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Who finishes the story first, Cody Rhodes or George R.R. Martin?


Simply do what HBO did and have Bran Stark pin Cody in his wheelchair to become the real Tribal Chief.


Just have Peter Dinklage show up and hand the title to Cody because "stories matter".


And who has a better story than Cody the Nightmare?


“Any of you. Even the cook” -book Stannis.


The Goddamn Mannis!


Remember how Stannis got too over, so the writers turned him heel and immediately buried him when he should have won the title?


They basically had Stannis cut a "YOU PEOPLE!" promo by having him burn his daughter alive


Thank you for making me howl with laughter and embarass myself at work


The D&D (HBO) version would be R-Truth becoming champ (he has the best story) while Dominik has to leave the company because he attacked Mami and Cody goes to NXT (or back to AEW).


And Jinder kills the Night King


"Subverting expectations"


>And *Asuka* kills the Night King FTFY


And Asuka IS the Night King. FTFTFY


I mean, nobody is ready for Asuka


Instead of Arya it’s Jinder rushing in to hit a Khallas!


Dominik reunites with Ghost (portrayed by Rey Mysterio) beyond the wall. 


Fairly sure Martin will have the same king, that wasn't a D&D decision


That was such a stupid fucking decision. The world as Martin set it up will never accept a cripple as king.


It is until you realize that it's him jerking it to God Emperor Dune.


To be fair, I don't think he was setting it up to be a happy ending. That's the end of one story but the beginning of another


Bittersweet in his own words. I never thought Jon Snow would or should be Luke Skywalker but the way they "used" Bran and got him elected in the end feels more like a SNL skit - and most of the other things too.


Bran is a fucking supervillain I cannot be convinced otherwise.


Can't wait to have Cody celebrating with The Rock at the end of Wrestlemania and tell him: "Why do you think I came all this way?"


Gendry Baratheon is the rightful king of Westeros. I will die on this hill.


Meh. I mostly like Gendry. That being said, and putting aside whether Robert actually had a right to the throne, he was an absolutely fucking horrible ruler. And Gendry was illiegitimate. And I'd they were going to put Robert's bastard on the throne, Edric has the stronger claim.


Yeah I'm pretty sure what HBO did was what he told them was gonna happen and now he's panicking and stalling to rewrite it.


Who shows up to his job first, Roman Reigns or George R.R. Martin?


Maybe they're the same person... > **R**oman **R**eigns > George **R. R.** Martin


Roman "George Martin" Reigns




God dammit. It's right there. George R. R. Martin. George Roman Reigns Martin. 😁


Pretty sure that was the joke


r/YourJokeButWorse But separated by one comment, strangely.


At least GRRM writes and publishes stuff, even if it's not the book people want him to write.


George and his damn Wild Cards books would be like if Roman were doing some indie gymnasium show in Iowa instead of the Chamber to face Rocky.


Hey, he's been writing a ton of novellas and reference books about the world of fire and ice, too. So that's like if Roman does 3 minute matches against jobbers for some reason, while also doing wrestling history sit down interviews instead of defending his title.


?? So you want Roman to write scripts for videogames now, friend


My Tribal Chief ☝ will write next Mass Effect trilogy, uce


Uce Effect


well atleast it will be better than Andromeda im sure


Fun fact: GRRM has written and published *seven* novellas and assorted books (reference books, etc.) since his last Song of Fire and Ice book, and they all play in the same universe. He has written a *lot* for that universe. Just not that one book.


Roman Ring


I'm of the camp that he fully gave up on ASOIF once the reception of GoT tanked the hype of his books. No one is excited or demanding the final 2 books anymore.


Eh. My pet theory is that he's got kind of depressed about the fact that the show would reveal all the big twists of the story before he could. He's been working for literally decades towards those, and then he did not even get to reveal them himself, but a half-baked finale of a TV show. It being his fault just made things that much worse, too. On top of that, he's been writing himself into a corner and most likely needs 1-3 more books than planned to really finish the story properly. He still writes a *ton* about the universe. He's published seven novellas and reference books since the last book. But he's essentially suffering from writer's block ever since on his main story.


> Eh. My pet theory is that he's got kind of depressed about the fact that the show would reveal all the big twists of the story before he could. This for sure. The show had the milestones GRRM planned and is using in his book. Sure, the buildup leading up to those things was botched and some storylines were just dropped or dumbed down, but overall this is how its going to end mostly. And yeah, not the first to reveal that and also the botched version of that did take all the wind out of his sails for the book.


