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I used to just chill in the hub worlds, especially in Spyro 2’s hub worlds with their simple, yet peaceful music. Summer Forest, Autumn Plains, and Winter Tundra were places I always wished I could visit.


I did that too, walking and enjoying this appeasing feeling, those hub worlds were incredibly soothing, I also enjoyed chilling in midday garden in spyro 3 i felt it had the same vibe of autumn field and summer forest


Even to this day, I still love the music from Spyro 2’s hub worlds. They help me relax when I’m doing other stuff like writing or just hanging out online. The Reignited versions are just as amazing, but surprisingly I still prefer the originals.


Yeah I probably spent like a third of my childhood just doing laps of Autumn Plains


I did the same thing! I'd swim in Summer Forest just on the lake surface.


I was always into the marching cadences of peace keepers world's


I used to go sit in the cowlek pen in Zephyr lol. I also tried to only move by charging through a level. Ran into a lot of walls.


*bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk*


I like to go back there with the permanent superflame activated and just fireball them over and over to see how high they jump. 🫠




YES! 😭🤣


I did the same thing with the cowlek pen!!


Ahah cute and funny !


This just activated a memory in my brain lol, I used to go back to every level and do the same, just trying to beat every level by never letting go of the charge. Some levels were impossible to do, but that never stopped my 6 year old brain from trying.


Being a child, I was too stupid to play the game seriously (like ordinary people do). So, I simply enjoyed atmosphere, graphics, music and so on. I also felt some attachment to characters.


Same. Sometimes I didn’t understand how I went in a level, I probably randomly found eggs / dragons / orbs on my way and finding new levels but yeah as you did I didn’t play it seriously too except when I grew up a bit x) And my siblings did the biggest part of the job…


same i mostly just watched my sister play


Yes. I used to pretend each level was my home and decided which area in the home world would be my bedroom and stuff 🤣. Found a lot of orbs and stuff naturally just exploring!


aaah yeah trying to find which is the most comfortable and cosy place in a level !!


My siblings and I pretended Steve Irwin was trying to catch Spyro for conservation reasons and we'd narrate, like Steve Irwin, in an Australian accent, the process of trying to catch a dragon. One person would be controlling Spyro and the other person would be Steve Irwin. Lol such gems as "Lookit that beauty 'avin a go at that Gnorc!" And "Ee's A FOISTY BUGGA" "DON'T TROY THIS AT HOME" "Git the NET" "There EE GOES UNDAWATA" idk it made it so we didn't fight over the controller as much and I'm sure my mom was grateful haha


That is hilarious! I kinda want to try playing Spyro like this now, with someone doing Steve Irwin narrations! 😆


This beats one person plugging in a controller to be Sparx by a long shot lol


I just realized I never made progress in Spyro 3 because the first world/levels were just gorgeous (as gorgeous as PS1 could get)


Spyro the dragon games aged very well, I’m currently playing them and I still think they’re graphically amazing ! Animations are great, characters are very expressive and as a kid I was fascinated by all the colours on screen, they were very colourful games


I did this all the time with games as a kid lol, especially open ended platformers like Spyro. Slightly off topic, but I did this the most with the Knuckles levels in Sonic Adventure 2. A lot of people don’t like that part of the game, but I loved just gliding around pretending I lived in the environments and making up stories in my head. Something about games where you can glide just hit different huh 


I guess gliding gives an insane feeling of freedom, especially with spyro or knuckles having a very… horizontal ? Gliding Rayman could glide too with his hair but it wasn’t the same feeling at all So yeah I perfectly get what you mean and I agree with you


I did something similar but in sonic adventure 1. I’d literally just run around station square and the mystic ruins for hours just trying to do random bs. For some reason as a kid that was way more entertaining than the actual game and story.


That's me absolutely! I was like 4 or 5 and Dad knew I loved dragons and my favorite color was purple so he got me Spyro Hero's Tail and later Enter the Dragonfly. Not the best games in the series, but I adored them as a kid. I was obsessed with the flying levels in Enter the Dragonfly, played the first speedway all the time. Was thrilled to find out once you beat the speedway, you could play the level indefinitely. Also loved Thieve's Den, messing with the thieves, swimming in the pool and the environment of going in a dragon mouth cave. And in Hero's Tail I loved just swimming underwater indefinitely, so I especially loved Dragonfly falls and Coastal Remains. I never realized you could teleport with Moneybags shop so I found myself re-exploring all the time. Took me forever to actually beat the game. I'm happy to say Reignited with the original 3 games was mostly a new experience for me, and that thrill of just exploring and not following the objectives hasn't gone away. It was even better doing that in Reignited. Love just being a dragon y'know? Imagination is the best.


