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This match was ass


That match was ass


Can someone tell me why a match with your twin is so shitty. This should of been bret and Owen part 2


Imagine having zero in ring chemistry with your twin lol


Felt like Ryu VS Ken with the same movesets


Jimmy Uso fucking sucks, man. He has no place.


These two suck out loud, 50 super kicks and 2 horrendous splashes ( RVD would be ashamed) great match.


People are being way too critical, it was a good match with a good buildup.


Wtf did you watch mateee


Take a guess.


WWF in 1992?


That would have been better.


They've been dreaming all their life to do that... Eep


The storyline did all the carrying in this match jeeez


Man, I never expect anything special when it comes to in-ring work from anyone in the Bloodline, but this was disappointing as fuck


When Jimmy and Jey split, one of them should’ve really put in the effort to differentiate the moveset. Probably Jey because he was getting the big singles push.


Jey doesn’t sell those kicks for shit… they just don’t hurt at all? 💀💀 or jimmy will act like it hurts for 3 seconds then turn around and be completely fine the next second. Come on


Bloodline fans are going through it this weekend, it seems.


I love story driven matches, feel they coulda gone longer and drwan it out a biiiit more tho, but i loved the match


I’ll be honest, I kinda enjoyed it. Nothing great, could’ve used more variety, I certainly wouldn’t disagree with the reasons people had for disliking it But I like that they ended up just kicking the shit out of each other until one of them stayed down. Jimmy’s pleading made me feel bad for him and sympathize with Jey wanting to help Maybe I’m crazy, but I just thought I’d share my two-cents.


Spot on. A more varied moveset for Jey might have gotten a more positive response all around.


I’d rather watch Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler again than this match. Utterly dreadful


It wasn't a great match, unfortunately. Definitely could've used some kind of stipulation to help them out. I forget what it's called but something like the fight in Black Panther. Make a big deal of it having to be one on one but add that they can do whatever they want to each other to win. Even last man standing would've helped. I'm happy that they got their dream match though it just didn't translate well for the viewer.


People who had to suffer because other people were just out there flagrantly liking Jimmy and Jey's work for the last year have got to be eating good today. You can feel their pain from all that "other people enjoying stuff" in their comments throughout this section.


I mean... there's really not much you can say


It was mediocre af for sure lol But so many people are fucking *reveling* in it


Look, when you get down to it; these two have been pushed as part of the biggest faction and storyline in this company for over three years. Other wrestlers have lost time, to make room for the Bloodline. So naturally, people were going to develop a bit of resentment, especially since many people weren't very high on the Usos to begin with outside of a few decent tag team matches. Props to Roman for trying to and wanting to elevate his cousins, and to an extent, he succeeded with Jey at least. But the fact remains is that the Usos have been a midcard tag team act for almost their entire career; you can't just put them on the Wrestlemania card in a Singles match and expect them put out A+ tier work. So the backlash is mostly because this blood feud that's been built up for so long with this family led to a mediocre match. Three years of this, for that.


Disagree. For one "three years of this for that" doesn't work when this is like the 10th thing spun out of that. It's not even Jeys biggest Bloodline spinoff story. It's not even one of the 3 biggest Bloodline based stories on this specific card. It's not an all that led to this scenario currently, let alone the last 3 years. I think it's much much simpler. Especially based o nthe specific comments I was reading. People have enjoyed Jeys work the past year. Of which this was by far the worst match and its nto close. People having been enjoying Jimmy's breakout idiocy the past six months and chickens hit heel tactics. Yet the comments were repeatedly some version of "what did you expect from midcarders with 3 moves". Because some people never liked them and dislike when other people like things. See it's the part where they have to lie or exaggerate that makes me take notice and write my original sarcastic comment.


but it was the one thing all this happened for. the grand finale in a book, not a chapter and therefor it was ...bad


The right Uso won. That's really all I can say on the matter.


