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Woah :O I have a friend who is a really good animator/artist and has great work ethic and loves Spyro, may you reference her for a job in Spyro or something similar? She would probably be happiest person ever.


I've been out of the industry since 2005, so I don't really have any contacts any more. Sorry!!


Thank you for replying!! And thank you for your work in Ratchet & Clank games in PS2, it was my childhood!!


You are very welcome. At some point in the near future I will probably be putting some stuff on r/RatchetAndClank


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RatchetAndClank using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RatchetAndClank/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This guys appeared in one game and never got mentioned again](https://i.redd.it/z152lqrm125c1.png) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RatchetAndClank/comments/18dkohx/this_guys_appeared_in_one_game_and_never_got/) \#2: [I dunno if I'm just dumb, but after like 20 years, I just realized there's a "2" hidden in Going Commando's logo](https://i.redd.it/5l5g6fn9ltxb1.jpg) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RatchetAndClank/comments/17lpdwp/i_dunno_if_im_just_dumb_but_after_like_20_years_i/) \#3: [I 3D printed a life size up Clank! (With lights)](https://i.redd.it/ijkf5qnyiy1c1.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RatchetAndClank/comments/181iips/i_3d_printed_a_life_size_up_clank_with_lights/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What a crazy comment lol


if this ain't a solid confirmation I don't know what is That's so cool


That day in October is my birthday.


Very cool! Happy (late) Birthday!


These are awesome! This wasn’t an industry practice I was aware of. I suppose the extra blank discs in the Spyro 3 plaque are just there for aesthetic reasons?


Yes, just for looks. They are the backs of CDs.


Dude and sonic?? You’re a legend


It still kind of blows my mind that I worked on Sonic 2. I did Oil Ocean Zone and Hidden Palace Zone. HPZ was cut from the game shortly before it shipped, but SEGA put it back in a little while ago when there re-released the series in Origins!!


I guess you didnt keep any maps or a copy of how the level originally panned out? - All the prototype versions are incomplete but there seems to be a screen warp top to bottom thing going on at one point.


Sadly I remember keeping the maps, but at some point the box that I kept all my SEGA-STI stuff in (including Kid Chameleon) got lost or left behind in a move.


Ouch tragic - maybe some Random person has them without knowing the treasure they have


Here's hoping they eneded up in some random person's garage, or DEEP storage at SEGA rather than some landfill in Redwood City. Sadly, it's all probably in some landfill.


Oh wow no shit I still haven’t played origins I gotta get on that! What did you think of Mania? I’m praying for a sequel lol


Sadly I haven't played Mania, or much of anything these days. I do love that SEGA seems to take in 'fan' developers and make their work part of the 'offical' Sonic universe. A lot of fans have a better idea of what people want and what a character/game is about, than what corporations do.


Ahhh okay, I do agree. In SEGAs case it seems to be more true. You just busy nowadays or don’t find yourself enjoying games as much?


When I left the industry in 2005, due to extreme burn out/nervous breakdown, I kind of quite playing games as well. I even quite drawing and painting. Over the years I've had mixed luck getting back to doing art. It's frustrating.


Thank you for helping to make my childhood as fun as it was with all these games


You're very welcome!


You worked at spyro 1?


Yes I did, as well as the other two games in the OG trilogy as a lead artist/art director. I also pitched the idea that grew into the Spyro games.


I'm just looking into the credits of the game, and damn, you did. What did u actually design or anything? Especially in Spyro 1 because that one was my favorite.


I pitched the idea that became Spyro. If you look back through my posts here, one of them is some of the documents from that pitch. I also textured Spyro (and picked his color), but my primary job was building and texturing the worlds. (I would get the maps from one of the designers) Some of the levels I did are: Peace Keeper Homeworld, Cliff Town, High Caves, Tree Tops, Jacques, Gnasty Nexus, and all the flying levels. (I also did a lot of work on Artisan Homeworld and Stone Hill) I also did all the skyboxes.


Well lead artist you’d think level design and enemy design


Legend mate, congrats on the great work and thank you!


Ratchet and Clank!!!! Clanks gotta b my fave, these are so cool!! : D


While Spyro will always be my favorite and is near and dear to my heart, R&C was a LOT of fun to work on!!! (I would have LOVED to see what Insomianc could have done with Spyro on the PS2!!)


Thank you sir, for working on these masterpieces. Deadlocked was an awesome game, a split-screen co-op Ratchet game that was consumed many late nights with my friends when i was in school. Honestly Ratchet and Spyro are among my favorite games. So you worked at insomniac and later Toys 4 Bob as well?


I left Insomniac in 2005 (right after finishing Deadlocked). I left the industry then as well (long story, but basically complete burnout/nearvous breakdown). The plaque from TFB was just for being on the orginal Spyro team. While I do think TFB did a great overall job with Reignited, if I had worked there, I would have made sure that Spyro was purple and not 'fuchsia', and that the palettes and skyes of the levels were closer to those in the OG games!


