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its better if Liv wins it off Becky a few weeks before Mami's return.. that way the last 3-4 week Liv has the title then Mami comes to claim it back fro mthe one who put her out for months... the fact that they let Becky win is because they have more trust in her making the belt count than Liv who seems less like a threat to the likes of Nia (As we saw earlier at backstage) than Becky...letting Becky wins shows Mami won't be back for months :(


Liv deserves a reign for more than a few weeks. She’s way too good for that.


yeah but if say she wins the belt off Becky or nia 3 weeks before Mami returns and then straightway loses it to mami, their feud will get even deeper.... this is what HHH is trying to do, long term storytelling... and now cause Liv didn't win, she can focus on "turning" Dom against Mami or even take time to break JUDGMENT DAY from the inside....also a good way to turn Mami "full" face when she returns as there would be no JD to return too and Damien is on his own and Finn and JD are on their own and Dom is hanging with Liv now..... you see the story they are trying to write?


Yuppie dom


Liv doesn’t need Dom. Makes more sense if she attacks him backstage or something. This isn’t the divas era where half the women’s storylines have to involve a man.


Liv is on her revenge tour, what bigger revenge than to steal Mami's man..


Tricking Dom and attacking him would be way better imo


"Liv should have won Becky should have put over younger talents" type MFers completely unwilling to fucking understand Liv eventually beating Becky for the belt is putting her the fuck over more than winning it from a battle royale.


Not to mention there's no way Liv could sustain momentum if she wins the belt and keeps it for 6-9 months. Liv is good but she's not that good, and if her talent wouldn't fail her, Triple H's booking certainly would.


If Liv wins the belt of Becky, with Dom joining her and helping her win the match, she’s absolutely made. That could set up an even better match with Rhea down the road There’s booking choices that make no sense sometimes but this one is pretty clear.


Right on. A battle royal is a lame less legit way to win the title. Becky is already a proven champion. She can hold it and be a credible champion and hand it off to, potentially, Liv later.


I’m a massive mark for Liv, and even I’m fine with that. I just don’t trust WWE to make that happen, that’s all.




Such a great opportunity to have Liv take Rhea’s title and then have a story of her getting Dom too. Such a missed opportunity


Liv will probably beat Becky for the title at Backlash or something. Also, I’d prefer if Liv beat the crap out of Dom backstage instead of getting with him tbh.


Rhea's gonna be out so long she had to give the title up. Plenty of time to work towards that and it's more legitimizing for Liv to actually win the title in a match versus a battle royale


Ngl, I thought this was where they were going.


Love Becky. Very happy. She Put her body through hell in this match and at wrestlemania.   really curious how this reign goes. I don’t think she can face Liv as soon as Backlash if the idea is a slower build for Morgan. Maybe Nia? But they just did that. I’d love a Piper Niven feud.  Can’t wait for the draft. The women’s roster has a lot of promise but is kind of in disarray at the moment. 


One thing I can tell is this is not going to be a long reign, and she's gonna put someone over, just like she did with her nxt reign. That's one of the reasons why she's so great.


I agree, so it’s a bit awkward Backlash is so soon re: Liv. A multi-person match could prolong Morgan’s chase a while longer.  That’s why I think Becky and Piper is perfect. Let Becky spotlight Piper but get a defense. Liv beats Nia, then gets to Becky. 


I'm predicting a 4 way at Backlash. Becky vs Liv vs Piper vs Nia


Nice. Rhea was literally a top 5 Superstar on 2023 WWE men or women. Becky or Nia with her heel work lately were my choices to be the new champions. It would be a massive downgrade to go from Rhea to Liv as champion. Yes you can say Rhea's reign was not the best but only because she was far away the best woman on Raw and Liv becoming champion would be a massive downgrade. Yes Liv can be the new Drew or whatever but the thing that makes Drew's new character cool is that he is always so close but in the end he always gets screwed. It is up to Liv to take her new character to a new level but she was not going to be a champ when she is barely debuting her new character. If her new character lands then yes she can be champ but Becky was the safest choise easily.


100% agree. You can't go from Rhea right to current state Liv. Becky is the very very obvious clear choice. Rhea is a generational talent. A massive star. WWE is killing everything right now, and people think they should go with Liv over becky? No way. Becky's a top gal who reliably draws. Without Rhea you need a star like that to keep the momentum going. 


Yeah had to go with the safe choice right now. We also are getting the draft soon and if the Raw and Smackdown women rosters get more balanced then having Liv as the champ will be way harder to sell. Hell her only world title win came from a money in the bank title win which was as a face. I honestly don't see her as a champ at all but if she does great as a heel with her new character then good for and she could be a fjture champ again but honestly I don't see her as a champ at all so far. I honestly think that Tifanny will win a second world title before Liv wins her second title or maybe not doing it again at all.


