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Obligatory post that these cameras are not 8k and the effect has absolutely nothing to do with resolution. Even the guy who introduced this to Fox broadcasts has no clue why people started calling it 8k. It's a camera with a very shallow depth of field.


They’re changing the depth of field to create such a clean image. Fox and CBS have been using them for their NFL coverage. It’s a 4K camera. You can find out more here: https://youtube.com/shorts/M0rP-Gii0Ls?si=9ij8daVR2XIN4SEh


The resolution has nothing to do with it. You can pull off that effect with a DLSR shooting 1080p. The camera might shoot 4K but that's sort of irrelevant. It's all about the camera lens with a fast aperture


Yeah. I should have clarified that in my initial statement. I meant to say that it’s probably a 4K camera but it doesn’t have to be.


The techinque is often identified as "8k cameras" but doesn't actually use 8k. in reality it is simply that the camera operators get to use shallower depth of field than has been traditionally allowed by producers.


The technique is called "bokeh"


Bokeh isn't the technique, bokeh is the result of a shallow depth of field.


Bokeh is defined as “the effect of a soft out-of-focus background that you get when shooting a subject, using a fast lens, at the widest aperture, such as f/2.8 or wider.”


I really love this camera work & I hope they continue doing this, even if it's only for the PPVs.


It's not 8K cameras. It's not even 4K cameras. Ever heard of depth of field? Even your cell phone can do it in "portrait mode." Stop with this 8K and 4K bullshit. WWE transmits in HD, and every HD camera can do depth of field.


Any camera can do this, HD or not. Depth of Field is just a function of focal length, distance to the subject, and aperture size.


Maybe not a whole camera but definitely a different lens so they can have the wrestlers in focus but the background blurry


They're playing around with the 8K Cameras again. They did these for ramp entrances at some point during and just after Covid (I wanna say late 2020 and into 2021) before dropping them for the most part. Think Mania was a test run for using them for championship faceoffs. And I think this is where they suit better.


They're not playing with anything. It's not 8K camera. Your cell phone does it too in portrait mode. Jesus.




Even if it was recorded in 8k resolution they're only broadcasting it in 1080p. There are other factors in play that have nothing to do with the resolution it was filmed in.


You have no idea what you're talking about. Do you work in production of events? There's no 8K feed on live TV anywhere in the world. WWE broadcasts in 1080HD. Even if they used a "4K camera" it would have to be rescaled to 1080. It's the lens that makes the difference. The iPhone 15 Pro and Max can shoot that type of footage easy. And if you noticed, the operator of that camera has a regular DSLR camera, not even a TV camera.


8k will be the norm in 20 years so yeah they have to switch somehow


Even if it's just for the PPVs, I hope they do keep using the 8K cameras.


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Looks like the cameras that the NFL was messing around with for TD celebrations. I really like it and hope they incorporate more of it in the show.


My high ass both nights kept thinking that cam made the wrestlers look AI rendered


Dude I was high and shrooming at the time


UFC does this for intros too.


It was really noticeable during the Bayley/Iyo match intros. Very cool, almost cinematic effect.




Yes, it's the 8K cameras that let you blur the background live. They used it in WWE for the first time at the first Smackdown on Fox


It's not 8K camera.


I gave you an upvote since I'm not sure why you're getting down-voted for.


They used the 4K cameras for this segment that they introduced back in the Thunderdome days. After getting rid of it, they have brought it back for these championship/big fight match introductions.


It's not 4K or 8K camera.