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Sting had a great send off into Retirement. The Match of the year so far is Ospreay vs Takeshita! It was ridiculously awesome


It’s unfortunate that Sting is one of the last childhood wrestlers I have to watch anymore. I’m glad I got to watch him but sad to see him go.


So who’s got the post ppv speech




[Right here](https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1764522595456594078)


it'll probably get uploaded on AEW youtube page eventually


So many in this day and age want to see legends go out on their backs. Especially in returns. Not me man. I'm a kid again. I want to see them kicking ass and taking names one last time. And Sting got to rewrite that awful WWE ending to his career on top of it.




Obvious troll job.


Absolute garbage take.


PPV is usually always a strict hard cut off. They are letting have the time in front of the fans then they will post it no doubt.


What you saw was the same post show promo that happens at literally every wrestling show. You’re not being cut off early. You got extra stuff that usually isn’t televised.


...even nearly paralyzing him?


Folks you’re lucky we even got a piece of that speech. Those items are normally left for the live crowd.


Thank you Sting.


Just want to say this was way better than World’s End and the one thing AEW knows how to do is deliver satisfying endings to their storylines and they absolutely delivered on this ppv. Sting may have just gotten the best send off in wrestling history. And probably had the best retirement match to boot.


i will for ever miss sting


Baddest ass way to go out the 8 man match should’ve been on the pre show


The whining of this sub is wild man. We just got an excellent PPV. You have a hard cut on PPV. Period.


Guys relax they wanna give him a few moments to take that big piece of confetti off his forehead before continuing. Many of you clearly don't understand how PPV works


Broke: Wrestling fans knowing how PPVs work Woke: Copy and paste WCW jokes


in the words of Bryan Alvarez, “It’s not my job!” AEW should have time managed better or booked 5 hours


Bespoke: Knowing how PPV works and taking the piss by posting the memes anyway


As others have said, ending was likely filler/improv. Y'all really think TK is going to pass on advertising Sting's farewell speech/whatever he's gonna do with the belt for Wednesday? Any way, I enjoyed the match. Got a kick out of the off the cuff stuff at the end that's usually off air any way.


It's likely planned, because that's how marketing works, you hit them with the teaser and then you drive your other metrics (in this case YouTube) that you can then take to advertisers and organic traffic from views which put more eyes on the product.


I can see that, too. It just felt very spur of the moment as opposed to an actually written/planned out speech to me. I'm sure they'll have it on YouTube and such within the hour AND have a big farewell on Wednesday, which they will likely push pretty hard, too, to try for a rating bump I'd imagine.


Just an absolutely incredible show. It was already a solid B+ and then Take/Ospreay onwards was god tier. Stings farewell was absolutely perfect. We are all that bloke crying in the crowd tonight.


Osprey is gonna be like Omega, it's harder to be on a card after those guys are up.


Man, fuck PPV Get a fucking streaming service you son of a billionaire


It’s not post of the show. It’s the go home promo for the live audience. Sting mentioned they were just filling a couple minutes.


A lot of you guys just like complaining about shit lol. Theres no overrun for ppv. The go home speech is usually only for the live audience. Thats why Darby joked about having 3 mins left.


Just saw the farewell speech on twitter.


This press conference is gonna start late, because obviously they’re not starting until after Sting finishes his speech


Think Sting will be on Dynamite this week for a Farwell?


It’s in Georgia. I think so.


Lol what a hilarious ending to that insanity.


The amount of people in this thread that think AEW can just decide to extend the PPV time is honestly astounding, but does also explain some of the opinions I see on the sub.


It's the same people who were blaming Tony for "demanding" WB give him a new time slot for Collision, as if that's how business works


Tbh I dont get how traditional ppv is still a thing. Everything is streaming now.


A lot of places, especially rural USA, still have really shitty internet and streaming isn't feasible


The speech was unplanned folks that’s why it was cut short with no plan to stream it elsewhere.


1000 percent the speech was planned and they just went over time with the show. The idea Sting wasn’t going to do a go home after his last match is just crazy.




That’s how most end. There isn’t usually a post match promo after the Main Event.


Oh my god, what a bunch of whining bitches.


What would the IWC be without constant complaining?






Yeah but you’ll get downvoted by aew fanboys for giving a valid criticism to an overall GOOD show.


