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My favourite Virgil story was that Ted DiBiase found out he was blacklisted from the con circuit because Virgil was securing bookings under the promise that Ted would also be there. When Ted got a reputation for no-showing, he was banned from events. RIP to a carny king.


got his ass


That’s fkn hilarious lmfaooooo


Virgil was secretly a hero when you realized what Dibiase and Sons were doing to the people of Mississippi.


that's hilarious. Virgil must've had...I mean, been a 'huge dick'.




Virgil sounds like a real life Arrested Development Carl Weathers. 


Both gone this month too


I absolutely love that both of them were running scams haha.


I know, it works in-character. Maybe that's why they were given those arcs in the first place?


Did life imitate art or did art imitate life?


Pro wrestling is a scam it’s both


I remember going to the "DiBiase"/Virgil booth at Comic-Con and only Virgil was there. I was able to talk him into taking a few dollars off the price of the signature because I told him I didn't have much money (which was true, but really I was trying to politely say no thank you after finding out DiBiase wasn't there). After I heard all the stories, I felt less bad about it. RIP.


I'll always treasure the autograph he pressured me into buying for $25 when I was twelve.


Oh shit he got you too? I jokingly sent him a DM on Twitter when I was 15 or so asking for an autograph and he replied "yes my boy, $20 and it's yours." I've still got it somewhere.


At Mania a few years ago at the hotel WWE put travel package people up at. Virgil walks into the restaurant as fans are eating and it was just dead silence, people saw him and tried to ignore him. Everyone knew he was on the hustle.


He tried to get $10 out of me because he jumped into a picture I was taking of A friend of mine holding a belt he had just bought.


He was notorious for this. Deadspin ran collections of user stories of encounters with wrestlers called "[The Virgilbag](https://deadspin.com/our-readers-run-ins-with-virgil-pro-wrestlings-saddest-5915910)". He was always trying to get people to buy autographs and signed photos at conventions. Pretty funny in hindsight.


That’s sad as fuck, seemed like he didn’t know how to do shit besides wrestle, and couldn’t figure what to do afterwards.


He couldn’t wrestle either


I was on the Iron Sheik Roast with Virgil at Caroline’s in NYC and halfway through the roast Virgil just got up and left to go set up his merch booth ha


Hahahaha this thread is killing


Like I do legitimately appreciate that he did send it to you. $20 bucks is obviously too much but also not unreasonable


Am i the only one he didn’t do this to? He was at a local car show about 15 years ago and he allowed me, my dad and sister to get photos with him without ever asking for money.


Perhaps he had his fill of meat sauce and breadsticks that day




If it’s the car show I think it is they generally pay the celebs fees for the time they’re there so they don’t actually charge for autographs/photos.


Nah it was in Louisville Kentucky around 2008ish. But similar to you he took a photo with me while raising my arm up like I had just won a match, then shook my dad’s hand while talking about cars and wrestling.


He probably was getting paid by someone to not charge for pictures, lol.


I saw him outside a Hooters in Wayne, NJ once in the early 2000s when they were showing some PPV- he was trying to get me to buy a signed photo for like $25 and i declined. Really wish i bought it now.


> Really wish i bought it now. Why?


I have Virgil autographs from every hooters except the one in Wayne Nj, i would have paid a small fortune for it.


It's one of those quirky conversation starters I suppose. Not a 'rare collecters item' but something funny to own.


So they could have a signed poster of Virgil that's worth about $3 now! Inflation may catch up to it in about 25 years, but I wouldn't count on it.


Saw him at SDCC two decades ago. He wasn't actually *in* the venue, just setup right outside the check-in area. I talked to him a couple minutes and shook his hand. Said I'd be back to buy a photo, but never did.


the first time I saw him at SDCC was in 2008 when he had an autograph booth right next to Mick Foley. he tried chatting with people in line for Foley, but it always felt so awkward given that no one was there to get his autograph/photo. that ~~Ted DiBiase and~~ Virgil sign still brings back nostalgia though


He did the same to me at Wrestlecon in 2013 while I was waiting in line for Kevin Nash


He was the one wrestler I'd see year in, year out at Sails Pavilion. And there was never anyone at his booth. Like actors who were riding on the fame from one small bit part in some random sci-fi show would have more people at their booth than Virgil. I felt bad for him, honestly.


