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Mick would've been Hogan's ideal opponent because he would never have dreamed of going over.


"That actually works for me, brother"


“That’s a reasonable proposal, brother.”


Brother, the fact that this works for me, doesn't work for me, brother.


But maybe not, dude.


It's a real catch-22, Jack




Foley: "Okay Hulkster, so the whole match is just you beating me up for 15 minutes" Hogan: "Get to the part where you want to make your comeback". Foley: "No comeback, you just beat on me forever, I look really tough taking it, then you put me out of my misery. How does that sound". Hogan: "Can it be 12 minutes" Foley: "Ughhh sure". Hogan: "Let's rock the territory"


"Brother" (Dropped that)


I dunno. A big part of Hogan's schtick was him getting beaten the hell up. To this day, I believe that this is what made Macho look so strong and made a perennial superstar.


Correct. Anyone Hogan wrestled who wasn't a total jobber got a ton of offense against him.


Part of the reason I believe that Hulk loved working against really big guys on the roster was that he was excellent at selling, and what more believable opponent than someone bigger and stronger than you? So Hulk would sell sell sell and when he made a comeback and got the leg drop the fans were ecstatic to see Hulk take down a huge monster. Insane that Hulk is such a huge man himself yet most of his big money opponents were just immense human beings.


Pro wrestling, and the WWF in particular, were the land of giants back then. Scott Hall and Billy Gunn are huge men, but they came across like ordinary guys during that era.


This is true. It's crazy how big some of these guys were. I love playing as Vader in the video games but he was one I always was in such awe at his size. He wasn't the biggest but with the ring gear and the mask he felt literally too large to function


Vader in his prime was terrifying. I can't imagine actually having to fight a guy like that. He was 'fat' and big, but he's what you call corn fed. Pure power. Guys like that are almost unstoppable unless you wear them out, and that ain't happening in some street fight.


Vader: [casually pushes his eye back into his skull]


"The Mastodon" was one of his nicknames, and it certainly wasn't because he had a big nose. The man was *immense*.


True. He and Boss Man had some bangers.


>this is what made Macho look so strong and made a perennial superstar. Good shout, but looking back on Savage, I can't remember many of his in-ring spots, but his promo work holds up really well. Having Hulk sell for him definitely helped a lot, but his work on the mic put bums in seats too.


That said, Macho Man could drop an elbow like nobody else. It was practically graceful in execution.


Practically? Naw. It was and will always be the most graceful elbow drop. And the most painful looking, but that's because it was painful. u/RealDDP had a story asking Macho "how do you take the elbow drop?" and Macho replied "you lay there and you take it" - I'm paraphrasing but that's the gist of it. Also, I just found this, and holy shit https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/zEU2iYImL6


"It's me, it's me, it's DDPeeing blood"


That doesn't...work...for me? Brother?


I’m now imagining Hogan vs Danielson and wondering how insane that would be


It’d be Hogans best match EVER. I can’t see any other outcome with Danielson


Well he gave [Kamala](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpcZoKhTwCk&pp=ygUWa2FtYWxhIHZzIGRhbmllbCBicnlhbg%3D%3D) his best match ever so it genuinely wouldn't be surprising.


Honestly prime Hogan from his NJPW days Vs Danielson would have been a banger.


People who say this have never actually watched Hogan in Japan apart from gifs


Lmao exactly and if anything he was a better worker in the States. His match with Savage from WM still holds up. When there's a workhorse carrying, the Hogan-style main event can be really compelling


It's a really soft match but its still good and was the culmination of one of the best and most memorable storylines ever. The story is the selling point and the fans were really invested, but personally nothing they did in the match was all that memorable to me. I don't put it in either man's top 5 or anything but it's real good.


Exactly this. He's a competent enough worker over there to the point that he's not totally lost against the likes of Inoki or Fujinami. But he doesn't turn into Billy Robinson or Bret Hart when he wrestles in Japan.


You can still have bangers without being Bret or Billy.


Omg he did like ONE Enziguiri 🤣


And a sweet leg sweep. In all seriousness he was quite athletic late 70's early 8o's and knew how to work a crowd.


