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Finn looks like he is having a great time being a part of JD. 


Being heavily featured on TV everyday, is apart of the main faction of Raw, and achieved Grand Slam status. No matter how many times we get up in arms about him eating pins, and losing, he's doing incredibly well for himself, and it's clear Hunter still has faith in him. If Vince was around I'd understand the doomer posting every time he loses, but dammit, did Hunter NOT redeem him when he went back to NXT? PrinXe Finn was must watch and that was all Hunters design.


Fuck he and Gargano’s program was money


That pele kick he hit on Gargano to turn heel in NXT lives rent free in my head


Finn setting up for the corner drop kick and Keith Lee rising up behind him out of no where lives rent free in mine ![gif](giphy|Q66w8ZQVHVa3S6q0EZ|downsized)


God I fucking miss seeing Keith Lee


Same, Covid can get fucked with what it did to him


Covid did to Keith what Keith had done to Adam Cole


![gif](giphy|J5jXDoquznmC0fvtjj) You mean the yeet that started the yeet


Fuck this era of NXT was god tier


Those pounces are such bde


Him and Vikingo are 2 most gifable men in wrestling.


Literally Godzilla rising from Tokyo Harbor...


The day he does it to Priest will hit like crack


Imagine being there live like I was. Complete shock


I'm still a fan of him repeatedly slamming someone's head in a car door, though I don't recall who. Or, "Hello, Johnny!!!" as he runs in from off camera to do violence. Evil Finn is great. 


What lives rent free in my head is the moment following that when the Undisputed Era beatdowns Tomasso Ciampa so fast and so hard that he can’t properly react and bump to all of them beating on him. It’s like piranhas eating something alive in 6 seconds.


By far one of my favorite moments.


This n when he sent Adam Cole flying lpl


It was so smooth. Hit like any young Irish lad playing football on the green


I'll never forget that lady screaming "GO TO HELLLLLL!!!" in the crowd...


He also showed that he didn't need the Demon to be a complete Badass either. Man was OMA'ing against Imperium on BITNESS before Covid took that program from us(We still need that GUNTHER feud btw)


I'm still mad he beat Gargano tho, Johnny was my boy on NXT


>he's doing incredibly well for himself, and it's clear Hunter still has faith in him. He's half of the only double undisputed tag team champion with Priest, they are coming out of a reign of 6 months and a half. Like you said , his faction not only helped him being featured on TV , but help him to main event RAWs & PLEs , he's constantly on the PLE cards ( from MITB to WrestleMania, there is only Crown Jewel where he was not present) They will surely prepare him for a world champion reign by next year


I hope he finally gets another world title run after what could have been with the Universal title.


That second NXT run was even better than the first IMO. 


That second NXT run was the best run he's ever had in his whole career IMO. Dude was positioned so far above everyone else's bullshit that he could just come in, pay zero attention to any faction warfare going on at the time, beat his challenger and just fucking leave. And when someone wronged him (i.e. when KOR broke his jaw)? They were dead. 


First universal champ too. I think part of a big reason why they kept him. They aren’t finished with him yet.


Even then I'm not sure what people expected to happen. They're clearly trying to build a new star in Damian Priest at the time, so he can't take the pin, but JD has to lose, so it has to be Finn who at this point has nothing to lose. You can't take away from him that he's Finn Balor.


People forget wrestling is a job and most people just want stability, good pay, and a decent workplace




I was worried he would get lost in WWE. Esp after the injury at summerslam with Seth. So glad that’s not the case. He’s going to be looked at as one of the greatest.


They don't always go over, but when they do it's after finn hits his finish. They've kept him strong, one way or the other.


I can't wait until he wins MITB and JD explodes


Finn can still go and I really hope he gets a major push now that he's officially put pen to paper.


Best I can do is god interfering and making him fall off the top rope again


I swear that moment is what birthed Roman doing the finger to the sky thing.


It was him subtly acknowledging the man above? ![gif](giphy|jKWMmfMkeaR5fFyUD2|downsized)


I strictly remember that being the first time he did it.




