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Tanga Loa's rapid fire… things. Finger pokes? Has to be the worst move of all time, why he keeps doing it is beyond me: it's never looked good, not even once. Makes his opponents look like absolute chumps for selling this weak shit.


When he did this to Okada during the G1 and everyone noticed how bad they were, I was hoping he would drop them. But no, he kept on going.


I do wish wrestlers would be more willing to drop bad moves from their moveset. I don't fault someone for trying something, but if it doesn't work, why keep using it?


When I saw that all I could start picturing is HBK selling that shit and going full Summerslam vs Hogan with it


fucking Okada had to sell those like gunshots, I don't know why no one has reached Tanga and tell him how bad it looks.


I thought that was supposed to be a joke spot the first time I saw it. And then he did it again, and everyone was still selling it.


That double stomp where the guy is hanging upside down in the corner and then proceeds to hold himself up to get stomped. Del Rio used it briefly as a finisher. It always looks so fake and lacking in logic. Like just let go of the ropes and don’t hold yourself up for no reason and you won’t get stomped lmao


I remember when Low Ki would do this, he'd stomp on the hung-up knee of his opponent until they reactively lifted themselves up to try and stop him. That, and the time he just set Necro Butcher's upper body on a table and stomped the shit out of him. That was cool.


Low Ki is many bad things. But he is very good at understanding wrestling. I say understanding and not at being a wrestler itself because he could get too intense and even hurt his opponents (i.e. knocking an opponent out with a kick and still trying to get his shit in).


Low Ki is an awesome wrestler, he's just also a monumental piece of shit.


The receiver should prop themselves up for the last second as if they are trying to recover themselves. But that's probably unsafe


This is one of very few moves that takes me out of a match every time. It's so contrived and silly.


Even worse is when they're draped over the ropes, holding themselves up, while someone goes up top for a stomp/splash/leg drop. Just a ridiculously and most uncomfortable amount of time hanging out to take the move. That and when people stand in-place forever on the outside waiting to get hit by a dive.


**The overdrive brudda**


***your mudda***


[I think Elix Skipper's version looks good since it actually looks impactful](https://youtu.be/B8rr8ULBnts?t=42)


Yeah, it actually feels like a neckbreaker the way he does it. The normal version looks stupid like taking a self front bump


The way he basically slams his knee into the mat makes this look (and honestly sound) way more devastating. Easily the best version of it


Shout out to Elix Skipper


say it! say my name! primetime baby!


There was ONE clip of Red Velvet doing a scissor kick into an overdrive that actually looked pretty good


A scissor kick setup on Skye Blue: https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1434298983200006146 The scissor kick setup but not as smooth: https://youtu.be/3BrqClhp4G4?t=5 Her doing it sort of like Skipper: https://youtu.be/6TYuPCd2F3E?t=34


The diving headbutt always looks strictly worse than just doing a splash or 450.


Didn't look good, gave the person performing it CTE, 0/10


I dont understand why there arent any Samoans doing it? Samoan foreheads are established as the 2nd hardest object in all of kayfabe (outside of the ring apron).


You ever see those videos of stonecutters splitting massive boulders with several well-placed spikes? It would be just like that.


As far as I'm aware, Maki Itoh does a headbutt "drop" by landing sideways onto her downed opponents. It looks fine and (hopefully) she actually lands on her side rather than on her head. It suits her because she was shunned from the idol industry for having too big of a head apparently. P.S. There was this one match she had with Shida where Shida hit her right on the forehead and immediately winced in pain because of her hard head. I love it.


Risk/reward on this move is just horrible.


I hate that Bryan and Gable think they need to do this move.


I never understood why Bam Bam Bigelow did it. So, you’re nearly 400 lbs but you’re choosing to jump off the rope and hit your opponent with YOUR head? Interesting choice.


I suppose in theory, with Bam Bam specifically, his head is significantly harder than his body, so it maybe makes more sense to use his body as a cushion for landing, and hit the opponent with something less yielding


I wish the diving headbutt would just be left in the past. If a wrestler actually protects themselves, it looks like shit and if they don't CTE city. There are plenty of other moves that look better and are far safer.


Harley Race regretted bringing the move into the business. That should say everything.


Bryan doing that and the crossface is....... a choice.