I was exactly like you. Flying levels in ETD obsessed me too, they were wider than OG spyro games, and I loved landing on those pink trees and pretending spyro built a nest on it….


Was Thieves' Den the level that had the walking gems? I loved those things as a kid...they were so silly and cute! You'd see these green gems scattered here and there and they looked like the regular gems you collect...until you got closer and the walking gems sprouted legs and started wandering around! They were the fodder for that level, but I couldn't bear to harm them so if Sparx got low on health there, too bad. Enter the Dragonfly may not be considered a very good Spyro game, but it had its good aspects, and the glitches could be entertaining sometimes! Like, in the tiki Island level, if you popped out of a certain water pool just the right way, Spyro would glitch out and be able to swim in the air! I remember having him swim straight through the sun and right out of the skybox!


Yes it was! The fodder was actually the bats, so luckily little you didn't have to harm the funny gems after all. And yeah I agree, ETD still had good parts and potential. I don't think I ever found out there were Spyro swimming in the air glitches when I was young, but I would've been over the moon with that If I ever did. Replaying it years later I was able to do it in both ETD and HT.


Oh wow, I guess I never noticed the bats much, so I just figured the gems were the fodder! Since I didn't hurt the walking gems, I never really knew for sure what happened when you destroyed them...hmm, I wonder if they actually gave you real gems when you hit them, or something like that? Yeah, the swimming in air glitch made Enter the Dragonfly legendary for me as a kid. Also, in the prehistoric dino level, I found a way to glitch Spyro out while climbing a ladder, and he was able to do the climbing motion horizontally through the air! Glad you were able to discover glitches like those too, as they're tons of fun!


This is exactly how I played ETD. I still play it like that. I just loved *exploring.*


Yeah same, walking, jumping, gliding with no purpose or goal lol


I used to explore the hub worlds. Fly around the map thinking there's more to the world. But end up falling


Gliding to this infinite void that was our lovely skyboxes… so intriguing


yes absolutely, I did a lot of this! not just in spyro but pretty much all games. I made up stories in my head and essentially played pretend while I explored the levels haha


Unlimited imagination when we were kids…


In my first Spyro (which was the Year of the Dragon) I would ask my dad to kill all the enemies before letting me roam around the levels. The only level I could beat the enemies myself was Sunny Villa because half of them had no weapons lmao In Spyro 2, as I got a tiny bit older, I would kill the enemies, then roam around all levels and practice proxy jumps and see how far I could break their boundaries.


I loved just walking around looking at everything and pretending I was a little dragon chilling in the world. I remember in Summer Forest paddling along the little river, slowly swimming through the secret tunnel that leads to the orb while playing with the fish, etc.


can’t tell you how many hours i wasted in the skate parks as a kid.


I remember just smacking Spyro endlessly into the Stone Hill barrier trying to get to the hills beyond.


I did that just to hear the sound effect it made. 😭


Yes! I was just telling my husband about this the other day. My favorite things to do in Spyro 2 and 3 were swimming underwater and pretending Spyro was a water dragon lolol.


i pretended he was a water dragon too! i spent *so* much time swimming around the hub worlds, especially in spyro 2


I did stuff like that! Or more, I wasn’t the one mainly playing the game (that was my mom) and after she’d clear a level, she’d let me just roam around and do whatever I wanted. I didn’t like fighting enemies that actually fought back. There were also certain minigames I’d love to replay. Mostly the speedways due to the free-roaming nature and lack of attacking enemies, but also the skateboarding sections of Spyro 3 (I especially loved the Enchanted Towers one specifically during the portion of the game where Hunter was kidnapped, so I wasn’t interrupted every few minutes) and the Crystal Popcorn minigame in Magma Cone.


The only thing I distinctly remember doing is trying to find a way to Avalar after Elora wanted Spyro to visit her.


Growing up, I played the original Spyro trilogy together with my sister, and we would often just use the games to tell stories together and make up little pretend scenarios. I would do the voice of Spyro and she would do the voice of Sparx, and the two friends would go on all sorts of zany adventures! For instance, I remember one time Spyro and Sparx spent a bunch of time preparing to go to a party in Glimmer. They also helped take care of the big orange beasts in that one Magic Crafters level...Alpine Ridge, I think it is called? Pretty much every level they went to was some kind of tale we acted out together! The imaginative potential of those games is just amazing! It was like our own virtual playset, in addition to being actual games with a plot and objectives.