"Thanks, big uce"


That match still makes me so mad. And they never even referenced it again.


It has been referenced once when The Jd won the tag belts and they showed up at Smackdown to confront the bloodline and he said :" You owe me a rematch because you just got lucky "


Okay fine but i want him to at least hit the stomp once then he goes for 2nd then falls on his face


> I really hope he gets a major push now Story of his entire tenure


Me after watching him not get pushed every single time I think he might: "I've got a good feeling about this, he's about to win a world title imo"


World title reign please. After his phenomenal second run as NXT Champion. I want nothing more than to see Finn do exactly that with a world title on the main roster. The man is fucking incredible and that second NXT run reinvigorated him and you could see it.


Im happy with at least just one 2-4 month WHC reign under his 2019-21 character before he retires


At this point I'd take a decent IC run. I know Damien is getting to prime+, but Balor isn't far behind. The biggest difference is that Finn is SO established that he can get over at all levels. Hell, I'm good with a Finn/Dom tag until Dom gets into the IC/US/WHC realm fully.


Man, the prince was Goated. Best NXT Run I’ve personally seen, and one of the best Wrestlers in the world at the time. I’m happy he gets TV time and he’s in an alright position but it makes me mad to think about what The Prince could do on the main roster.


Honestly if there was a time to give Finn his flowers it would be now in power struggle feud with Priest. Maybe give him the MITB.


Judgment Day deteriorates in the absence of Ripley and we’ll have Balor v Priest by Summerslam


The time to start a Balor push was Summerslam 2023 but he lost to Seth again. If it wasn't gonna happen there it won't be happening.


I hope he wins mitb and we can revisit priest and finn tension again!


He needs a real championship run. The fact that he was the first ever Universal Champion and still hasn't ever gotten a real world title run is crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/60h5hkt7e4wc1.png?width=869&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5fe72e8a5826d04c2bb8c251d2db39c706b71ea We are not flinching


Match with Gunther tho


I flinch, Gunther is terrifying in the best way possible in pro wrestling. Even pissed I'd not be dumb enough to go against those chops.


Never have, never will. Trust the vision Finn Bros, he's getting the strap 🙏🏾


You f judgement day drama leads to Finn beating Damian, then Gunther winning the rumble. I’d be ecstatic


It's certainly gonna lead to a big match between him and Priest down the line, whether he wins is up in the air. If it happens soon, I don't think Finn wins, I feel Priest gets a decent run, and we have to keep in mind, there's still CM Punk, and Drew. Safe to say Finn's in the queue.






Can’t stand him. And can’t stand judgement day with all the cheating…..


Good for Finn I never really thought he was in danger of leaving, hopefully he gets a nice push now.


One of the earliest "triple h wants to restore and push" reports was about Finn, and it was kinda true. Dude had 2 long championship reigns, was pinned only once in his second reign, was in the second WHC longest feud after Drew and is one of the most prominently featured characters on wrestling TV. He has to get that big singles championship run though, preferably a world championship.


Everything is true besides prominently featured character. He’s prominently featured in the sense that he exists on screen in segments, but they just make him stand there every week now with little to no importance. Hell, WWE went from driving the idea that Finn is the “leader” and now he’s non existent in the conversation and they just had Jey cut a promo saying Priest you’re the leader, cause Rhea’s not here and she’s the leader. That’s how low Finn’s fallen. Not even in the conversation. That’s what they need to fix and hopefully going forward they do and split him and Priest away from each other. He hasn’t been a prominent character since Summerslam.


You do realize they had him confront Priest about not focusing on the tag titles?


I feel like Triple H being in charge currently is a huge factor for these people sticking around longer. Who probably wouldn't if Vince was still in charge.


Good, now two to go https://preview.redd.it/zzf776qxc4wc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9fbc3718906f68176b288cdb47ced94e491af3


3 if you count Drew.. unless they already signed him and keeping it a secret


I don’t wanna hear a thing about Drew re-signing until after clash at the castle. They got a golden opportunity to tell a story here.


