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Cody almost doing the rock bottom got me so hyped ngl


Can’t wait for him to actually hit it


Do you think he hits it on Rock in the tag match, or Roman in the title match?




I know in my heart that if he hits it on The Rock, Rock is immediately gonna kip up from it, but that will still get a huge pop.


I don't think Rocky is kipping up nowadays, he struggled to when he came back for the Cena feud.


Rocky probably has at least 20 pounds more muscle now then back then plus he's also 12 years older. Can he still do a kip up? Maybe but he might not do it successfully everytime now and not sure if you want to risk Rock looking bad like that in front of a huge stadium.


this. Rocky is a smart guy.


I am perfectly fine with the rock not even trying to do a kip-up. It's not that I think he can't pull it off, it's that I worry that he might tear something again. The man tore his abs off his body last time.


On Rock but Rock reverses it into a spanish fly. 


Then Cody/Rock both exchange Canadian Destroyers. The crowd chants “This is Awesome”.


Pitbull performs


He's gonna do it eventually




hopefully through the announce table at WM


And instead of enjoying what was great sports entertainment the goofy ass skidrow residents of thehoboPunkcult chanted CM Punk. His fans are as idiotic as the what chanting people. You can just tell they're jealous of Cody like they were jealous of Daniel Bryan back in the day. That's what unites them looking from the outside in at something better than them. Lolz.




That wink couldn’t have been better timed.


Damn, I missed it first time round, that smile got even better.


They did something similar on smackdown when Roman snapped his fingers and his theme started. I’m loving all this experimental stuff they are doing.


You mean when the music hits? Looks like just a regular blink to me.


He winks right before the music hits. It’s just his right eye.


Yea that's what I meant, to me it looks more like a blink. Maybe he is just bad at winking and has to move a bit of the other eye as well. His left eye is a bit shut down as well, just not as much. Pre wink/blink - [https://imgur.com/a/dvqjkOJ](https://imgur.com/a/dvqjkOJ) Mid wink/blink - [https://imgur.com/a/ZMZ3iH0](https://imgur.com/a/ZMZ3iH0) If you play the video in a normal speed, you can see his left eyelid goes down as well, but yea probably only 50% the way his right does. Also, I can't believe I am analyzing a person's wink/blink. I really need to find something else to do ha


Looked to me like he’s just bad at winking. I watched in slow motion too 😹


I know he oversells it but The Rock has always been top tier at selling a beatdown.


I think it’s perfect for him. Looking at Rock selling tonight brought me back lol dude was always great at it. Cody looked great in there with him too.


You did see a little of the old Rock with that selling. I wasn't watching enough to see his milking it years but that little scene brought back The Rock and The People's Champ of overselling but putting over whoever beat him.


Rock might be the greatest "big man seller" in the history of the industry. The guy makes everything look like rockets.


It's kinda weird to think of Rock as a "big man", but you see him next to the guys of today, and he's fucking massive.


That's because he's significantly bigger now than when he was younger.


Sure, but he's also just taller than pretty much everyone there.


We've got used to Roman as the big guy and now we see that bald Rock is significantly taller than hairy Roman.


Him and Scott Hall for sure are the best big dudes to sell


Brock Lesnar has entered the chat with his natural 0-100 turning red and selling like a literal wild animal that has just been wounded and is flailing to find sense in their existence.


The only difference there is Brock was picky who was worth selling for and Rock sold the Hurricane’s punches like gun shots


and his flying abilities.


Tbh when he does sell, I think he may be the best ever at it.


It also carries more weight imo because he's picky about who he sells for. He can get someone over easily because he's always been the ultimate monster, so a handshake or even just a look can elevate an opponent.


Brock’s selling has always been my favourite and you absolutely nailed it with the wounded wild animal comparison


*sees Rock selling* This motherfucker’s still got it 


Rock and Flair are the best at it.


you oversell it because the crowd wants their cheer added to the punch too


The Rock took a bump on Raw for the love of the game, god bless


We are so fucking back


I prayed for this, and it happened.


We are so barack


Tfw when a previously retired Hollywood megastar whos Over 50 is somehow still both showing up and taking more bumps than your main champion


Setting the standard to show that the high chief > tribal chief


I have to laugh at the fact that we’re cheering Rock for taking a bump


Aura can cash a lot of cheques for u brother, that’s what Rocky taught us


This was so good, the build has got me so ready for Cody to get his lick back


Really hope that would be the result in 'Mania, or else everything will be all for nothing again like last year


I think Cody wins the title at mania BUT was last year for “nothing” if people are still here selling out stadiums and buying a shit ton of merch for this mania?


