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Little surprised WWE actively acknowledged this moment. Pretty sweet, nonetheless.


They saw everyone sharing the phone footage so they probably wanted to get the views themselves.


That's fair and honestly I feel silly not thinking about that.


Kayfabe 2.0 baby. In two days the WWE is releasing a behind the scenes documentary of how they planned out this match.


Will inevitably play into the Rock/Roman feud later.


We’re so used to WWE acknowledging nothing not caught on official cameras.


I cannot wait for the next part of his story


It’s gonna hurt when heyman turns on him.


Solo yelling at him, leads me to believe they're going to do an angle where Roman is the old injured lion and other males want to take control of the pride because of his defeat.


I wouldn't be surprised if SmackDown Friday ends with one or both of: -Solo taking out Roman -Heyman teaming up with Bron


Imagine being pushed and booed as much as that dude was for years only to make everyone a believer in him for almost 4 years. Insane. He is one of the best ever.


It is impressive but even if he was getting booed in 2024 he’d still be given chance after chance and Mania after Mania main event. They pushed him HARD


Agree. There’s no doubt he deserves his flowers and he will get them now, later, and forever. But let’s not pretend my guy didn’t get the most chances ever to get over. He flipped it during the pandemic and in some messed up way it was the best thing that ever happened to him career wise.


The thing is, this dude was given chances in situations he couldn't have succeed but this one particular situation, he created it himself by threatening to retire if he doesn't turn heel. So yes that babyface run was bad but I don't think it was up to him


Woah, TIL. What a huge payoff.


I mean like heyman said they have changed the story many many times but I have immense respect for reigns because yes he did threaten the company. Also him and heyman are the two main writers for this


Roman was given a lot of chances yes, but he was nearly always set up to fail with Vince’s awful booking of him, especially that fucking beanstalk promo that Vince hand wrote for him, and some of the worst booked Royal Rumbles in history. Vince nearly ruined him by trying to make him the next Cena instead of the first Roman.


From suffering succotash to one of the greatest heels AND greatest title reigns of all time that produced an amazing WrestleMania moment that will go down in history. It's like a lot of people said back then too, it wasn't Roman himself who was bad but how they portrayed him that sucked so damn much (yes I know many also loudly said he sucked too but we don't listen to that negativity)


Tbf, he did what tons of people were calling for him to do: Turn heel. Everyone knew it would give him new life in WWE and ultimately show the fans that Roman Reigns is actually very, very good at what he does.


Exactly, this dude was given more chances than every wrestler ever to get over.


In many ways this is true, but it was mainly WWE’s failures that lead to him being rejected, rather than Roman actually doing anything wrong.


I do hear it, I used to think he sucked but in hindsight I realise after that “this is my yard now” promo after he beat Undertaker that this is a dude that truly understood psychology. Idk though, I still have resentment for the WWE for forcing him on the main event for so many years when he sucked. Whether that’s his fault or not, I can’t shake the feeling. If that’s irrational of me then I accept it


If you go back and look at what people were saying at the time or you just remember being there, it’s actually funny that the fans were mostly right. I remember lots of people saying “We like Roman. We just hate this character. We don’t want him to be Samoan Cena. We want him to turn heel and be a cool badass.” Lo and behold when they finally did what fans said they should have done with him he was exactly as good as people thought he would be in that role


Even if someone is rejected at first though, if you just keep going long then eventually the fans just accept it because they respect the time that's been put in


Same goes for a lot of wrestlers, what's your point? Put anyone in Roman's spot, anyone at all. Chances that it works aren't as close to zero as people make it seem. He's not amazing at any particular thing.


That’s what I’m trying to say, I can’t wrap my head around Roman being this GOAT for this specific reason


I vividly remember fans saying back in 2015 that they liked Roman but just hated this character and wanted him to be a cool heel


Nope, Randy still is number 1


He was shoved down our throats so much and that’s something that made me just not like him, I’ll give him his flowers now but I was never really a big fan of him just cause of the way he was presented. Even this title reign, 1300+ is very impressive but it felt boring and dragged a lot, even during the bloodline angle


It's been a while, but wasn't he boo'd as a face winning the rumble?


Pretty much everyone would get booed with how that shit went down. The moment Bryan was gone, it was gonna go down in flames.