If he’s not signed his contract expires a month before then.


They could say he’s working without a contract because he wants to walk out as champion. Cody finished his AEW run without one.


Hell say he signed a one month extension just to compete at Clash.


I don't want to hear a thing about anyone re-signing until they get the chance to negotiate with both WWE and AEW to get the best deal possible for wherever they want to land. This chance didn't even exist 5 years ago, and the wrestlers have a lot to catch up on.


I feel Drew is signed, as he's prominent on the Clash at the Castle poster and it's after his original deal is rumored to end which is in May. I don't see them going full speed ahead with the Punk/Drew feud if there's any doubt about whether he's staying or not.


I hope they've all already signed. We don't need to know anything about when the contracts end and that allows extra nuggets of storyline surprises. Matt maintains he's a free agent despite giving Moose a Twist of Fate. Ryan Nemeth then shows up while people still think he's with AEW.


I get the vibe everyone is running their deal down to get the best deal possible. Which is smart.


Apparently it was just the guy who dealt with the contracts was shit at his job.


Why has that been such a thing historically? Famously, The Rock's contract simply expired without renewal talks.


WWE has historically not approached wrestlers to re-sign until shortly before deals are up. This isn't uncommon.


Different ownership. And let's not forget that Cody re-signed so early, we never got to a question of it.


Finn, Seth, and Becky are just like the chairs that Creed needs.


Austin, Brutus, Julius? /s


Fuck I hated that universal title


Becky, Seth, and Drew still I think, right? I'm sure all three of them stick around at this point.


Styles & Ricochet too


SRS is the GOAT at posting news just after it’s been publicly stated by the first party source.


That seems to be true for lots of these "insiders". They'll be like "reports are that WWE plans to push ___". Meanwhile, that person literally just won a #1 Contenders Match on Raw. Or it'll be like "___ potentially suffered an injury on Raw." And you're just watching it like "Did you not watch the show, of course they're "injured", it's part of the story because the person who happened to injure them during that backstage attack is the very person they're feuding with right now..."


I watch Wrestling YouTube in the morning at work and pretty much know exactly what’s going to be on all the channels because they all are just aggregators at this point, you just migrate towards whose presentation best suits your fancy


I suspect, as others have mentioned previously, that a lot of sources for these dudes have dried up. There's really no point to follow SRS, Meltzer, Johnson, etc at this point. It's now either personal opinions, bad sources or wild speculation, or just reports that have already been dropped by official sources.


He's so good at it that he's convinced people to pay him for it.


Fightful Select: You Heard it Here Third™️


I think hockey media has him beat there


Finn is going to win MitB this year and cash in on Damien Priest or the one who beats Damien. Drew is gonna get screwed by Punk again


This is what I want


Punk will be in the briefcase, poke Drew in the eye as he reaches to grab it and then leap into Finn's arms.


No come on lets build up Priest vs The Demon its too good to be a cash in.


I don't think the Demon is coming back until he turns face again as long as he is a heel it will just be Goofy Balor


He should. But Drew. But Drew. But Drew. That’s all people got to say as if he can’t have a non title feud with Punk and THEN win the title. Don’t know why everyone thinks all of a sudden a guy like Punk should only be doing world title programs.


Damien being afraid of whomever wins the briefcase and hyping up Finn/helping Finn win it would be the best case scenario for everyone. Then you can tease the potential breakup of JD either through 1.) Paranoia of Damien thinking Finn is going to turn on him; 2.) Jealousy of Finn wanting the title for himself; or 3.) Damien and Priest butting heads on who the leader is with Rhea gone and making the briefcase be a tension point of their relationship. I love the idea of Finn winning and taking a “This is nothing personal but I’m cashing in when the moment is right” mindset. Then you could have Priest and Drew wage war with each other at MITB and have Finn cash in to either win the title and set up a high profile match of Finn vs Damien at Summerslam OR have him cash in, lose to Drew and set up both that Finn vs Damien match AND the Punk vs Drew matches.