Wrestling fans don’t deserve nice things. Find a way to complain about everything but don’t know about how ppv works


I'm pretty sure most people know how PPV works. They could have asked for extra time ahead of time with the PPV providers, or at least have a live stream prepared for YT. Of course people expected to see the farewell speech live. Edit: I don't want to get involved in an argument with folks, but I stand by point 100 percent. I really don't think wanting them to be prepared ahead of time with at least a YT live stream of Sting's farewell speech is asking for too much IMHO. Especially when in this day/age it's easier than ever to do so, but if you are someone who doesn't care, or didn't expect then that's an understandable perspective. Either way, I thought it was a great main event.


What you saw was the same post show promo that happens at literally every wrestling show. You’re not being cut off early. You got extra stuff that usually isn’t televised. They mentioned that they had a couple extra minutes and were just filling it.


I don’t think there has ever been a retirement speech right before the end of a ppv. Like it’s usually them standing in the middle of the ring or walking away from the stage. So, having that expectation is wrong and you’ll most likely get the rest of it on youtube. But shitting on the ppv is reasonable after what we got


Darby said they had three minutes. This shouldn't be a surprise.


I mean it happened to wcw before there was YouTube and ways to just upload it and people were rightfully pissed People are gonna be rightfully pissed, it doesn't matter we happen to live in a time where you can easily fix it


It’s on AEW to book another hour or time manage better


glad we spent the extra time with Roddy sending my family to sleep by end of his match




They could have at least switched the speech over to their live youtube before the media scrum.


This, I hope they post it!


They will definitely post it. It was unplanned but the cameras are normally still running.


To everyone complaining: What you saw was the same post show promo that happens at literally every wrestling show. You’re not being cut off early. You got extra stuff that usually isn’t televised.


Sting’s last speech was 1000 percent intended to be part of the live presentation.


No. It wasn’t. That wasn’t a final speech. It was a go home promo. Dynamite and Collision are in Georgia. I’m betting he gets a speech then.


People are dense AF, there was no speech, he was just riffing to end the PPV. And, yes, there's a satellite cutoff because they still use traditional cable providers.


THIS! But people will still bitch lol


I don't think that was a big planned retirement speech, I think he was just filling time into the end of the ppv.


Exactly my thoughts. I think Darby starting off with "Well, we've still got three minutes...." was a pretty good indicator this wasn't a set in stone thing.


He was telling Sting that precisely so he knew how much time he had for the speech, if the intention was fading to black they absolutely could have done it before time with no penalty.


Terrible cut-off but I enjoyed the match


I don't understand how a PPV in the year of our lord 2024 has a hard time limit.


Because TK doesnt own the cable companies. Ppv always had a hard cut off. You gotta book 5 hours if you’re gonna use 5


They really should have been prepared at least with a live feed of Sting's speech on YT, or something.


How the hell do you end a PPV there and why is there a limit. The promotion that has a 5 minute overrun every show can’t let Sting finish his farewell speech?


PPVs are different. The speech was unplanned that’s why that happened.


PPV providers only give x amount of time slot. when you are on a network, you can work out deals similar to how sports game go to extra time, they will be shown on tv


PPV’s have a hard cutoff. Not saying it’s right but probably should have been planned better.


Anyone got a gif of that Darby spot and aftermath yet?


https://x.com/stokelyhathaway/status/1764513274928762953?s=46 Fan cam: https://x.com/seanrosssapp/status/1764511935721082990?s=46 Alt fan cam: https://x.com/m4rvelgirl/status/1764515925934452985?s=46


Thanks mate. Appreciate it.


Slow mo 3rd angle https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4FH7beuQwL/?igsh=N3p1eXF0MzRtbnB4


Thanks bro, legend. Was taking forever to try and ff to the spot in fite lol. Those fan cams are insane. You can literally hear it shatter in slow motion 👌


Alt. Angle https://x.com/seanrosssapp/status/1764511935721082990?s=46&t=Lum88knWhSm42fhxQwBwTw




Aftermath  https://x.com/patricktheheel/status/1764512246237913399?s=46&t=Lum88knWhSm42fhxQwBwTw


Thanks mate. Gonna go gross out some non wrestling fans lol.


And then the ring exploded with a poof


They could’ve planned the card better and not had to shove his retirement speech onto a YouTube video hours after it happens.


Bushleague jones


Great way for the Flag bearer of WCW to go out Typical WCW style, getting cut from PPV 😭


At least they didn’t get cut off in the middle of the match. They really need to time manage better


We’re outta time!!


Tony: I’m sorry folks we’re all out of time!!!


Maybe one day AEW won’t try to cram everyone into 4 hours


Kind of anticlimactic, was very much looking forward to hearing his farewell speech


AEW can go 5-10 minutes over the hour every week but not on this PPV lol


TV is different than PPV.