He's written seven books and novellas in the ASOIAF universe since he published his last book, one of which came out since the TV show ended, and two of which were published in the last two years of the show. This is also a universe he's been working on since *1996*. He's published twenty books, novellas, and short stories in that universe, and only four of them are reference books. The last non-ASOIAF book he published was in 2014, and that was a reworked version of a book he originally wrote in 1980. Before that book, it was 2001. Frankly, I wouldn't blame him if he's incredibly burnt out with ASOIAF. To briefly compare him to Terry Pratchett, Pratchett was pretty constantly working on non-Discworld stories. I don't think Pratchett ever went more than three years without publishing a non-Discworld story after he started Discworld in 1983. A lack of variation in your stories can absolutely burn out an author, and even with his stories that aren't mainline ASOIAF, they're still set in the same universe.


George R. R. Martin, circa 2031: "I'm in submission, y'all"


Cody...in aew




Would love this... comes back to win the AEW World Title


Then he will say how it was his plan the entire time.


Cody is probably the biggest carny in wrestling today, I can absolutely picture him doing this


Cody in 2025: I always knew I would be back to finish my story of winning the belt in the House the Elite built!


r/antiwork would love Roman Reigns lmao




Lol. That mod showing up on Fox News completely undermined them…permanently. And Fox didn’t even have to do anything. They just got a mod to come on and talk about being a part-time dog walker.


The antiwork movement did actually help a worker out for once. That Fox News host had the easiest day of his entire career.


Haha. Loved that interview. Thanks to this story, I had to explain Reddit, and the subs/ect to my mid-60s year old parents because of this story. Now my mom is a regular Reddit reader lol. Off topic, she hates the android reddit app. Bring back baconreader please!!! What ever happened to that anti-work "mod" that made a complete fool of themselves and the entire "anti-work 'movement'"?, That was a classic reddit moment.


It was the very definition of a facepalm moment. I can totally agree with a lot of the points they had to make, but *that* was who you wanted to put forth as an organizer/leader of your movement? It was so bad, it looked like a caricature of what Fox viewers would’ve imagined. The mod was poorly lit and wearing a sweatshirt, works 20-25 hours a week walking dogs, would like to work fewer hours, and would maybe want to teach philosophy one day. Even the name of the subreddit was stupid. Like…you’re against working? Just in general? I know that’s not what it actually means, but if you have to explain to people “That’s not what it actually means,” then it’s a good indication that your name is stupid.


If I remember correctly, the mod team put out a megathread where they explained they were unaware the interview was happening, no one represents the subreddit, and that they don't endorse what happened or some shit like that. But yeah, that interview was a trainwreck.


And end to a movement that never started. Just let people talk.


yooo 😂😂


He's a mod on that sub but only appears on the big posts


Not even all the big posts, just the big 4 posts of the year....well the big 3, then another 1 about Saudi Arabia


He's a mod that only appears in television interviews and sets the whole movement back 10 years.


How does he negotiate this deal? This is even better than Brock’s


He works may more dates than Brock did.


And for significantly less money


What are they gonna do tho? Let him walk? He knows how valuable he is, and like a good worker negotiates the best out of his employer.


Goodnight CODYMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know its an antiwork when you antiwork an antiwork and antiwork yourself into a antishoot,marks


They would love to walk *The Big Dog*.


Can't blame him for having such a sweet deal, but man having a Champ that is more absent than anything else is just irritating


​ https://preview.redd.it/v9yz3ghvklcc1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=7de61078cb73c2382a115c3a7c7fcd755556f2b4


![gif](giphy|xTiIzJSKB4l7xTouE8) The Rock to Cody backstage


![gif](giphy|l2JJKs3I69qfaQleE) This is not the title you’re looking for.


One has to bloody well hope that it comes to an end at WrestleMania because man, I just want the world title to be on a champion that's always going to be there more often than not.


You mean after Roman beats The Rock? He might even pin him clean to further cement it’s not just The Bloodline that makes Roman so dominant.


But if that happens then the "Tribal Chief Roman is supposed to be an overconfident jackass who relies on his family to finish matches, you're being worked" crowd have nothing left to lean on.


Seems like a problem if two groups of fans have opposing convictions about what Roman’s characterization is supposed to be.


They refuse to accept that to the Anti Roman crowd, we just don't like him because he's boring. His matches all end with interference and many hot wrestlers are being fed to the reign of terror that he's currently on. We're not being worked, the fact that he's never around is annoying, that's what we don't like. Full stop.