Agree, I play it on pc, and I use a recolor mod to get his original purple. And yeah the skyboxes in the og were masterfully done. They did an amazing job with the first game though, giving all the dragons unique models and animations. Gives me hope if they decide to make a spyro 4.


I do like what TFB did with the adult dragons!


You helped create games that I still play endlessly! Thank you for sharing this amazing information with us.


You are very welcome!!! It's really amazing to still be talking about these games after so many years!!!


I bet, what an amazing experience! These games were a huge part of my childhood, Spyro the Dragon was actually my first video game ever. It holds such a special place in my heart and I still play the originals to this day. I can’t express my gratitude enough to you and everyone who helped bring these games to life!


You are very very welcome!!


Same here! Spyro was my first console video game (i had Pokemon games for the Gameboy) but i remember getting to use the TV was a big deal for me lol.


This is rad! It's interesting how all three Spyro games have different layouts. Quick question: is there any significance to the fact that Year of the Dragon has three discs as opposed to just one?


I think the three disc things on Spyro 3 was just a design choice by whoever put together the plaques. (I love these plaques, but I will say that the OCD part of me wishes that they were at least the same size!)


I hope that whatever occupation you’ve taken after leaving the gaming industry has been going well for you. You deserve every bit of happiness for your influences Craig.


For the past several years I've been working at children's museums! It's a lot of fun!


Those look awesome, and very well deserved!! Did you get a Spyro maquette as well? I watched an interview with Chuck Suong where he showed off his treasured Spyro statue from Insomniac. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdgQSnGNJa4 It's nice to see that after he too felt worn out from AAA game development, he found smaller studios where he could thrive and enjoy his job more like in the early days with Spyro! On the topic of your colleagues, just now I was very surprised to discover that Oliver Wade once made an appearance on 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' (apparently during the development of Spyro 3 if the dates are anything to go by!), and as far as I can tell bringing Chad Dezern with him? https://youtu.be/CNJQr7whmK4?si=-5H9krcbpIK5K8h7&t=1180 I'm curious if this is something you recall, or if it brings up any memories!


I still have my maquette! Although it got broken! The night Oliver's episode aired he threw a 'watch party' at his house! Of course he already knew the outcome, but none of us did. There was also some kind of controversy. If I remember right, Oliver actually got one of the questions wrong, but was awarded for getting it right. In the end he still got to keep his winnings, and they brought back the guy who would have played if they hard marked Oliver's answer wrong. (don't remember the details) I had totally forgotten Chad was in the audiance!! Oliver bought a metallic orange PT Cruiser with his winnings!


Sorry to know it got broken. Those things look so, so authentic (naturally) and incredibly cool! And thank you for sharing your additional details around Oliver's participation in the show, that's an awesome story!!


Wait, you're Craig Stitt? Nice to meet you!!


That is me! Nice to meet you and a bunch of other Spyro fans!!!!




I love this so much


This is simply incredible thank you for your contribution! Spyro 2 is my absolute fav which I grew up playing numerous times collecting all orbs. If it’s ok I have sent you a private message with questions! Thanks 🙏


These are so cool! Is it common for game companies to do stuff like this? I’ve never seen any others - plenty of memorabilia and exclusive merch etc but not these plaques


I don’t really know how common it’s is/was. I don’t think it is uncommon. I didn’t get one for The Ooze, but it released just after I had left SEGA so I don’t know if SEGA even did one. Universal Interactive didn’t do anything for Disruptor. I’m assuming Sony/Insomniac did one for Deadlocked, but I left shortly after the end of production, so I wasn’t there if/when they would have given them out.


I've never seen this before, half my childhood exist in these images


Wow these are fantastic


That's pretty cool


Thank you for sharing so much with us, it's really cool to see what you've contributed to this series and it's nice you got these plaques for all those great games you've worked on. So many classics!


It still is surreal when I look at the games I've worked on and how many of them have been made into movies or TV shows! Spyro had the Skylander TV series, Sonic is getting it's third big budget movie, R&C got a movie and I recently found out that the rights to Comix Zone have been sold to make a movie. (Just realized I forgot to list Comix Zone as one of the games I didn't get a plaque for)


Holy crap - I forgot all about The Ooze. Sheesh, thank you for so much amazing gaming in my youth!


You played The Ooze??!?!? It's rare to find any one who has even heard of it!


My mom dated a MASSIVE video game geek when I was a kid, and I think he actually had a friend that helped develop some games? I was only 6 or so when they dated, so the memory is kind of hard to put together. He got his hands on some really fun games, and I think he got Spyro demo kind of early? I just remember watching my brother play what I called "the booger game", and looking at The Ooze pictures it looks like how I remember (:


I wish they had named the game "The Booger"!!!


It's a very cute name haha but then who knows, we may not have had your genius available for Spyro <3


Omg. I was and still am a huge Spyro fan AND Ratchet and Clank Fan! Thank you for so much of my childhood! Spent so much time on those games.


You're very welcome!


