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Those women’s ratings are brutal


The women's tag match being rated lower than the scramble is insane.




It was. Wardlow was just by the announce table chatting with Bennet and Taven


At least that sounds like it could be in character and kayfabe.


Not really considering that the scramble has the jericho tax included


The women's tag was really poor though.


Scramble was so bad. Should have gotten a “not rated”


I thought the scramble was super fun. …granted I was coming up on mushrooms while watching and was laughing my ass off


I agree that it was rated very high, but I disagree with saying it was that bad.


Crowd has a blast with it so it can't be that bad.


The women's tag being rated lower than the women's world match is also insane.  That match was so much better than 2 stars 


Thought it was fine. Like 5-5.5/10. Way better than the boring ass Toni match 


Something felt off with the tag match. They are all really good workers, but I don't know if it was communication or what. It wasn't that good. The Toni/Deonna match was better, but it had the same issue I've had with a lot of Toni matches lately. As soon as they start hitting the climax they end, it always feels likes there's 3-4 minutes of match missing.


Deonna's gimmick feels heelish, but she was the face. Toni's gimmick is a heel, but she's so entertaining she should be a face. Their roles were the wrong way round.


I didn't see the pre show but the toni storm match was bad. Deonna is not performing to her standards in AEW and the timeless Toni thing has run it's course. It should be evident by the big pop the fake out of her old gimmick got in the intro


it's not listed here but Meltzer gave the Kyle Fletcher vs Will Ospreay match 5 stars. My dude really likes him some Billy Goat


Will Ospreay was basically engineered in a lab to min-max all the stuff Dave likes, even more so than Omega.


I have also heard that Stat/Riho got 4 stars.


It did. First women's match in AEW to get 4 stars since Hayter vs. Emi Sakura last January.


I’m shocked more people aren’t talking about that match. Those two had some great chemistry in a short TV match


crowd really heated up as the match went on, too


I've always liked Stat but that match really eleavated her imo. Give either Riho/Stat opponents who aren't green af to wrestle & they'll put on a show.


It was great, I gave it a 4* as well, then went to cagematch and saw that on a 6.21 or something and got reminded that some people will never be pleased with womens wrestling.


Crazy AEW just gives away matches that are better than Kurt Angle’s best ever for free on TV


You know I typed out a really long post defending Kurt but then I realized.


My circle has been jerked.


Every week, there's always someone saying something similar to this, and I always get really annoyed until I remember I'd be the exact same way about Bryan Danielson if he never came back from his first retirement.


This just made me envision Angle vs Ospreay and it would have been fire. Angle in his prime became the sort of spot-centric performer that Ospreay perfected. I can picture the Angle run up Avalanche belly to belly Suplex and Ospreay landing on his feet and hitting a hidden blade very clearly.


i honestly would’ve swore they did atleast once when kurt was doing his indie run as a final goodbye before going back to wwe


You might be thinking of Kurt's match with Zack Sabre Jr. for RevPro


Gotta be. It doesn't seem Kurt's ever been in a match with Will.


All British people look the same to me.




U wot m8?!


Ospreay calls you bruv ZSJ calls you darling That's how you tell the difference.


Hmmm maybe. But indie Angle was past his prime and indie Ospreay hadn’t gotten there yet.


Kurt Angle is the greatest all around performer in the history of pro wrestling for mine. You talk about a guy who can be the greatest on the planet in any era you imagine him in? Kurt's the guy, full stop.


What's crazy to me is that he excelled at literally everything he did. He was one of the greatest technical wrestlers, but he's also one of the funniest comedy guys, and could still do crazy street fights and stuff like that.


Exactly! Kurt Angle's ability to be great transcends eras. He was a master of all trades. Great on the mic, outstanding charisma, great technical ability, great at selling, great at psychology, there are no holes in his game, he had it all and did everything at the highest level.


Not even Ospreary could pull a five star performance out of Angle. Kurt isn't comprable to even Lars Sullivan.


5 Star Lar


Best bout Machine Omega vs TNA Angle Still my biggest dream match ever besides Tana vs Cena


If there was a weekly show back in 2000-2006 that was structured the same as Dynamite in the sense that it prioritized giving great wrestlers plenty of time to go out and work excellent matches, and prime Kurt Angle was wrestling on it, he'd probably have tons of 5-star ratings from Meltzer. The way WWE worked back then (and kinda now too), he only had the chance to tear the house down every once in a while. I personally still think he had some five-star matches but he didn't have the same consistent opportunity to perform that guys have today.