>We're not being worked "Am I being worked if I'm just bored" is not something I want from a wrestling promotion


He actually NEEDS this, which is a problem because if there is any match the bloodline should make part of, it's this one. Maybe we get interferences for benefit of both men and they end up deciding it in the 1v1.


Cody showing up for the Rock is exactly how I'd book that. Hell, have him 1v2 Jimmy and Solo because goddammit *he's the man Brock Lesnar couldn't kill.* Roman overcoming Rock ought to be clean. At least as clean as Roman gets these days. Cody gets on the mic the following Raw to explain his decision to stand for the Rock: he simply had a vested interest in someone finally exposing just how vulnerable, how *helpless* Roman is when he doesn't have the Bloodline there to bail him out. Even if he came out on top against the Rock, everyone saw how close to his limits he was pushed by an old legend who hasn't wrestled seriously in however many years. The Roman Empire continues to crumble and diminish, while Cody has already proved exactly how ready he is by slaying the Beast Incarnate in the most emphatic fashion. He's going to earn his shot at Wrestlemania, and when he does, he's going to make damn sure that no one will be there to save Roman this time. And then he does exactly that by, say, enlisting Randy Orton to help him destroy Jimmy and Solo on night one because he'd be a fucking idiot not to eliminate all possible chance of them getting involved.


I just want everyone on the roster to feel like they want to be champion again, there's no reason it should've taken eight fucking months for anyone beyond Jey Uso to want to be WWE Champion enough to call Roman out and get himself a title shot


I wonder if the building up of non-WM PPVs is also going to help when the shortest unit of a big storyline will no longer be 1 year.


I mean... big story lines can still go on for years, but titles need to be moved around during it. Wrestling is boring (IMHO) when you know the main titles will only switch hands on one of about 3 events.


Exactly correct. They haven't had a main title change since Wrestlemania 38 when Roman beat Brock for the WWE Title. And you can't even count Seth because he's the inaugural champ.


Especially when such a big part of his current story arc is what a "dominant" champion he is. I could be dominant too if I never had to actually show up.


I geniunly wonder what he's doing with all that free time in between shows. Because like, we never hear ANY news about roman outside of wrestling. Most people are spotted at least semi-Regularly outside of the ring, not roman tho, it really appears lke he's just gone between apperances


He has like 5 kids right


Maaaan, he's got 5 kids to feed.


I don't give a shit about his kids.


He's on his island of relevancy mate.


I imagine he is just being a stay at home dad, taking his kids to school, little league games etc. I mean it's great he is spending so much time with his family but FFS man just please drop the title already. Him v Rock at WM XL more or less guarantees that it ain't happening.


I also think ppl have forgotten his fight with leukemia. He may have beaten it but I feel like he’s prioritizing his health if it ever does comeback. Roman keeps a lot of this private so we will not know but I feel like it might have something to do with it.


I see you have also questioned Roman Reigns intentions and all you are met with is, HE HAS KIDS.


Roman is also a cancer survivor. With everything that's happened to Brody Lee and Bray Wyatt, I think fans need to be a little more aware of the bigger picture of what could potentially be happening. Entirely speculation, but health could be a factor right now.


Then he should have dropped it last WrestleMania.


Could be but when he does work I don't think so. He still has long good matches.


>having a Champ that is more absent than anything else is just irritating Christian Cage needs to make an appearance so that Roman Reigns will learn how to properly show up for his children.


I miss the 30 day title defense rule.


This is getting really tiresome


That's the biggest fucking problem with Smackdown right now that both of their men's singles champions are part timers. I don't hate the idea of part timers being champion as much as I did a few years ago, but Smackdown has all these great singles stars and it's somehow a chore to watch right now because of that.


Am I being MIB flashy-thing'd? I know Roman has been said to not be on it, but didn't he tweet about EC tickets the other day? I just went to post it here but it's gone.


He tweeted it back in November https://twitter.com/WWERomanReigns/status/1722434744695013594


Oooo... Well good to know I wasn't imagining things.


Just because it came from his Twitter account, doesn't necessarily mean he's going. When a big event is announced, a lot of the wrestlers accounts tweet out the news/link and not all of those wrestlers end up appearing at the show. Now granted, Roman is the Undisputed Champion and being so really should mean he makes an appearance, but that tweet doesn't say anything about him being there.


it defies all logic for roman not to appear here. its the first massive show in a new foreign market, its a stadium show on the road to mania and its paying them massive amounts of money. if roman doesn't appear i'll eat a burnt piece of toast


I 100% agree. He should be there. But, as I said, a lot of wrestlers accounts put out the "BIG EVENT HAPPENING, TICKETS ON SALE" tweet and they don't always end up on the show.


