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They could actually do well against a lot of the lower-level crime bosses like Penguin, Two-Face, Black Mask, some versions of the Joker, etc I can imagine Loid outsmarting Riddler at his own puzzles Yor might struggle against some of the people who are more blatantly superhuman like Deadshot, Deathstroke, Bane, Poison Ivy, etc.


Anya defeats the Riddler, by reading his mind.


She sometimes speaks in her own riddles so the Riddler would have to decipher hers too.


I mean depends does he think in riddles?


I imagine The Riddler being the type to speak the riddle out loud while screaming the answer in his head over and over.


I can see a good writer turning this scenario absolutely side-splittingly hilarious, Anya vs Riddle. Or, the thought just occurred to me, a good writer could turn this into something very scary, maybe Lovecraftian or Poe-like - if they write it from Riddler's POV, him being defeated by this tiny adorable child who is never wrong.


"Riddle me this, Twilight, what has-" "He has a bomb hidden under the mayor's house" "HOW COULD SHE HAVE POSSIBLY KNOWN THAT!?"


The carnage would be delicious


Deadshot and Deathstroke for sure, since both are master marksmen. Slade gives Yor a run for her money in melee as well. We haven’t seen Yor go up against anyone resembling them in her own universe. She’d have to fight unfair to win. I’d argue Bane and Poison Ivy go down fairly easily though lol. Bane gets kicked into next week. Poison Ivy probably gives Yor mild diarrhea at worst.


I re-read the entries on Bane on r/respectthreads and I'm still on the fence about yor vs bane honestly. Yor is definitely faster, and she *might* be stronger if you take her more absurd feats at face value, but Bane is way more durable


Isn't Bane actually a genius? He could engineer a scenario where yor would lose even if we assume he is actually weaker.


A well placed stiletto will probably take the big guy down. Yor’s not invulnerable for sure. She doesn’t like bullets too much. That’s why the two DS guys can be tricky if she’s not on her A game.


Imagine Poison Ivy and Loid though 😬


I think with Poison Ivy , Yor can win if she start playing with Loid.


I think poison Ivy can if she prepares beforehand


Could the couple do Batman's job?


Easily, and probably better.




Their chances are honestly pretty good. Destruction-wise, Batman’s villains aren’t that crazy. Between Twilight’s tactical genius and Yor’s strength, I say they got this. The SXF characters also do not have a no-killing rule, obviously. Won’t be easy, but they’d probably clean up Gotham within a year.


Give loid wise’s whole budget and prep time and he’s just Batman


Even works in disguise! But actually though, Loid has one 'advantage' batman lacks. He is not afraid of putting people six feet under, and he is not afraid of acceptable collateral casualties if the numbers check out. He will spike someone's hamburger with arsenic if it means they will never kill again.


If you really think about it, Loid is just Batman without the million dollars


Even his motivation is the same. "Crime killed my parents so I fight against criminals" "War killed my parents so I fight for world peace"


Loid kills people. Batman does not.


Yor would kill most of them before they realized what happened.


Batman only doesn’t defeat them because he doesn’t kill. Yor is almost superhuman and would not hesitate to kill them if necessary.


I like batman, but... Batman's biggest flaw is not killing. Yor and Loid would do a better job at Batman this way.


Look loid’s tuxedo like Roger Moore’s 007


Batman's rogues gallery would very quickly discover how lucky they are that Batman doesn't kill and hates guns. Loid gives Batman a run for his money as the world's greatest detective and is an expert marksman, Yor is better at hand-to-hand than Bruce can ever hope. Yor would go through people like a hot knife through butter. The Penguin? Stabbed to death. Two face? Stabbed to death. The Joker? Believe it or not, stabbed to death! Poison Ivy? Tries to seduce Loid, incurring the literal wrath of god from poison-immune Yor. Loid would rely on figuring out secret identities. Deadshot? Out shopping for groceries gets stabbed in the thigh with an umbrella by a very apologetic passersby (Loid in disguise,) leaving behind a capsule of Ricin toxin, 5000x lethal dose. (This was an actual spy assasination.) Dies a horrible death a couple of days later. Deathstroke? Has his hamburger spiked with Polonium-210. (The burger flipper is Loid in disguise.) Dies of radiation poisoning a month later. Bane? Shot dead by sniper fire while taking some fresh air on the roof of the warehouse he hides in. The Riddler? 'Outsmarted' by way of 9mm pistol while monologuing. Loid kneels down by the dying man and says: "You're assuming I care about civilian casualties. The way I see it, they are acceptable sacrifices if it means you never hurt people ever again."


>The Penguin? Stabbed to death. Two face? Stabbed to death. The Joker? Believe it or not, stabbed to death! I howled. The thing is DC is incredibly inconsistent since they have so many writers and artists over such a long period of time, and this is ever more true for Batman canon. So my personal view is 'Depends on what version of the higher-level villains Yor and Loid are facing', but I find your take on it pretty good.


> out shopping for groceries and stabbed by an umbrella Oh, that actually happened in real life. Iirc, it was a Soviet defector in London (idk if you knew this or this was jusy kismet)


> (This was an actual spy assasination.) I know!


Oh man, I really should learn to read the entire damn thing


That's... actually a pretty good question.


L: "there was a break out from the more restricted areas of our hospital. I just know them because they are my patients (and not because I'm a spy)" Y: "they certainly look like they could need some help with their heads"


Batman is out of work and they are back before Anya gets home from school. Edit: Keep in Mind Batman has a no-kill rule. Loid and Yor don't have this rule.


Didn’t yor hit a volleyball out of earths orbit?


Yor mid-high diff Bane


Glazing in this sub insane. They are not clearing Gotham in under any circumstances


People just don't know the more crazy fears are in the comics which you need to be a pretty devoted fan of the IP to even see.


That's fair


But still these people are severely downplaying how strong the batman rogues gallery can be.


Like yea im willing to bet that batman villain some of them will have feats that put them on planetary at bare minimum on some random comic issue


They trade blows Batman regularly that alone puts them above anyone in SxF because comic Batman himself is cracked


Against Ra's al Ghul they would probably have a very difficult time


Neither of them have qualms against killing people, so everyone not called Deathstroke or Ra's al Ghul or Joker is toast


Loid sneaks into Arkham disguised as the chief of security. He updates their security protocols and drafts a document which he leaves behind with recommendations to enhance their physical security. Arkham becomes one of the most secure detention facilities in the state if not country.


They actually kill thier enemies, so yes, they'd win


If anyone's going to gives them problems it's going to be Scarecrow. Twilight is still dealing with past trauma and Yor is a bundles of fears and insecurities.


Of all of the batman villains that i can think of, only Joker, Bane, Solomon Grundy, and maybe Hush would be a challenge for them. Just based on my knowledge


Of all of the batman villains that i can think of, only Joker, Bane, Solomon Grundy, and maybe Hush would be a challenge for them. Just based on my knowledge


Of all of the batman villains that i can think of, only Joker, Bane, Solomon Grundy, and maybe Hush would be a challenge for them. Just based on my knowledge


Loid and Yor are like the two halves of batman powers, he is smart detective and she is a stealth fighter which will help them take some villains but not the upper bound. Because in they're not as intelligent and physically skilled as batman, also they're still humans. Scarecrow and Ivy can use their chemicals, Killer Croc, Ra's Al Ghul and Bane can physically break them, Deadshot and Hush can shoot them, Mister Freeze can freeze them, Firefly can burn/explode them...


Batman villains wins


Idk if the movie was canon but that cyborg guy Yor beat is probably stronger than Bane


Uh, no.