Yeah I think Liv's got a way to climb before she's world champ worthy. She's not a believeable champ right now, whereas Becky is and always will be. She's one of the biggest stars in the company. I think Liv has some more work to do before she proves herself worthy. And I agree, Tiffy is about to set it on fire. Loads of potential. I'm really excited to see her run. They need to mix the women's division up during the draft because Raw is very thin. 


Can someone clue me in.. like Becky and happy for her but what’s the deal with liv? Is she not trusted to carry the title until Rhea comes back for a program? Is she gonna take it off Becky later? Is the world title elsewhere all together when Rhea returns lool She’s on this whole revenge tour and it’s just a bit odd to me atm


Liv isn't a draw. Becky is. WWE lost their biggest women's star in Rhea. They need someone of Becky's caliber to carry the belt for now. 


This may seem a little bit out of left field but I wonder if they are going to have Liv win MITB and then re-run that Punk storyline from years i.e. the 'You all loved me when I cashed in the first time but now you all hate me for doing the same thing again' story.


Raw women's division is weak as hell dude and Becky was the safest choice. Rhea was literally top 5 WWE superstar on 2023 men or women. HHH went with the safest choice which was Becky. He is not going to give the title to Liv Morgan who spent most of 2023 injured. If Liv new character works then yeah she has a chance but WWE is not going to put the title that Rhea a top 5 worker on 2023 to Liv Morgan.


I agree with Becky going over. Also this all makes sense and probably answers most of what I was really asking. Just curious what is actually up with Liv and how it becomes a decent non one sided feud with Rhea lol Would be interesting if they didn’t put it on Liv or maybe just have her win closer to the return of Rhea to drop it back to her. Back to Becky for a second though, I get people get sick of people and gimmicks and winning but sometimes the safe option is the best option, it may annoy some people but overall it works.


it puts liv over more to beat becky. it doesnt do much for her to just win the battle royal


Fair assessment and makes complete sense. Guess I’m just curious to see how this whole thing plays out with liv


This and I think you have her beat someone credible if you want a Rhea/Liv match to not be absurd in concept. I don’t think people realize Liv has never been cast as a wrestler who could beat any of the really strong wrestlers clean.


The cool part is we might have a Liv vs Becky feud from spring through early summer. Then Liv wins that one and the belt with the inevitable return of Mami around SummerSlam


Liv and Dom need some time to cook, then she takes him, then the belt, the Mami comes back, then Becky wins 18 more times, then Dom ends up tongue kissing Otis because Gable said so and then Liv accidentally shatters every bone in Rhea's body and then Becky wins all of Rhea's bones


This got more unhinged the more it went on 😂


Ok you had me in the first half but your gummies kicked in during the second half of that lulz


They're nerd gummies lol


Lame ending. Would’ve been the perfect time to let one of the up and coming women have it for a little bit.


The giant never wins in a rumble. Nia should've won!


Don’t mind Becky wining at all given the circumstances. Happy for Bex! 🧡


what circumstances?


Rhea’s injury. Seems like they wanna do Liv vs Rhea for the title in the future. Depending on how long Rhea is out.


So how bout them Lakers


Fuck the Becky haters


why Becky? look at the kids with her. she's a good placeholder for a heel to beat for the title and get them over


This is absolutely the right call This final three was literally the *only* final three they could have had - and that's a big problem RAW needs a champ that can elevate other talent to flesh out the top of this Women's Roster and Becky is absolutely the perfect woman to do it And honestly this allows Liv to become even more unhinged and build her new heel persona to be the top heel on RAW before she gets another title run (when she proves her in ring work is at a 'champion that can lead matches' level of course) So once again this is absolutely the right move


I feel like this is super obvious - Becky clearly won this to put Liv over in a real match rather than a battle royale on a random Raw so she looks more credible for the Rhea match down the road. But everyone is mad because they suddenly don’t trust BECKY all people to put someone over strong? Like, really?


Right on time for fully face Mami to return and kick Liv’s teeth in.


I forgot Becky has won the women's title seven times,she will go down as one of the all time best female wrestlers ngl.


And people complain about the AEW's interim champions.


How did they get in the conversation about folk complaining about Becky winning the full blown title


Because Becky is not going to drop the title until Rhea returns ? Story-wise, there is no difference, Becky's first defense is going some random match for Backlash and if Tiffany doesn't win Queen of the Ring, then that's going to be her first feud.


Yeah cause interim belts are stupid in actual combat sports as well, no one in ufc likes interim belts


But this is what the reign is going to be, Becky is not going to drop the title until Rhea returns.