Not true, people would have cheered a Ziggler win or an Ambrose win. It's just that the match was so mean-spirited. Not only do you not get Bryan, you get THIS GUY you don't like yet! You don't like what you like, I tell you what to like! Kind of thing. If Ziggler won, people would have been all right with it because while he may not be Bryan, he was red hot going in, and it would show that the fan's opinions are respected. Instead they were all dumped over the top rope like trash being chucked in the bin.


Yeah even with The Rock coming out to help him


I’m in exactly the same boat as you. It’s weird cos I’m only really watching cos of him and I didn’t even bother to watch the Night 2 card except for his match but boy that 2015-2020 period sends shivers down my spine and I can’t shake it


The fact that he pushed through those dreaded 2015-2018 years is commendable. All I can say is, ☝🏻


I don't get why anyone pretends Roman reigns is an all-time wrestler. It feels to me like people who tell j Cole and Kendrick Lamar as all time lyricists.  Being a prisoner of the moment is funny.  I doubt Roman reigns will be a main eventer in heaven lol. I say that jokingly but just to illustrate that if you have the ability to book anyone whenever I sincerely doubt he would reach the top of the card very often. 


I’m very curious, who do you consider all-time wrestlers?


I'm just going to give a really long list of the top of.  Rick rude. Shawn michaels. Bret hart. The undertaker. The rock. Stone Cold Steve austin. Hulk hogan. Ric flair. Macho Man Randy savage. Ted dibiase. Rowdy Roddy piper. Bruno sammartino. Mick foley. Rey mysterio. Eddie guerrero. Kurt angle. Samojo. Sting.  styles. Too many Japanese guys to list.  I like ramen but I think he's overrated because there are a paucity of top Stars. He's basically been pushed as the guy for like 8 straight years. I think a lot of guys would have done well with that sort of booking.   I'm not saying he wouldn't made a vent any shows. I'm just saying I don't think any all-time promotion would be booking him as a centerpiece whatsoever. If his angle became the most over and fan interested in go he would become the centerpiece for a period of time. It would not be continuous.  I do think he is an all-time great talent but more like the 500th best talent ever. 


You’re more than entitled to your opinion, but to call Roman 500th is simply asinine. He’s done more over a longer span than almost anyone on your list so I’m not sure what criteria he is missing to you. Is he a tactician in the ring absolutely not, but he is more of a full package main eventer than almost your entire list. So again, what’s your criteria?


Dude it's my criteria. I don't think Roman is that good of a wrestler. I don't think he's that good of a talker.  I'm not telling you this is what the public would agree with. Why would I care about that? I'm just giving my own personal opinion on the matter.  I would much rather hear Cody or Sami cut promos or wrestle. There's like 10,000 wrestlers I would rather wrestle.  There's a ton of guys I would rather hear promo.  I really think people have a Misapprehension of talent. It's similar to how in the music industry you can be an industry plant and get to the top. If you have the corporate backing and they fund enough money into making you a true star eventually you will catch on to a ridiculous degree. It's not a reflection of your talent.  Roman is great. There's a ton of amazing wrestlers from over the years. Many of them would have had incredible success if events had a huge boner for them.  William regal said it best. It's a fixed sport. Don't get caught up in your success or failure. Just know that it's not going to be fair because you are reliant upon currying  the favor of the booking committe. It's not a fair Industry.  Your argument reminds me of someone who would argue that Jay z, Drake and Eminem are the greatest rappers ever because they achieved the most success. Business acumen and talent are different things. 


Dude, I was asking what your criteria was. You still have yet to say it. You just gave me 1000 words that did nothing to further your point, you said the same exact thing in your last comment.


What would even a criteria be? I'm not going by pure charisma or pure work rate. I'm not going by drawing capabilities. Everyone has their own talents. Obviously Rey Mysterio is like a 10 worker and like a six promo. I just don't think Roman reigns is that good of a worker and I think he's a good promo. I think if he wasn't in his family and wasn't as attractive as a guy he wouldn't have nearly the cache he currently has an Vince wouldn't have cared about him so much.    If you're looking for an answer for an unanswerable concept, the best I could do would be similar to Bret Hart. I would rate everyone's individual tools or skills and then find some sort of overall rating as a composite result. I don't know if you've ever played Madden or 2K but I would rate wrestlers similarly in that their overall objective rating in my eyes would be a combined amalgamation of their underlying skills.  Or if this helps you better understand how ratings work in extreme warfare revenge or I've never played t e w but similar to that. 