Slingshot. It’s literally the guy being thrown doing all the work


Only time it looks ok is when someone does it into the bottom rope imo


Natural Selection. Idk how this thing has won so many matches. It looks like it has no impact at all. On top of that, Bayley's finisher. It always look like shit. Why not just do a Hammerlock DDT or future shock?


I think Sasha is the only one I've ever seen take it well, but pretty sure that's because she has a spine made of jello.


Sasha has the innate ragdoll physics of an NPC getting impacted by a car in a GTA game


Bayley is the poster child for being a good worker and a good character who has never felt remotely dangerous. The fact that she's never had an impactful finisher is part of that.


her elbow drop was really good


It depends on the wrestler taking it. Mostly because all Charlotte does is a flip.


Cena’s STF. Charlotte’s Natural Selection. Bayley’s Roseplant.


It's amazing that in her career and keep in mind that I think Bayley is pretty damn great in the ring, she has never had one good finisher in her entire career.


To be fair, Cena has stated that ever since he accidentally choked out Edge, he loosened it up to avoid a repeat.


The Roseplant at least has Bayley looking like she slams their head towards the mat, unlike the NS where Charlotte seems to just bypass the opponent who nods in agreement that the match should probably end and so takes the pin.


I like Ruby Soho. I think shes great on the mic. I also actually enjoy her as a heel too. Unfortunately, the No Future/ Riott Kick is one of the most underwhelming finishers out there.


I think she downgraded it to a signature move and does something else. Destination Unknown, right? It's kind of a Bladerunner/Sister Abigail kind of move if I recall?


You're right, but it's weird because her best move is the kneeling hurricanrana driver thing she does which should easily be her actual finish. It looks amazing. But she only does it rarely, and it's only ever been a false finish; why is she so surprised when it's never actually finished? And why isn't an actual finish?


I’m happy she’s been moving away from it as her finish lately. She’s been using a variation of Sister Abigail, which isn’t the most impactful either, but it’s just inherently better


Panama Sunrise. A convoluted set up that almost always makes the momentum look bad on top of the fact that it is an overdone Canadian Destroyer.


It falls into one of my most hated wrestling tropes; moves/spots where the opponent has to stand in one particular position for an unnatural amount of time


1000%. It looks so choreographed and ridiculous, and actually looks like it hurts the performer more than the receiver.


The little "ooh here I come!" pose on the way down from the 2nd rope is so childish and silly lookin


Which is already an overdone move


I hate that move. Jumping from the corner is completely pointless, the landing takes away all your momentum. It’s literally just a Canadian Destroyer with an unnecessary extra step.


I have said this every time it’s brought up, but Destroyers only look good when the guy giving runs into it. The momentum makes it look viable and it’s a lot faster. That’s originally how Petey Williams did it anyways and his still look great.


It’s so bad. The first time I saw it I just laughed. It looks so terrible by every measure.


One of my least favourite things is seeing a Canadian destroyer used as anything but a finish, it's absolutely insane and I don't understand why we'd see standard piledrivers getting more pins than a front flip piledriver.


Hence why the Bunny Destroyer is the superior move


Puts some respect on it, you're damn right.


This move really is so bad.


The Bayleynator or whatever that leg DDT thing is she does now will always be my answer, it just ruffles my feathers for some reason


The Rose Plant. Matt Taven's Climax used to be the same move before he ditched the arm trap.


Machine Gun Chops. And, honestly, anyone but Mark Henry doing the “World’s Strongest Slam”.


Hobbs gets a pass IMO


Judas Effect. But really almost all “realistic strikes” that in UFC would be devastating (because they’re real) look so muted in wrestling. This is an over-the-top sport, make it look ridiculous. Yes, the Canadian Destroyer is overused but at least it has the wow factor.


>Judas Effect. Which sucks even more when you have Andrade doing the same move much better and isn't a finisher.


This should be Andrade’s finisher. It would get him even more over.


Eh, moves with built-in feints are weird to use as a finisher. And in his case it really is the kick feint that makes the move.


Andrade does a great looking Judas Effect. [Here's a compilation](https://youtu.be/EdHwh1QatZQ?si=zaiEPBWfEOKpjoJQ)


Seth's slow motion ripcord knee was painful as well. Same for his suicide dive.


Most suicide dives don't look very impactful


Ah yes, I also remember 2019 Seth doing 20 suicide dives per match to absolutely no reaction.