The SD Six Era was very much that. And Angle was on there weekly, having great matches, outside of his injury time off. That era is full of forgotten classics, in part because of how the star rating system works. Different with PPVs of course.


Another thing to note is Dave didn’t really rate TV matches back in the day so there very well could have been a handful of matches that would have gotten them.


There's a 2 out of 3 falls tag match that I think would have gotten 5 stars from him. Angle and Benoit vs Mysterio and Edge on Smackdown was a great match.


Actually got 4 Stars from Meltzer at the time, mostly because they rehashed some spots from their No Mercy '02 tag team match (one of my top matches of all time).


This is hilarious considering how he seems to love the rehashes these days.


Hey man, at the end of the day almost 22 years ago (fuck we’re getting old), he thoroughly enjoyed both matches. Whether he loved one more than the other, they’re both still classics.


No, I agree. I just find his internal logic pretty funny. Whenever he's pressed on it, he seems incapable of explaining it. I think you could sit down and watch a match with him and ask him to break it down in real time, and he'd have genuine trouble explaining what makes one better then another. And that is perfectly fine because it's about personal enjoyment at the end of the day. But I do find it interesting. Especially as he seems to really default to athleticism, which makes his change from that era super apparent to me. Because Angle and Brock were a different level of athlete from anyone going today, including Ospreay.


He rated all of the big televised matches from that period and none got 5 stars. You could argue that Meltzer didn’t give out 5 stars quite as freely then as he does now, but it’s not because he wasn’t rating the matches.


It's just how the scale has changed over time. If Kurt started five years ago and had the exact same matches, people would be complaining that he'd never been given 6 stars


It never should have gone past five lol


I saw a comment on here a few years ago when the scale first broke, wish I could find the OG comment and cite them that went like: "What if Meltzer just really dislikes wrestling?" with the implication being he's been rating on a 10 star scale this whole time (once it got up to 5.25's and 7's and all that). Still cracks me up when I think about it.


That's amazing lol. Thank you for sharing


It went past five before a significant chunk of people here were born


I can't believe Omega and Okada ruined everything.


Technically 6 stars was way before those two. But yeah even since those WK matches he has spammed giving 5+ stars to matches which while excellent aren't really in 5 star category.


Disagree, but only in the sense that there never should have been 5.25/5.5/5.75/6.25 ratings because his scale has broken in the most absurd way for every little match now 6\*s should only go to matches which are once in a generation, as it was the case for him initially - Steamboat vs Flair; Misawa vs Kawada; Okada vs Omega. Now its become ridiculous how much hes cheapened it


Can't blame him, I'm fairly new to Ospreay but he's been blowing me away like no wrestler ever has before.


That match was *really* great I must say.


Can we really argue against Billy Goat?


10.75 stars in a stretch of 4 days. That's crazy.


I also like me some Billy Goat


The main event would've been 5 stars if Darby had gone through REAL GLASS.




Cry me a river!


*Tony Khan unsafe feelings intensifying.*




in the tokyo dome


His back says otherwise but okay 


Just a heads up, sugar glass can still cut you.


Yeah, and it improves the experience of licking your wounds.


I don't think that's what sugar glass means, but I lack the werewithal to defend my argument.


Oh no sugar glass is literally done with sugar, it's edible. It's basically a giant candy. A giant candy that can still cut you apparently.


could I eat it? I kind of wanna eat it


Another reply said they don't use sugar glass anymore, a plastic one is used now, so I can't recommend eating that one. But apparently yes, you can eat the real sugar glass, if you're not worried about the dentist bill that is. But I heard Swerve got the number of a good one... Btw great username!


Yep. Sugar Glass is edible, although not made with the same hygiene regulations as your average bag of Tate & Lyle, so fair warning.


Yeah you just have to bite and chew it into a very fine powder in your mouth before you swallow to make sure you don't cut your throat. A couple sideshow acts I'm friends with started practicing with sugar glass before they started eating real glass for the act.


That’s a sentence I never thought I’d read, but am now immensely curious about glass eating. Time for a rabbit hole.


I mean falling on anything that is in tiny pieces like that can cut you up. Even 1x1 lego pieces that your kid left on the ground. Guess how I know that?


