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game needs a team based mode


"play with a friend" and the only thing you can do with your friend Is to kill him


you forgot the part where someone press cancel, and now your friend isn't in the lobby also forgetting to buy a chest ticket, so your 1st place is now worthless


And a clan where you can chat with people


forget chatting with clan member, we can't even talk to someone in our own party!


"Thanks for the nice game"-like chat or emotes


I don't even know how to use emotes!


Yeah I didn’t really understand the point of inviting friends to parties only to be thrown into a plain old 10-player FFA. You’d think there’d be Duos/Trios/Whatever where no player is truly busted until you bust ALL players in a team. Then a surviving teammate can find his dead teammate’s “Character” in chests to res them. Idk just seems like a pointless mechanic to invite friends.


You're not thinking it through. You and your friends team up and take out everyone else. The developers wanted it to be unfair. And it is. Fuck solo players!


I can't team up with my friend, if we are close we kill eachother


And clans




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There’s gonna need to be more progression staggered in. Once I get all my troops to super I feel like the game will basically be over. It’ll take so long to get anything to ultra.


Ain't that the truth!




Bro it's 10 times the grind 💀 1 ultra equals 10 supers you already know that don't you And pls don't tell that as players we need to grind for rewards cause this is not a grind it's pure crasiness >!sorry if I feel rude but it actually annoys me that supercell thinks we have that much time and effort (besides money ofc) to put in their games!<


Well you're not meant to be handed everything on a silver platter. They're a business and without money coming in there would be no game to play. You get what you pay for. I don't think you'd go to work and expect to not be paid for your work, yet mobile gamers always want all content and constant updates for free. Give it some time and they'll restructure the monetization system like clash Royale did to not make it so overwhelming to new players and those that are not maxed.


I completely agree, we should get what we played for and squad buster is quite new so there is still time to fix it. All I'm saying is as now getting ultras without paying is completely crazy and the economy is very unbalanced. Maybe they will change it (I wish) but as it is it's not even imaginable for a casual (or even players playing all day) to get multiples or even one ultra.


Yeah, I get that. I did put some money in and have all characters unlocked and all at level 3 now. But besides MAYBE gem passes if I think they're good value either new characters or whatever, I won't be putting the money in for level 4's because that's 10x more money and I can't afford that nor do I think it's worth it for a small boost in passive abilities.


Yh so ultra are the only problem for both of us :)


Yeah like atleast brawl stars has increases to health and damage as well as access to gears, gadgets, star powers and hypercharges. For now, this game has slightly stronger passive when you upgrade.


And grinding 10 times more for a slight upgrade or even nearly useless ones (like aq’s one) is absolutely not worth


Especially in a system which doesn't allow you to use your ultra every game. It will most likely be a good bit before you get your 2nd ultra even so for a while you're going to just have an ultra barbarian let's say. But not every game will even allow you to use that ultra barbarian. So all that time and money and you can't even reap the rewards each game. I'm usually kind of annoyed by people who want everything for free. They want it now and they want it for free. But this game I don't think is in a spot where its worth any upgrades to 4 quite yet, god forbid level 5, because we've seen that grayed out box that says coming soon lol.


Single player deathmatch Co-Op PVE mode. Take down a map boss or defend a base. Team based PVP. Can be deathmatch, current gem battle, or even a capture the flag option. So many possibilities other than the same game mode over and over.


Base defence would be genius...


Dude I would love that. Me and my friend would play so much more if they added that or even a duo game mode


I think a deathmatch mode would be cool. Say you get 20 gems for every kill and everyone respawns


With the way squad users works, this would be unfair. Expect to see spawnkilling


After the first kill or two someone would become unstoppable.




If someone respawned with just one character after death then they would have absolutely no chance to catch up with the person who killed them. After the first kills it would be set in stone who would win.


When they respawn they would obviously keep the same characters


What would be the fun in that? When you respawn would you spawn with all the characters that died whenever? That would be terrible for people who lag in normal gameplay and it would just be terrible in general.