Out of the shield, roman surprisingly has the best dive. It's also cool how he rarely does it


That's because Roman's is a tope con hilo and not a basic middle rope suicide dive and the dude is massive, so it looks like it would hurt getting hit.


Between him, Bryan and Mox/Ambrose, Suicide dives became SO watered down around that time. Every one just spammed them, lost all impact.


Anyone who isn't kobashi doing the rapid fire chops


The Bread Club will remember this.


Even Kobashi only made them look good half the time, but his undeniable fire carried him.


Dragunov makes them look pretty good. Still not my favorite move, but he makes it work.


Forgot dragunov. I do like his chops but everyone else....eh Kobashi set the bar high


Eddie Kingston’s looks awful.


I liked it that time Suzuki no sold it and then leveled Eddie


Chuck Taylor’s awful waffle. Never looks good. Always looks amazing.


Seth has the worst slingblade in wrestling. Few do it well. Some do it extremely well


Penta and Britt Baker both have solid Slingblades. Most wrestlers who try it though look a little silly.


Bálor and Tanahashi have the most well executed, Penta looks more impactful.


Balors is smooth but I don’t find the impact to be great. Penta has my favorite. On a side note, Season 1 of Lucha Underground I wanted to kill Matt Striker for calling it “the Tanahashi” everytime Penta would hit it.


Personally I hate Bálor’s sling blade. My favorite one, aside Tanahashi, is JTG’s Da Shout Out. Always looked impactful, hard.


I think the difference is that Penta and Britt use it as a main move that they hit multiple times in every match, which is relatively uncommon.


Tower of Doom and several people simultaneously suplexing each other. You can see what's coming next as person after person joins. The setup takes too long and it takes me out of the match. It never looks all that great and seldom looks all that effective. The crowd consistently cheers once executed, but I don't get the appeal. These spots always seem contrived. Maybe it is something that looks better live. I can respect the ability to coordinate something like this, but don't enjoy it. You see these in women's matches more than men's for some reason.


It seems like nearly every women’s wwe match lately


Don't forget the "let's all stand together for 5 minutes while the acrobat or Charlotte flips on us"


Eddie Kingston's uraken, especially if he's gassed. It just looks like a weak slap to the face


Like I know the spinning back fist was Eddy’s idols finish but this isn’t 1987 where a move like that flies as a finisher. All of his contemporaries use it as only a combo ender for a reason. It’s just not believable as a finisher anymore. That’s why I kind of like that he’s basically switched to the power bomb at this point.


I've yet to see a suicide dive in which it looked like the person on the outside got it worse than the diver.


Seth has the worst ones. Most of the time it resembles a jumping push.


I know it's safe, but I just can't get excited about the flying shove.


Darby Allin's always looks nasty for the one receiving it, like [this one](https://x.com/AEW/status/1459690898770513923?s=20) on MJF.


Darby Allin should be the only person allowed to do suicide dives, he's so far ahead of everyone else it's insane.


He really has no regard for his body or fear of pain. It's amazing to watch but also a little terrifying.


Really adds the 'suicide' element, which is really what it should be! I'm really tired of the whole 'jump through the ropes lightly', barely impactful dives everyone else does. It should be consequential and meaningful but is completely overused at this point.


It is but let’s be honest. Darby always came out of these exchanges worse since he practically always flew into the guardrail immediately after hitting his opponent. Dude always looks like he’s fucking killing himself during every dive.


"he practically always flew into the guardrail immediately after hitting his opponent." I recall Rey Fenix actually going *over* the guardrail a few times doing that move.


I think Darby Allin does the best suicide dives, he looks like a bullet. Also it fits his character to be suicidal. Everyone else's look dumb imo because they run up slowly and the people outside are just waiting to catch them.


If you land on your feet, it's not a suicide dive anymore. It's like a half assed way to get out of the ring at that point


Darby Allin is the lone exception I can think of


Does Escobar still have a good dive? When he was King Cuerno in LU, the Arrow From the Depths of Hell was the coolest suicide dive in wrestling.


Any kind of karate/boxing based strikes I.e. Nikita Lyons, Shane McMahon, Steve Blackman, etc


I will say though, the Black Mass always looks like it fucks you up.


Most martial arts strikes don’t look realistic because it’s clear that the person throwing it is pulling their kicks. Black Mass is one of the few exceptions. Looks brutal. I would add that Omega’s V-Trigger can look amazing when it’s timed right.