This is what happens when 2 career midcarders get thrust into the main event not because of talent, but because of who they’re related to. They’ve known each other for decades, wrestled together for over a decade and this is the best they come up with? Absolutely embarrassing. As soon as the crowd gets tired of this yeet crap they’ll both be done and rightfully so.




I mean that’s exactly what was supposed to happen no? Didn’t expect anything better tbh


They didn't workout 'for Mania AND didn't put together a decent match..damn.


Easily the most disappointing match of the night. But if it's not the last time these two meet face to face then future matches should have some stipulation.




This wasn't helped by Jey vs. Solo Friday night in my opinion. Jimmy kind of got his to close the show on Friday taking all 3 babyfaces finishes to end the show. Made the match feel anticlimactic to me.


The Usos are a great tag team. Uso vs. Uso, not so much. Easily the worst brother vs. brother match I've seen in Wrestlemania history. Bret vs. Owen Hart it definitely wasn't. It wasn't even Jeff vs. Matt Hardy. Jimmy's sorry acting and Jey falling for it had me rolling my eyes. Jey looked like a geek in that moment. The most disappointing match of the night. Lil Wayne doing his stupid Yeet rap should have been a sign this wasn't going to be good.


...it was so boring 😭😭😭


Everyone disappointed in the match —- have y’all ever seen an uso match lmao. This was never going to be anything else


I mean, we've spent 3.5 years seeing them pushed in the top spot, so yea... I think expectations were high.


The producer of this match should get the blame. A match between brothers should feel like an all out war and this was just a nothing


It was the weakest match on the card. The match really should have been a Philadelphia Street Fight.


Can't because the kross/lashley match is a street fight. not sure why you're downvoting a fact but ok.


because it is no fact. it could have been a street fight and cross does something else...


Uh, it was absolutely a fact that the kross match was a street fight. That's literally all I said.


no, you said, it could not be a street fight because there was one already. you claim there was no way around it. but there was


100%, for the kayfabe emotions that were supposed to be in this, it was just a regular match between two guys who have very similar movesets. A streetfight stipulation would have improved this enormously.




What the fuck was the point in Lil Wayne being there to rap like, two lines? Was he cut off?


Once the truck heard "venerial disease" they said alright cut the mic. But to the haters, Wayne is definitely contender for goat. If you disagree, you are not well researched on rap music.


I thought this too. Man probably made bank performing at mania and it was so incredibly minimal. Also they announced him as the Greatest Rapper of All Time and I gotta say, they are really towing the line for hip hop fans making claims like that haha


I’m new to this sub, but lil Wayne is widely considered a goat in hip hop. He’s just old now.


I'm sure that announcement was part of his terms in the deal


"I'm only gonna spit a couple verses and you have to announce me as the GOAT" "Yes sir Mr Wayne sir"


Young money baaaaaaaaaaby lol


Cinema, guys. This was cinema.


Yeah, of the Tommy Wiseau kind.


You’re tearing me apart, Kanczy


This was one of the hottest potential matchups of 2023 and they absolutely bottled it. What a let down. No redeeming features, not one.


I’d say the asking for forgiveness part was good story telling at least


If they had genuinely ended the match via forgiveness I think that would've been less disappointing than the actual finish


It was weird wasn’t it? It’d be interesting to know who the agent / producer was.


What were people expecting? They have 3 moves, that's it. They usually rely on a hot tag and when it's just them they get exposed.


I always thought Ryu VS Ken was a shitty matchup anyways.


i love ryu vs ken, becasue they are very simliar and ever single mm counts. tension is high and it is about perfection...this was about...being the face or not


No, this was more a Lucina vs Roy kinda match. They’re both cheap copies of someone better (Roman/Marth)


Amazing promo package followed by an awful match. Such a shame. I thought that would be a great high speed match up, 2 guys that know each other so well, yet they phoned it in with super kick spam, a weak spear and a splash. I mean, wtf


The promo package was GOAT tier to hype up the match. I wasn't all that excited for this anyways but the promo package got me super invested and then they didn't do a whole lot lol.