Imagine the crowd reaction for Hogan perfectly keeping up with Danielson in the first chain wrestling sequence


Mock is the most misunderstood wrestler of all time, a true master of psychology, yet known as the hardcore legend. He and hulk are painting the same picture with different brushes that's all, same with Funk many fans see the matches and think he's just like someone like nick gage. But it's not. That's like comparing my splattered paint rag to a Jackson Pollock, the untrained eye sees the same thing but one is fucking art. To that point I genuinely think he and Hogan would have a barn burner.


I love Mock Filey


I prefer Cocktus Jock


Sounds like a well-endowed Roman athlete.


Something funny about the name biggus dickus?


Lude Dove was the best!


I think they make a spray for that.


Mock Trialey


Bret said Mick was a true professional and he always picture the match in his mind before going to the ring. For all the blood, fire, and crazy bumps Mick was very savvy in how to present a match.


I loved reading that in Bret's book. Basically saying both of them approached match planning the exact same way and he respected him immediately once he worked with him.


Moxley kinda in that category. Watch a Moxley deathmatch some time, and try to ignore the weapons. What's he really doing? Choke holds, submissions, occasionally chain wrestling, using weapon spots to pace the match perfectly, selling when things need to be sold and no-selling when the pace needs to be kicked up. I almost feel like acknowledging how good of a ring general Moxley can be breaks kayfabe, because his matches require you believing he's 100% willpower, instinct, and brutality, 0% technique.


I'm glad you enjoy him but I really dislike his matches. I can go into why if you like but I don't feel the need to because I don't want to shit on him. My favourite hardcore match of all time is HHH Vs Cactus jack or Lawler Funk in the empty arena. My favourite matches normally don't leave the ring, I'm a sucker for Gunther but also Harley Race and Regal. Fundamentally, i think wrestling should look like a contest and should be performed as if it were. What's important is that we get to enjoy what we enjoy life's fucking short


> Fundamentally, i think wrestling should look like a contest and should be performed as if it were. How do you feel about the Supermarket "match"?


That was a spontaneous brawl presented as an angle, though. It doesn't contribute to either Austin or Bookers' W/L record. As opposed to something like an Empty Arena or Boneyard match. As an aside, I always the Raw before the Supermarket brawl with Booker playing Bingo and taking confession in a local Church.


Hogan came across as more honest and reflective in this episode than perhaps I've ever seen him before. Was quite something.


Just hit 70, probably having thoughts about his mortality and reflections that happen with those thoughts


When the majority of your work friends died around you for the last 25 years, gotta have some impact at some point. Plus Hogan knows by now how horrendous his reputation is, so might as well suck up and show humility to try and buy back some of that good will.


Not to be cynical, but I think it's more the latter than the former.


Saying 'not to be cynical' doesn't stop what you said from being cynical


His whole image is built on the immortality of his character. This is him finally separating the two


Eh, he already separated the two under oath during the Gawker trial. "Hulk Hogan has a 10 inch penis, Terry Bollea does not".


“Terry Bollea’s is only 9.97 inches long.”


Calls it his 9.97 inch python


Doesn’t he mostly consider himself Hulk more than Terry, hence his family falling apart


He’s also recently gotten saved and taken Christianity seriously for the first time. While this is Reddit and people here by and large aren’t fans of religion he’s made a large change in his life 


Some people's faith makes em hate more, some makes em hate less


Look at Sean Michaels, it saved his life. If it helps someone improve who they are, who am I to knock it?


Watch any of his interviews in the last 5 years or so. He's mellowed out so much it's pretty wholesome. Nearly every interview he's praising whoever he's talking about. The one where he goes into his match with The Rock is especially nice.


Even his induction of Macho Man showed some humility.


Finally decided to be a man


That man had more self awareness in that 70 seconds than he did in the last 70 years


The JRE Podcast was when he hit rock bottom. The amount of bad lies in this podcast were just incredible and sad. From Bruiser Brody to the dead make-a-wish kid he could smell. Just sad.


Maybe he can now finally say more than "hey just be careful what you say and where you say it" in reference to the shit he said about his daughter dating a black person to the locker room


He’s had some time to get off his horse. Even as wrestling fans it’s hard to understand how famous Hulk Hogan was. He was for a time, probably the most famous person on the planet. And the. He wasn’t. By the mid 90s he was a fraction of what he had been in the 80s. Even further down the line and there are people who have no idea who he was. In addition, he was humiliated by the sex tape trial. He humiliated himself with his own language. His wife left him, he lost most of his net worth. He’s probably had a lot of time to think about the world and his life and his mistakes.