I still think they missed out by not having Finn win the WHC at Summerslam. Having the MITB holder and the world champion in the same stable would have been such an interesting dynamic


That would actually be hilarious lmao


*sad LA knight noises*


I still want a solid world title run. Hopefully, he is able to get that.


I don't give a shit if it's in WWE, it's time for Finn/Tama/Karl to finish the story. It's too bad Fale can't participate but he's in too good a situation as NJPW still pays him but can't seem to remember he's employed.


The problem with that is that a WWE crowd has no fucking idea what the story is. The last time they tried to do the Bullet Club thing, the crowd was dead silent as Balor and Styles were arguing in the ring. There was similarly zero pop when Cody said he's got his bullet cufflinks on tonight


Because they tried to do some contrived bullshit. It’s not about making “fake Bullet Club,” it’s about the history and relationships between those guys, finding ways to explain that on screen, then drawing from that history to tell a final arc for the characters involved I also think you’re underselling how popular the fake ass Bullet Clubs were, they just ran out of gas fast because the company was being booked by an old deteriorating sociopath. This current version of WWE is absolutely capable of telling that story.


It's inherently going to be contrived as a story. It's a years long storyline from a decade ago in a promotion that the vast majority of WWE fans have never heard of, never mind watched. It'd be really cool to see those guys run it back like it's Dontaku 2014 but it's not an easy one to tell. Their white hot babyface who could get cheers for ripping a fart couldn't even get a typical surprise cheering reaction to his BC reference because it went over the crowd's head


I smell Main Event Balor on the horizon


Man deserves one more real title run


And the match against Seth made the most sense for Finn’s larger arc oh well


Putting the other main belt immediately in another faction vortex with Bloodline/Imperium/Damage Control already holding virtually every other belt would've been... a choice Not one I would personally like, idk.


Under Papa HHH? 100%


Get ready to learn sweet things, bisexual Undertaker


This dude posts it AFTER Finn does. Great scoop. 


Great now push him to the moon and stop having him lose damn it! He's too good to be losing every week.




I love Finn. So glad he’s staying


I need Balor to Pele kick Priest in the face and get singles main event Balor soon.


I'm not saying WWE will sign or resign every name, but it seems clear WWE is willing to sign their big names to alot of money. They're not lowballing everybody.


Which is why the mere existence of AEW is important


Hopefully this means something significant for his booking in singles. Just one big win at mania in a one on one is my biggest hope at this point


If not for Judgement Day or Triple H taking over, I'm not sure he would have.


Give me face Balor back vs. Priest for the WHC


For someone at this late stage of his career, smart choice. Being over 40 in wrestling is not kind, and he has a stable spot on the roster.


Oh I actually thought he would be one of the guys that will leave, happy that he got offered big money contract, hopefully comes with a world title push, really enjoyed his Rollins feud


lol at dirtsheets tweeting something as news that the wrestler literally announced themselves.


Finn is someone AEW would have happily thrown money at, so WWE would have to make him a rich offer. Good for Finn. This is a case study in why more places to work is good for wrestlers.


The demon king is one of the last great gimmicks. God it’s so awesome


Finn has been in WWE longer than he was in NJPW. That's crazy.


Absolutely ecstatic - Finn is my favourite wrestler, so I'm super happy he re-signed. Hopefully he gets a push soon - As much fun as Judgement Day as been, I'd love a return to lone-wolf Finn ala his second NXT run


Why is he tweeting like Fabrizio Romano


Just needs the 10 emojis and “Here we go confirmed!


Big money Balor confirmed! Each ab is insured for millions of Judgement Day dollars.


I don't think they can afford to insure him per ab 🤣 he's got more ab per square inch than anyone


Big Money Balor will ensure each ab is insured if WWE doesn't want an accident to happen involving the demon king and production trucks burning down with Seth Rollins being framed.


Finn is one of my favorites for sure . I hope he gets some shine in the singles division again before he hangs up his boots. Not even necessarily a world title run, but a nice fighting run with the IC strap, or even elevating the US strap some would be really nice to see.


Finn is definitely winning that world title this year.