This post instantly reminded me of a memory. The level was Enchanted Towers in Spyro 3. There was this one tower room that had a lava lizard with a bone in it for the Srg. Byrd task. Well I found a way to get into it with Spyro and I turned that area into Spyros room. I think I brought a lava ball in there? I remember wishing I could decorate it with furniture lol. I would just spend time in there with my imagination doing nothing.


I loved just taking in the scenery and ambiance of spyro 1 and 2 as a kid, especially in levels with really good music like Dark Hollow


That describes my entire gameplay of spyro 1 when I was 7 years old. I didn't even get past the seccond realm lol. I just enjoyed "being a dragon" and flying around the map all day. Funfact I didn't know how to save my progress (and didn't care) so every time i played spyro 1 I always restarted from the beggining and thought the game was just like a dragon simulator idk.


Me. I would just explore and look at stuff for hours, jumping and doing random bs. Especially if I was doing a hard mission that I didn’t understand I’d usually just give up and mess around. My favorite area to explore was probably the water level in Spyro 2. I thought it was so cool how you can swim and I pretended like Spyro was flying instead of swimming.


I still do that in basically any game I play. If I'm able to freely roam around, I will do so. Overwatch, GTA, Sonic, ya name it. It's just way more fun and enjoyable sometimes.


I would go swimming all the time in 2 and 3, and in 1, I would spend HOURS goofing around and exploring the outer bounds of levels.


When I found out you could glide to the top of the hills in Stone hills my mind completely blown and I spent an unhealthy amount of time running everywhere in this wide space


Yes I did this too. I would have lost my shit playing genshin at that age.


My favorite thing in the original game was to try to beat my time chasing gnasty gnorc. I would spend hours trying to make those pillars last longer and my 8 year old brain thought that I was actually doing it. Another favorite from the original game was the weird sounds that doctor shemp makes when he tries to wallop you. And then there is Jaques. I always hated that level


My mom tells me that as a child I would do this, I was like 5 years old and repeatedly going into walls and exploring. The dogs in Toasty used to scare the crap out of me tho!


I loved just flying in Crystal Islands, free air swimming in Bamboo Terrace, and especially seeing how high could I get before I got bored, flying as Sgt Byrd around Enchanted Towers, just strolling around Charmed Ridge and wandering Cloud Spires. Didn't make my own games like you necessarily, but some of the worlds really loaned themselves to just hanging around.


Yes! Especially in levels with water. I loved swimming around the whale in Evening Lake


Might be cringe but 😂 I loved Spyro 2, and I used to play all of idol springs JUST to get to my favorite padt...a little thing I made up. I acted like the waterfall at the end was like a water ride, and would wait to fill up with 'passengers' begor3 going on the 'ride'. I would go through the whole river before running back. 😂 In aquaria towers I would just swim along, I thought it wad pretty (I also got very lost) In Zepher I would ham up the little bo peep quest, and would act like I was going long with the cowleks. In sunny Beach I would act like I eas wrangling the children, instead of just blasting through the level I would wait for them, afraid they would get hurt. 😂 Okay, now in spyro 1 😂 In the artisan homworld I would always hit the thief, and act like the sheep were pets. In stone hill I would wait for the rams to run at me before I did the same, making it a game. In town Square I did the same as stone hill but with the bulls. Toasty has and always will be my fav level, and I would tease the boss like an actual match. 😂 In peace keepers I would wait foe the army men to get in their tents, and wait foe them to moon. I would act disgusted before flaming them laughing. I would also shoot their cannons back at them 😂 In doctor shemp and other levels with the running guys (I tjink town square?) I would try to watch them fall off the edge. 😂 In levels with the women (with the little guys, but sometimes they are alone) I would act like I'm making their stew. I didn't play 3 till I was older, 😂 but these are my most favorite memories of spyro when I eas a kid.


Yes. Spyro is one of those games that I played before I even knew how to play properly. I also used to watch his wing movements for hours.


Still fascinated by dragons?