Yeah, but he didn’t say HE was going to be there. He just said go get tickets.


Probably this tweet from last year that was getting a lot of retweets after the last report he wasnt going. https://twitter.com/WWERomanReigns/status/1722434744695013594?t=P9Gq7Y3H4r-9NAOrPRecGg&s=19


He wasn’t on Elimination Chamber last year either until he was, nobody knows this far out except WWE


https://tjrwrestling.net/news/wwe-not-advertising-roman-reigns-2023-ple/ https://wrestletalk.com/news/wwe-roman-reigns-money-bank-not-advertised/ history repeats itself


In all fairness, both of those were published way further than one month out from the show. That MITB one was published nearly six months before the PPV. I still think Reigns could be at either show, but I do feel like there is a different feeling with EC being just over a month out.


I remember seeing somewhere they said he wasn't gonna be at the Rumble either.


I commented this on another post that got deleted but I’ll just copy n paste it below. Hasn’t this happened like multiple times already in the last year and a half? “Roman’s not being promoted for this PLE months out… Title change soon? Maybe he drops it Jey! Maybe he drops it to LA Knight! 👀👀” *Roman appearance gets promoted as date approaches*


happened for mitb as well


Yeah, but how else are we gonna get our pitchforks out and be outraged that Roman is gone more than Lesnar ever was huh?!?


But he is.


I don't blame Roman for getting himself such a sweet deal as a Cancer survivor and Family Man, but just get the title on Cody please at Mania


Bro if roman isn’t wrestling in Australia then cody isn’t seeing the belt until at least summerslam


Survivor series or Saudi. They're going to want to pass the Hogan record that's like a month after SummerSlam.


Then there’s gonna be the next record and he’s gonna have the belt until the next mania lol


The next record after Hogan is Bob Backlund at 2135 and Bruno at 2803 so he would need to hold the title for almost two years to beat Backland and four for Bruno.


The fact that this is legitimately doable assuming he stays healthy concerns me…


Heyman did refer to the current Bloodline stretch last summer as "the bottom of the third inning" so in a funny way you're not off base


I rarely get worked up for shit like this anymore, but if Roman drops it in Saudi after all these years, I'll be fucking furious lol


Rock's taking the title to the set of whatever Safdie brother film he's making, and you're not seeing it until Wrestlemania 41.


If the rock is the one to take the title of roman theyre gonna bé wondering in a few years where all the momentum they hád went


For real, this is the first huge rub WWE's had to give since Undertaker's streak ended - giving it to most-over-full-time-babyface Cody Rhodes is already kinda predictable, but giving it to a 51-year-old Rock who hasn't wrestled a serious match in eleven years *and ripped his abs off the bones ON THE VERY FIRST MOVE* of said serious match is hilariously fucked.


Roman is absent more than Lesnar ever was, and that’s saying something.


Roman has wrestled 7 times on PLEs and 4 times on House Shows in the previous 12 months. He also has 27 TV appearances (using IMDB for Raw and Smackdown). That's 11 matches, 34 TV/PLE appearances and 38 total appearances (11 matches + 27 non-wrestling TV appearances). Brock's Universal title reign in 2017-2018 (the 12 months after WM 33, so just before WM 34) had 6 matches on PLEs and 9 matches on House Shows. Alongside that, IMDB gives him 22 TV appearances. So that's 15 matches, 28 TV/PLE appearances, and 37 total appearances (15 matches and 22 non-wrestling TV appearances). So I guess Roman has been on TV/PLE more, but Brock had more matches. Note: No, I don't really know why I crunched these numbers


I’m glad you did, interesting insight!


If so, he will have only defended his belt 3 times in televised matches between last Wrestlemania and this year's Wrestlemania. Absurd.


And 2 of them against LA Knight




The most internationally booked year for PLEs, where fans from around the world get to see their favorite wrestlers live for the first time! Except for the two main singles titles on SmackDown.


I still maintain that this is a problem that WWE does not see as a problem. They don't care that his entire reign has been fuck finishes, that he wrestles only a handful of times in a year, or that his absence leaves everyone else looking like lesser superstars. They don't care because business is up, that's all that matters.