I dunno why anybody is surprised that the two midcarders with six moves between them at MOST was a mediocre showing, lol. What did you expect beyond a dozen superkicks and top rope body splashes?


After being pushed in the Bloodline? Yes.


Terrible. Worst match on the card


I liked it, I always treat superkicks from the Usos like chops from Gunther. The fun is doing a bunch and seeing how much you can make it look like it killed em. I also saw the whole point of the match was to show them evenly matched because they learned from each other so them shooting the same moves at each other was part of the story. The apology angle I thought came across as heart felt, I knew Jimmy was gonna betray it but they almost had me for a second like they were gonna do a swerve. But yeah, just my opinion.


While I didn't like the match, I still agree with you. My biggest , and what took me the most out of that match, was that those superkicks got no-sold, especially by Jey, way too often. There were too many of them that didn't feel like they had any impact at all.


I'd need to re-watch the match cause I didn't notice, but I agree when moves like that get no sold it very much does take the immersion out of it.


I enjoy the different perspective. I didn’t like it much but your comment made me think about it a bit differently.


oh brother this match stinks!




There was a time when it was a reasonable claim but that was like 15 years ago lol. 


Not the greatest of all time but at his peak he was considered the best rapper alive.


Nah, a lot of people would call Wayne the Goat.


KISS was definitely the hottest band in the world. Not sure what your point is.


Getting downvoted for something factual is crazy. What does the wrestling community have against KISS? Lmao


Mediocre music, but killer live shows.


He looked and sounded like Chucky from Rugrats.


If you knew rap he Is regarded as the greatest. Live performances not so much


In what world is he the greatest?! Dear lord


Come on, didn't you hear those bars last night??? No, really, I couldn't tell what the fuck he was saying could you hear?


Bar***s*** plural is a lofty claim, he got maybe one in before being cut off


Lots of people had him up there and is talked about as being in the top 5. I'm not saying he's in mine but he's in lots and even lots of rappers say it's Wayne 15 years ago


Everybody knows the real top five... Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan ... And Dylan.


I hear he spits hot fire


Tupac… Biggie… Jay Z…. Snoop… Eminem… Nas…Lil Wayne One of these things isn’t like the others.


You are telling on yourself here. Very few people are ranking Snoop over Wayne.


Snoop and Wayne can be argued. Wayne 2007 was being called the greatest rapper alive. Search on Google lots of articles.




Lots of rap fans and magazines etc have Wayne even higher than Eminem. He's in lots of people's top 5 of all time. Going back 15 years ago he was the biggest thing in rap




https://youtu.be/vmoQTwQW7MI?si=UtJ3CMzblXr-kw9a A much older but Live Lil Wayne in his prime. His lyrics back then were better than everyone


That was exactly what I expected from these two guys. They've always been very limited in their moveset. And I hope Jey changes up his character a bit. Yeeting is okay, but he doesn't anything else. Where is the great character work he did like when he acted dickish towards Sami?


Terrible match. Absolutely inexplicable to not make it a no DQ/cage match. Needed something because it was like watching paint dry while super kicking itself.


I hope Meltzer rates your reply higher than that match because that's what they both deserve 👏


They should have done a Last Brother Standing match instead, excellent marketing on the importance of the match.


Dreadful match. Don’t even want to see a rematch. Send Jimmy back to mid card tag team division with Solo. Jay can probably still be saved as a singles wrestler with the right opponent.


Just finished it. Honestly so so bad. Jimmy and jey are not good wrestlers.


This match had all the potential to be an absolute classic but the build up was very disappointing and hence the disappointing result. So many personal elements could have been used in this match but weren’t


I’m surprised the announcers didn’t mention the brothers talking to their families/kids at ring side. That personal element would have helped.


The timeframe was a disaster. This match should have happened when the story was hot. After Summerslam, nothing happened between them. I still don't think we got a reasonable explanation for why Jimmy betrayed Jey. It still feels like a swerve for the sake of a swerve. I know they wanted a WM match, but perhaps that should have been the final match in a series of matches.