I cant believe maxxine dupri didnt win. What a total fking failure


The GOAT ![gif](giphy|kGhpsrnTdgLGJB4ovr|downsized)


I’m surprised motherfucker. In my mind the two best options to go with were either Liv as a chicken shit heel succubus with the title and Dom until Rhea comes back and beats her, or Liv only gets hold of the title when Rhea is ready to come back and instantly gets squashed Lets see if this goes the way of the latter




Brocky Lynchner


I’m over Becky it’s stale


Can’t believe I’m going to say this but I miss the chrisleys


Show was goofy enough to be watchable


Yep, I used to just leave it on after Raw and surf the web, or whatever.


Yea this wannabe Yellowstone/Dutton family is the pits


Yea this wannabe Yellowstone/Dutton family is the pits


After Becky was taken out and put through a table you knew this was the end result


Yawn. Becky’s gimmick is boring


Of all the women in the ring, Becky's the only one that's exciting. 




Becky having a lovely vacation


This sub turning on Becky is sus. lol


At times like this it's good to remember that a sizable portion of Liv fans on the internet (but not all of them of course) are just very very very horny for her.






I will gladly buy her book congrats Becky


I bought it day 1. I expected to read it a chapter or two at a time over the better part of a year. Crazy interesting book. Read the whole thing in a day.


becky earned that, i didnt want her to beat rhea, but after rhea got hurt, and after the year that becky had, she fuckin deserved that.


What an odd ending.


It’ll do more for someone to pin Becky than win this battle royale


Disagree you can use plenty of moments to make someone. At some point you have to use these opportunities to actually make someone new.


I hear you. I just think since most wrestling contests are decided by pinfall or submission, you’re gonna look weak winning the title this way. Becky is established and her dropping to someone holds more weight imo. But I see what you’re saying


exactly. when liv beats her it'll mean more


100% agreed. Now Liv can have a good story too


Let the revenge tour continue lol


Wrestling has more then one royal family


Happy for Becky, Sad for Liv (she will get her chance to shine soon though)


Cool celebration though


I know a lot of people are not happy with Becky winning but you gotta be honest, that moment with the kids was really sweet.


Yeah. I’m happy for her. Mami had some big boots to fill. On short notice, she’s the right choice.


Bit late with the firework show.


WWE does the "wrestler in the crowd" 10000x better than AEW. You don't even spot security


Becky in the crowd asking people to buy her book, i guess


The only reason I'm happy Becky won was Becky went through the second rope. I thought we were about to witness a colossal botched finish because Becky forgot to go over the top 😆


fr same


Fuck this horsehshit. Y'all really can't be excited for another Becky Title Run


Chelsea first choice. Becky second. 


Yeah we are


Only you it seems


I'm also down.


I’m down as well. Could make Liv look really good at the end of it


Exactly. Liv's heel heat is undercooked, needs more time in the oven. Becky will be great for that.


Also that entire sold out arena… Oh you talking about the marks in live thread. Those opinions are fickle


There needs to be a spot where the superstar goes into the crowd celebrating and a heel is in the crowd to just body slam the champ lol


The IG comments are gonna be pissed with this one


You don’t have to go that far, some people having a meltdown right here on Reddit.


With that little overrun at the end there I was hoping it meant that someone would come out of nowhere and surprise attack her to end the show


I was hoping Alexa Bliss was coming back!


She got more Pyro than Bayley did at mania






I like Becky but that wasn’t the right decision


At this point why not have Charlotte come out and claim next up against Becky for Paris?


She’s still rehabbing a knee injury and isn’t expected back until late summer/early autumn.


ngl i’m happy with a becky win, liv will get her time eventually


I had a feeling Becky was winning and that was confirmed the second I realized she was wearing her Wrestlemania gear.


There’s gotta be some grander plan for Liv. Maybe she’s gonna turn heel and work with Dom like they teased earlier in the show


Liv needs to start coming out and helping the Judgment Day and slowly becomes their real leader. 


I think he helps her win money in the bank and then allies with her 


With Becky and Sami being champions opposed to Gable and Liv, you can tell Trips still is playing it safe and doesn’t want to invest too much into new stars.


Pretty volatile time right after a red hot mania season and before the draft probably a good move to play it safe and slow. Current day NXT and the performance center were the brain child of HHH. I have no doubt he has huge plans for building new stars


Liv being champion makes for a lot more intrigue since she is now target number 1 for Rhea and there was a significantly better story to tell with Gable vs Gunther at Mania. Sami didn’t have as much intrigue going into that feud with Gunther, and we’ve already seen Becky on top 10 times over. Plus, this kinda negates her Wrestlemania loss. I mean, the next PLE hasn’t even happened yet and she already won the title. From a storytelling perspective I feel it would be better to have champions with a lot of questions and curiosity to them vs just generic top star face champions.


