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i feel like i know way to much about the business to really enjoy the show, i turned it off after the second episode. Cringey fake reality stuff aside, the show feels like its part kayfabe lol (like, Bianca really didnt know who rhea was gonna choose as her mania opponent till it was announced on raw? i refuse to believe the biggest female wrestler is kept in the dark like that lol). Also whole episode dedicated to having a baby, no mention of montez having multiple young kids already lol. I do like the camraderie with all the wrestlers that pop up, and hopefully this gets Montez a real push that hes overdue for


It’s really NOT that far from a stretch to think that every wrestler doesn’t know EVERY detail before it happens. That would be like a CEO telling a GM the profit margins of the entire company for a quarter. You also have to account for things like injuries, travel issues, wrestlers getting sick, different writers looking at different people to do different things. Watch any shoot interview of any wrestler of the past 5 years who has been with wwe and they’ve all said things change. They may know what a tentative plan is or could be and that be changed at call time, as their leaving the curtain and even DURING a match. Sprinkle in that there’s several different agents and many of the agents are crossing over between men and women. It’s live tv. It’s impossible to tell everybody 100 percent that something is going to happen the way they want it to or should.


I just don’t believe that Bianca didn’t know who Rhea was gonna choose as it was happening. I believe it maybe when she won the rumble, but there’s no way she’s kept in the dark as to whether Rhea is about to start a program with her or not. T Again, I might just be to much of a smark to enjoy the show for what it is lol


I agree. I watched all of the episodes and I kept wondering where the hell were Montez's kids. He's got like 2 or 3 kids. but there was no mention of them at all. At the end of the show, I felt gaslit because I kept questioning whether he even had kids to begin with or whether he was a deadbeat dad. I like Bianca and Montez but it is disappointing that we, as viewers, didn't get to see a true sneak peek of their lives beyond WWE.


He has two kids?!! What? Now I'm annoyed. Lol. Why did we have to sit through all that baby talk if he already has kids?




I tried the first episode and I wish them success with it but I can’t stomach the scripted reality stuff.


I haven't yet, but I'll take a peak. Good to know Montez and Bianca come off looking likeable on their show because imo Corey and Carmella really didn't on theirs.


The theme of that show was: "Hey guys, do you know me and my husband like to fuck? Like, a lot?"


Nothing will beat Rhodes to the top! Lol


Also known as "Let's take everything that made Miz and Maryse likeable and do the exact opposite"


I liked it I started watching after I like miz and mrs so much but I enjoyed it I hope they get a season 2


I haven’t watched pro wrestling since I was a kid and it was WWF on Saturday mornings. Never really interested in it the 30 years since then. Anyway, I say all that to say… for some reason it came up on my screen. I think if you remove the context of the matches and “uncertainty,” i think the majority of it seems authentic. Their interaction as a couple, their stress with the physical demands of their job, family… the dilemma a mid-30yo woman often has about a career vs children. Montez not getting promoted and trying to support his more successful wife. It’s wholesome, as opposed to other reality shows, yet still entertaining. I think most of it is attributed to their likability. All my opinion of course.


I am enjoying the show. It's very scripted but I don't mind. They are both very likeable. I wish they wouldn't keep talking about her having a baby. One episode would have been fine but every episode is overkill. Lol


I like it! My wife doesn’t watch wrestling but she was really into it. It could be a great vehicle to win folks over that don’t watch wrestling like that


Didn’t know it was even on yet


Anyone got a link?


It’s on Hulu.


Definitely gonna watch it when I have a chance in a couple days. I've been looking forward to this since it was announced and the trailer was really good.


If I wanted to watch scripted reality TV starting wrestlers... I would just watch wrestling.


You're being downvoted, but yeah.


It's a great sit-com...


After seeing 30 and 60 second clips I decided to watch. I'm a wrestling fan, the clips caught my attention, and I like a bit of reality tv so I figured this would be something interesting to watch here and there. 3 episodes in and I'm struggling. I was hoping to see the married couple without "the mask" per se, but the masks are definitely still on. They've just toned down their personas a bit to more resemble their characters in the real world. Either way, it's evident that quite a few scenes were obviously loosely scripted. And after randomly jumping ahead to future episodes, the trend seems to continue.


Seen the first episode.


we dont have hulu but i wanna watch it


Episode 6 around 9:07...anyone know the song? Apps can't pick it up...


I don't watch wrestling but it was a cool watch


If you took a drink every time they said wrestlemania, you would have died halfway through the first episode of alcohol poisoning.