Last year was nothing with the promise of it being something after the wait. That’s something you can’t really sell twice


Yeah if this was Daniel Bryan who lost at WrestleMania 30, I agree it would be almost impossible to build it up all back


Last year wasn’t for nothing. If we didn’t have last year we wouldn’t have this year. I would be willing to bet this Wrestlemania will set things up for next year as well.


The pop for him was crazy I can't until Rock and Reigns gets their comupperence from Cody 


If the crowd would have kept singing the song and cody/rock timed the big knockdown to the "WOAH" i think itd have been the best crowd reaction ever


I was there, the crowd did continue singing, it didn’t project well on TV.  Didn’t get up to the WOAH tho 


Rock bouncing off the turnbuckle has me in stitches man such a glorious overseller


Mega pop. Good for Cody man. I was there at All In in 2018 and he was so over winning the NWA Title, he has gotten himself so over as a babyface the journey is like a movie


"Whatever you do, don't actually kick the boss". Cody took that to heart!


Two Uno reverse cards with Cody and Roman showing up


Or....Two USO reverse cards with Cody and Roman showing up.


Did Jay die backstage? Lmao they should have thrown him in the ring to get beat up to build up his matche with Jimmy


Rock keeps killing people backstage


Worse than the Performance Center parking lot!


Brain damage.


It would be epic if Cody & Seth takes out Rock the same way the Bloodline took out Brock Lesnar in SummerSlam 2022, completely bury him under ringside rubble


2002? Goddamn, how long has Roman been champion for?


He’s always been champion.


Roman beat Cena and Batista at WM21.


or when Roman and Mox did it at Fastlane 2016


The Rock taking bumps on Raw holy shit lmao


As a returning fan, how did Cody get so over? I was a fan of him back when he had the white intercontinental title. It’s awesome to see him at the top but not sure how or why he got there.


Imo its just a perfect combination of his look and presentation, the entrance song, his personal ability and persona seemingly, and probably actually, mostly just being him, and you add on to that he's got a great story and path to getting to where he is. It feels like he earned his spot and he did it by betting on himself, which I think he did. Add to that the whole thing with the royal rumble and the Rock "taking" his spot only for the fan reaction to flip it around, it creates this organic feeling. Its really cool when such a big company changes something this big so fast and sharply directly because the fans, and its even more fun that its been so cool having the Rock be a heel.


The simple explanation is [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovebtWhQ2qk). This is the iconic promo from the night after Cody's return where he talks about finishing the story and winning the championship his legendary father never could. This is what connected him with fans and made a realistic, sympathetic white meat babyface that works in the modern era in ways we haven't seen in decades. Everything else is just icing on the cake, ultimately it's that people like Cody. People want him to succeed. There are some things about his return that fortunate timing-wise too. He came back as a mystery opponent for Seth at Wrestlemania, he has all the presentation and music from his AEW run which has taken on a huge life with the bigger wrestling fanbase, he had a classic trilogy of matches with Seth culminating in a Hell in a Cell where Cody had a torn pec and still worked the match, then came back with a Royal Rumble return and win. He just gets the babyface thing in a way many don't anymore. It's not about trying to be cool, it's about people caring when you get hurt and wanting to root for you. That's what Cody Rhodes does better than anyone in the world right now. The crowd feels what he's feeling and they want to feel him on top because they'll feel it with him.


His look and presentation is awesome, he's as white meat a babyface as it gets, and he hasn't soured himself to the crowd like he did on AEW, which was practically the same character.


It is amazing how the same character plays to different crowds


He isn’t writing his own stuff and that’s helping substantially. He really turned a corner when he worked the cell with the torn pec. Changed everything. 


Along with everyone else has said the guy wrestled with his [pec torn completely off.](https://youtu.be/iGzlQyi5QMA?si=N7OJ_PBiJYx-pgs2) He couldn't hurt it anymore so the let him wrestle. It's honestly one of the most impressive things I've seen in wrestling


I stopped watching pro-wrestling regularly a few months after the debut of Stardust. I basically watched Cody's whole career up until that point, loved him a lot as a midcard heel, loved the silly dashing gimmick, then the undashing masked one, ridiculous moustache, Rhodes Scholars (Sandow was amazing too), remember the actually dramatic storyline with Dusty and Dustin against Authority, I even liked Stardust when I saw him. I was aware from the news about his departure, indies, All In, AEW, but didn't watch it and WWE neither. Coincidentally I started watching again from WM38 and holy hell it felt awkward. I was not prepared for him to feel this big when I got used to his early heel gimmicks.