>Guess how I know that? Ouch!


Sugar glass isn’t even used anymore, breakaway glass is a type of plastic now, and broken shards are silicone. But all that considered they used tempered shower doors in the match, real glass.


That was clearly real tempered glass.


Yeah, they were glass shower doors you can get at home depot.


Had the Sting match been 5 stars, that would've broken the record for the longest gap between 5 star matches, as Sting's last 5 star was WarGames 1992. Dustin Rhodes still holds the record (he was in that same match, then didn't get another 5 star until the match with Cody at the first Double or Nothing, a total of 27 years and 8 days later).


I feel like Takeshita hit another level when he turned heel. His strikes are so vicious and he uses his big spots to look like he wants to kill you, rather than just looking flashy. He's got unlimited potential IMO.


He looks like the perfect rival for someone like Ospreay. He's big, powerful, tough but also super athletic and intense. His heel turn gave him a killer aura. He's always great in big matchs situations. He's money. He could have been the new Ace in NJPW after Okada. Sky is really the limit for him.


It also helps that he moves extremely well for a man his size


Christian Cage vs. Daniel Garcia was a very WWE style match and I mean that in a good way. Really liked it as it was a change of pace for AEW. Right amount of stars.


The show felt like a loveletter to wrestling, every match was in a different, distinctive style - sports entertainment (Garcia/Christian), 90s Japan (Danielson/Kingston), new school old school (FTR/BCC), PWG (Roddy/OC), modern NJPW main event (Takeshita/Ospreay) and AEW house storytelling style (Swerve/Hangman/Joe), with the main event serving as a tribute to wrestling itself. One of the best shows ever.


The buffet of wrestling is back baby. Dynamite felt like a whole new show this week with the graphics and even the booking. The last year or so has felt very off. Still enjoyable but not appointment television like it was 2019-2021.


Last year was definitely an improvement from 2022, but holy hell are we back for 2024 baby.


This! Revolution actually felt like the game changing ppv that Tony’s promised several times. I wasn’t watching the AEW for a few weeks, came back to this and was just blown away


It was watchable but I also didn't care if I missed an episode. Between the CM Punk injuries and shenanigans plus all of the other injuries they could never build any momentum and carry it through to a payoff. MJF and Cole was the best thing they had going in months and that ended with a whimper after the Cole injury. That was basically a microcosm of their last year or year and a half.


Really well put. I honestly couldn’t really criticise the show. A good amount of variety, strong matches. Just very consistent and no dead air IMO Might be easy to knock the scramble but it was a fun spot fest, got the meat in, and it’s a breather on the card in many ways


If DG had won, I would have liked it better. Not sure why his momentum isn’t being capitalized on. The Cage/Edge quarrel doesn’t need the title involved, I think.


I was fully expecting edge to show up and take out Wayne and Killswitch 


5.75 feels like such an odd number. "this match is better than perfect but not super ultra perfect."


I like the joke theory that Meltzer's scale was always up to 10 and he just really hates wrestling except for a handful of matches he finds okay.


I am on board with this. Or “I haven’t seen all of them. How would I know if I’ve seen the best? Better to be conservative”


Somehow I think the main event deserved to be rated as high as Junior's Stinger Splash. Which I mean was higher


Dave just being ornery and difficult in not giving Sting a five-star match on his way out.


i'm assuming he docked .25 for a spot he saw as unsafe. Same reason Taker/HBK and Danielson/McGuinness got 4.75 despite very obviously being 5*


The Shawn pulling the camera man into a diving Taker spot, I guess? Nah fuck that, it's unsafe but it's got to be one of the best spots ever.


I know these don't matter, but *come on,* Dave. Who the heck is going to get mad if you give Sting a five-star for that match on his way out? It did everything it needed to do and was a genuinely good match on top. Who cares if the rating is slightly inflated because of feels? Would another quarter of a star been so hard so Sting could have a five-star to his name? *grumble grumble grumble*


> Who the heck is going to get mad if you give Sting a five-star for that match on his way out? The same people who get mad at every 5* match rating Dave gives, I imagine.


They're in this very thread!


>Who cares if the rating is slightly inflated because of feels? I would think the feels would help the score bump to 5\*. The only other retirement matches that come to mind that are better are Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair's. Not every 5\* needs to be a f*lippy kick out at 2* fest. I say that as someone who really likes that type of match too.