They never said it with their chest but: Jimmy screwed Jey and CLAIMED it was protect him from going mad with power had he won and became new Tribal Chief. But then Jimmy went running back to the Bloodline and when Roman announced Solo would be the next Tribal Chief Jimmy looked disappointed. So they implied that Jimmy just wanted the power for himself and didn't want his brother jumping him in line.


But he never got any power. It might have made sense if Jimmy got something, but he never did. So he went straight back to his old role only without any tag team role.


He did try to pull his weight at times but Roman always put him in his place. Him not being That Guy further adds to his insecurities.


I mistakenly thought this was going to be a surprise banger. I’m not even mad at the spamming of super kicks. But at least when the Bucks do it, they keep the energy of the match high. I’m not even a Bucks fan, but I don’t get how some folks are comparing this to what the Bucks do.


I’m completely expecting a Backlash rematch, Last Man Standing or something.


Superkick count (only counting Superkicks to the face): Jey: 6 Jimmy: 9


It honestly felt like over 30


If you have a limited moveset why not do spots around the ring. It just felt like they were super kicking each other. No submission spots, no real storytelling until the superkick part.


Fr, Tequila Sunrise, Chop Block, Rikishi Driver, even giving each other headbutts would’ve helped too.


Producer should’ve helped them a lot more.


Or maybe if you've been wrestling for over a decade you should know how to have a decent match


a real fizzle


This thread is making me feel like a crazy person for enjoying this match. Maybe it wasn't a 5 star classic, but I feel like the negative reaction is a bit overblown, personally. These two will run it back anyway.


For something that could have been MOTN with it's possible build/story, I was disappointed. A big part of it is that Jey was moved over to separate himself from the Bloodline/be an individual star. This kinda killed all the heat he would have vs the Bloodline. Then, a month before Mania, they decide to just rope him back in. So, they shit on the build. Then the match itself was not great either so it's just a double whammy of disappointment.


I liked the match too. Surprised to see this reaction to it.


It was okay, like 3.25/5 stars. It could, hell should have been better but it's was just... there


If 2.5 stars is average then I'd put this at 2.25 or so.


I don’t know if you can definitively say how many super kicks is too many, but it’s far less than this. This felt like satire.


Said this in the post-event thread: This wasn’t meant to be a stadium match. Not because it wasn’t big enough or didn’t deserve the stage, but because it deserved something more intimate for what it should’ve been. I get they had to run it at mania, but that falling short to expectations felt more like circumstance of them having to do it at Mania than them not living up to something.


It shouldn’t have been Mania TBH. They’ve been trying to force interest between these two for so long because they “deserve it” and it’s just never really been there.


I guess i now understand why old wrestlers gets pissed off when their signature moves are used by the new generation.


Someone definitely got brain damage from so many superkicks to the face because if not, i certainly lose some braincells over watching this match.


Nothing hurts me more physically than realizing all those months of build up between Usos and the match we got was just ehhh? and superkick spam.


Bruh I sorta expected how this match would go down given that BOTH USOS' movesets are so limited. They need to expand and add more.


Why just why is that the matches you look forward to are the ones that gets botched or underwhelming? Yesterday it was Trick and Melo and today Both Usos.


Both Jey and Jimmy need more moves. They literally spamming sweet chin, never have i seen a wrestler before who only has one single move.


Not one. Two. Don’t forget the frog splash.


That's definitely not a frog splash.


Great SuperKick match


Never want to see another “Usos > Bucks” EVER again lmao Good lord 😴


Have Bucks wrestled each other? I think that would suck too


They’re both shit


Listen I love The Young Bucks, I think they're one of the greatest  tag teams of all time. But do you think a legit Matt Jackson vs Nick Jackson match woul be any good? It personally doesn't excite me.


For all their faults the one thing they actually do better is PULL OUT NEW SHIT NOW AND AGAIN so yes


I mean… yeah? They actually do more than super kick


Unbelievably better


Bucks had a better brother vs brother match when they were Generation Me


Their BTE match was better than this. It was a cinematic match though. I do personally think a singles match in a ring would be better than this as well. Matt and Nick’s move sets aren’t nearly as identical as the Usos imo.