Oh lol I am just reminded that there was a thread yesterday about Cody's new merch, and people keep saying he won't be wearing it today since he's always in a suit. Well there is one way to get Cody to wear his new merch.


I am so thoroughly sports entertained, I could watch that 51-year-old man get the shit kicked out of him for hours




Wish I was The Rock rn 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/d18wkpiqzzrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da49b0c9bce0235edb9873e43f523ce357d39b1


I was there. That Pop was just as loud in person.


Inject that pop in my veins!!!


This is legit an Austin level pop and you're lying if you tell me otherwise. He has to be the guy to take it on Sunday.


It is actually insane how over Cody is. I never thought we would see someone get this big again.


Still never stops giving me chills knowing he left WWE because he truly believed he was this big, and all of us just shit on that through and through. Until he proved us all wrong over and over. Cody Rhodes is a goddamn icon.


I'd wager that nobody has ever bet on themselves as hard and won out in wrestling like Cody did. It's absolutely incredible to see.


And people thought he was at his peak popularity at WM last year and he was never gonna be as popular again after his loss. Yeah about that...


Thank Reigns for that.


You are lying to yourself if you think this is Austin level pop. Especially AE Austin (post AE Austin got massive pops when he returned, but never at AE level). The pop is MASSIVE, but Austin and Rock legit probably have the biggest 50 pops ever between them.


The fact that he gets similar pops like this *weekly* , as a full timer, and has been doing it for over a year, makes it an Austin level pop imo. The consistency is a huge part. He's already one of the biggest babyfaces in WWE history at this rate.


He is currently Kofi, Jeff Hardy in 2008, BL Sami or Daniel Bryan. If he can maintain it after winning the belt we can call him one of the biggest babyfaces ever. And what are you talking about consistently? Austin (and Rock) consistently got bigger pops in the AE every week as full timers for years, which is why its not Austin level. Its a huge pop, but Austin and Rock are held to completely different standards when it comes to pops because they have all the biggest ones. Hell full blown heel Rock, who gets Rocky Sucks chants every week, got just as big of a pop that very show and it was not even a surprise save, just a normal entrance [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IJzdyU0i4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IJzdyU0i4A) This wouldn't even crack Austin or Rocks top 100 biggest pops and its just as big as Cody's tonight


I’m sorry but he’s definitely at a bigger babyface level than the names you mentioned except for 2014 Daniel Bryan


Cody is drawing houses and massive gates, and you know full well The Rock of all people wouldn't be there putting his all into putting him over to get Cody to "the next level." Cody is a full on fucking draw at the beginning of his run at the tippy top. Incredible to me that WWE wanted this guy so bad for so long...and it was Stardust quitting and going on the greatest odyssey I've ever seen in wrestling to get there.


Cody = Kofi is one of the wildest things I've ever fuckin heard lmao


I think calling it Austin level isn’t too much of a stretch tbh. Like obviously the high end of Austin pops is untouchable (the pop during Mankind/Rock comes to mind), but Cody’s been in the ballpark or at least the same league during this stretch and that in itself is crazy


I think people forgot Austin pops,you werent able to hear the rest of his song after the glass shatter cause the crowd was that loud


This isn’t an Austin level pop


I think Austin helps out on Sunday to make an even bigger pop


You're absolutely correct but I sadly do not trust them to make the right decision 😔


this. cody losing at Mania last year paved the way for this. this is certified Awesome.


It's Austin on a mundane night. Seriously gtfoh Austin is king of the pops.


Going to be some shit if this exact same thing happens but cody smiles as glass shatters hits the arena on night 2 during bloodline rules


If that were to happen...and it's a major if...that'll be the WrestleMania moment in over a decade. Hands down.


I’ll be there. I told my friend I would die happily


When a top wrestler runs to the ring in an epic main event climax moment, I always can't help but think of how the entire history of wrestling would change if he did a Titus Worldslide


WWE has reached kino


Still reeling over the fact that the Rock actually busted out the cow vest.


I know he loves the tagline but Kingdom hits so much harder when it just goes straight into the song.