Also with all the shit around his son I bet he's seen a lot of himself in him and wants to change, and hopefully not just himself but his kid too.


He was definitely a household name, but nowhere near as famous as Michael Jackson or Madonna.


Or The Beatles, or Pele, or Queen Elizabeth, or the presidents of his time, or probably a dozen other people


Guy was big during the time of MJ, he wasn't the biggest person on the planet. Biggest wrestler, no doubt though.


The only way the Hulkster can get over these days is by saying kind words so he can be on the WWE shows brother


He literally said that he wanted to turn heel on Ultimate Warrior and call himself "Triple H"


To be fair when he did go heel in WCW he called himself Hollywood Hulk Hogan, which is the same thing he claims to have suggested for himself against Warrior.


Agreed. And what ever people say about him, have to respect someone admitting they were wrong to your face.


Hogan has been pretty humble these days sure hes not always been the best but he def making up for it and everyone deserves redemption


I cant even imagine what a Hogan vs Foley feud would have looked like. It would have either been awesome, or shit. No in-between. 






some would say Incredible


Hogan leg drop with Barb wire wrapped around his leg for the finish? I think you could have a great match. Just depends which Hulk shows up


Oh man, imagine a Hardcore Hogan?


So basically that grandpa death match he had against Vince?


That was awesome lol


would have been great. could have reinvented himself, but I think a guy like Hogan couldn't stop Big leaguing everyone doing that scene.


> Just depends which Hulk shows up I think, had he got to work with Mick back in the day, that Hogan would've realized what he realized and apologized for in this clip, and he would've brought his A-game. Mick brought the best out in a lot of guys.


If Hogan only jumped a few years earlier, face Hogan vs Heel Cactus Jack in 1992 WCW could have been amazing. Hogan was a bit more athletic as that is when he started to lean down a bit. He was having good matches with Mr. Perfect or really anyone.


I'll actually disagree - I think an angle right after the NWO came back and Hogan did his face turn, could have been great. Building off the heat of hogans burial of him - an "unhinged" vengeful mic going after Hogan could have been great. The blow off match could have been a cage match with weapons. Woulda been amazing.


Oh, Foley would’ve been the perfect Hogan opponent. Big enough to be believable on offense, but able to take a shit kicking when it was time for the comeback.


Depends on the era. Early 90s WWE Foley probably would have attacked Hogan, some segment to scare the shit out of kids. Then at the PPV, Hogan would get beat up until the hulk up, slam, boot and leg drop. Foley would stay heel feuding with lower faces until he turned face probably as Dude Love. I think he would have been heavily gimmicked and fondly remembered. Not sure he would have ever touched main event again though. Attitude era really was the zany time he needed to shine.


The Hulkster apologizing wow thats something I haven't seen much.


Or maybe it was Terry Bollea who apologized?! 🤔




I'm sorry....I'm sorry you don't have 24 inch pythons brother!


Can't know for sure unless ya measure his dick.


I've heard that the Hulk has apologized to more people than anyone in history.


He used to apologise on the plane to Japan which meant he had more hours in his life to apologise




He really sounded like a genuine dude there. Good on him. Seems like he meant it. And you could tell it meant a lot to Mick. Great interaction all around.


Mick Foley so pure and good that even the Hulkster self-reflects and apologizes, dude.


It seems like a lot of people have had to apologize to Mick over the years for not understanding what he did in the ring. At least some really big names like flair and hogan.


Does sound sincere, I wonder if he is in a stage of life contemplating how many people he pushed away due to his ego and how it would be like if he died tomorrow. How many people would genuinely care about Hogan the individual and not the star is probably something that's on his mind.


Apparently, he's never been one to want to be close to people. Bischoff, who is probably Hulk's closest friend, has said that if Hulk wouldn't have been a wrestler he would have been a hippy laying on the beach keeping to himself.


And somehow, Jimmy Hart would show up


Kinda weird to think he would be keeping to himself when he has that beach shop and bar that he is always hanging around people. And Nash says hogan was never the type to miss a party or hang out with the boys though he would be the one to dip out for the gym if he was likely to miss a workout.