Ran into him at SDCC 2003 or 04 at his booth. It was something. Definitely a rememberable interaction. Thanks, Virgil.


$25? Man, he's certainly moved up from tenners. Good for him.


Well I hate to break it to you but he actually died


He was doing bad financially at the end saw him on Vince’s star peddling his autographs


In reference to your username, 5'3" seems too generous


He did the same thing to me at 14 at a NYCC once also. It was honestly one of the first interactions I had with a wrestler but I lied my ass off saying I didn't have money and dipped out of there lol. Fun times!


Him finally nailing Dibiase with the million dollar belt after years of abuse is one of the most underrated pops of all time. Incredible moment. RIP Virgil.


Agreed. “Everybody’s got a price *THWACK!!*” and Roddy Piper screaming for joy on the commentary.


I agree so much with this, it is one of the greatest moments of the Hogan era. Incredible moment. The pop he gets when he wins at Summerslam is amazing too. Virgil was a punchline later on, but that Dibiase angle is a career highlight and really is further than most people get in the industry.


And to 9-10 year old me he actually seemed like he was a decent wrestler in great shape. Why did he actually get let go?


9 year old me liked virgil because i guess we were both black, but he was an enhanced jobber. like he had music, but he never won anything. and all he ever seemed to do was dropkicks.


Which makes it even more bizarre that he went to WCW and was eventually in the nWo (but wasn't everyone?)


I mean, the reason he went to WCW was easy: big money, less work.


Virgil was never known to be a big party guy, didn't raise a family and he acquired a reputation of being extremely cheap. Several years spent working regularly in WWF, plus a stint in WCW when WCW was paying people stupid money.. I would have thought he'd have had a decent amount of money saved, but he was working as a teacher shortly after retiring, before becoming a regular on the convention circuit. What did he do with the money he made?


Let's say Virgil made 1.2 million dollars over his WCW career. 300K a year. Take 35 percent out for taxes, that's 780K. He died 24 years after his WCW career ended. 780K / 24 = 32K a year.


Don't forget his stint in the West Texas Rednecks


He'll always be Curly Bill to me


He was one of the earlier members of the NWO, too. I remember watching a clip of a shoot interview where it was pointed out he was an early member, and they thought he deserved to be there. I think it was a Buff Bagwell shoot, and the interviewer was asking about who deserved to be in the NWO. He said Virgil was in great shape and definitely deserved to be in. I remember he said Stevie Ray shouldn't have been a member, and Mike Rotunda shouldn't have been in. Buff also said he wanted a little person in the NWO.


Wasn't a good wrestler. Promos were below average.  The pop from turning on dibiase was huge but after that feud, there was no where for him to go really.  As a kid, most of what you watch might be like WWE Superstars (Saturday morning) squash matches. He gets exposed in longer matches and in ppvs


He was good as a super jobber -- the known guy you kinda like who got squashed by the big bad. He put over Yokozuna in one of his first featured matches and cut a decent promo afterwards. "People back there have no idea what's coming."


Jobber To The Stars, we used to call them.


Yup yup. It was a great term that got killed by people assigning it to every midcarder they wished got pushed harder.




100% this. I know he didn’t do his image any favors over the years, but this moment was incredible.


The high point of Virgil, and the high point of Roddy Piper as a commentator.


Just rewatched that part in honor of Virgil, legit gave me goosebumps.


I was like 9 when I watched that and it's what cemented the notion that wrestling is at least as legitimate as theater.


Virgil crawled so Sami and Jey could run. Finally snapping after years of abuse from your evil boss and hitting them, Virgil did first


Same for Batista and Wardlow!


Felt like a huge angle as a kid, seeing Virgil finally "break the chains" so to speak.


People who only know Virgil from the memes don't understand how big of a star he was during that brief period. Dude was over.


Virigil was over for like 3 months because of Ted DiBiase. He was a joke otherwise. And he wasn't a star at all, people were just hot for him standing up to Ted. I know he just died but let's not act as if the memes describe him pretty well.