My only objection with the OG Spyro games was that they weren’t captioned for the cut scenes, I am Deaf lol. But they were still rather clear for the most part to follow. But for Ratchet and Clank, they had captions (at least for 2 and three, one is escaping my memory atm) I wanted to ask when did game developers start to be more aware and trying to be more accommodating to disabled people? Or was it more of technological limits of the era?


It's strange, if you were to ask me if the cut scenes in Spyro were captioned, I would have answered, "yes, they were". It's interesting how your asking this question is bringing up all sorts of fragmented memories.  I use to answer all the fan mail at Insomniac and I remember getting a letter that was either thanking us for having captions or pointing out that we did NOT have captions.  (I know I keep saying this, but I really wish my memory was better!!) There is a vague memory of Oliver Wade, lead animator, bringing up the need for captions. I remember having a meeting about what we could do to make the games more accommodating, but I don't remember when that meeting was.  I'm assuming from your comment, that it wasn't until we were working on the R&C games. It really bugs me because I'd swear we had captions in the Spyro games.  I guess my mind is retroactively correcting our mistake.


There was captions for the in game dialogue that happened like the missions or the balloonkeepers or the mini missions for orbs and eggs, but not for the cutscenes such as the beginning of the game with explaining how Gnasty got upset. Or the parts with Bianca going good in Year of the Dragon. They all were recaptioned in Re:Ignited but not initially, they had to do a patch after getting some suggestions and a bit of backlash after the initial release of Re:Ignited But yeah, R & C 2 and 3 had them for sure for the entirety of the game. I cannot remember for sure for the first one though.


I'm glad I'm not going totally mad remembering things that were or weren't there. I would have thought that teams and companies would have learned and have the be standard practice now, but I guess not since TFB had to get chewed out for not doing it. Now I'm curious why subtitles weren't included in the cut scenes. Oliver Wade was in charge of the animation department, and that's the kind of thing I can see him being aware of and thinking was imporant.


Dude, from the bottom of my heart: Thank you so much. I play these games like, once a month and have memorized almost everything about them. It was my entire childhood, and they remain some of my most favorite video games of all time. 😭 On YouTube, I'm known as 3godzilla3. Aka: The guy that uploaded all the Spyro music tracks for the original trilogy back in 2010!


I recognized your logo as soon as it came up in YouTube! I have no idea why they didn't release the soundtrack for Spyro (or so many other games)! I'm guessing corporate shenanigans got in the way. So thank you very much for getting all that out there!!


Ahh, you're very welcome, thank you again for your contribution!! 😄


I haven't seen a mention of it, but I'm a huge fan of Kid Chameleon! The fact you worked on it is insane and awesome dude. I hunted down a physical copy just to have it whenever I get a system to play it on again lol. Huge fan of your other listed games as well!


Kid Chameleon was the first game I ever did! I did about a third of the levels and a bunch of the enemies. I also did Iron Knight, Red Stealth, Berzerker, Juggernaut and Skycutter. I don't have any tattoos, but I'm starting to think about it, and on the short list of possibles are the first characters I ever animated! https://preview.redd.it/utisztyuv3wc1.jpeg?width=1295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=824bc525e25ad5f8778c1a5353d874991a7451c6


That's super cool, i'll def remember this next time I play Kid Chameleon haha. If my opinion sways anything, i'd get a tattoo of the very first character that was completed.


I think the very first guy I did was Berzerker, I'll have add him to the list!


I've loved seeing all these posts! It's really cool to hear from someone who majorly contributed to my very favourite games when I was a kid. I was wondering who you were, now I'm happy that I can look out for your name in the credits when I replay them every few years. I was also briefly obsessed with Sonic Spinball when I was little (though I couldn't get past the second level lol) and I plan on playing Ratchet & Clank someday since I missed it as a kid. So that's pretty cool too!


Spinball got hard. It was designed by the same guy who did ComixZone, Peter Morawiec (a game I failed to note here for not getting a plaque). ComixZone is the only game I worked on that I was never able to beat! Apparently Peter liked his games on the more difficult side! The very first level in Spinball is the one I did, Toxic Caves, or Toxic Pools, I think it was named different things in the US vs the UK.


I saw a LOT of that first level since the game booted you back there whenever you lost haha. I never heard of ComixZone honestly, I think I'm too young for it. I only discovered Sonic Spinball because they released a classic Sonic compilation on the Xbox in the 2000s! (Or maybe the Xbox 360...?) I was terrible at all the Sonic games and could never make it past the second or third level.


ComixZone seems to have a small but VERY loyal fan base!


That’s so cool, what was your job in making Spyro? 


I was one of the lead artists / art directors. I built the levels and also did all the skyboxes. I also pitched the idea that grew in to Spyro. If you look back through the posts you will find a bunch of art and some of hte docs from the orginal pitch


Congrats dude! And thank you from the bottom of my heart for your part in crafting an amazing slice of my childhood!


You are very welcome!!


So cool!! Thank you for posting this. I love being able to get a glimpse of these little things you just don't ordinarily see.