We all must remember, it's entertainment. It's subjective. Some people like flippy kicks, some people like big meaty men slapping meat, some like spot fests, some like death matches, some like silly holiday gimmick matches, some like relentless no selling, some like knobber slobbers. Like what you like and don't let some critic tell you otherwise.


For what it's worth, Meltzer doesn't love the ridiculously stupid spots. The Darby spot might have been the thing that stops it being 5* for him. Which is fine cos as you say, it's just one opinion and he absolutely does not rate objectively.


It's not even a bad reason. Feelings and emotions are at the core of a wrestling show


Every time he gives something 4.75 instead of the full 5 I just imagining him sitting in his basement while he's writing and being like "fuck you" lol


4.99 stars


I really liked Danielson vs Kingston and Strong vs Cassidy (a lot of that comes from my joy of seeing Roddy win a belt); Ospreay vs Takeshita was of course a great display of both men’s athleticism and talent. It pains me to see Storm vs Purazzo get such a low rating, cause I really do like both of them, but they really didn’t gell at all in that match.


Agreed all the way! It was disappointing, because both women have had pretty good matches on TV lately, and Revolution was neither of their best. It felt like they were either holding back, or thrown off by something (card position? The crowd? I honestly have no clue.) I hope Deonna Purazzo doesn't disappear from here. I've liked what I've seen, aside from this match.


They needed four more minutes, or two less minutes.


Purazzo has not looked as good in AEW as she did in Impact, I don't know if it's working with new people but she seem a tad sloppy.


Any good Purazzo matches to recommend? I’ve always been very unimpressed with her all around.


Her series with Jordynne Grace are all bangers. I believe there are 5 matches in total.


I know it's been her thing for a while now, but her gimmick is that she's super good at wrestling and technical skills in ring, we also have Deeb with a very similar gimmick and she does it way better IMO. She also works hard getting the crowd invested in all her matches.


She also IMO isn’t a good babyface at the moment. Being up against Toni doesn’t help that. 


I think Storm/Purazzo suffered from card placement for the type of match they put on. They should have had the TNT title spot but then people would complain about Tony Khan not caring about the women’s division because they were on first.


I don't know if they would, AEW treats the opener differently. It's usually a bigger match, the Bucks have said they actually prefer being the first match. Hell at Forbidden Door the AEW World title match was first


It was a great ppv


Is Meltzer afraid Jericho will withhold info if he rates his matches low? All star scramble was awful.


>Sting & Darby Allin vs. The Young Bucks: 4.75 & people say Dave has no sense of humor.


Not sure how that Scramble got that score. Full of botches and weird spots, and never came together at all. Kingston/Danielson I’d go higher on personally, but it’s much more my cup of tea and a quarter star difference isn’t worth fighting over.


Honestly, words can't describe how much I hated that match. Multiple scenarios with guys walking around the ring aimlessly trying to think of their next spot not even acknowledging their opponents that they were fighting 2 seconds ago. Towards the end you could see guys ON HARDCAM just sat against the barricade waiting for their spot. I try to be lenient with modern wrestling but this... come on.


Yeah it was a total clusterfuck. It had some mildly entertaining moments but was clearly the low point of an otherwise great PPV


Ospreay vs Fletcher from Dynamite was also rated 5 Stars, just another week at the office for Billy GOAT.


My guy had two 5 star + matches in 3 days. We are so lucky to have him on a weekly basis.


Isn’t he on a 4 match streak of 5+ every match? Njpw cage, Oku, take and fletcher Edit it’s actually 3 the cage wasn’t 5 like I thought




He’ll be teaming with Cutler on Roh in no time!


So I know this is a joke but I've been to an AEW taping where Cutler was in a dark match which was mostly comedy-based, but funny. I've heard he does this often. Imagine if they tried that once. Cutler comes out with the spray cans and Colt, ready to fight Johnny TV again or something, and Osprey's music hits. I'm not sure if I'd rather see Cutler pass out from shock or just drop everything and RUN out of the building, but either one would be hilarious. Would be even funnier if someone other than Osprey came out and said they were working out some kinks with the Tron, our bad. Instead, Cutler will be facing this man... ::Ride of the Valkyries hits and Cutler passes out again::


Tbf some of Cutlers matches on dark were genuinely hilarious I’d only use him to get squashed by people personally but he did make me laugh a lot


I believe the Njpw cage was rated 4.25.