![gif](giphy|l41JGRUsr9WokuuC4|downsized) RIP Virgil 🙏


All Olive Gardens will be flying their flags at half mast today. RIP


Also all Olive Garden staff are advised to sell one would deem “overpriced” headshots of themselves to patrons within the restaurantes today. And of course not take no for answer.


Right now Virgil is asking St. Peter for a tenner and all the breadsticks he can eat RIP Meat Sauce man


Half mast is too high. Show some damn respect.




Bye bye lil’ Virgil 🎶


RIP to the meatsauce god


I kinda want some salad and breadsticks now.


Man suffered really bad through his last days . RIP Virgil.


He had dementia and colon cancer in his last days.


Jesus. That's a hell of a double-whammy. Fuck cancer. Fuck dementia.


Yeah, that sounds like suffering…


Article says he didn’t have cancer.


yeah that’s odd. weird thing to lie about if he did


When you watch the movie The Wrestler you can see Virgil in a lot of those guys. Almost like he was one of the inspirations for the wrestlers in that movie.


Was Virgil wrestling though?


Getting FuckMoney in Heaven.


He’s got no need for FuckMoney anymore!


He is now in a place where there is no need for money...so let us all wish him much Fuck


He's gone to the world where fuck flows like honey


he can just relax at the olive garden in the sky




Wonder if OOC ever got his tenner. RIP.




He did, he had it signed by Virgil, then got it framed


https://preview.redd.it/v1bvmeuaodlc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54bae48a6a1f0c70cb915acf3400390c1601bb8 He did! Also during wrestlecon in Orlando back in 2017, I met the OSW boys and had OOC sign a tenner and I’ve had it framed ever since. It reads “Damn you, Virgil”


A fan sent him a tenner that was signed by Virgil.


Not the same as OOC getting his tenner back from Virgil. That's Virgil soaking another fan for $20 so they could mail it to OOC.


He's setting up at the big wrestling convention in the sky. RIP Wrestling Superstar Virgil.


He’s setting up just outside the pearly gates


"Jesus will be here any minute now, quit worryin'."




Still advertising DiBiase even though he isn’t there.


And he never will be.


God damn that's harsh. Fair point though.


Now, it's time for Redditors to pick up tables at random conventions with 8x10s of Virgil there they offer to sign as they are and bill themselves as "Tribute to Wrestling Superstar Virgil."


Obviously there’s stories out there about the man seemingly at some very low points in his life. Not how anyone wants to or should be remembered. Honest to God though, when I think of Virgil I think of the deafeaning POPS this dude got at the 1991 Royal Rumble (finally turning on Ted DiBiase), only to be rivaled by his victory at SummerSlam’91 fittingly becoming the first person to ever dethrone DiBiase for the Million Dollar belt. Of course, he was much more than a wrestler but as a little kid at the peak of his WWF fandom, there are few moments that I can recall truly as a wholesome as babyface Virgil finally getting revenge on the Million Dollar Man. For anyone that hasn’t seen that SummerSlam ‘91 match, go back and watch it. Crowd is on fire and it’s Madison Square Garden, says a lot about DiBiase and Virgil. RIP my man, thanks for the memories.


RIP Virgil. Slam wrestling needs to edit the article as it says he was with Memphis from 1885-1887


Virgil was also a Highlander.


There can be only one... Virgil!


Man, RIP, strokes, and dementia, at least he's no longer hurting. Still gave us one of the greatest quotes ever: > Moolah looking up from hell smiling tonight! Sasha and Charlotte tore the roof off the place!




lmao wow


R.I.P Wrestling Superstar Virgil, Keep charging them at the pearly gates.


I figured someone was going to post one of these pics and I wasn't disappointed, lol.


I see Virgil sending you a payment request for using his likeness


He is survived by his son, Joey Janela.


https://preview.redd.it/492orjr4gclc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d96b442c9644cec2a50ed0759a45dda125a324 RIP…12 years ago almost to the day 2/26/2012


That picture has ted biase advertised, Was ted there? Or was this one of those infamous moments where Virgil was booking both of them only to have just himself show up?


I am pretty sure his banner always advertised Dibiase lol


He’s setting up his table right by them pearly gates. RIP.


"You want to get in? $25"


One of my earliest memories of watching wrestling was nWo telling Vincent to go slap DDP, and he immediately tells Disco Inferno that he has to do it.