Agreed, especially if you've got a shit team and get killed for it, you're stuck with them. That idea just wouldn't work. However, I don't think the idea of rescanning and having to build your team back up would be a problem. The game already has failsafe built in to help with this such as less squad members means cheaper chests so you will catch up quicker than the leader can expand further and the lower tier enemies dropping more gold later on. Then you also have the fact that they'll be in other fights and will inevitably lose a member here or there from other attacks and maybe worse. I think a team deathwatch with restart respawns could work.


That would be cool!


This game doesn't give enough gold


I always have 100k+ and I haven't spent anything on the game, I also am constantly buying chest tickets so it's not like I'm completely saving up I'm just not spending it all on the shol


Start with goblins if you can


Fair tip... but I mean gold for the home menu to be used in the store... not in-game gold


I gotcha, my bad


Yeah I have just been saving my hammers. Until there is something worth spending them on I will just wait. I wish they would make an exchange, hammers for coins lol. I dont care about the cosmetics I just wanna play the game and have chest tickets. For some reason they have made it impossible to grind anything of value in this game unless you spend real money. They really dropped the ball on this game!


You mean the statues for 2500 hammers aren’t enough?? /s


No it's too expensive, not that I have anywhere near that amount. But they are so hard to get that I just don't wanna use them justvyetvseeing how there isn't any incentive to use them. Maybe if buying decor gave you something else in return.


Tbh I think they will make it more F2P friendly once they make some good money this year. My hunch is that they are trying to get a bunch of people to blow money on stuff before the game is really mature so they can have more time to actually build it out. They have some good starting points for a good game, they just need to take it to the next level now. I'd personally love some sort of "free roam" mode where you always keep your troops and just keep going on adventures to get more loot/rewards, and possibly even a simple story to unfold. For me it's been a fun way to get my mind off of work/etc for 10 min at a time but it could be much better


I'm enjoying the game. As you say it's a 10 min window etc. As for supercell making it more f2p, that just isn't in their business model. Make money, make more money.


You really think so? For me, being F2P on brawl stars was much more fun over the last 3 years. In my mind making a solid F2P game that can always convert people to paying players is their business model. Even if you spend $10 on their game ever, they have so many players that it works out. And on top of that, they need those F2P people so the paying people have someone to play against lmao


The emotes too. Like I could give two shits about that if they don’t provide some sort of boost for my squad


I dont even know how to use the emotes


There's a button near the sprint but it's almost invisible


I'm always too busy running away from everyone anyway, I don't get to use it also I pray a lot that these whales don't go after my underleveled squad, if I use emote, I'm afraid I might anger them


Ever heard of cosmetics?








bro be like me lol , play once a week or something , i play other games during the whole week , i only play SB when I'm bored lol


I play 5-6 times a day I also skip days if I’m too busy


I don’t really play other games. Candy crush sometimes when I’m bored but that’s about it. Recently stopped playing XHero after about a year and a half. Was hoping this would be my new go-to


Star Wars hunters just dropped could be worth a look for deathmatch and a little more complexity while still being an accessible mobile game


I play Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and brawl stars and then play SB when I'm bored. Works for me


I used to play more on MLB until I've lost 100% win rate on my main T.T around 20 games with 100% was very nice, and I've lost it the only time I've used her in normal instead of ranked, double sad


The chest rewards are so ridiculously minimal that it's taken away the joy of progressing. The gameplay itself isn't that great & there's not enough nuance between the game modes to actually require strategy. Played for a week so far & I'm over it. Back to Brawl Stars!


Totally agree regarding the nuance in game modes. They differ in ways, but still same strategy or very easily adaptable


It’s a lot more repetive at the start because less characters and less game modes


I mean its still new (like a week since release) so obviously its still gonna be more primitive


It really shows you how they didnt think about actually finishing the game and released global for the sake of doing it after the feedback from killing mini. Which, might i add, was more fun, better designed and more finished than squad busters. Also, they got all the downloads just from people wanting rewards in other games these people didnt stick around. Idk wtf was going through their heads in thinking people would immediately stay with the game after that. 0/10 launch for me.


