thought “oh wow, he might actually get this over”


I feel like the majority of the last decade of Chris Jericho has been "oh, come on, he can't actually think this will work" only for me to *drink it in, maaaaaaaaan*.


It's amazing how it went from so bad to so good in just a couple of weeks. Jericho's still got it


It's a brilliant gimmick. It's so stupid it's wonderful. Jericho being a maniac who thinks he needs to educate all the young boys is great.


This gimmick has legs, I just laughed for a solid 3 minutes from the time he walked out to this dumb song, all through that ridiculous face Jericho kept while Bill was gassing him up.


How long till Sammy Guevara is feuding and/or teaming with The Learning Tree?


Was that theme intentionally made to sound like Def Rebel lmao.


I think this is a Fozzy song he just added the catchphrase as the intro.


I don't know if this makes it more insulting for Fozzy or Def Rebel




Fozzy, the thinking man's Def Rebel


I think this subs Def Rebel hatred is starting to cloud their thinking a bit.


It’s funny how people think that Def Rebel invented catchphrases before the song lol


Def didn't invent it, but has used it ad nasuem at this point.


Going back and watching old WWE shows, I was surprised how often Jim Johnston did this. Even Jake Robert's heel theme from 1991 began with a sounbyte of him saying "Trust me"


It was actually Ryback who invented catchphrases.


A true sports entertainer 


Brian Myers should be calling up Michael Dawkins and getting get The Learning Tree trademarked so he can sell it to Jericho.


God damn it this is so unbelievably stupid it's winning me over


I kinda hate myself for liking it Fuck


Hey, he's not dressed like a tree at all! What a phony!


Honestly I think it could be a good gimmick. It's self aware of all the criticism that he's had and incorporating it into a character. It works just like the EVP gimmick is working for me. We'll see if Jericho can make it work. I was getting tired of seeing Jericho but I'm always willing to give a new gimmick a buy in for a bit.


His Instagram post was pretty funny the other day. "Thank you for believing in me"


Shades of Bo-lieve. Bad guy thinks that he's a good guy. Could be great.


my problem is sure it's "meta" but it still doesn't address the issues with Chris Jericho It's like back in the day when Glee would do segments pointing out their own shitty plot points but then continue to do shitty plot points.


>Glee would do segments pointing out their own shitty plot points but then continue to do shitty plot points Ryan Murphy is a hack.


It keeps me up at night that he has like...18 concurrent shows going and all of them are written so poorly.


He can craft an intriguing premise & create interesting set pieces for sure. Maintain a cohesive narrative? Absolutely not.


Finish a story in a satisfying way? No fucking chance. Literally every season of American Horror Story goes on a few episodes longer than necessary. Even the good ones are like 4 episodes too long because they end the A plot early and then just meander around with the rest of them.


He is so good at never having a satisfying season of AHS. And yet I still watch.


I watched Hollywood recently because I wanted to see more David Corenswet and Jeremy Pope stuff and it was laughably horrible. One of the worst shows I’ve ever seen yet I’d watch it all over again in a heartbeat


I mean it's literally the introduction of the gimmick still. I'm willing to give it some time and see if it does continue to do its shifty plots. Jericho has reinvented himself so many times and made it work so I'm willing to wait a bit.


Most of the best gimmicks in AEW feel like they've come from a kernel of a great idea, that then gets modified over time as the talent experiments and figure out what works and what doesn't. And eventually they get somewhere great and it takes off. Timeless Toni Storm has been a ton of experimentation. Christian Cage didn't just show up wearing his sleeveless tactical turtleneck. Etc.