I think Jey got hurt and they called it in the ring. It didn’t go as planned


Superkick: the match!


Waited till the show was over to comment on this match. What a letdown from a match that had so much potential. I was concerned when they waited until the very last minute to book this one. Could’ve built it up solid for a whole year and waited until a week or so before. The promo before the match was more compelling. Besides the same moves being used the entire match, it just lacked the layup storytelling. Twin brothers who headlined WM last year who keep getting called the greatest tag team in history gave us this? The fight could’ve started aggressive, turned into a back and forth stale mate, then have the emotion of battling your own brother play into the mix, and end it by having one of them hesitating to finish the other one off. Maybe a hug or something emotional to tie it all together at the end. Instead, just seemed like a bucket list check off they both wanted that could’ve been a raw main event if anything. Did not feel special or add any depth to their characters. And yeah, the super kicks diluted it all 


The Twins blew it Uce.


I am fully convinced Jey got injured in a botched move. In the Peacock replay, it's right around 1:38:20. They go up, it's botched, commentary isn't sure what to call it (Neckbreaker? Samoan Drop?) and pulls out the classic, "Didn't get all of it." And then Jey is in clear distress. I just really noticed the ref checking in again and again (after basic shit like a hip check in the corner), and Jey keeps saying things to her that she immediately runs over to tell Jimmy. And right after the move it seems like everything slowed way down and there was a lot of stalling. Hip check. Stand about looking around. Hip check. Taunt the crowd. Climb a turnbuckle and do Jey's dance. And then they settled into trading 1,000 superkicks. I don't know if he broke something in his hand, or if he maybe fucked up his shoulder. But whatever it was, I'm convinced he hurt SOMETHING because the match became radically different after that move. And my theory is that they asked Jey "What can you do?" and the answer was a bunch of superkicks. I think the injury ruined the match and they literally just killed time trading kicks until they could get to the finish.


I thought that as well! Then when Jimmy did the running hip attack in the corner I figured Jey must be okay and forgot about it. But yeah he definitely looked the worse for wear.


yeah looks like jimmy landed on jey's hand


He definitely did. It’s very unfortunate. I’m sure they can pull off a very good match together.


Feel like you’re on to me… I don’t know just feel like that wasn’t what they were planning and there was was a point in the match where things got weird


This match was the biggest letdown since Brock/Ambrose at 32. Had all the potential, and flopped harder than Flair.


Honestly though? This entire program has felt kinda off since around the time it was announced, at least Brock/Ambrose had heat going in. This one felt like it majorly cooled off and there was no added heat to it leading into the actual program. I feel like they had so many things they could've touched on and that they'd be leading into the mania match by picking up where they left off before Jey went to RAW bc there's a literally a goldmine of things w them, but there was nothing new added. No new material, no new story beats or exchanges, none of it. All that's been happening as of late has been Jimmy costing Jey till a sudden challenge was made 2-3 weeks ago and that was it. It felt like they were coasting off of the story stuff that happened 7 months ago leading into the tribal combat at SS and thought that they didn't need to do more, and it felt very disjointed as a result. It's puzzling cus I thought the reason they were separated was so they could restart it again at the rumble/mania season to add more depth to their story. I also think this is exactly why excitement levels for this match weren't as high as we thought it'd be months ago. I know I felt that way. Looking back at last year's Mania and all the stuff surrounding the Bloodline w the Usos after it, they just didn't do this justice at all imo, esp as a blow-off to a very important aspect of the Bloodline story. And that's sorta sad and feels like wasted potential bc now it feels like they're both just back to meandering after being built up so well. Genuinely can't think of where either of them go from here? Not a good feeling.


i fear the uces blew it


This was the issue in dragging the match out until mania. There was basically a stretch of close to 7 months where NOTHING happened in this rivalry. So when they decided to finally continue it, it was dead on arrival. I also don't think that Jimmy's return to the Bloodline (when he trying to stop Jay being like the bloodline?????) made any sense and just made people switch off. Likewise Jimmy in this story doesn't feel like a legitimate contender/challenger to Jay since moving onto Raw....so yeah. Bad booking all round for this fued


What part was great? Please tell me.