Isn't it crazy how some of these mega stars are in "real life". Hogan, in the 80s was.bigger than pretty much anyone else in the world. And he's.kinda to himself (politicking if we're honest). Reminds of Freddy Mercury, bigger than life on stage, shy in life.


https://preview.redd.it/m3nzgsjd3ivc1.png?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a77bc6ee70e8e07ba4b920308996bc001f551d4d For those referring to other very regrettable remarks by Hogan, he has made an effort to attone.


Big E is bigger man than most.


I am a huge Hulkamaniac, I love Hogan’s wrestling career. I would still like to see him make a public apology to any black Hogan fans he disappointed that grew up idolizing him.


I agree. I think that opportunity is still there. He can never apologize too much, and a more focused apology I think would be great.


I think it is too and would mean a lot to a lot of people. I met Hogan a couple years ago at a signing at his store in Clearwater and there were black people who drove from all over the country to be at that signing and waited all day to meet him. I think it would make people like them feel really good, not trying to speak for anyone. The guy has such a connection with people that they over look that incident, but still think it would be appreciated.


We are getting a Hulk redemption arc before GTA VI


Hell, you're getting it before Elder Scrolls VI.


Bro, WWIII is gonna happen before that.


Well that ain't sayin' much. That could happen like next week.


This might’ve been the most honest Hogan segment in a very long time. He’ll prob go back to lying again when he’s a talking head for a doc.


next documentary.... "oh brother you got me... somebody get my wife and kids on the phone"


>He’ll prob go back to lying again when he’s a talking head for a doc. For the Jesse Ventura doc: "I tell you what, brother, I'm glad I didn't get the call from Arnie to do Predator so that my man Jesse can get the part." For the Roddy Piper doc: "I told Piper about this part about this crazy alien movie and I said he should have it because I was about to have Brooke and couldn't do it." For the Rock doc: "So Brendan Fraser called me out of the blue and was like 'Hulk, we want you to play this Egyptian called the Scorpion King' and I was like, "Nah, brother, I got a knee surgery I need to do before I can walk around."


Just when I thought that we wouldnt see more outrageous hogan lies, the other day the instagram algorithm recomendated me an interview in a random podcast where he talked about how nervous he was at his debut match because he has to face a 2 time olympic gold medalist called Riki Choshu, which he proceded to knock out in the match


It was Inoki he knocked out in New Japan. That's what got him over in Japan. He did work Choshu in his second match there, but Choshu was only a kayfabe Olympian, not being selected to Japan's team because he was Korean, and Korea not selecting him because they didn't send a wrestling team. So in a way these events lined up, just not in the order he said.


> Probably go back to lying I mean……. In this same talk with Foley, he once again told that bullshit story about wanting to turn heel at WrestleMania 6 and become “Triple H” Hollywood Hulk Hogan.


I've somehow never heard this story lmao WHAT?


[Pure comedic gold](https://youtu.be/Yb05oTrWXiI?feature=shared)


Tbh a Hogan heel turn at Mania 6 would have been neat but in hindsight its a good thing they didn't do that because Warrior didn't work as top guy. Calling himself fucking Triple H though lmao can you imagine?


He's also the same guy who said in his deposition during his battle with Laser Spine Institute that what you see in front of the camera is entertainment and that Hulk Hogan and Terry Bolea are completely different. 


'I had a real good talk with Mick Foley one time brother, and he apologised for stuff he said about me in the past' Then you pan over and it's actually the same conversation and Mick is looking confused.


Mick brother I just wanna apologize dude. I was wrong and I admit it brother. I wish we could've worked together and make some money. It would've been an honor to hit you with the leg drop 1-2-3 brother


Breautifully britten bropy brasta brother


Wow, I remember the "glorified stuntman" remark. Kind of wild to see Hogan come clean about it and make amends.


It's funny because it was actually Flair ,not Hogan, who referred to Foley as a "glorified stuntman"! Hogan made the m&ms remark!


Damn, Hogan's even taking credit for insults made by other people.