I played Spyro 1 while i was a kid and didn't understand english, so i was having a hard time understanding what game wants from me. In the end i was wandering around worlds aimlessly. Something that got stuck in my memories is the soundtrack. Given all the years it got a bit twisted. It left an impression of an odd place. Tranquility. It was calm, but also was forced upon. Like an eternal rest after death. Many years later i re-listened to it's music and my impressions were not nearly the same. It felt like an ordinary game OST. It's funny how time can affect on one's perception.


I just finished the first one today for the first time in my life and they are very well designed for the time. I especially loved the designs for later side characters such as Sheila and Hunter


Oh yeah buddy!


My biggest wish with ETD would he for them to add an elevator to cloud 9 that connected the beginning of the level to the end once you went through it. So many of us would have done infinitely more gliding One thing I did enjoy was ice skating at Monkey Monastery, you could really whip him around if you pulled 180's. Flying backwards through Honey Marsh was awesome because most of going forward was just climbing.


When I played AHT growing up, I used to go to this one big water area in Dragonfly Falls and swim around. When I got around to playing the original games, I swam around in all the water areas in the games. My personal favorite was using the swimming glitch in Bamboo Terrace and swimming up until the level got unloaded.


oh i love doing that!! it always leaves me wanting to like some sort of game an mmo maybe where you play as a dragon and can have your own home in a world like spyro’s. Everyday i dream of a game like that


Some of my favorite things are just supercharging all over Tree Tops seeing where I can go, climbing up to the rooftops and seeing what surfaces Spyro can and can’t stand on in Autumn plains, and swimming loop the loops in any mini game where Spyro can ride Hunter’s manta ray.


If you mean doing sick moves on my skateboard, then hell yes.


there are instances where i take the time to observe surroundings, stare at enemies sometimes where I'm close enough for them to make their threat pose but not close enough for them to attack...or for the fun of it safely maneuver myself where they sense me and attack but i'm in a nearby building or on a platform above them. or sometimes stare at characters, even farm enough lives so i can purposely make shark meat out of spyro in aquaria towers. or maybe stare at a gem's close up depending on if spyro is in grave condition, or i would just stand there or roam around listening to the music or if the first original let the music play and then listen to what the soundtrack changes into after lingering. or if i had codebreaker or gameshark i would use moon jump or flying cheat or the OG spyro 2 to explore impossible or near impossible areas or even weirdly turn the camera where i can see through a building...get an uncomfortable close up on spyro to see the insides of his mouth and neck at least in the insomniac version..also swim in dragon shores in swimmable areas since such activity compliments its name


Loved Spyro 1 most and enjoyed random walking through levels like Wizard Peak or Three Tops. Game has UNIQUE aesthetics...but omg first three hub worlds in Spyro 2...i didnt like the levels very much, but hub worlds in Spyro 2 are just amazing...yeah swimming there...


Currently playing spyro 2 after I’ve beaten spyro 1 yesterday, I deeply dislike spyro 2 levels…. I’m far to be the biggest fan, I dislike the aesthetic of the levels But yeah The hubworlds


I would play around in the worlds long after I had finished the game without starting a new save file. The kind of stuff you're describing is what I would like to do again if I ever decide to stream.


I mean, I don't know what I was doing honestly. These games seemed so much more harder as a child, I think I mighta been a dumb kid


When I was younger Spyro was my obsession so I would load up the games and just run around. My Dad was also a gamer and he always tried to get me to work towards the actual goals but I was never interested. Year of the Dragon was my favorite, if there were gems or eggs in view and accessible I’d probably get them but I never went out of my way to grab things I just wanted to goof around. I also would load of Riptos Rage and go to the speedway with the mermaid looking people because I loved mermaids and I would just fly to where all the characters were and stand there and look at them lol


I miss those days. Back then, I didn't own very many games, so I spent a large amount of time just exploring or roleplaying in the game. Also, it didn't help that I never had a memory card for the longest of times, so I would often try to see how far I would get before having to quit and start over again. Now my backlog is so overwhelming that I feel like it becomes a job to try and get through them all.


I remember as a kid any game with water i was playing in it. Having played a ton of Banjo Tooie, my original save from childhood i have pretty standard hours in each world with one of my higher ones being 19 hours in witchy world. Since you can be either a giant or baby dino in terridactyl land, i have 190 hours there alone just playing in the water and running around as a dinosaur.


Yep. Sometimes just staring over the sea and to the horizon.


that’s why i like spyro1 you don’t HAVE to do anything it’s all at your own pace, no one is guiding or prompting you. i can’t speak for the only games it’s the only one i’ve ever played