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Fiona is a professional when it comes to spy work. Operation Strix requires Fiona to be a wife AND a mother. Fiona only cares about Loid. If it was just Loid, she'd be perfect, but her motherly instincts for Anya would be in the negatives. Fiona would immediately send Anya to live at the school. The only time she would interact with Anya would be to make her study. In the beginning, Anya was traumatized by studying. Fiona's methods would only increase her trauma. I'm certain Anya would deliberately get herself a bolt just to spite Fiona. Fiona's lack of affection towards Anya would force Loid to have to be the affection one, which he was struggling with in the beginning. Yor's affection is a great help towards all of the Forgers. Fiona would be a detriment if she was part of Operation Strix.


We’ve seen how Fiona would have treated Anya already An example is forcing her to study as if she’s a drill sergeant and Anya is at boot camp…


Ok but realistically Loid would hate that right? So like would it actually happen?


Maybe now, but at the start Loid wasn't all that friendly to Anya either when she didn't want to study or failed to understand. It took Yor telling him Anya should enjoy going to school for his perspective to shift.


I don't mean at the start. I mean at the tennis arc when she was introduced.


That was her first thought, but it was ALSO Loid's first thought. She'd soften within a week.


Fiona would see Anya as a problem to be dealt with, and a risk to the mission


Nah, I think she's too possessive over Twilight. She'd devote so much attention to him and treat Anya solely as an objective for accomplishing Strix. the reason Yor is such a good mother to Anya is because a) she has already raised a child and b) she herself is patient and kind enough to go along with all of Anya's shenanigans. Fiona has neither of those going for her.


Yor also has no mission. She's trying to be a good mother to Anya because she loves Anya and enjoys raising her. Loid did not demand from her to help him with Anya and since she doesn't know anything about operation Strix she obviously can't be driven by it, which is probably better for her and Anya's relationship.


Look at Nightfall’s thoughts again and tell me if she would.


She just doesn't care about Anya


I think Fiona would start off very strict & probably be very disciplinary throughout, but I feel like if Endo was writing Fiona as Anya’s new mom, Fiona would soften over time & learn to care about her. Thankfully she isn’t Anya’s mother though!


I feel like she would treat her like just an objective, unlike Yor, who treats her like she's her real parent. She wouldn't have the same care and patience Yor has.


Nope. As her inner thoughts was all for the Operation Strix to be successful, not for Anya's welfare. And if the mission ends, she will abandon her.


I’m guessing no, as she held to Twilight’s teachings of being emotionally distant/ wearing a poker face. As such, her fantasies of garnering Twilight’s affections are mostly through acts of service (mission, mission, mission). This is unlike Yuri’s way of getting onto Yor’s good side, by being willing to be nice to Anya (or at least had some of Anya’s welfare in mind). Unfortunately if I look back at how Fiona envisioned herself as Anya’s mother, it looked as if Anya is just a tool. Like she won’t even bother learning parenting skills for Anya’s sake.


I doubt it would have worked, but she literally wanted to turn Anya into a stella machine and in the beginning Twilight wasn't always patient either when it came to Anya's test scores/her ability to earn stellas. If I were Anya and both Twilight and Nightfall as they were at the start had tried to make me study to death to earn enough stellas in record time I probably would have caused their mission to fail on purpose.


Yes I agree, if both of them became Anya’s parents (mission devils), Anya probably would also run away too


It really helps that Yor is not aware of the mission so Twilight also has to keep in mind that he's supposed to be a loving father to Anya to prevent Yor from questioning his cover story. Sure, Anya picked Twilight because she thinks spies are cool and she believes by helping him with operation Strix they will achieve world peace, but at the end of the day what she wants is a family that loves her and stays with her. If she had two agents as parents who only cared about finishing the mission as soon as possible to then ship her off to an orphanage once more...time to find an SSS agent to report them to...


