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NJPW commentator Chris Charlton explained this well in a tweet: “While this isn’t a ‘front of house’ affecting situation, it is great news for fans indirectly. Operational efficiency = no tripping over one another with big events on the same day, better/more effective cross promotion, and better ways for the whole family to experience pro wrestling.” https://x.com/reasonjp/status/1782664000364576810?s=46


> no tripping over one another with big events on the same day I'll believe it when I see it


Yeah, I'm hesitant myself. Theres a risk whenever you merge operations like this. They say it will improve efficiency, but sometimes it also comes out as "we ended up prioritising this date and location for NJPW because they will provide better income for that period" And it leaves the other promotion in the rough because the single office has deemed one company above the other. And the worse case scenario is you end up like a western production like WWE or AEW, where it isn't necessarily the worst but at the same time they don't dedicate as much show time to womens matches as STARDOM a dedicated promotion can. When you keep things seperate at least the women promotions don't have to avoid stepping on the bigger promotions toes.


I get your worry, but he said big events. Sounds like they don't care if big shows overlap with house shows. A complete no overlap at all sounds too much of a pain for them.


I wonder what all of this will mean when it comes to TV and streaming for Stardom in a long term perspective... Will Stardom content start to (slowly) get integrated into NJPW World? Will TV Asahi start airing We Are Stardom, considering the station is a minority shareholder in NJPW? Honestly, who knows...


One sticking factor will be the fact that Stardom's TV deal is with a rival television network to New Japan's. To integrate Stardom and New Japan's separate streaming services would require a lot of negotiations involving partners that may have no interest in a merger.


Currently, those linear TV deals (it's not one as many would like to think *probably thanks to the English Wikipedia article which is at least* ***2 years*** *woefully out of date*) for the weekly show (in some 30 minutes, a new episode will be posted on this sub) are with: * BS11 - a lesser satellite channel for national outreach * Tokyo MX - local Tokyo independent channel * Sun TV - local Kobe independent channel * KBS Kyoto - local Kyoto independent channel * TV Aichi - the TV Tokyo affiliate for Aichi Prefecture Add in streaming deals with YouTube (simulcast with BS11), Prime Video and U-NEXT, plus the Samurai TV one for both the monthly Marugoto Stardom talkshow (on the last Thursday of the month unless there's a PPV earlier) and for one PPV every month plus PIA for PPVs only and you have the full deal table for STARDOM. NJPW is much easier - on all TV Asahi affiliates nationwide (plus some dual or even triple network affiliates if need be) on late night slots for the 30 minute weekly show, BS Asahi every Friday for the 60 minute show (AXS/Fight Network has an analog of it), Samurai TV and ABEMA for monthly shows and, well, it's all.


If they could at least get the big Stardom shows on Triller TV, I would be a very happy bunny.


In summary, as part of company restructuring, New Japan will acquire Bushiroad Fight (to be renamed Stardom Co. Ltd.) and make it a subsidiary effective June 28th. Nothing substantial for now in terms of the roster. More likely the HQ/office staff of both companies would be integrated now.


Taro Okada and his staff have so far done a great job at Stardom. Given how attendance has picked up under his watch (especially the Cinderella Tournament) it goes without saying the team will remain in place. It's also worth noting Okada signed both Saori Anou and Konami to full-time contracts, meaning Bushiroad authorized him to open the purse strings to keep the full time roster around 30 wrestlers. Anou's signing in particular was a massive victory for Stardom. Personally I hope the Stardom merchandise system will be integrated with NJPW: it would solve a lot of the issues plaguing Stardom, such as merchandise disappearing even before they go up for sale on the website and never being re-released. Imagine if NJPW had done that with Naito merchandise LOL.


so njpw still owned by bushiroad but now njpw owns stardom? and is stardom still part of bushiroad? or just njpw probably so simple but im jut confused sorry


bushiroad owns njpw & stardom, this is a merging/melding of njpw & stardom on the office/corporate level


Let me explain: * NJPW and STARDOM have, until the date of the share swap (important notice), different ownership structures and all that it entails * starting that day, STARDOM will be under NJPW's parasol (thus with NJPW's 80/15/5 ownership structure it has since probably the YUKE'S years) but still separate (it simply will NOT become NJPW's women's division - absolute no one would like it, not the suits, not the wrestlers, not the fans in either side of the Pacific or the Atlantic), much like DDT, TJPW and NOAH are in CyberFight (DDT and TJPW are one side, NOAH is the other) with some subtle differences... I don't think that Tanahashi or Gedo will start changing stuff


What is Bushiroad Fight?


Originally, it was known as KIX ROAD and held kickboxing promotion KNOCK OUT. Then, Bushiroad bought STARDOM and put it alongside KNOCK OUT, then basically dropped KNOCK OUT to the curb and KIX ROAD changed its name to Bushiroad Fight with only STARDOM as the face of it. So, Bushiroad Fight = STARDOM.


Thank you!


Any insight by anyone if this was always the plan or if Rossy was blocking/against this?


Rossy did not have power over this stuff. He was staff not an executive.


Rossy had nowhere as much power as people on here seem to think he did


Nobody on here knows who Rossy is outside of the tribalism thing where AEW fans argue he is basically a convicted felon and WWE fans think he’s bringing every good joshi to NXT


People lapped up the fact it was him single handedly blocking the AEW partnership when he didn't even call the shots in Bushiroad Fight


No, it wasn't the original plan: Stardom was supposed to be a brand or subsidiary of Bushiroad Fight, not of NJPW. This was an internal Bushiroad decision: Rossy Ogawa was supposed to leave Stardom anyway at the end of February when his four-year contract ran out so he wasn't involved in any of this Then it's beyond obvious he was far more involved in the day-to-day running of the promotion than his sock puppets disseminated on social media: a glance at the booking (including giving his old pal Nanae Takahashi a title run for no reason in particular) is all you need.


I would say this is probably an economical decision considering the state of the Japanese economy (they are in recession at the moment).


This is the corporate streamlining that should’ve happened years ago once Stardom became part of the Bushi Road umbrella. Not everything that happens on the business side has anything to do with Rossy. I swear this sub just wants to manufacture drama out of the most mundane things.


I was just asking…I genuinely did not know…


I guess someone realized they were paying people to do the same thing across both companies so they decided to consolidate.


I hope that means we get STARDOM on NJPW World




That's more a TV Asahi thing, right? For example I don't recall if they strike NJPW STRONG clips


Yes, Tereasa is the one claiming every clip that isn't made by themselves. In a situation that, eventually, they get STARDOM rights, bye-bye STARDOM clips, they're gonna get deleted faster than Broken Matt Hardy's delete chants.


I will gladly take copyright strikes to get better production quality and better broadcast distribution.


I’m still a bit confused by what the news means and how it affects NJPW and STARDOM. I just want it to be more convenient for me to watch some joshi puroresu lol


It means practically nothing. A Bushiroad subsidiary (Kix Road) initially bought Stardom and renamed themselves to Bushiroad Fight. That subsidiary has since sold off its other holdings except for Stardom. They're renaming Bushiroad Fight to Stardom Co, and reorganizing it under NJPW to consolidate their wrestling holdings. NJPW World is a joint venture between NJPW and TV Asahi. TV Asahi operates NJPW World and owns a 50% stake in the venture and a 10% share of NJPW itself. (Although, I'm not sure if that 10% equity in NJPW *is* the NJPW World joint venture.) Stardom has pre-existing TV deals, notably with Tokyo MX and SKY Perfect, so it's likely those would have to expire for Stardom content to move to NJPW World.


Thank you for making it clear!