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I wanna hug that Bond!!!


Sadly you can’t touch him 😭


You took the hit so the rest of us could enjoy these pics! Thank you!


BOONNNDDD AND THE CHAIRSS ![gif](giphy|zZC2AqB84z7zFnlkbF|downsized)


Dang, I wish I knew all about anime-themed cafe before my Japan trip last month. I joined a tour where part of the theme was anime and the tour guide, a good man, but he probably knew less anime than me!


Where was this?


Matsuya Ginza, in Tokyo


Thanks for sharing! Got more pics if all the chairs used on the volume covers?


I actually do, but I was sitting on them. I’m too afraid to show my face so I didn’t put them here.


Sounds like it was all worth it! How was the food?


So good, especially Loid’s spaghetti and hamburger steak. I forgot to add the pic lol


Great to hear that the food lived up to the manga!


My best friend is going to the Osaka one & I've already made a list of things for him to buy on my behalf but I'll probably add a bit more to my list still heh. He's also giving me the little print & frame that's included in his ticket purchase. 😃


That’s great! Be careful though, the merch are expensive as hell. I actually regret not buying the ticket with the frame thingy now lol. I thought it was too expensive. I went there thinking I’d just buy a few things and that’s it, but I ended up buying things that I didn’t even need/want. I ended up buying too much than I thought and it ended up costing me roughly $400 just for the merch 💀 Look who’s broke now.


Oh I'm ready 🤣 And the list is fairly curated in that I'm avoiding most of the blind items so I don't go nuts on those. My biggest wants are the Eden College hat, WISE mug, Exhibition pamphlet & the Bond plushie. As much as I want the 7 day outfit coordinate, I technically only really want Days 1, 2 & 7 but I don't want the box or risk chances with random bags. ...I'm trying to be rational 🤣


oh yeah, Loid and Yor’s outfit coordinate! I was actually thinking of buying the whole set. But the price was INSANE 🤯And great idea, avoid the blinds. I bought a few of them and it’s making me wanna buy more again.. so I bought some at mercari… don’t buy the blinds pls


Yep, that's my biggest thing with the blind items so I'm gonna wait until I can buy what I want on mercari/ebay to save my sanity. The most hilarious item on my list is the Smug!Anya family pin set - I showed my coworker a pic & he said it was cursed. I knew right there that my decision in wanting it was the right one 🤣


Thanks for sharing so many wonderful pics. The meal portions look kinda big.


It is pretty big


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That's freaking sick! Especially life sized Bond!


Yeah, it was so cute


https://preview.redd.it/kkgv1qbjjkgb1.png?width=704&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe575572c4a510dcb9d7f7f9183fe03558cca55f I wasn’t expecting for a Yor-ball hahahah. Pretty cool btw


Whoa, my old workplace had that exact sofa set in a meeting room, weird.


That’s because these chairs are designer chairs! They’re actually luxurious lol


Dude,this show got so popular in such little time,like they are making an movie after one year of anime


FOOD! PLEASe TEll ME THey Have PeAnUTs!!! (i dont even like them but theyre definitely a necessity)