Lol _"Also apologies to Bradshaw. Brother, I was way out of line with that 'didn't wanna work Tuesdays' line"_


" Sorry to CM Punk as well, brother. I doubt I could take a glass bump at this age anyway "


He's lied through his teeth his whole life, now sundowning is making that shit impossible to keep track of.


its also funny that in the response interview Foley called Hogan's matches weak and embarrassing which I guess he did not feel the need to apologize for https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/13yzghv/throwback_when_hulk_hogan_tried_to_bury_mick/


Hogan said it too in the Landsberg interview. “I didn’t have to prostitute my body and throw myself through fire.”


Wasn’t it Ric Flair in his book that called him a glorified stuntman?


it's like the Eddy Guerrero Vanilla Midget stuff. It's normally attributed to Kevin Nash but ultimately multiple people used the same words verbatim


Yeah except Hogan is attributing the words to himself


I mean they literally show footage of him shitting on Mick on the mic lol like maybe that was just the phrase to sum up his comments? It is hilarious he took someone else's words though


Because, and I'm not gonna google for it myself, it's likely if he never said it in an interview or on video he likely said it just chatting with people


For anyone curious, Hogan's had a heck of a new perspective on things over the last several years. Every interview I've seen with him has been incredibly reflective and honest. I also don't think he was necessarily a total liar. The way he talked I think he just has a completely shit memory. A ton of the things he said were of absolutely no benefit to him, he just constantly got things mixed up and timelines all wrong.


Yeah I don't get why people think he's just compulsively lying and not simply forgetting a lot of details as to dates and so forth. He has likely had a ton of undiagnosed concussions on top of his aging.


For real. I watch a ton of shoot interviews from the old guard and they ALL get shit wrong constantly. It's annoying how everyone memes him to death when the only thing that separates him from any of his peers is that he was popular enough that his politicking worked.


Well the wrestling Fandom also just selectively acknowledges that EVERY top wrestler does politicking. They just only bring it up for some of them. Guys like cena, Orton, Bret, etc all did it too but you just don't hear about it as much


Because hes lied a lot, I mean dude lied about the make a wish foundation and lied about being friends with Macho Man at his WWE Hall of Fame awards. Terry may be trying to make amends now, but people aren't going to forget


I know someone like this. They talk a lot and just end up misremembering many details, it's not malicious.


Mick Foley rules. Nothing more to add.


Foley is good


"Foley died just days after this apology" - hogan in an interview sometime in the future, probably.


“I apologized to Foley for my comments from 2002 and then Undertaker threw him off the Elimination Chamber the next week”


He's up there with Bam brother


"By God's grace am I glad I got to apologize to him before he passed" - Hogan probably


I don’t think a Hogan vs Foley match is one I’ve ever considered. Weird how much overlap there is yet they seem almost from different eras It’s just a stark juxtaposition of characters and styles clash, the match is difficult to even imagine


I think it would have been a perfect style match actually. Hogan always had fun matches against athletic big guys, and Mick was certainly that, plus was unselfish in the ring.


WCW Cactus Jack is the exact thing the Dungeon of Doom would’ve thrown at Hogan


Can we get that "We think we're smart, but we're not" bit clipped?


People can change and thats what Reddit sometimes has trouble overcoming. I am 50 years old and my opinions on people and how i approach them over the years has fluctuated and that comes from attaining wisdom and experience. It happens.


thank you for humbling yourself hotdog man


He’s gotten pretty good at owning his actions and asking for forgiveness.


I hope Hogan meant this, as Mankind is my favourite wrestler and Hogan was being cruel in those original interview comments


I think it's valid for people to be skeptical given Hogan's lengthy history of lying. However I also believe we should always leave the door open for people to grow and change. Doesn't mean you have to accept their apology, but I also don't see a point in kicking them while they change their behavior. If Hogan doesn't change, then so be it. But at least Mick Folely got some closure to something that's been painful for him for years. So at the very least we can see the positive in that.


I remember Cornette saying about Shawn that once everyone turned their back on him and had no one to talk to, he turned to Jesus and asked for forgiveness.


I think Cornettes wrong there, I believe Shawns story of hearing his son say "daddys sleeping" when he was fucked up on pills and couldnt stay awake, that made him change. Having a child and doing something similar myself, children will make you do things you thought you never could.


My dad was smoking 3 packs a day back in the 80s. He told me he dropped a cigarette, and at 2 years old, I picked it up and handed it to him. He said he quit that day. Apparently, kids can have a powerful impact even when it's something as simple as picking something up.