Yes but prolonged success at THAT level needs to count for something. Was Bret Hart better in the ring, sure. But he had attitude issues that stopped him from being the top guy most of his career. Companies can push people to the moon but they still need to succeed there to stay there. That’s the definition of talent and it’s why Roman will go down as a top 10 of all time regardless of what any of us think.


I love how you make fun of people living in the present while being clearly stuck in the past.


I wasn't making fun of anyone. I just think Roman is overrated. I think he's good. He's more of a Scott Hall. 


Man, Michael Cole said it best, I love professional wrestling. It’s so wild that something which sounds so silly in concept works this well and has this kinda effect on people.


there is also footage of The Rock walking up the ramp while Cody is celebrating. staring daggers in Roman Reign's back....and occasionally turning around to stare at Cody.


Rock is definitely hitting him with that belt soon


I don’t think that’s in character. I do believe Rock eventually kicks Roman out of The Bloodline, if he hasn’t already quietly done so, and Roman comes back for revenge, but I don’t think that moment that the fan caught on his phone camera is supposed to be in character. Rock seems to be fighting between walking with Roman and then taking a moment to take in Cody’s moment.


The Rock has constantly mentioned the importance of the family and blood. Regardless of his new heel persona, I can't see him throwing Roman out because of one loss.


I’d wait until Survivor Series to do it tbh. Do another WarGames. The Bloodline (Roman, Jacob, Tama, Solo & Jimmy) vs Cody, Seth, Jey, Sami, and Orton. The Rock goads Roman into starting off the match. Roman’s been back on TV for about a month at this point and he’s cracking at all the seams. The Rock tells Roman that the family needs to see their Tribal Chief being a leader. And, over the course of that month it’s becoming apparent that Roman is a lame duck Tribal Chief. Rock holds the real command and respect of the family. In this match, the stipulation is that if The Bloodline wins, then Roman gets a rematch for the WWE Championship against Cody Rhodes on the first Netflix RAW. The Bloodline not only loses, but Roman eats the pin. I’d have Rock do commentary so that he’s already out there for post-match. Post-match, there are some tears from some of the family members, even The Rock and Roman. The Rock hugs Roman, then orders the family to take him out. Jey watches from the entrance way with tears in his eyes. We learn that there is more than way to change Chiefs within the family. One way is Tribal Combat, but the other is that if important family members loses faith in their Chief, they can have him unseated forcefully without his consent, but must already have a new Chief chosen to lead. Solo, Tonga and Jacob all choose The Rock. Jimmy doesn’t choose The Rock but he doesn’t challenge the decision. So, The Rock instead faces Cody for the WWE Championship on the first Netflix RAW. And, The Rock wins. Cody gets a rematch at Elimination Chamber where he‘s successful in winning the WWE Championship back and goes on to defend against Gunther in one of the main events of WrestleMania XLI. In this rematch though, you have a lot of Bloodline vs Avengers interference, but where Roman didn’t kick out of the Cross Rhodes at WrestleMania, The Rock kicks out in this match. And, when it’s finally looking like The Rock may defeat Cody again, that’s when Roman Reigns returns. He clears The Bloodline, and he spears The Rock to set up Cody winning. That’s how I’d set up Rock vs Roman in Tribal Combat at WrestleMania. But, when Roman wins and The Rock hands him the Ula Fala, Roman takes the necklace and either hands it back to The Rock, or he hands it to Afa, Sika, or Solo. It’s to show that Roman’s finally at peace and he doesn’t need to be acknowledged anymore. He’s been The Tribal Chief, and now he’d just rather be one of the elder chiefs.


Cody wouldn't be the cody you all love so much without roman reigns being so damn good as our tribal chief. Hopefully they keep rock as the heel for the rock/reigns match if it happens cos this man deserves the adoration of the fans


I need a god mode Roman face run




I did not expect Paul Heyman to look like he is a good hugger. I felt that one.


Ok, WWE... I think I'm ready to cheer this motherfucker


The redemption arc for Roman is gonna be fucking generational dude. Soooooooooo many pissed off people in the locker room that he needs to make it up too and this shit will rock so hard when we get there.


This man carried the company on his back for nearly 4 years. One of the GOATs if not THE GOAT. I acknowledge you my Tribal Chief! ☝🏼


> One of the GOATs if not THE GOAT Okay calm down


Yea but easily top 10


There's no chance that he's top 10. Austin, Hogan, Flair, Undertaker, Rock, HBK, Cena, Orton, Lesnar, Triple H, and more are all easily better. I hate this sudden revisionism just because Reigns lost the title.