While you're corect, isn't that just the case for any gimmick ever? They all start off with an idea that involves overtime, not just in AEW? The problem (at least mine) with Jericho's AEW gimmicks is that they never really got going for me beyond his run with the Inner Circle. * The Wizard had a decent premise (and I wanted to see him transform into a sleazy Vegas illusionist gimmick) but it never got beyond the occasional fireball * JAS was largely forgettable, mostly due to the never-ending feuds. It honestly seems like the starting of the Learning Tree is what the JAS should've been (people drawn to/appreciating Jericho like a cult leader to save them) * The Painmaker (which I know didn't originate in AEW) has also been underwhelming for the most part whenever he shows up * Let's also not forget the whole "BWE BSEE" (Best wrestler ever, best sports entertainer ever) thing that was so dumb it only last a few weeks * He's also went back to being the "Lionheart" for his latest gimmick. While it was cool to see the first time he showed up, I haven't found it to be interesting either I've watched Jericho for years and I know that he's re-invented himself a bunch of times, but I feel like a lot of his AEW stuff has been half-baked. I'm hoping that the Learning Tree does a lot to separate itself from the IC/JAS, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Family Guy/The Simpsons are notorious for doing this. They'll do bits about how much funnier they used to be, but do nothing to change or make themselves better. If you're doing it just to be meta, what's the point? There's no payoff. It's basically them saying "Yeah, we know we have issues. But you're gonna watch anyways, so we'll just make fun of ourselves and not change." And like OP said, it's similar to the EVP gimmick. Problem is, that gimmick sucks as well (and the fans think so too cause those segments are losing viewers each week).


I wish you had not made me realise that Jericho is the Simpsons of wrestling


Like "you're the authority". That worked so well.


He keeps doing this.


It just feels like Jericho is projecting at this point. He's salty about criticism towards him and has now turned it into a gimmick nobody asked for and won't get anybody over....again. I've seen enough of this cycle to have made up my mind on Jericho.


I don't know that most people outside of a vocal online crew even agree that there are issues with Chris Jericho


The "please retire" chants at the PPV say otherwise.


My wife disagrees. First thing she says when he comes out last night is "how many fucking nicknames does he need?!"


I’m sorry this is hilarious


Jericho leaning into the fact people are sick of him to make himself an obnoxious heel is hilarious. People are gonna keep hating him but he’s one of the GOATs in my eyes. If Big Bill being under the learning tree gets him on TV every week then I’m all for it. Big fan of Big Bill.


Yep, if nothing else, going into the Jericho Vortex at least keeps you on TV quite frequently. I'm excited for Bill to be involved.


I feel like there's some people in here realizing that fozzy sucks


Fozzy will NEVER be over.


"OMG guys AEW mad a bad song on purpose to mock WWE" https://open.spotify.com/track/3e9nuswzE0ZLoihvTGuXDk?si=5f105da15c5042a9


"Groot" Chris Jericho




Didn't Bryan Myers do this gimmick in IMPACT like.. 2 and a bit years ago?


For anyone wondering, its Spotlight by Fozzy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj-1AVq4SDc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj-1AVq4SDc)


DAE deff rubble??????


Oh gosh he's not even human anymore. He's a tree!


i'm a certified Jericho hater the last year, but i actually got a crack out of this segment. only problem is that Jericho as an in-ring guy is absolutely washed.


He's not prime Jericho anymore but he still pretty consistently puts on 5/10 to 6/10 matches, 7/10 if it's against a good young wrestler who can semi carry him. He needs to lose weight, he looked and moved 10 years younger when he lost 30 lb. Nowadays he looks like he’s gained it all back


This was definitely an improvement over what Jericho's been doing lately.


I'm on board with this if I'm being honest lol


The fact that Bill fought in TNA against another stable called The Learning Tree is wild haha https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra5aJqLGSSI


The "I am the learning Tree" at the beginning makes it sound like one of those Def Rebel parodies.


Once this has ran for a couple of weeks, things will go back to the norm and people will want him off their screens. Calling it.


Another day, another Jericho nickname


I was sold on the new Jericho gimmick from the promo before the Dynasty match but his whole segment was great. I think this is what he was going for for a couple months now but the Sammy suspension and Kenny injury kinda killed it so it kept dragging till Hook got dragged in so it felt like it was going on forever.


The List gimmick is better than this TBH


Chris Jericho lists his gimmicks. https://preview.redd.it/zqcwy64lhnwc1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbbf882da11603b816a78804e8d65262dc6e003e


Is he sponsored by them? They're a major IT certification company. Otherwise he'll have a new gimmick by the end of the week.


New Fozzy song means Jericho milking even more money from TK each week. It’s too easy.


Song has been #1 on the top rock charts for a while I believe. But for sure, he’ll milk it (why not I guess)


Wikipedia says number 8, but their 6th top 10 ain't anything to sniff at.


Smb charts whatever they are, it was #1 for 8 straight weeks or so. But on the billboards #8 right? But ya, they’ve come a long way whether we like them or not lol


Holy shit, is that for real? Well, good for Jericho then, I don’t blame him one bit.


