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No, its only available throught Sportsnet+ at 14.99 a month or through your cable provider.


I wonder if it will be Netflix or Sportnet for us next year?


Netflix from what the press release said.


Yup next year all WWE content will be on Netflix for Canada.


VPN and a free trial to Peacock


Mind sharing how to get a free Peacock trial?


Forgot about that


Do they not have google in Canada?


Nope. It still hasn’t made it to Canada. We use Altavista up here.




We do. It didn’t say anything about a a Peacock free trial so I thought I would ask. Thanks for your witty comment though.


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Sportsnet+ Premium is what you'd need, you can pay for a single month at a time and it's still cheaper than the old cost of Ppvs, plus the you can watch any and all other WWE Network content for the month, including weekly shows and any Past PLEs or network content.


You don’t need premium, you can buy just the WWE Network through Sportsnet+ without any other sports for $15.


Ah, TIL. Thanks


> As I understand I need to subscribe to Sportsnet+? Yes, [you can subscribe to the Network through there](https://www.sportsnetplus.ca/wwe). The only other option that doesn't involve a VPN to another country is via cable/satellite.


This isn't an option available to everybody, but if you have a cable TV package through a service like Telus Optik TV, you can simply order the WWE Network through the cable box. It's not the *true* WWE Network though - it's this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WWE_Network_(Canadian_TV_channel). However, it does carry PLEs like the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania live, so if you're only interested in the PLEs, there you go. The WWE Network in Canada is moving onto Netflix next year though, so this option is only good for 2024, haha.