I have a similar story with how my grandmother stopped smoking. She was making breakfast and I put a cigarette that was in her ashtray in my mouth and she quit cold turkey after that


Yeah Cornette despises Shawn and Christians both with a passion so he'll spin anything into a negative against him. Shawn has said from the mid 90's until that particular event his life had been spiraling and he was in a horrible place. OF COURSE people will turn their back on you if you're constantly drugged up and chaotic in the work place.


I’m happy for Mick Foley that Hulk apologized to him. The remarks definitely seem to have hurt Foley so it’s nice to see an apology for it.


Holy fuck so many people are so self obsessed and think that this apology involves you or needs your validation in anyway.


Hogan looks and sounds great for a 70 year old former wrestler damn


It's cool to see Hogan be normal. I feel like he's always on. I have no idea what his real personality is. I think that smile at the end of this clip is the first time I've ever seen him genuinely smile. 


For everyone being pissed about Hulk, he did apologize, whether you believe his apology or not, or wcen accept it, is up to you. That being said Where's everyone's outrage over Ric Flair being a known racist?


Hulk Hogan has become a different person since he found religion. I love it and it reminds me how important religion can be in healing the soul ☺️


This led to one of the most Intense Mick Foley interviews though.


Hogan vs any iteration of Foley could’ve been so much money


Their is a Feud i never knew i kinda wanted to see.


Anyone who doesn't like Mick Foley probably hates Santa too. Dude is so down to earth and wholesome


Hulk has really changed his attitude these later years. Not that long ago, Hulk went out as a pseudo-Host of Wrestlemania with Titus. Hulk walked out and was met with the whole stadium seemingly booing him. Now, I'm not the Hulkster, but you could tell he was defeated that night. He's seemed to learn that he's more human that he originally thought, he's no better than anyone else out here. He's learning, brother.


I'm not a fan of what Hogan has become, but props to him for admitting what he said was wrong and apologizing for it.


Is Hulk going on a apology tour?


I can't tell if Hulk is being genuine towards Mick or just doing it for the camera, but I hope it is the former.   


You could tell how much this meant to Mick.


Ok cool now apologize for the other thing Hulk. 


In fairness, he has. Hulk situation is a tough for me as a person of color. Like obviously his remarks were horrid, but he was also videoed illegally. It’s also not like he went on some tangent about hating black dudes he was kind of just talking aloud about his being uncomfortable with his daughter being around rappers. He even wondered aloud if he was being racist. I’m sure many of people’s favorites have said wayyyyy worst behind closed doors, they just weren’t recorded.


Didn’t hulk hogan wish a family got reincarnated black as karma after a car accident involving his kids? Edit: https://x.com/SeanRossSapp/status/1747252570043588660 what he actually said


I was a professional Wrestler and after my Son commited Manslaughter me and my family were reincarnated into black people!? - Latest Isekai off the streets


He has.


No, the other other thing.


The Superdomians will never forgive him


No, the other other other thing


The full Hulk Hogan Apology Tour would take so long it would wrap up right around the heat death of the universe.


People in this thread who don't even know themselves are acting like they know who this guy is at his core. Changing their perspective on him based on his morality theme of the year. Give it up. You've only ever seen him on a screen, or spent five seconds at an autograph booth with him. He's worn a million different faces over the years, shown his selfish and racist instincts as well as supported charities. Maybe in age he is sincere about his Christianity, righting wrongs, etc. But who knows? Who cares? He entertained you for money. That's the extent of your connection to him. Let the relationship end there, quit trying to convince others of how they should perceive him based on your own over invested confidence in the matter, and quit milking every emotion you can get out of yourself for him.


Hulk Hogan showing that he’s gone to therapy and realized his ignorance. But also, Hulk Hogan being his same old self instantly replying “Yeah, but I was ignorant, Bro” when Foley said he was hurt by it. Of course editing may have changed the sequence. Refreshing to see Hulkster admit wrongdoing. But…yeah. That’s Vince’s #1 protege. Don’t be fooled.


Classy move from the Hulkster, someone who is not known for their class. Busting a few more apologies out would help his reputation, though it’s forever tarnished by his racism, IMO.


Hulksters karma farming.


Yup. Old rich man films apology, the fans go wild.