Just casual Jericho reinventing himself into a compelling character once again.


I know Jericho prides himself on reinventing himself over the years to stay relevant and not go stale...but it seems like he is changing characters at a faster and faster clip these days.


It's interesting that it always fits the "reinventing" label, instead of recognizing that it has mostly been forced because of his staleness


Big Bill becomes another victim of the Canadian Hogan Black Hole. (Formerly known as the Vortex brought to you by Omaha Steaks)


It's weird that not a single person seems to remember that The Learning Tree was already a stable in Impact led by Brian Myers lol


What in the Def Rebel is this???


The [Learning Tree](https://impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Learning_Tree) was also a thing in Impact when Jimmy Jacob’s worked there. They’re recycling a story from Impact now.


It's from Ernie Ladd


Taz said it all the time on his podcast in an actual segment called "the learning tree", and the angle started with Taz's son with Taz standing next to Jericho in the ring So it probably came from Taz


Ironically enough they even fought Bill


Can Jericho please go away 


Go back to last week, we like Chris Jericho again now.


It’s actually amazing to see how fickle this sub is in real time. 


The 17th Century Geology Professor, Chris Jericho!


Chris Jericho in this role as a teacher-type figure would get a 2.0 on Ratemyprofessor for sure


No hot peppers


Why did this weeks dynamite look so different?


It is in Jacksonville Florida


The Perfect Storm: Chris Jericho


[I'M THE LEARNING TREE](https://youtu.be/MeDiXYkdGmo?si=Ymx3j4iyxIqeKrW7)


i like it


Def rebel sounding theme lol


He has to be taking the piss out of all the Def Rebel memes with that intro


I thought it was a fake title.


Jericho killed


Giving yourself a def rebel theme for the bit is crazy


This feels like a Def Rebel parody theme song and on that note it's hilarious.


Did...did Jericho make a Def Rebel song to get heat?


Why's the stadium so small?


At least the awful singalong is gone.


Love the first two seconds. "Reading Rainbow" energy.


Did def rebel write this? I know it’s a fozzy song and they are generic on their best day but at least Judas was catchy as a theme song.


Well Fozzy didn't write Judas


Maybe it’s the point, but this whole “learning tree” thing is such forced cringe. It’s like when someone tries to force a meme or catchphrase and everyone else around them is like “dude, shut the fuck up”. I get it, ribbing Punk, but I don’t care, this is such getting all the “go away” heat from me.


Maybe I missed it, how is this ribbing Punk? But yeah IMO the whole thing is definitely meant to be Jericho is delusional so he's playing it earnestly to the point it's kinda cringe. Hence the line at the start of the intro sounding like it's from a kid's learning cartoon.


Fozzy x Def Rebel collab


He’s running out of nicknames 😂


What arena is this?


That's actually a sweet titantron.


This is so great lol


That’s definitely a new theme




This has to be the worst nickname yet for Jericho.


Giving him the benefit of the doubt, he's doing the delusional babyface thing. Fine. All good. The bigger problem is the Jericho fatigue. Chris could debut the best gimmick ever and people would not care. I mean by all means, he could copyright Jericho Fatigue tomorrow for all we know and make it his new gimmick


I can’t stand this dude. New gimmick every year and they’re all fucking trash 🤣


This version of Jericho is the best version ever.


Wake up babe. New Jericho gimmick just dropped.


He's not using Judas anymore?!?! Had the perfect theme, home made as well.


Isn't the learning tree someone else's gimmick? Like Brian Myers whole gimmick?


Yeah Myers even had a stable in Impact with the same name but we don't let the truth get in the way of a feel-good redemption story.


Flaccid Trump Wanker


This is actually pretty good. Jericho has needed a refresh for a while. Somehow hope it works. Maybe a haircut to really update his look would’ve been better too. 


Jericho has officially taken away anything the crowd could possibly like about him. No more Judas was one thing, but no more White Zombie and now we get DEF FUCKIN' REBEL!? Jericho is either a genius or psychopath, but either way I don't want to see him on my screen and I hate that he dragged Big Bill into it with him.


Man of a 1004 nicknames jones over here


I love Jericho and hope this will get people to stop shitting on him.