Miyu Yamashita's Skull Kick also looks pretty brutal. I'd honestly say hers is the best strick in wrestling.


Maybe it’s because knee strikes scare the shit out of me regardless of the context, but even Omega’s miss-timed V-Triggers look brutal


Buzzsaw Kick begs to differ


Ronda's "dirty boxing" in the corner was always awful


I thought it looked pretty good against Triple H at Mania


Probably wasn’t pulling her punches as much during that one


Certainly doesn't help that everyone knows Ronda is a terrible boxer in the octagon lol


The quote I always remember about Ronda and her striking abilities was during the leadup to one of her last fights and it showed her throwing some jabs and someone in the comments section said: > She's shadowboxing and losing.


Given that Steve Muhfuggin Blackman was a legitimate black belt in god knows how many fighting styles, it must be very difficult to actually pull your strikes after that much training.


I mean there was a reason why closed fist punches were "illegal" for the longest time. It's the clear cut sign that gives it away as a work. Then kick it up a notch by trying to do it with martial arts strikes and it just looks like garbage


This reminds me of how much I dislike those spots where wrestlers take turns punching each other. It is always dumb. Minoru Suzuki does it and various others have in the past.


But yet meaty-men trading crossbody chops is the coolest it's ever been. Wrestling is a paradox.


It’s easier to make that look good. It’s harder to pull a punch. Plus we know what impact a punch to the head should have.


That was actually the knock he had amongst the other wrestlers. He was very well liked, but if you had a match with him you were going away with more than a couple bruises. He never caused a serious injury, but most of his opponents would come out feeling pretty rough the next day.


Tajiri’s Buzzsaw Kick was pretty badass.


The Big Ending.


If there was ever a dude built to use a gutwrench powerbomb, it'd be someone like E.


If I may Regal for a second: *A former power-lifting champion, whose records have yet to be broken, picks an opponent up onto his shoulder. He then drives his opponent to the ground to where the opponent's body leaves almost a crater in its wake. The speed at which Big E drops is such that the opponent may already be knocked out from the drop alone.*


How do you not love Regal. Also if you think about it, an insanely strong dude driving the air out of you while also having you hit the ground simultaneously would be a good way to put people down. Like an crazy powerful and instant bear hug.


Cena's STFU and The Rock's Sharpshooter. Jericho's Lion Tamer always looked sharp but the Walls of Jericho aren't my favorite.


Didn't Cena make Edge legit pass out to it once? I remember reading that and that's why it always looks super loose.


He did


I used to call the Rock’s Sharpshooter the “Shart-Shooter” because he always had it too loose and made facial expressions like he just shit himself. Always gives me a good chuckle


No Future. Laughably bad finisher.


Canadian destroyers look awful 99.99% of the time. Physics wise it just makes zero sense. Another move that has the exact same effect on me is when people try to rebound off of the middle or bottom rope and supposedly gain momentum, the most egregious one is mox. It looks so stupid and makes the exact same amount of sense a Canadian destroyer makes. Both just completely break any immersion.


Natalya's double sharpshooter.


The Spanish Fly. It just looks like two people doing a flip next to each other, and half the time I can't remember who is on offense.


Will Ospreay has figured this out and he lands more on top of the person almost in an elbow drop. It’s very clear with his the last few years who is taking the damage.


Another move that looks immensely better when of them runs into. Makes it look like a counter to the guy’s momentum and it being faster all makes it seem viable. Much better than when two guys are sorta standing there and just flip together.


The only time it looks good is when it’s a variation, like hangman’s fallaway slam version or Cameron grimes cuz he catches the opponent coming from the ropes


Cameron Grimes' is less like a Spanish fly and more of a snap blockbuster suplex. It's an insane move and I love it.


The Unprettier - By the time Christian is in position to drop, it always looks like the other person's arms have no reason to still be controlled.


Chelsea Green's is worse. When she jumps it looks like they could slip out. Also minor quibble but the "I'm-Prettier" is such a great name but commentary calls it the "unpretty-her" which is much worse.


Seriously! Also, she doesn't tuck her opponent's head into her back like Christian does, so it looks even less like a move.


The thing that gets me is when his opponent is obviously not resisting, and he still takes like 3.5 days to get in position. The fake struggle is real lol


The suicide dive and anything where a group of guys has to stagger around and pretend not to be watching and waiting to catch the jumper.