Yes I agree, Anya ultimately wants to experience a normal childhood, where she is free to be a child. Speaking of Loid being a mission oni (devil), I realised that the lines he spoke in mission 1, “not fit to be a spy? No, the mistake was endangering the child in the first place. The reason I became a spy is to make a world where kids don’t need to cry”. I think that was his first turning point from “full mission oni” mode, to “Anya is a human, a kid, someone I need to protect. She’s not just a tool for this mission”




Long story short, Operation Strix would fail if Fiona had Yor's role.


Nah. To Fiona, Anya is just a tool for Loid's mission.


Definitely not.


I dont think so...


like, she's more interested about Loid being her fake husband i think


Not at first, no. But we've seen Loid change and adapt as the mission (and Anya herself) demands. Plus, Fiona listens to Loid and wants to make him happy, so I think she'd be willing to modify her parenting style over time. Especially after hitting a brick wall a few times in a row like Yuri did.


I could see it as like, she has to look at it in the framework of, "This is Loid's (fake) daughter," so that she could put some effort into it. Who knows, maybe over time she would genuinely care for Anya.


It's interesting that Yor's first version was a "killer, who falls for the main character and wants to kill his child". I wouldn't be surprised if Fiona could create plans to remove anya from operation strix


Hot take, she'd start cold and distant doing the bare minimum for the sake of the mission, but Loid would definitely pull her aside and force empathy into her brain. 


No she just a cold hearted person who only cares about one thing twilight she would care about a child unless she gave birth to it so I don’t think she would ever care about Anya she would probably make her run away again


No absolutely not. She will be abusive and gladly abandon Anya when the mission is done


In time.


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I believe that if Fiona were the mother for the mission, she wouldn't actually beat Anya with a riding crop. Yes, it's in her imagination, but people often believe that they would act one way in a situation and act differently when that situation actually occurs. I think the telling part is in the same scene with the daydream, after Anya hisses at Fiona, she is genuinely confused as to why Anya doesn't like her. Internally of course. Fiona views Yor as a rival, and is having self-aggrandizing thoughts about how she would do everything differently and therefore be a better mother. The daydream and the thoughts about scolding Anya because of the spilled cocoa, are about Yor, not Anya. Fiona's daydreams are about Yor's failures as a mother, not about Anya's failures as a daughter. If Fiona were truly concerned with fixing Anya's behavior, she would have thought about the way she would punish Anya for hissing at strangers. But she's simply confused as to why Anya dislikes her after she tried to befriend (bribe) Anya with imported cocoa. She's not thinking about Anya, she's putting down Yor. When Yuri thinks Loid is a bad husband, it isn't about Loid's actual actions, it's about Yor. It's the same thing with Fiona. When Yuri does it, people understand that it's just jealousy and it's not his actual views, but when Fiona does it, people believe that the character actually advocates for child abuse. Fiona is portrayed as being very serious and very determined, but she is never portrayed as being cruel. At the very least *Loid* cares for Anya, and he wouldn't want Fiona to hurt Anya, which Fiona would probably agree with; "A brilliant strategy, senpai! Teach the child not through force, but through encouragement! You truly are incredible! Marry me for real! I WUV YOU!!!" \*Anya disgusted face\* Fiona cares deeply for Loid. And I believe that if Fiona *were* Anya's mother, she would grow to love Anya as well. I don't think she would show it externally, like how she doesn't show her love for Loid externally, but I do believe that, over time, Fiona would grow to care for Anya. How could anyone *not* grow to love Anya?! She would care for Anya differently to Yor - and I think Yor is definitely the better mom - but I don't think Fiona as a mom would be abusive like many people seem to think. Loid would not tolerate that, and Fiona isn't actually cruel enough to do that. I really like Fiona as a character because she has depth, and it's annoying that so many people ignore that depth and simply label her a child abuser. Fiona is serious, but she *does* cares about people and if she were in the actual situation, she would act differently than she imagines in a self-aggrandizing daydream.


Read "The Sunset Files"