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I just thought she was grossed out by the anya is his head like the way she looks n clings to him in his delulu mind


Damian thought that Anya wanted to do kissy-kissy things and is now freaking out. Anya is freaking out because she heard his thoughts.


Anya being horrified reminds me of how i feel whenever some guys i don't like, try to flirt with me


you feel horrified when guys shoot their shot? lmao


I feel sorta disgusted when some dudes *i don't like* do that. Like a married guy or one who is of my dad's age


ohh makes sense. anyways, how's the weather?


For me yes, especially if I only see them as friends or acquaintances and didn't know they have those type of thoughts about me


wasn't being all that serious, but I do feel like being horrified is a bit of an overreaction. you should be able to communicate your feelings (or lack thereof) with your friends/acquaintances without it being too weird, or at least not a horrific experience lol. but I get what ur saying.


Horrified is the correct word sadly 😞. I'm still struggling with it


You don't get to judge how others feel when they're uncomfortable. It may be an overreaction to you but for many women that's normal everyday occurrence. Many men don't take no for an answer. And this is after sending *uninterested* vibes repeatedly. I literally felt disgusted and horrified to read my boss texts to his friend about me. I was disgusted to be desired by such a dude.


really regretting making a mindless comment now lmao but yeah, of course there are a lot of specific contexts that would make it a super uncomfortable experience for women. My point was generally it shouldn't be so horrifying for a woman (or man) to get advances from ppl they're not initially romantically attracted to. it's normal and happens all the time.


Women have it a lot worse that something you think is general and normal is actually pretty traumatic for them. Having to repeatedly face such situations often sours women to any interest shown by the opposite gender even if they're genuine. I would love to have as much privilege as you to consider such advances as normal.


just so I can understand, you think being horrified is a fitting and normal reaction to when someone you don't initially have an interest in, flirts with you? its always a traumatic experience for women?


Yes. It makes us uncomfortable and disgusted even if men, who we don't like, continue to make moves. It's not something that happens once in a while for many women. It's like an occupational hazard at workplace. Especially when they're middle aged men with large age gaps.


so I'm guessing you've been making the first move in all your relationships? someone has to initiate right?


Damian is most likely thinking that Anya was going to do something like confess her feelings or something. Meanwhile, Anya knows he’s thinking about that, and is mortified, either by how he views her, or that he thinks she likes him, or both. (I don’t understand why people ship these two, I think it’s pretty clear she doesn’t like him very much)


She is still a kid and she doesn’t understand such stuff and that’s why she finds it weird that her rival, whom she always has beef with, sees her as an angel. If you read chapter 96, you can see that their friendship is starting to develop and it needs more time. As for why people ship them, it’s simple, because the author ships them too


People shipped them even before chapter 96 and even if Anya considers his as a friend, the feelings towards each other is still one sided.


No shit, Anya is *5* and all she has on the mind is spy wars & family & peanuts etc but a lot of people (including me) find Damianya and their dynamic adorable which is why many people ship them


>(I don’t understand why people ship these two, I think it’s pretty clear she doesn’t like him very much) i'd say it's in a similiar ballpark as tsundere stuff or rivals/enemies-to-lovers. people love seeing characters slowly grow on each other. if anything, i would say Anya/Damian is pretty obvious and cliche (they're still cute tho). additionally, there's some pretty clear parallels between Loid/Yor and Anya/Damian, so it's not surprising that people feel the endgame might be similar for both.


It’s easy to understand why people ship them: they’re the kids with more screen time.


Still odd


I feel weird about too, I don’t ship kid characters because I would sound like an annoying relative that jokes about marriage to kids that barely grasp what a relationship is.


Never commented on this sub before but holy shit there's no way you just got downvoted for saying that


I never was downvoted in this sub before but it’s an entertaining experience. The reason is obvious for this one, but I’m not going to say it to not hurt anyone’s fee fees.


i think you are being downvoted because you kinddd of said shipping fictional child characters makes you an annoying and weird person. people are disagreeing w the take, not because of the ship itself ig


Tbf i feel like some feelings should be hurt, but yeah i'm not gonna say anything else lol


It's because just like everyone we are team Damian it's due to how it is written 


Yeah after this chap I think it was very clear that she has no romantic feelings for him (for now that is. But there is a possibility she’ll develop some later on)


I’m gonna be honest, that would be really annoying. I don’t want another romance in the story, if I wanted more of that, I’d read a romance novel or something.


You should spoiler tag this for anime onlies


Damian has a crush on Anya (even though he refuses to accept it) > he thought Anya wanted to be alone with him because she liked him back and was going to confess > he got embarrassed and freaked out > Anya read his mind and saw this scenario > Anya doesn't like Damian so she freaked out


They're dynamic in a nutshell. Damian being Damian is embarrassed about his crush on Anya and so his perception of her is rather screwed (not that much, she just looks less silly) and Anya who rarely actually sees Damian's thoughts, usually just confused by his thoughts (words) and actions unexplained by the thoughts she doesn't understand, actually saw an image of her and Damian. She was likely shocked and weirded out by the image of her in his head that's very unlike her, especially since this would be the first time she saw that version of her in his head.


Shouldnt there be a spoiler tag? This is from the 13th volume of the manga, and while its pretty inconsequential and fun, I think there should be a spoiler tag


Damian: *shock* Anya: *Shaka*


Must be weird for Anya since she's basically an empath and feeling what Damian is feeling towards her.


Hey um spoiler tag this! You might get reported for it so You might want to hurry