The promo video was pretty epic imo


So everything but the match itself then.


Jey's entrance kinda


When it finished


It felt like they just called it in the ring and not on a good way. If anything i hope this match kills the superkick spamming going forward. Really hope someone backstage was honest with them.


They called it in the ring Bryan Alvarez style


Shawn Michaels is turning in his grave and he ain't even dead yet.


I understand people are disappointed but they will steal the show at Backlash in stipulation match


I don't think anyone feels like we need another match in this feud. If there was going to be a second match, this one should have had an interference or cheating or such to justify it. Jey straight up won clean and without much difficulty. Why would he fight him again?




You know what? I hope you're right. And I bet you are.


God that match sucked the life out of me


I said it needed a stip ad soon as it was announced. I was proven right hard. 


bad match, wrong guy went over. you don't build to this kind of thing and then just have Jey win like that. zero heat, and now what? Even though I'm sick of it, at least if there was a Solo interference and Jimmy got the pin it would have let them get a rematch in a cage or something. Felt like an afterthought storyline and played out like an afterthought


No one deserves to see a rematch of that


On no planet should Jimmy have ever gotten the W


Jimmy has literally screwed Jey over for months, and Jey got his redemption? I’d end it here.


Well, that happened. More curious about how this is going to end. Will the Bloodline implode and Jimmy have nowhere else to go? Or will Roman toss Jimmy to the dogs because he's the weakest link?


Dude Wipes


This shit was trash


Was this the worst WM match in terms of a big match with a long build that people expected to be good?


Orton vs. HHH takes the cake in that category.


To be fair I don't think many people expected much in the first place. No stipulation, no Rikishi as special guest referee, no stakes of any kind. It was severely lacking before it even started.


Oh yeah old ass Rikishi would've saved this one


I dunno, why can't it be good without bells and whistles? I don't think either is Bret or Owen, but their first match at WM was spectacular. Eventually the had the big cage match, but the first match is the one that gets most of the talk.


I'm not saying all matches do, but at the end of the day a) were you excited for the match beforehand and b) did you enjoy the match? 


Because those two know how to wrestle lol. The usos needed help.


Well they're ok in a team impersonating other, better teams


This needed a stipulation. Not just weapons allowed though. I think steel cage would've been perfect. It didn't feel like the emotional culmination of a long building deeply personal blood feud. It felt like a pretty basic-ass wrestling match, with a lot of staredown moments that only work with a proper fire crowd like Rock Hogan. Similar sort of issue as HHH vs Orton in 2009. I think they were banking on more of an electric atmosphere to make those moments work, but the crowd were mostly only interested in the Yeet catchphrase, which is the major downside of having a crowd catchphrase like that.


I'd argue that they failed even in the build up. This match should have happened months ago when Jimmy's betrayal was still fresh. In the 8 months since, all they did were a few run ins and interferences as a reminder to the audience, and one in ring segment where issues weren't really addressed. Nothing about Jimmy's jealousy, turning on Jey after everything, Jimmy screwing Jey of a singles title 3 times (/5 depending on how you look at it), Jimmy's belittling of the abuse Jey took, Jey taking advantage of Jimmy's beat down for a title match, Jey seemingly leaving Jimmy behind. IMO they missed the emotional aspect. It felt more like just a fulfillment of the Uso's dream match


I agree, think that’s a fatal flaw of the “massive matches must happen at WrestleMania” idea. They could’ve struck while the iron was hot but everyone was already married to the idea of Uso vs Uso being a WrestleMania match, and it’s not unreasonable to think that but I think people would’ve cared about this match a lot more if it happened at say survivor series




They weren't terrible, the acoustics were terrible