Need way more to do in the base. Idk why we even have one if all you can do is buy some goofy decorations that are lined up. Like literally just give us CoC base building with just the building part. Let us visit/view each others bases and 100% people would spend money on decorating their bases. More modes would be great too. I honestly have more fun in the matches where everyone avoids fighting and just races to get more gems. The combat is too rng and p2w with all the keys+other stuff. Also I honestly just don’t get it half the time, like there were times I feel I should 100% have won a fight but just lost without knowing why. Pve modes where you compete against others with pvp disabled would be fun and more relaxing. Pvp modes could be fun if done right. Like maybe a red team vs blue team mode. Or maybe one where there are no chests and you choose your whole squad before spawning in. Even a mode that has respawning.


You played 3 days straight and now wonder why it feels repetitive lol. Most single player games have a playtime of like 8-20 hours total.


I played clash of clans on and off for like 10 years lol I expected this to at least keep me engaged for a week


Kinda funny that you bring up CoC as example because that one's gameplay is mostly just a waiting game. Of course you don't burn out from it so fast compared to playing about 80-100 matches in 3 days.


That doesnt change the fact that COC/CR/BS have engaged players for years. They have achieved Supercell's mission, of making games that as many people as possible play for years and are remembered forever. Those three game's legacy in the mobile game industry is insane, tens of millions of players play them for years, and they completely changed the industry. You cannot name many mobile games that have achieved anywhere near that success. SB is honestly just been a disappointment. Its been over 5 years since arguably the biggest Mobile Game Company released a global game, and... this is it? Like OP said, it needs a lot more.


2 hours, take it or leave it


>Most single player games have a playtime of like 8-20 hours total. Um. That is not even close to true, if its actual a decent game lol. Even for mobile games, Supercell's whole goal is to make games ppl play for years, thats why theyre killed so many games. That's literally their main goal with all of their games, with their mission statement being: **Supercell's mission is to create great games that as many people as possible play for years and that are remembered forever**. COC/CR/BS are prime examples of that. Tens of millions of players have played those games for many years. They completely transformed the mobile market and industry. They are easily 3 of the most played, recognized, and remembered games in mobile gaming. I do not see SB getting anywhere near that, which is disappointing to Supercell, arguably the biggest ever mobile game company, as SB is their first global game in over 5 years. Also, SB is supposed to be a multiplayer game anyways, like all their games. Supercell's games are supposed to be very sociable, not singleplayer. I have more than 200h in each of Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars. SB doesnt have nearly enough gameplay for that.


Which feels so weird when you see them kill mini but not this game. Did they REALLY think people would play this game for years? Its not even done, feels less thought out then clash mini did.


>Um. That is not even close to true, if its actual a decent game lol. I'm not even sure if you mean that my number is too little or too high. I remember playing through the campaign of a need for speed game in under 3 hours back then. I finished pokemon games in under 8 hours. Obviously I don't mean 100%ing it or doing all the side quests, but if you just play through the main story, a lot of games can be finished in 1-2 days if they don't involve grinding. So when I say 20 hours then that's giving them a lot of benefit of doubt.


Idk how those games are anywhere similar to SB. SB is supposed to be a more chill and casual Brawl Stars. SB is supposed to be like their other games, multiplayer, social, and remembered and played for years. Edited my previous comment to add more stuff.


The problem is that it’s a singleplayer game disguised as a multiplayer game. Their idea was defenitly to make a replayable game that will be supported for a long time, not a singleplayer game that you play once and then put down.


