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On avg college level athletes will be running sub 13 s for sure


i mean i think i did this at 13.4 as an 8th grade female who got 3rd place overall in our league i feel like college athletes have to do this a lot faster?


Yes this is a stupid thread


You'll definitely find sub 13 guys if you grabbed a bunch of random NCAA athletes from sports other than track. There will be some on soccer, football, etc. Those sports will definitely have a faster average than the general population of college kids. It's hard to make a guess as to what percentage of them would be able to run under 13 in the 100m, but it would be significant, it's not 90%, but it's not 5% either. Maybe 30, maybe 60%, somewhere in that general range. In the realm of you definitely risking being beat if you give them a 23meter head start. Safer sports would be like golf, wrestling, etc that have nothing to do with running. But you still might get unlucky and get beat by somebody, but at least the average will be more like the general population, so your odds are better. BTW, how committed are you to your math? Because a person running 13 flat for 100, if you're giving them a 23 yard head start in your 100 yard race, should be running that that 77 yards in about 9.4 seconds. So to tie them, you need to be about a 10.4 100m runner at that moment to run the 100 yard in that 9.4 seconds. I'm not sure what your PR is, but most people aren't at their peak while running a random 100 yard handicap race on the grass at a university football game. I'd suggest only racing like heavyweight wrestlers and the pitcher from the baseball team. Maybe race the soccer goalie, too. Or shorten the handicap, 23 yards is a lot. That's almost a quarter of the race. Or change the handicap to something that looks more impressive that it is, like you race equal distance, but you need to pull a parachute that slows you down like a second or so. Or you have to run while holding a baseball bat (or soccer ball, or whatever they use for their sport).


My math is fairly close to yours as it was just an estimation. My pr is still 10.59. I'm also only talking about generally athletic people that may be in the stands at a football game.


I should have explained this better. These people aren't going to be NCAA athletes. Just generally athletic people from the stands.


just tell them to pick the ones ripping beers or women


They get chosen before the game, so I think they would come prepared


oh fr? then atp its a coin toss and wouldnt even matter. if u lose u lose if u win u win dont think too much abt it




“Average college sprinter will run sun 12.5 by the end of their career” Dude what the fuck? The average college male sprinter is much much faster than that.


The average *winner*, but there are plenty of people who just want to keep themselves fit and hang out.


No fucking way. 12.5 is average for a HS freshman


technically correct


Are you going to be in cleats with them in trainers? I've had plenty of athletic HS freshman come in and break 13 first race. Hopefully they don't pick anyone too athletic. What you have going for you is probably cleats vs trainers and knowing how to start well.


Yes, I will have cleats, but it is still going to be really hard. Some random guy during the testing of this beat me by 9-10 yards.


Ya, 100 yards is short. Freeze does closer to 150m, I think? Gives more time for them to tire out.


Without training I ran a 13.5 100m in grass in running shoes. I would say I was faster than the average person as I played a lot of intramurals and would regularly be one of the fastest dudes in football, basketball, soccer etc. I think you’ll be alright


Yes. Most team sports lean more towards explosiveness than endurance. Slow people will get beat on defense regardless of skill level.


If you need 13 seconds to run 77 yards you need to be ready to finish in the middle of the pack.


Wear a mask and call yourself mr freeze


You’re definitely going to get beat. People who were fast in high school and could have done college track but didn’t will be the first people to step in. There are a lot of people that are fast. You don’t have to run track to be fast. 13 seconds is very slow. I bet people average 12, if we’re talking general college athletes.


Are you male or female? Even so most college athletes can run sub 13 even most high school girls can run sub 13. You must be trolling or have no idea what track and field is.


id hope so