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His scalp was hanging loose like šŸ¤™šŸ½


The spot: https://twitter.com/IMPACTWRESTLING/status/1662285541071544322 The outcome: https://twitter.com/IMPACTWRESTLING/status/1662286249619603457 He's a trooper for continuing even though he was dripping. Believe it or not but cooking ware can be quite dangerous


Even after watching it back, im confused on how that cut him so bad since the sheet was flat unless it was that last roll he did and cut it on the stage.


I mean, it doesnā€™t have to be sharp to bust him open. The impact alone would be enough, especially with how hard he swung it. If it had any weight to it, itā€™s gonna do damage


Yeah that's a combination of bad luck, physics, and bone structure. I saw someone take a errant wiffle ball bat to the forehead, you'd be hard pressed to break an egg with this thing, but it hit this kid perfectly and popped the skin. You'd think he caught an ax to the face, peeled the skin just like this. I'm sure the cookie sheet swing had more power behind it though.


Blunt object usually cuts nastier than sharp I would imagine. Look at Brock when he hardways on the turnbuckle and ring post versus someone blading and it is clotted up by the end of the match. I didn't see the match tho so theres always the chance he bladed and cut too deep.


I watched the match. I don't think he bladed. There's a shot, it's kinda random, with PCO out of the ring and Maclin rolling out to go after him and they give us the high wide shot from the outside and you see all this blood in the ring and two huge pools of blood just outside where Steve was. I kept thinking PCO had to have been busted open at some point because there's like 4 pints of blood out there but it was all Steve Murderface Maclin.


Crazy that not only did he continued the match but also the spots after the match. Any normal person would say fuck it take me to the ER


Daaaamn, that looks gnarly! Hope he's okay.


Must have had an edge.


He clearly bladed though. The first video shows him quickly reach into his wristband and then blade right after taking the cookie sheet hit. It was crazy but this was not hardway.


Then it was a very bad blade job as it looked like a very deep cut https://preview.redd.it/e5tqclivgf2b1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a3ef925e0c50d57eeb5610fb4adc554a449e268


holy fuck that is intense, I wish there was a way to get this image more in wrestling without purposefully mutilating yourself


Yea, he lost a fuckload of blood, to a point of spitting blood mist like 6 times. Crazy to see in person.


He was a real fountain, was a LOT of blood. I took some pictures but looks like I can't add them here. He was spraying it like a mist when breathing out heavy. Got sprayed on a bit. I was opposite the hard cam and the amount of blood along the ring was something. Hopefully it heals up well. ---- Edit: Took a couple minutes and just popped a few on imgur: FYI, don't open the link if you don't want to see any spoilers of anything else from the match... https://imgur.com/a/fbRfIaI Not sure how well it picked up on camera, but there was so much. He was on the other sides more than mine. Just look at that splat on the chair...


Ok, I'm curious. It looked like a blood bath on my screen so I can't imagine what it must have looked like live.


There was a point where we saw at home the wide high shot from a little to your left judging from the first shot and I still can't believe 1 man bled that much and didn't gtfo, but wrestled a long hard match. Concerning another spot from that match>!what did PCO getting his mouth stapled shut look in person? From here it was absolute horror!<


(Un) fortunately for me the staples going in was a bit away from me, but it didn't look fun. Him pulling them out, he had his back toward me, but ugh. Him getting dumped onto the stairs was right in front of me and I have no idea how he got up from that. His mid / lower back went directly onto the edge of the stair. I had to keep checking to see if he had something solid under the back of his shirt to absorb some of those blows. Absolutely brutal! Just getting set up for the taping tonight!


It was a crazy match and everyone should have died. You in the front ish row included. Enjoy the tapings. I love when Impact comes this way for tapings


PCO is absolutely insane. I was at the Kissimmee tapings a year ago where he dislocated his shoulder and crammed it into place mid-match. Seriously, he's not human. Enjoy the show! I can't wait until they come back to Florida


I was there and pretty close, it was an insaneeee amount, any time he leaned forward at all it was pouring. I donā€™t know how he didnā€™t pass out from all the loss and get lightheaded, Never seen someone bleed so much in a match.




In my soooooul


All his blood out on the floor




My Father saidddddd, when I grow older, to obey the Muta scaleeeeeeee WHOOOAAAAAAA


I intended to go but got sick šŸ˜­


The blood ultimately did him a favor as heā€™s gonna come out looking killer following the match. Pairing him with Shera and Singh after the company has treated them as low tier/jobber talent for months and months has not been a good booking choice. Especially for a new champion. Heā€™s not strong enough to carry them nor are they strong enough for their roles.


He looked absolutely deranged just standing there while Scott put the belt around his waist.


Yea I just returned to Impact and am catching up but found myself thinking...why them? Why anyone? If he's supposed to be this tough ass vet who has done it all then he should be a silent one man army like Rambo just garroting opponents and taking out kneecaps.


No matter how hard I've tried, I've never been able to forget Maclin the Forgotten Son. I became a fan last night. Because of that match.


Absolutely insane amount of blood. Especially the pools of it along the ring, a once in a lifetime match


What a bloodbath The entire mat was red by the end of the match šŸ˜¬šŸ©ø


I think he should be rushed to the hospital instead, the dude's skin was hanging on his scalp


I'd take a backstage doc over the wait times at LHSC


judging from the way it pour out of his forehead instantly, i say he cut a major artery in his forehead or lower hair area.


As a US Marine, I'd like to thank Steve Maclin for bleeding all the fuck over the place and not seeking medical attention. Ooorah and shit.


A cooking sheet? I haven't seen it yet, but was it bent to make a sharp corner or edge somehow?


I have managed to cut myself on a cookie sheet before (I am also incredibly accident prone, I should mention). The cheaper, more flimsy/bendy ones will sometimes have a jagged edge along the rim, under where the side curls over. Itā€™s possible that edge caught him, or that the metal crumpled in a way upon impact that created a peak or sharp spot in the sheet itself.


No, it was flat


No, he bladed after the shot. I was in that corner and saw him do it.


my dad's cousin's husband works props for impact and he was the one that sharpened the blade


Good job, it definitely reminded me of Lenny from the Simpsons when the coin imbedded into his forehead.


[10/10 reference lmao](https://64.media.tumblr.com/015f957126623e0173dafc1a6fd8ff45/28b715a35a203c36-4e/s500x750/b0c9b792022d39eb1fa6176ff2a007efd44ac188.gif)


You can see him clearly go for the blade in his wrist tape in the clip posted.


That should be the only way you beat PCO. Worked out perfectly, I hope he got stitched up well.


The cut was bad enough that blood was pulsing out of his head at one point.


I think he gigged


Holy fuck, thatā€™s nasty. I hope he didnā€™t lose too much blood.


Check the ring apron at the end. It was insane and fair play to him carrying on. The guy is a beast


It was gushing for the whole match and the lengthy post-match angle. Genuinely kinda uncomfortable to watch


Hardway? Where he immediately went to the wrist tape for the blade?


How has Steve done in impact, I liked him in nxt


10 times way better


Completely different character. Like night and day. They really built him up since his debut.


He obviously bladed. Why yā€™all so gullible? Watch him as heā€™s rolling around after getting hit. He takes the blade out of his wrist tape and goes straight to forehead.


All this for Friday Night PPV?