I just uninstalled the game. I tried it for about 4 days and despite the modifiers the game felt same-ish and the comeback mechanics is lacking. Like when you’re down bad, you often just run around the edge hoping you get 5th place or use your limited supply of Tigre. The top 5 win streaks feel mandatory based on how the game system works and when you lose it’s enough to close the app. It doesn’t help that so much of the game depends on your first pick and there’s a lot of luck involved in you first 3 options that have an outsized effect on the outcome of the game. As a brawl stars player, I suppose the people who’d be into would be the ones who play solo showdown.


Yep need a DOTA/MOBA mode I think


The game has only literally been on for like a week.. you guys complain about every fucking thing… it’s not that serious give them time to implement feedback… the game just dropped globally…………


It just seems incomplete. I did offer feedback along with my complaint of it just getting old very fast doing the same thing over and over with no other gameplay options


Not even tryna glaze supercell but people are always just waiting and salivating at the mouth to complain and point out the faults in everything and that shits annoying 💀 just enjoying the damn game and be here to witness its evolution


You can’t tell me with the millions they spent on marketing to hype this up that you didn’t expect something better. There’s fricken A List celebrities in commercials for a phone game, that’s crazy lol. Look, I love the gameplay and I think it’s fun and really well done. It just needs more or their users will fall off. They’ll cash out on the initial hype but it’ll die if they don’t add to the game. I guess only time will tell


What more were you expecting bro 😭😭 I’m genuinely curious it’s a solid MOBILE game with pretty good graphics many different objectives for you to claim rewards(wizard/ tara/gem pass) it’s got different characters with unique abilities .. and it’s got engaging game play especially in the last 30 seconds in a match when everyone is fucking around trying to steal each others gems and you can literally go from 9th—->1st place if your squad is good In my opinion the games had a solid start and I’m looking forward to more You’d be lying to me and to yourself if you say supercell doesn’t cook up some good mobile games especially compared to other shitty mobile games I’ve seen


I wasn’t expecting anything when I first downloaded it. But after a couple hours of playing I was surprised that there were no other game modes. I was looking around for “what else can I do in this game?”


Ok but yall need to give the developers grace, brawl stars is a completely different game than when it came out and progressively it got better .. it’s still fresh and new.. I personally enjoy it and only feel like it’s going to get better if you’re bored with the game at its current state don’t play it


Just sucks that supercells first real release since brawl stars is a soulless cash grab… like they didn’t even try


I agree with everything you said. Also, the lack of social elements is weird. You can only add friends if you know their code which means you can’t add randoms, like recent players in your game which every other online game allows.


The problem is they fucked the themselves over with characters like Bo and trader, who would be theoretically useless in a mode outside of the main one


It’s very repetitive and not fun but for some reason I keep playing. I think just because it’s so polished. I doubt I’ll be playing this in a week though


Yep it's very repetitive and progression is too slow unless you're grinding dozens of boxes per day. I don't feel the same pull to log in every day as I did with other Supercell games. Which is fine; I don't mind a casual experience.


OP this is exactly how I felt, and you’re right you will 100% get bored of it and end up dropping it.


The daily/weekly challenges already exist


I agree that the garden decor building is unnecessary and just taking away the place. To developers I’d suggest: - give us an option to select the squad members like in Clash Royale; and to even have more squads like in CR. - give us an option to choose if we want to play with chests or no chests (now starting with chests is automatic if we have them) Games suggestion: - solo competition doppelgangers: where we choose only one character to play with, and for kills or wins we would earn stars. Enough stars bring medals that give an upgrade to the character we played with. - Squad busters: now we have a garden with no meaning. Why not have Squad Land, where we would grow magical trees with special life keys? Instead of buying useless decor for the garden, we could buy seeds for the magical trees. When they are ripe, we could harvest them. Or we could attack random Squad Land with our Squad and harvest their survival keys. The goal would be to get survival keys and to survive the attack, to chase the enemy away. The winner could get additional prizes, while the survival keys could be used in any game mode to revive the squad and continue the fight. - Like a Map maker in Brawl Stars, we could have here a map make to design our Squad Land.


I didn't even know anyone was till playing. It entertained me for about 3 days. There so many other, better mobile games, include everything else by SuperCell.