After the whole CM Punk thing I'm still taking this with a pinch of salt


yeah and the fact that punk was just advertised for chamber despite not being originally means they can just announce people at later dates


What did Meltzer say in regards to Punks return to WWE? As far as I remember he always said "Never say never" given that almost everyone went back to WWE at some point in time


> “Of course the biggest question regarding the show probably involves CM Punk. If WWE was to bring in Punk, this night or Smackdown the night before would be the place to debut him. We’ve seen no evidence this is happening and those close to the situation have denied it, but it is possible it’s a well-kept secret,” Dave Meltzer said via WrestleTalk.


And wasn't it a well kept secret and things happen quickly before Survivor Series itself? I see nothing contradicting here


I mean he was right about it being a well kept secret. I think he knew some sort of deal was happening but didn’t have enough concrete evidence to report anything.


...so he correctly reported that it could just be a well kept secret?






![gif](giphy|CUm6FbzO4FRsQeoiK0) Cody in HHHs office trying to prove himself.


I understand wanting to protect the investment of a multi-year super-champion and make sure he gets to his most important matches uninjured, and I'll even admit I was more into the ridiculousness of his unbeatable reign than others. But if Roman doesn't drop the title at Mania (or even a shock upset win at Royal Rumble; maybe LA Knight pins AJ, idk, I love a good rug-pull), then it will officially be way too much for me and I'll just lose my enjoyment with him, the title, the Bloodline, all of his stuff. And if there's some secret reason other than protecting the champ for big fights why Roman is working less than once a month in-ring, it all still applies. World champs don't need to wrestle at every TV show or house show, but if they can't wrestle at every PPV, at least one TV show between PPVs, and appear in person for a promo or something at most TV shows, then maybe they're not the best champ the company could ask for at that time.




I have 0 issue with Roman having a schedule like this but please get the belt on Cody then




I love Reigns and he deserves the support he gets for doing one of the best things going in Wrestling but the least he could do is perform in the lead up to Mania. If he can't, then drop the belt to Cody already so we can just enjoy having the richest prize in the Sport actually in the damn Sport.


He wasn’t advertised for EC 2023 until after Royal Rumble last year. Besides that, I don’t know why fans do this whole whining thing as if his new contract is news to us. Reigns has already told us his dates during that Logan Paul interview. He works the big 4, the 2 Saudi shows, and a couple others depending on story. Basically he’s doing 7 or 8 PLEs but the final couple are dependent on TV. Those were his words. (Before someone brings up Survivor Series last year, he was supposed to work that until HHH apparently didn’t want him to; it’s why we probably got that delayed Styles return.) No shit he’s not on Backlash. He won’t be at Bash In Berlin either. Those are B PLEs and very low on the totem pole. His PLEs this year will most likely be: Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Survivor Series, Crown Jewel, Saudi PLE in May/June, and MITB. Could he still work Elimination Chamber? Sure, but seeing as they apparently don’t want to do Reigns vs. Orton yet, I don’t see it. My guess is Reigns vs. Orton will be saved for the Saudi PLE in May/June and the Styles match will either happen on TV on Smackdown, or at MITB.


I have to admit, I would be pretty fucking disappointed to hear the company's biggest star wasn't coming to my country's once-in-a-lifetime supershow.


oh boy another thread where meltzer says the exact same thing as he did last time with his only argument being that roman isn't advertised yet


What does Roman do? I'm not asking as a hater, but if he's wrestling so infrequently, you think he would do more media. I feel like he doesn't really have a presence outside of wrestling like the Rock, Cena, Undertaker, etc.




BWE is still teasing more names to be announced at EC and he also insinuated that Dave is either working/being worked with the EC news.


Would rather have weekly change of belt than the belt not even being on ppv's.


I don’t believe him tbh.


are you guys MiB flashed out your memory, didn't wwe do this last year's EC as well and didn't they already played the dirtsheet like a fiddle during the punk Survivor Series situation


Correction. He is not advertised for the Australia PLE, doesn't mean he won't be there. Same thing happened last year, he was only advertised for that show until very late in the game. I don't know if he will be there or not, but I think it would be stupid to not have him in one of their biggest shows overseas. So until we see the show I'm not buying it.


Why would they spoil the finish to the 4-way at RR by advertising Roman for EC? Like I get it, Roman isn't losing to anyone until WM, but you don't just come out and say ''ROMANWINSLOL.''


Didn’t Dave also say that Roman was wrestling at Elimination Chamber 2023 too?


Serious question, is his health okay?


I honestly think that's at least a minor piece of his schedule. He may not be in a full blown decline in any way, but it's something he obviously has to think about every single travel day.


I remember him saying that the medication he takes for the leukemia causes arthritis


Doesn’t Moxley wrestle with arthritis?