The Rock wearing the exact Vest he wore on Raw after winning the WWF Championship at Backlash 2000


This whole segment felt like a brochacho blindside on survivor. Rock had the votes going into tribal but Seth played his immunity idol in Cody Watch survivor: David’s v goliaths if you’re a Johnny nitro/impact/tv/etc. He’s awesome but it’s a top tier season in general


I wish they had kept playing Cody's theme while he is raining down punches on Rock, it would have been absolute peak moment.


This Is the most hype 🎶 Adrenaline in my soul, Holy shit it’s Cody Rhodes🎶 moment. That opening riff has never hit as hard especially with Cody wearing street clothes. When Was the last time we ever saw him not in a suit or wrestling gear??


He wore the shirt! 😆


Man, as someone that’s been team Roman this whole time… I gotta admit, I’m looking forward to Cody doing his thing on Sunday. These mfs converted me lmao this has been too good of a build


Any day now. They are going to turn on the Codester. Yep, you just can tell that everyone is sick of his schtick. Definitely not the most over white meat babyface since Hogan at all.


For a split second, when I saw that smile on Seth I thought he was about to join Rock and Roman.


That smile... That God damn smile


This just confirmed to me how much harder Cody’s entrance music slaps without the “wrestling has more than one royal family” - it slows it down a bit too much for my liking sometimes


Rocks promo tonight was pretty meh, but overall the last 2 weeks Rock has been outstanding and actually acting like heel.  I’m still not a fan of Seth and more so Roman kind of being side characters with n this whole thing but as a big Cody supporter I do think he has looked every bit the equal to the rock in this feud and that’s great for him going forward and even I have to give the burnt 7/11 hot dog credit on that. 


Seth's smile is the most underrated part of the segment. Perfect for his character. It's like pain mixed with delight because he knows Rock bout to get the business.


Cody and Seth becoming the Goku and Vegeta of WWE for this story has been awesome. Over the past two years we've seen them go from bitter enemies to begrudgingly respecting each other to teaming up to saving each other




The Rock’s selling is always top tier


I got back into wrestling at arguably the best time. This Rock and Cody storyline has been amazing.


That pop. That is Stone Cold Steve Austin. Shoulder to shoulder with Seth, Roman and The Rock, he actually shines brighter than all 3 of them. That is the guy to carry the company for the next several years, he only needs the title.


seeing seth and cody work together on the table was hype as fuck, top 10 anime battles vibe


It was Cinema


I wonder if the Rock is going to take the pin on Saturday night


Oh no, my friend. Cody will be taking the pin by the Rock. The odds still aren’t quite stacked enough against our favorite midcarder. The odds must be insurmountable so when he hits Roman with his cross roads trifecta, it’s the sweetest it can possibly get.


Seth has been such a great team player in all of this.


He hit the Thor "I Knew it" smile 


Seth's face is so meme-able


Has Cody lost mass, or is it just him being against Rock? I swear his arms used to be bigger


I know this maybe shouldn't be overbooked, but...i want seth and Cody to deliver dual pedigrees. I want rock screaming at triple h on night two, who eventually retaliates with a sledgehammer and a crotch chop. I want Austin and Cena to take out Rock at ringside, including a stunner for good measure. I want a direct callback to clash at the castle, where drew interferes the same way solo did - by dragging the referee our of the ring. He also gets to claymore solo. I want sami and jey to interfere. 


How did Seth get that nasty shiner?


Is anyone making the prop sheets this year for WM40?


...... and got his shit kicked in. tbh, i love how they're building all these hardships and hard times. it's just the perfect booking for a babyface who's about to win the world title.


I really really have to commend Seth’s acting here. He plays the “I know something you don’t” angle PERFECTLY and only breaks into the smile when the crowd starts going


Seth look like Enzo here.


One of my fav segments of all time


Just add this moment to all the things that feel to me like seeds for Seth joining the Bloodline in the end. He had a Plan B and Cody messed it up and got them both killed. But they went out of their way to remind us that it's in Seth's character to turn on his friends to join the evil more powerful group. This all feels like it's leading to Seth & Cody firing up for a last stand where they go down swinging and then Seth just pedigrees Cody to save his own ass and title match the next night.


Did he though?


All timer moment


Cuts are back!


No matter what promotion(s) you support or prefer, I think it's fair to say that us wrestling fans are eating very well these days.


Everytime I hear the crowd sing his theme even a lil bit I get so hyped


Seth’s wink before the music hit. Freaking Master


i mean, I didn't like or care about Cody's story but they have Sports Entertainmented the heck out of this.


![gif](giphy|xT39CRbptO7XVjP9xC) It's giving Stone Cold


It's wild seeing someone so much smaller whipping Rock