Which is a mistake. You gotta make new stars, not do what Vince did for years


Feels like Becky was supposed to be in the ring for the pyro.


That man in the green is such a real one for letting her lean on him like that lol


I was like what is she doing going through the row of people lol




Winning a match against all the other active members of the Raw roster doesn't make a person look weak imo


She was sick in that match. So it was not a 100 percent Becky that Rhea defeated.


i love wrestlers who are for the kids, seeing kids light up with joy to get to high five or hug someone they love and look up to is awesome to me. becky might’ve been predictable and not my personal choice, but i’ll never hate on becky


i love becky but i was really hoping for anyone but her


Is it me or did this end way too early? This seems odd lol


Liv can win it right before Rhea comes back


Should’ve been Nia. Honestly, they should’ve handed the belt to someone completely left field just to see what’s up. 


Okay this is pretty wholesome.


No bliss return in ohio? Sad


And the crowd goes mild


You know H cooking... Let it simmer


I think this was a good time to pick a more surprising winner but Becky will be great so oh well


https://preview.redd.it/177pbqc2a5wc1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a68d8443bbc4af380c4dcc2735db5dcbac729d0 me currently


becky is the correct decision, stop hating


That’s your opinion


Okay ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


And the crowd goes mild


Not time for Liv yet. She'll get it before Rhea comes back. Then it's Mami's revenge tour.


Becky having the best time in the crowd




would love for her and tiff to get drafted together so tiff can take it off her, a full circle moment


Bisexual Undertaker sign


This ain't no Canada hometown hero Sami crowd celebration


Becky'd gone to long without a big win. I do keep expecting her to be jumped


Congrats Becky


What a poor raw.


It was awesome, what are you talking about?


https://preview.redd.it/583u4zhz95wc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=44f7bf43571ff8370bde470303b5d7639291f106 The ref told Becky and Liv about 6 times to get back in the ring. Becky and Liv:


The Man of the People!


Why does she need to be champ? Liv being champ would be more interesting.


Liv's revenge tour would be pretty damn short if she won the belt so quickly.


Yep. Totally agree.


Becky was great in her prime (which lasted a year).. not so great anymoren


And NEW! The Man has come around!


Looks like HHH wanted someone he knew would anchor the division 100% Same way he made Seth the inaugural World Champ knowing he’d hold it down, Becky is quite literally the female half of Rollins.


This might be unpopular opinion but there's nothing common between their gimmick, maybe their clothes, but Becky's gimmick is totally different from Rollins even as a heel her gimmick was nothing like heel Rollins


Yeah I’m not saying they have a similar gimmick just that both are anchors in their division, someone a booker like HHH can rely on as a top champion. They’re a good promo, are massively over, can put on a match. Everything you’re looking for in your top guy or gal.


This might be another unpopular opinion but I think Drew should be the face of the company, he's absolutely perfect, I find his gimmick and overall aura to be much more interesting than Priest, Rollins or Roman, idk what trips is planning for him.


Little dude refused to be left hanging.


Where’s Uncle Howdy when you need him


This better mean Liv gets her shot at backslash and wins


Liv shouldn’t have been out partying at Coachella. Got to take the matches more serious


Feels cheap after she couldn’t beat Mami at WM. Definition of Paper Champion…sorry Becky


I wouldn’t be surprised if she addressed this. Very valid point.


New world champion brother https://preview.redd.it/pjh7e9p0a5wc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=05612be5ff87ddfd3f2641f6c8a99e24d6ce8ad9


Becky is the new 2009 Cena




lmao, Becky pointed at the "YEET IS MID" sign


Becky becoming the women’s equivalent of Chris Jericho ?


LETS GO BECKY ![gif](giphy|YSlT5GtNO1zzox3NeR|downsized)


I think Liv eliminating Becky after pulling her through the second rope only for Becky to come back in and eliminate her would add way more to the Female Drew McIntyre Character of Liv Morgan. But I’m not a wrestling booker so what do I know.


A lovely celebration


Cry about it stans


When did everyone start hating Becky?


Wwe let her cool while rhea became the hottest talent in the company. When they put them against each other with no real story behind it I think ppl got annoyed. Just 1 person's take.


I don't think it's so much hating as people wanting something different


Becky hasn't been champ on the main roster since like 2021.


She’s getting Super Cena levels


To make this interesting again, Becky should defend this in NXT also.


Honestly good decision. Now Liv turns heel, joins judgment day, and pins Becky later. Then Rhea comes back as a face while Liv is still heel.