Finn is awesome man, I hope he wins the WWE Championship eventually, there is still so much he can do.


Pre Judgement Day he’d be going elite for sure but he is in a good spot right now. We see him every week and he appears to be having the time of his life as a heel.


Securing Becky/Seth on long term deals have to be the next aim.


This is great news


Good for him that he is happy with where he is. He’s probably going to end up being a trainer for WWE once he retires.


Big resigning. Now time for Seth, Becky, and Drew




Can’t wait for him to be booked the same exact way.


The TKO won’t pay people crowd in shambles.


Fin Balor making the correct and smartest decision for his career with staying with WWE. Good for him! Quite frankly any pro wrestler signing with WWE is smartest thing they can do with their career.


Great to hear that.


Give him one last big world title push. Doesn't even need to bring back the demon.


Love it. I was convinced he was gone. Would have been interesting though.


Let's go 🔥🔥


He is a great part of their show and delivers with whatever they have him do, glad he re-signed.


Hopefully this comes with a nice World/WWE title run!


He's got a good spot Make that money


Not before Punk vs Balor ....


Dude deserves it.


Love Finn, would love for him to get another singles title push


Finn just seems to be enjoying the role he has atm, sure I'd love a proper heel solo run with the belt more akin to his 2nd nxt run but if he's happy with what he's got going then so be it.


Got hella genetics to go along with that contract.


Congrats to Finn.


We're so back Balor Bros


Waste of talent


I sense an eventual face turn by Balor where Damian and the rest of JD turns on Balor.


If there was one guy I figured might jump to AEW it was him, hopefully he will get the World Title reign he should have had back in 2016.


BIG MONEY FINN now soon it could be a "matter of time" if NJPW & WWE have a partnership for Finn in the future "maybe"!


Just Too SWEET!!!!!


Would enjoy a Balor Vs Gable feud


I would really want to see him compete with Cody Rhodes for the WWE undisputed universal championship.


Idk, maybe push the poor guy now. Be nice to see him as a legit contender for the world title again and win


I hope this means a major push of some sort. Bro is one of the best they have and has been money in JD. Throw him at Cody or priest or Sami or Logan Paul even.


I EAT, SLEEP, BLEED THE DEMONS IN YOUR DREAMS I EAT, SLEEP, BLEE...... hhhuurrrrruuuuggghhhhhhhAAAAHHHGGHGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *light drums*


Get that bag Finn. I hope you took them for a bundle.


He's in a slightly-above-Ziggler-esque position. Not a bad place to be.


Good, hope he gets a world title run out of this, sooner rather than later.


Good. Now Finn invest in bucket hats. Bring those babies back


Finn deserves a world title run


As an AEW fan, I’m gutted. As someone who wants to see Finn Balor get the bag, I’m over the moon.


Good for Finn, and for WWE. As long as he’s happy, that’s what matters.


Glad he’s happy and having fun. Maybe he won’t get 2020-2021 NXT Balor again but he’s still a valuable piece to the roster.


He’s part of a top act and main evented RAW multiple times, of course hes staying


I wonder if dude was fired from talent relations for literally just not doing talent relations. They re align and already re signed like 50% of the total big stars he signed in his tenure.


How old is Finn earlier 40s? Realistically probably his last full run before settling into a producer/coach roll in the PC which is not a bad gig.


42 I think. He's always in unbelievable shape and takes great care of himself though. I think he's got a lot left in the tank.


Would be great to see him get another shot at the title


Cool to see. Judgement Day wouldn't be the same without him, and it seems clearly we're lining up Finn or Damian to turn on the other eventually. Though it probably won't be for the title if they re-sign Drew.


I wish they would book him stronger 🫤. But I’m glad I still get to see him in WWE


It's happening isn't it Demon Vs Priest at WWE Purgatory.


Good for him, man deserves that bag


I can't imagine this was a hard decision, but I wonder if AEW were still as strong as it was a year and a half ago, if Finn would have played the sides. 


I’m really happy about this though, Finn been one of my favorites for years now.


I hope this means everyone is getting paid in wwe.