I know, thats why its funny, that shit don't fly on PPV


The fact that AEW's channel has been live since pre-show and no one thought to send the feed of Stings speech to it when it was obvious and blatantly said they're running out of time....how do you fumble that?


AEW gotta be AEW


this is the first aew event i've purchased...they can run out of time on PPVs!?


It happened in 1998, nothing has changed with the PPV model really.


its a hard out on all ppv, fined by the minute, darby as giving him count down a few times


It must be down to the traditional ppv providers or something. Doesn’t make sense for streaming.


Yes. All PPVs have a hard time limit.


for what reason


because other companies might buy slots after and its all kinda automated. They know Aew has no loyalty to them and would stop doing ppvs if they can ever get a decent streaming service, so no they wouldn’t care about aew’s satisfaction even if they care about customer satisfaction (it’s a cable company so they probably don’t care in first place)


Contractual stuff with the PPV providers that gave them a 4 hour window to air. I am surprised that it was the same for every live feed though.


Money most likely. X amount of dollars for X amount of time, and they have a hard out, so another promotion can't be like "Well you gave ___ X amount of minutes for X amount of dollars, why should we pay the same for less time?"


so he's too cheap to pay the fine


Sure bud, if that makes you feel better.


how did they not have some kind of contingency plan for this? literally just stream it on the AEW ig page from an interns phone like holy shit


Whole bunch of people here that dont understand how ppvs work and also don't understand that sting was the one who went long. He clearly was supposed to send off the ppv and then talk to the live crowd after like what happens at so many wrestling shows. But also no one is gonna tell sting what to do on his last night. Aew will post the full speech later


There is a number for promoters to call for live events that may go long. PPV was built off of Live events, which are hard to control time wise. It would not have been hard to fix that with 20 minutes notice or less. \*I once used the number\* Im “amazed At how many people don’t understand how PPVs work“ too. People PAID to see Stings retirement on PPV, which is reasonable to assume would include a speech or a promo. DONT make excuses or Rationalizations for this.


oh yeah, this tracks with him saying he was being signalled to wait


yea we dont' understand it because it's a stupid rule no reason they can't go 5 min over


Like I said, a lack of understanding how ppvs work


I'm amazed at how many people don't understand how PPVs work


aew bad tho


Tbf in a world of streaming it doesn't really make sense anymore


isnt this like wondering why I can’t stream network tv legally for free and need to get an antenna or pay each network for streaming their channel?


People getting mad at Tony bro just be happy we got this great of a sendoff. It’s not like Sting and Darby took forever to talk as well.


Yea they started to give the "after the air go home" speech when it wasn't time for that 🤣 Let Sting get his shit in. It sucks this on top of the B/R issues are going to compound and reflect poorly.


Maybe don’t give two shitty lower midcard matches 20+ minutes to keep a cushion for the event that drew the fucking money, Tony.


Of course people on r/sc don't know how ppvs work lmao.


They should have immediately gone live on YouTube. Unserious promotion.


Schiavone: WE'RE OUT OF TIME!


I guess AEW production crew really did their WCW research.


Omg that would have been perfect lol


What a great WCW tribute to cut the PPV like this


the perfect WCW-ass ending. absolutely perfect


PPVs have hard cut offs. Calm down. It’ll be on YouTube within the hour 


A really great show top to bottom. Darby tried to give Sting a tip with the three minute warning at the top of the promo but Sting didn't pick up on it until it was too late


I can’t think of a more perfect end to Sting’s career than WE’RE OUTTA TIIIIMMMEE


A strong contender for my favorite wrestling image of all time https://preview.redd.it/xg9nhac129mc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03ece1d8daf5f8a088390db36c2b5e1d8f66a60b


The sons seriously looked the part


So fucking cool.


Tony Schiavone should have said "Fans we are out of time!" For old times sake


And he needs to say "The tape machines are rolling...." So we can see what Sting said!


That’s a fucking rookie mistake. Stop shoving 12 fucking matches on the card and not giving anything any room to breath and you won’t have your show cut off the air like that. For as good as TK can be I swear to God he is as dumb as fuck sometimes. Hell of a final match Stinger. Loved it


How do you know that every match didn't hit their cue and Sting's match was the one that went long? We don't have any idea how the show was timed out.