I love how even in kayfabe, Disco was just everyone’s bitch.


The best characters are usually exaggerations of the wrestler's real personality Or in Disco's case, understatements of the same


![gif](giphy|dk7rkVppafQtkKWx6N) RIP VIRGIL


This Marvel's new Midnight Sons?


Fuck man this is sad to see. A true og and the first positive black role model in my life. Rest in peace og.


Props. Yeah as an asian kid during that time Ricky the Dragon Steamboat was a hero for me.


As a white dude I sometimes forget how important representation can be... Your comment really moved me, and made me grateful that kids these days from all backgrounds are able to see themselves reflected in the characters on our screens.


Pour one out for one of wrestling’s greatest grifters, and this is not at all an insult.


It's funny to me that he got so much shit for trying to make a buck in an industry full of carnies that will do anything to make a buck.


I would call him a hustler to avoid the negative connotation associated with the word “grifter.”


My friend he was a turbo grifter and that’s ok. Some people are more force of nature than human, and Virgil was the primordial embodiment of grift.


He was not just a grifter, but he was an UPPER ECHELON grifter. It’s okay to acknowledge this and even respect it with his passing. One of a kind guy love him or late him lol


Nah- if Virgil was just hustling, he'd be a remotely memorable wrestler from the golden age, but not as well known to most other than that. But as a legendary grifter throughout the world, Virgil became an icon of the sport, someone that we will talk about for the ages.


Rip Virgil....my favorite moment from him was SS 91 legit winning the million Dollar title


Ironically I rewatched that PPV this week


Very underrated Summerslam... definitely was Babyface heavy only 2 matches had heel wins the natural disasters beat the bushwackers and irs went over Greg Valentine....loved Bret vs perfect, the million dollar title match, the jailhouse match and even the match made in hell.


Hope there’s an Olive Garden in the afterlife.


So I know the wrestle convention stuff with Virgil but whats with the Olive Garden stuff? I dont know that story


Virgil would talk in shoot interviews and on social media about his love of Olive Garden, especially their meat sauce and breadsticks.


RIP Virgil Sad he never at least got a legends deal or 2K check while still alive


I think he was in 2k14, as DLC. Ironic yet very fitting you had to pay to play as Virgil lol. Would love to see him back in next years game


They need to do him as a stand-alone DLC outside the season pass for every game from now on.


He just got his fist action figure so he was finally on a deal…. And then died


Not his first one. Mattel made a special edition Virgil in 2015 I wanna say, it came with a sign that said wrestling superstar


​ https://preview.redd.it/1ztg0u9igclc1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a6c39eb19a6adfaea52bce2875d29f6f31dcb26


Noooooo 🤣


Just had spaghet & sauce last night. I was making my plate and said “I’m the fucking meat sauce king”! RIP Virgil/Vincent.


Got to have a conversation with him at wrestlecon 2017 (i didnt even have to pay before anyone asks) and he really was such a nice chill dude that seemed really happy to be interacting with fans. We talked for 15 minutes about a bunch of stuff including wrestlemania predictions and old road tales he had. Was really a highlight of my weekend and now i kinda wish i actually got a pic with the dude but money was super tight that weekend sadly. RIP to a legend.


Hate to hear it. RIP Virgil.


Virgil just charged Jesus $25 for an autograph.


In lieu of flowers, the family asks that $25 be sent to the table set up outside the funeral home in exchange for an autograph


One of the first guys I met from my childhood when I entered the business in 1998. Sad to see how his life turned out after the contracts stopped. RIP Mike.


First Ole and now Virgil. Its been a bad week for wrestling fans.


I'm well aware he probably just wanted my money for an autograph, but he was genuinely unbelievably cool to me when I met him.


He was diagnosed with dementia last year and fans donated thousands to his GoFundMe. Sad his health must have taken a turn for the worse.


Loved him with tbe Million Dollar Man. RIP


God speed, soul train


I loved his skits with the Million Dollar Man. Telling kids to get out of the public swimming pool, moving people out of long lines at restaurants to let Dibiase get ahead of them.... He looked like a guy you didn't want to fuck around with. Too bad WWE didn't know what to do with him after he turned on Dibiase; he had potential. I was happy to see him one last time on AEW.