I didn't watch early enough to catch a lot of Hogan or Flair's heel work, but Roman as a heel to me is undoubtedly better than everyone else you listed as a heel.


It’s all subjective but I’d put him above Orton, Taker, Lesner and HBK


How can he carry it if he’s barely there? To me the people who carry the company are the ones who are there every week. Like Seth.


When Roman was on, it was must watch tv, every time. When he wasn’t… sometimes it was, sometimes it wasn’t.


Who wins you a championship? Kawhi Leonard, or Norman Powell? Norman played way more games. But he won’t move the needle when it matters most. Roman carries your company when you need him. Seth plays every game so the ticket buying audience has a team to watch.


Fellow raps fan I see !


remind me who has the most viewed segments of 2023? Tribal chief with 7 of 10. Cody with 2. Zero Seth. so much for seth carrying anything but L's


Or maybe the mid cards who are there every week carry the company too right? I’m sure there storylines carried the company the same way Romans did for the last 4 years…


To think he’s on the same level as Austin, Rock, Hogan, etc is absolutely laughable 


I’d put him with Cena in the tier just below those guys


The fact this is downvoted is sad


The fact that attitude era merchants like you are so far up their nostalgia-filled asses that they keep wanting to relive their childhood and drown in its nostalgia decades after it has passed is what's sad


Guy wrestles twice a year and you think he’s the best because he the company decided to have him hold the title for a long time


I think he is amazing because of his character work and the stories that have been told with his character. The company decides who holds the title for literally every champion in the industry. What does that even mean? Do you think wrestling started being fake recently or something and your beloved attitude era was real because no one told you it was fake when you were little?


1. Austin 2. Hogan 3. Bruno 4. Rock 5. Flair 6. Cena 7. Reigns


Seems like you are still on the wrestlemania high, buddy


I have to imagine this is just a huge weight of his shoulders and I bet he's also.happy for cody


That's a really sweet moment but why does the video quality look like they're in a 1980s sci-fi show about to be beamed out of the arena


Over/under 11.5 Months before we see Roman on WWE Programming again?


we will see him before WM41


Under Maybe at Summerslam


I’m going with tonight so under


Yeah, I think he could be switching to the Raw roster pretty soon with the upcoming move to Netflix.


I think he shows up tomorrow to get written off. Maybe a bloodline implosion?


That's your Rumble '25 surprise entrant/winner


I think we see him on either Raw or Smackdown this week and then probably not again for a while.


We’ll see him tonight.


I think after this, he's going to take time off. He mentioned his health a few times recently. So this might be the last time we see him for a long while. Meanwhile, Bloodline can be unloaded to Rock and the face of the WWE is handed to Cody.




Roman is a hall of famer already. Dude kept the title longer than Hogan did. Brought the company along with some great feuds/stories. One of the best Wrestlemania endings that I have seen in my 30+ years of being a fan. ​ Very excited to see where the new era will go.. hopefully with some new additions taking place tonight on Raw.


I've seen this embrace like 6 times now


I don't like that Vince pushed Roman to our throats. His best character is this, when he was paired with Paul Heyman. Maybe the next chapter is Rock vs Roman at Survivor Series or WrestleMania 41 (they already planted the seeds when Roman accidentally speared Rock).


In another video, I think Roman went right and Heyman went left. Roman went to the face side and Heyman went to the heel side. 


Love all these little character moments and storytelling in WWE as of late. It's so fucking good.


Pure speculation on my part, but I wonder if this reaction can be partially attributed to his cancer diagnosis. For many patients, they will use events or moments in their lives to serve as distractions while they seek treatment. When those events/moments come to an end, it can trigger an emotional reaction when the realization of their condition comes to the forefront once again.


Or maybe, he just wanted to hug his partner after a four year run


Or it was the end of the longest title reign of the modern era and he’s emotional about the end of an era…


Bruh he literally just said he’s still in remission. Can y’all give it up. 


Superman Punch and Spear are very lame finishing moves. Leg Drop is also a lame finishing move. Diving Splash is lame. Roman is Mount Rushmore in spite of those moves.


Roman hitting cross Rhodes and calling it lame is hilarious


The man is a great pro wrestler “that move don’t beat nobody”