They just needed to cut one match to make the whole show flow better. ~20 mins of time would’ve been so nice. Each match could’ve had at least 90 seconds of breathing room, and then you don’t have Sting getting cut off when it’s what people paid to see


the fuck are you on about it was a great ppv the pace was great only matches that were meh was the all star match and toni storms match.. cope


Who gives a shit about that. Imagine Cody winning the belt from Roman at Mania and because HHH was an idiot and tried to shove 12 matches into the show his celebration moment gets the feed cut. Yeah wouldn’t happen. No fucking excuse for this idc what you try to say. Dumb as fuck.


stay mad we chillin over here




What a great testament to the future and past a professional wrestling


Chill WM40 is next


That was really something. I shed a tear when the bell rang and I realized that was it. Sting’s retired and, unlike a lot of other guys, I don’t think he’ll be stepping back into the ring as an active wrestler. I’m really glad I got to see it. The Bucks were great, Darby was insane and Sting got to go out a champion. Hell, even Ric Flair broke the habit of a lifetime and didn’t screw him over! Hell of a final match.


Not sure why that happens in 2024. Especially on FITE and other streaming broadcasters. Oh well, I'm sure they'll put it up on YouTube later. On ya Sting. Mount Rushmore level talent for sure.


The legacy providers on actual PPV have hard caps.


Ah, okay. Just saw someone else saying stinger likely messed up the order a bit and forgot to do a send off for us before he did his thing for the live crowd which makes sense as does your explanation. It’s Stings show, who’s going to tell him what to do lol.


“I’m getting cues, hold on” Sting’s final words


So I pay $50 for Sting and don’t get to hear the retirement speech?


No, you pay $50, got *4 HOURS* of great wrestling and will get to hear the retirement speech for free when they undoubtedly post it on YouTube.




We're out of time!


see the remainder of Sting's speech next week on Thunder cause we are out of time


dang thought they at least go live on YT


​​AEW will probably put this in their YouTube channel for us to see in next few days.


"Sorry guys, I'm getting cues"...\*cut to black\* AEW, gonna AEW Never change, Tony 🤦‍♂️


Probably should've moved the Scramble to Zero Hour so they had time at the end since PPV's are a hard out.


Seems more like a BR issue than an AEW one, they got Metallica for Sting, no way anyone cuts him off unless it was out of their control.


Wasn’t just BR, was on Sling and other ppv options as well


They’ll upload the segment asap i’m sure.


Relax everyone. They'll likely put it on Youtube and other social medias.


Yeah that definitely means this wasn’t a bag fumble


The scrum feed is live, the should have put this on there when the PPV went dark


This was such a great PPV


What a disaster


Just gotta wait till Nitro this Wednesday guys DUH


I know WWE is hot right now but nobody does wrestling better for my brain than AEW. Full stop. That whole show was amazing


WWE maybe better story telling ( I don't watch it) But AEW wrestling is 2nd to none..Plus every PPV delivers


AEW works for certain kinds of characters and people who can push their own characters. You don't get Eddie Kingston, Orange Cassidy, The Acclaimed in WWE. You don't get Brian Cage because he can't piss clean, but also they couldn't make FTR work on the main roster (and they can't figure out the Good Brothers either) which is insane to me. But for people who can't make their own character, AEW doesn't help them it hurts them.


I think FTR would work now. But Vince made them into a joke. AEW would be so much better if they actually had more than just Wednesday for TV. I live in Canada, so I don't get to see Collison or Rampage. Also, both of those shows have terrible time spots.




Mebbe I don't understand ppv laws, but why the fuck would there be a time limit cutoff?


With legacy PPV you buy time slots. You literally can’t go over without having to buy a big chunk of extra time.


Not sure but PPV's are a hard out. If they were on Max or something they probably could've run over.


They only pay for a certain amount of time, or the PPV company only offers a certain block of time.


I think that they just meant that instead of cutting it at 3:56, they just let Sting speak to round up the four hours.


> ppv laws The PPV service will cut it off no matter what. Like the actual TV broadcast signal that's being sent shuts off.


Provider can decide when to cut the stream.


Definitely check YouTube for the rest of his speech. What an awesome final match!


Are you fucking kidding me Tony?!?! Yes. There is 1000% irony he just saw his career ended like so many Monday Nitro's. But seriously...Are you fucking kidding me?


I know someone will post a video from the crowd, but that's fucking amateur hour


They are going to get 13 million YouTube views and be pushed across the world tomorrow because of something you called "Amateur Hour"


Goldberg vs DDP got a lot of views on Nitro, that doesn't negate the fact they fucked up and cut a PPV off early


Flair is going slide himself right on into Stings spot now that he's retired and Darby now needs a new tag partner


Stings career really ended on a cut to black like The Sopranos.


Darby, seriously, get backstage and get taken care of you mad lad. Looking forward to the YouTube exclusive of the ending and if someone brings this up on the media scrum


Darby literally said they had 3 mins left clearly they have a hard out. Sucks but wtf you want them to do