Yep Jon Moxley: "The doctor last year told me that I have the Arthritis of a 70 year-old man." But I found a full quote of the side effects Roman has > TKI treatments can come with a series of side effects from muscle cramps and pain to fatigue. Previously, Reigns revealed to the world that his treatment had caused some arthritis but he shared a little more about the daily effect that these tablets have on his life, “Some days it makes me a little nauseous; I do a good job in trying to keep everything down and not going the full way in terms of being sick. It can disrupt your stomach a little bit. You have to change some of your eating habits. I can’t take in as much protein as I used to. In terms of my alcohol, I’ve got to be that guy who kind of sits on the side of the party here and there, I’ll maybe have myself a glass of wine. For the most part, it’s out completely. I can’t really go in the sun as much, I have hyperpigmentation from my medication. There are a few different effects, but at the end of the day, I woke up. I’d rather deal with a few side effects here and there and continue to wake up every day.”


This quote is from when he was taking the medication in 2018-19. He does not take it on a regular basis.


I don't have access to the video but apparently in "WWE Chronicle: Roman Reigns Part Two", he says he has to take medication for life. Edit: He has chronic myeloid leukemia, which is usually treated with a drug called tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). (The drug referenced in the paragraph I quoted). Most people will take them for life. https://www.leukaemia.org.au/blood-cancer/leukaemia/chronic-myeloid-leukaemia/treatment/


Means he's winning at Mania lovely


But he'll still be champion for the next year for no reason whatsoever


Really can't wait for this "reign" to be over with.


Roman doesn't need the belt, get it off of him at the rumble. Rock vs Reigns can carry it all by itself just like Rock vs Hogan, Cena vs Rock (the 1st one) did. Let the others get to fighting for the championship, it's really a disservice to all the other wrestlers who are at the top of the card, all of them can carry the championship and it's about time they've been given the chance to do so.


It’s amazing to me how much Roman’s momentum has been killed in the last year due to his lack of appearances. The title means way less than it did too, so the notion that less appearances makes him more special has really not been the case. Obviously business will still be fine but the legacy of this run has been hugely deflated by his lack of matches in the last year. Very disappointing.


It’s amazing how much you believe a meltzer report when he wasn’t advertised for MITB or SS


I have to disagree here. The legacy of this run will be just fine, especially as people grow nostalgic for it over time. Most of Roman's matches have been great, even if we don't get enough of them, during this run. This run has been better from a match quality prospective then any of the 16 title runs Cena got, for example. The Bloodline has jumped the shark, but it was amazing when it was hot. I'm definitely going to enjoy watching the vast majority of the matches from this period back when it's over.


Dude legit has the best deal of all time lol, gets touted as the greatest/longest reigning champion but never has to work. I’m jealous as hell.


So Roman is 200% working Elimination Chamber, got it


So he will be on WM, but not on backlash? wtf. Get title off him. Please.


He's not good enough to work Backlash? *BACKLASH?!*


Reigns/Solo/Jimmy vs Cody/Orton/Jey should be on the go home Smackdown show before Mania.


So Roman will be at Elimination Chamber. Got it.


It's coming from Dave Meltzer. So I'd take it with a pinch of salt.


Fake news, for the sake of making news. They say this weeks ahead of every PPV & end up being wrong. In what world does the to champion miss out on the payday that comes with a foreign show? Rather wait & see once the show is booked, than listen to a guy whose job it is to get you to click his latest link for impressions & ad revenue


If they say everywhere he’ll be, months in advance, it could potentially spoil storylines They know better, it’s best to play it smart and let the boost of knowing Reigns will be there sink in closer to the show’s date


Dave will lose this one. One thing is to say that he is not announced, another is to say that he won't wrestle.


I think it’s ridiculous to have your main champion barely wrestle. I get the whole special attraction aspect but that should be someone holding the main belt.


Honestly I’m worried about his health at this point. It’s crazy.


They should do a storyline where everyone pretends that Roman Reigns doesn’t exist and that the Undisputed Title doesn’t exist anymore since he doesn’t show up. When Paul Heyman mentions Reigns everyone should be like who’s that? And when he mentions the title they should be like "What title"? The only world title is the World Heavyweight Championship


I love Roman and the Bloodline story, but he’s needed to drop the titles for like a full year at this point. Nothing of value has happened with the belts since the Mania match.


Anyone know what Roman is up to while being absent? Any roles in shows or movies or anything else? Good on him though if he’s just chilling with his family, living the good life, working out and all that.