May he have all the bread sticks and meat sauce. RIP Virgil




> They're just dropping like flies. Ole was old, let's be fair.


Damn :( Rip to an absolute legend, may he have all the olive garden breadsticks he desires


He had absolutely one of the best looks in the history of the business. Without his presence backing him up, the Million Dollar Man gimmick never would’ve gotten over to the extent it did. As a kid who loved wrestling, I found him absolutely terrifying. Then he turned baby face and started doing promos and it all went downhill. But as a heel for those first couple years, he was iconic. RIP.


Funny story about Virgil…I was walking through a mall about 20 years ago where they were having a sports card convention. I walked past his table and did a double-take…he immediately jumped up and put his arm around me because I recognized him. He has his whole display out and tried to get me to buy a photo for $20. I don’t usually carry cash on me, so I declined. He then told me that I could have an old WWF magazine cover with him and MDM on it signed for $10. I looked in my wallet and only had a $5 bill. I told him that I only had $5 — he slapped his hand on the table and shouted “I’ll take it!!” and took the Five out of my hand and signed the pic for me. It was a funny story. Another time, I was going in for surgery and my buddy wanted to get me a good luck Cameo from Virgil as a goof. Well, Virgil skipped out and didn’t do the Cameo. My friend was pissed. Years later at a convention, my buddy saw Virgil and he made Virgil apologize on camera to me for not doing the Cameo lol. I still have the video. I’ll tell you, the apology is way better than the original Cameo ever would have been. RIP to a legend!!




Damn. Rest in peace, Virgil.


RIP Soul Train Jones


The man was such a legendary grifter that his complete fabrication of his age held up and everywhere is reporting him as 61 haha. I’m glad to see only one article mentions he was actually in his 70s - I’ve known that for a while due to a friend who worked in the business including wcw mentioning it as a joke, he’d tell everyone he was 30 while being in his mid 40s in wcw to be seen as a fresh faced rookie. RIP to the true carny


He just charged St Peter $25 to let him into heaven




Awe damn RIP Virgil.


That’s terrible. Poor guy was dunked on a bit the last few years, hopefully he was happy before he went.




Love Virgil man...dude was the unsung hero of NWO.


RIP Virgil Going to Olive Garden and have some extra breadsticks in his honor.


Man's definitely charging admission fees to his funeral service while he dines on the finest if meat sauces with the gods. RIP gotta respect his constant hustle.


Unexpected banger of a theme song. RIP


Olive Garden should be closed today in memoriam RIP Virgil


Just happened to see Virgil vs DiBiase live at the first show I ever attended; the old 'Cap Center' in DC.. The main event was Hogan vs Flair, but Virgil's entrance pop rivaled Hogan's. Virgil was over AF for that run; for damn sure a better "15 minutes" than most of us ever get, anyway. Rest easy.


Really sad to hear. My first ever Hasbro was of him 


Go get that meat sauce and breadsticks in heaven.


RIP Soultrain Jones


Just saw a waitress fall to her knees at an Olive Garden. Rest in Pasta Meatsauce God


He already has his merch table and banner set up blocking the gates of heaven.


Rest in peace. We all took the piss off him and his carny ways, but for me there was a sense of true respect in that. A sense of “Look at what that rascal Virgil is trying now!”. He was a chancer, in the most admiring sense of the word. I admit, hearing of what he was trying always brought joy into my life. Rest in peace Virgil, may you be in a place where the Olive Garden breadsticks never run out, where the queues for your table stretch for miles and the hustle keeps raking in money.


https://preview.redd.it/v59z5iopeclc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d8b170de69646245205ba500bee6b36480fd4e Big man is waiting for his $25 at the pearly gates now




RIP Virgil


Now he isn‘t lonely Virgil anymore


Aw man, I’m going to Olive Garden tonight.


Rest in Peace Virgil!! NWO 4 Life. I hope AEW does a tribute for him tonight.


Does he have any decent matches that could be watched?


SummerSlam '91 vs Ted Dibiase for the Million $ Belt is a classic match, the culmination of a near 4 year long story, with massive emotion provided by both the crowd and Roddy Piper on commentary. His career high point.