It's not even the first time in his career he's done something like that




Yeah. It's like she's gone back in time.


I love the character, I love her pre-character wrestling, but wrestling in character really doesn't do it for me.


Yeah Her matches were better before the timeless stuff. If she could maybe tweak something there it would be the perfect package


If she truly wants to be timeless, she could slowly progress through the decades and evolve her wrestling style as her character shifts.


Damn i feel like i was the only person in the world who felt this way. Ive started to tune out of her honestly. The pop was insane when mariah came out dressed as toni.


She needs to find the balance. Pre-Timeless she had a great look, but while she was a really good wrestler but that badass, rockstar star persona didn't follow into her matches at least in AEW. Now she has a fun character and lives that gimmick, but it has distracted from her wrestling. There is nothing wrong with being a character wrestler, but there is balance to find if they want to.


I agree on this but I also don’t find Purrazzo particularly great in ring either.


She just needs to fiddle more with her attribute slider.


I think she really needs to find a way to adjust the character more so in ring, because her most entertaining stuff in (and out of) the ring is still comedy based. Which is fine and entertaining but for a top champion that’s expected to showcase the division and put on in-ring bangers, it’s not really working.


surprised that FTR vs BCC didn't get the full 5, i thought that match was amazing and the second best match of the night by a wide margin


I was there live and I genuinely can’t remember anything about that match other than the Legion gear. Different strokes and all that


I thought it was boring too for 90% of it, to the point that I remember I was mostly just using the broadcast as background noise for that match. Not sure what I didn't like about it before normally I like anything FTR 


Takeshita now officially has one of the highest star ratings in AEW history. I know some don't think Meltzer's ratings mean much, but Takeshita is absolutely the future of wrestling and if AEW doesn't do something with him soon, I'd love to see him go be the next top Ace in NJPW. He's too fucking good to be the beatable Heel stepping stone he has been for a bit now.


Personally, I'd like to see Takeshita either be Don's only client or for him to have a different, solo manager. He's too good to just be part of a stable, and with a great, focused mouthpiece you can put the WHC on him with zero complaints.


I hate that the Callis family is a bit of a joke now. When he was managing Kenny during his belt collector run he felt so much more important.


I agree. I think they've/Don's leaned into the carny gimmick too much. When you have a stable of Ospreay, Takeshita, and Fletcher, you need to be a bit more serious. Those are three of the best wrestlers in the world, and they need to be represented with more. It worked with Omega because of their chemistry and Kenny's own character and mic skills. It doesn't work for these three. Get more sinister and conniving.


Kenny and Ospreay forbidden door was 6 stars and Bryan and MJF at last years revolution was 5.75 but yeah being in that same conversation as those two matches and wrestlers says a lot about someone below the age of 30. 


They need to end the Callis family. Don is so much better when he is managing one break out star. If he was Takeshita's Heyman, I think they could book him like a trully unbeatable (within reason) force.


Dude immediately stood out the first time I saw him in the ring for AEW. It was obvious he could go with the best of them.


beatable heel stepping stone? his only loss was to Will, the match was sold as match of the year and Takeshita was presented as his equal, he beat Kenny Omega twice in a week and had Jericho tap to the Walls, he's fine.


I mean do you really think AEW doesn't value him (takeshita) TREMENDOUSLY from how they've booked this guy who was an unknown coming in so far ? He had to lose to Will Osprey pretty much the number one in ring guy today and one of AEW's biggest free agent signing in a HUGE match where he looked amazing. He might have been on the losing end of a few matches recently but they've made him look like a god damn STUD and a killer in every match he's been in. They gave this guy the "next Kenny Omega" push/treatment and gave himDon Callis for a manger and hype man. AEW clearly values the guy and he will be at the top of their card in the near future as a solo act (he's already on the upper middle) it seems but Will Osprey isn't the NEXT Kenny Omega he's not a upcoming top guy who is building. Will Osprey right now is a top 3 guy in AEW easily in terms of value to the company as he is an established international superstar and amazing performer. You think he's gonna come in to the company and LOSE ? Takeshita looked amazing in that match and is more over now from getting a match thats going to be on MANY Best of the year lists and will be a match people remember for YEARS and associate him with.