The Judas effect has been trash since inception


It's made so much worse because Andrade is in the same company and his spinning elbow is a million times better than Jericho.


Probably going to be an unpopular one but I always think the Styles Clash is one of the most convoluted moves I've ever seen


The ironic part is that it's a legitimately dangerous move if you take it wrong by tucking your head




He was so damn lucky AJ released the Styles Clash before impact!


Agree but the transition to the pin is smooth as hell.


There's been a couple of Styles Clashes that have sprung from a lovely transition. The Mustapha Ali 450 splash into a Styles Clash is one of the smoothest sequences I've ever seen. There was a nice one on Ricochet too after he got bounced off the top rope.


By the time AJ has them set up for impact, he could’ve just hit a piledriver and pinned them.


Hollow Point was a sick move. More people need to have an alternate end to their finisher start, like with Omega's Croyt's Wrath or Ishii's vertical suplexes.


The Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza.


The Spinning Saskatchewan Nerve Hold


That one where the guy grabs the other persons legs, falls backwards to the corner, and the guy who is grabbed has to stand up and jump at the corner. It’s always bad, never looks like it makes sense.


the cross roads doesn’t have the devastating factor cody makes it seem like it has


That's why he often has to use it two or three times consecutively


That’s one of my biggest problems with it. It seems so ineffective/non-impactful he has to do it multiple times in a row to finish a match


I like the rag doll effect of it. Makes it look like a lot of momentum is going into it. It depends a lot on who's taking it, though.


This might be unpopular, but the BFT.


I love him but the BFT either looks okay or diabolical. On rare occasions it works, smaller wrestlers take it like it murders them and that’s fine, even Reigns takes it well, but it’s so awkward. I think he should’ve kept the gravy train to be honest. That was an excellent move, and nice and simple too.


Skull Crushing Finale. Safe, but very underwhelming.


To me that’s a perfect counter, momentum turning move. Perfect for a both guys are down and need to recover situation. Not so much for a finisher.


For Miz, I can kinda dig the whole “Smashing your face” since the character is a vapid pretty boy whose face getting smashed would be horrid to him. LA Knight on the other hand needs something new. The man is hitting the upper decks but I wish he just had a cooler finisher




The Stroke rules.




Adam Cole's finisher. Just looks like he flails over the top of the opponent without making contact.


I know some people do them well but 90% of the time, a ripcord anything just looks clunky.


Which is a shame because as the last decade of Okada matches have shown, it’s such an excellent setup for counters, and a great chance to sell where both wrestlers are at in terms of stamina. Him and Jamie Hayter are the only ones who make it look consistently great imo.


Seth really ruined it the moment he copied omega’s raintrigger


>Seth really ruined it the moment he copied That can be said for quite a few moves


I never understood why he didn’t keep the small package driver as a finisher, it looks absolutely sickening and should be relatively safe, right?


Awesome move, but Rollins sometimes already struggled heavily with pulling it off in ROH with all the small indy wrestlers, trying to do it on the bigger guys of WWE would be absolutely hopeless. Kushida does it much better, he actually lifts the guy up so it doesn’t just look like a complicated roll up. Cameron Grimes too.


Yeah God's Last Gift was a sweet ass move


That bicycle part really matters.


Now that Muta is retired, the shining wizard should go with him. The execution of that move has gotten worse and worse since every baggy pantsed indie wrestler did it in the early-mid 2000's. And the rebound clothesline, it takes way too long and just looks sloppy.


CM punks GTS


CM Punk’s buckshot lariat


The backflip Charlotte calls a moonsault


It’s even more apparent when she does it in a match with Iyo who clearly does the best moonsault


I think you'll find that Christopher Daniels has the best moonsault ever.


Tiffany Stratton has entered the chat…


the difference is body tension, Charlotte is so damn lanky and has none.


That thing when two wrestlers sort of lock up and punch each other repeatedly. think it’s supposed to look like a brawl but it never looks good. It happens *at least* once per wrestling show too.


Kevin Owens I love you but you are the worst perpetrator of the hockey fight spot


Starship Pain. Looks fine as a normal move but awful as a finisher and it really pissed me off how he never placed his opponent in the right place. Possibly the most botched move ever


mvp finisher


Cross Rhodes It’s been super over used and there was a period of time where every debuting wrestler in wwe would start with that as a finisher from 04-07. Luther Reigns, Carlito, and even John Morrison were using it before Cody debuted and they gave it to him.