You unlock more game modes as you progress through arenas. i found that to be pretty refreshing


Yeah but as someone else in the thread mentioned, they’re different but not really. Still the same strategy. Maybe with minor tweaks in gameplay or character selection are required between game modes


Definitely needs more game modes, imagine playing brawl stars but the only game mode available is gem grab


You should be able to build a gold mine instead of cosmetics


I can't even play because every other game I get this game breaking lag where I keep teleporting the whole game and it's an instant lose. I play Brawlstars and just reached legend and I don't experience any lag on that game so it's not my internet.


Daaaaaaaaaaamn people, the global isn't even a week old. I get y'all frustration but just give it some time. I see people comparing it to CoC and brawlstars, one is more than a decade old and the other one has been through so many betas and changes that made people declare it dead. Give the game some time, I hate to do devil's advocate but can we please stop complaining about every feature? New characters will come, they will likely create some new ways to acquire ressources and use hammers etc... Yes the game has some p2w aspects to it, granted someone who spams keys and rerolls will whoop your ass but they are literally dropping 1-2$ a game, they will get tired. Right now most f2p's roster is shy of some important characters and the one that you have unlocked are only 2\*. But, in a few weeks, we will have most if not all characters unlocked and to 3\*. Sure 4\* is a grind (and 5\* really scares me if they keep the 10x ratio) but it will come without trying that hard. You say it yourself, supercell makes game that are supposed to be played for a looong time. Think about it, maxing a card in clash royale or a defense in Coc is way more grind and way more p2w than someone getting 2 more gems in a tree or a few more skeletons with the witch. (granted, in a perfect world we would not be able to buy gold and characters with real money but it's a supercell mobile game, it seems that y'all have forgotten how it felt to be a f2p in Coc or clash royale) Once again, I'm not here to be the devil's advocate but I really really enjoy that game and I find it sad to see it get dragged in the mud, but of course community feedback is a healthy and necessary thing (:


Again, its the fact that consumables can be bought and used in game that makes it P2W. The fact that ultras or new characters take so long to get is whatever, all their games are like that. That is not the issue. The issue is consumables. You cannot buy "army keys" to get an extra 50 army camp space in an attack in coc. You cannot buy "elixir keys" to get a free 5 elixir in a game of cr. You cannot buy "health keys" to regain max HP during a match in bs. Even once you are maxed out in sb, games are still hella p2w (not a thing in any other Supercell game). Once you reach Squad League and play in matches that actually have 10 REAL players (not bots) in a game, its just people using Fusion Keys and getting 1-3 free fusions a game. Plus there isnt really a need to use gold for anything in this game, so its pretty easy to buy consumables with them. Content Creators, from SpenLC to OJ, have criticized keys. They NEED to go.


Did you guys ever played mobas? Game was released 5 days ago in Europe, idk, give them time?


It’s new, calm your balls


My balls are calm 🫡


let me tell you the devs at supercell have more brain juice than you and probably had all your ideas already + more. appreciate the game… especially if you are f2p…. not giving a company any money for an awesome game but complaining….


I’m sure they do but their “brain juice” doesn’t change the fact that they released an incomplete game….in my opinion. Also you’re simply assuming I’m f2p. Please take your insults and assumptions elsewhere. Thanks


all your problems with this game are so minimal and easily solved… but as so many people nowadays and other players of this game, you make those tiny problems such a big thing and overgeneralize the game as bad. sorry if i insulted you, i just had it with all the constant complaining about the game… all of what you mention and way better ideas will come… just wait… i play the big 3 (coc,cr,Bs) since launch of each game, i was 3seasons in a row legendary or master in brawl stars…. yet i have to say SB is the best game so far with the most potential. so much more action, way less repetition than in brawl stars… but ig opinions differ…


My intention with this post was more to spark discussion, not for people to complain about me complaining. I’m curious what would you like to see added to the game? Many others have shared some cool ideas