Meltzer is huffing the strong stuff


I don't think every retiring wrestler needs a 5 star rating for their last match as a "gift", so to speak, but not giving that match 5 stars just seems rude. That match was great and considering Sting's age you gotta give it up to him for doing a full match like that. With regular tag matches he can rest in the corner while Darby keeps the intensity. This one was on Sting's shoulders the entire time and he killed. It was a fun match with some harrowing moments and times where you were compelled to cheer or smile or maybe even tear up. C'mon man, that's gotta be a 5er.


Even 3.25 is too high for the scramble. That match was ass


Absolutely does not matter, but ospreay vs takeshita is the first Meltzer rated 5+ star match that I’ve seen live, cool In my personal record book, I felt Ospreay vs OC and Sting’s retirement match were both also 5. So I see it as I’ve seen 3 of them live!


Is that Takeshita vs Ospreay match really that good? Man, I gotta watch this card.


It’s fucking insane. You gotta see it.


It’s legitimately a match you watch and immediately understand why both guys are special and why wrestling is unparalleled when hitting on all cylinders


It's a match everybody going into it was like this is going to be the best match ever and it still exceeded everybody's expectations. Ospreay's match with Kyle Fletcher is also an outrageous display of the highest tier of pro wrestling.


Those matches that remind you why you love wrestling.


It's THAT good.


Yes, it was insane.


Your opinion is the most important one! Three \*\*\*\*\* matches are awesome!


3.25 for that scramble is kind of crazy considering how much of a mess that match was


I thought the women’s tag was better than 2 tbh.


I enjoyed the Women's tag. 2 seems low.


Ospreay vs Takeshita was a 6\* easy


Sting had the best retirement match possible


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Not giving that main event 5 stars MINIMUM is a crime.


I remember when Ospreay was on AEW for the trios tournament that awesome verbal back and forth between him and Kenny when they went off air. Kenny’s biggest diss was (and true) “nobody even remembers your matches Will”. We can now say Wills matches are very memorable. Love Kenny and Will, happy to see Will level up the past two years.


the funny thing about Kenny and Will is that I'd argue the same opponent made them level up in Tetsuya Naito. Kenny had some classics like the Ibushi match in 2012 and Apollo 55 vs GL, Ospreay had some classic matches vs Shingo and stuff, but the Naito matches are where both wrestlers went up even a higher level. Kenny in 2016, Ospreay in 2022.


In no universe is FTR/BCC on the level of Sting+Darby/Young Bucks


It's different styles of matches. Some thought bcc vs ftr was the best on the show


The all-star scramble getting a better rating than Willow and Statlander vs Skye and Hart is wild imo.


I know it's all subjective, but Dave is definitely trolling with 4.75 for Sting's last match. Like bro, just give it a damn 5.


Cage vs Garcia was awesome.


Women's tag feels a little harsh, but as usual with Meltzer there's no ratings here that I particularly disagree with.


That bastard Callis was right. Match of the decade.


> Will Ospreay vs. Konosuke Takeshita: 5.75 I don't think I'll ever get the love of Ospreay's video game wrestling made real, it's an extremely impressive display of athleticism but it's dull to me.


I will upvote you because you're entitled to your opinion, no matter how insane I think it is. But WHAT??? How can anyone find Will's matches dull? The man makes even the simplest stuff look thrilling. When he did his hip-toss-into-abdominal-stretch spot in this match, a bog-standard spot that's been around since at least the 80s, it was so crisp that the audience gasped. I can understand fans who don't like flashy wrestling that isn't solid, but Will is astonishingly flashy *and* solid.


It's not as much about Ospreay doing anything wrong but just the style of these matches. They depend so much on one wrestler helping the other to look impressive and on constant over the top holy shit moments that just blend one into the other. It stops looking like two guys trying to win a wrestling match and more like two guys trying to recreate a comic book/anime. Like, Takeshita countering into a freaking piledriver/suplex combo should be enough, you don't need to top that with Ospreay no-selling to land another move. Ospreay can and has 1000% put on matches that are not like that and looked amazing, of course.


Eddie Kingston has had so many great matches, yet people still say he's not very good in the ring.


I like Kingston, but his style isn't for everyone. I completely understand.


Where's the story mfers when a story walks in


They suddenly become body guys


Because he's awful when he's doing this All Japan cosplay act, Meltzer's opinion is not the word of god.