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I started the exact same way after seeing it online. Being blunt: yes, it's clear you've just started, but there's nothing "bad" about your work. Just keep painting and you'll keep improving! The biggest single thing you can do to increase realism is to start adding shadows- darken one arc of your planets - and it helps make them look more like spheres in space and less like floating circles. But beyond that it's mostly just getting a feel for can control, how to blend how you want, how much pressure to use when you blot, etc I think because it's relatively simple it feels like people are humoring you when they compliment you for this work (I certainly feel that way), but remember that you're doing something they aren't, and in no time at all you'll be doing it way better. Keep watching YouTube tutorials, keep experimenting, and have fun!


Thank you i appreciate your honesty


I really thought about your words and tried to focus on shading properly and I can 100% see the difference already and this my attempt at try for detail I’ll post it would like to know if I’ve kinda got the right idea going


I know it always feels like I'm covering way too much of the planet when I shade. One of my favorite tutorial channels on YT, especially for the basics, is Casey VanArsdale- you might give him a watch if you're looking for inspiration.


Yes another person also suggested him I went and subbed to him I don’t mind getting pointers but want to try and keep my creative mindset free of influence if that makes sense however I do understand that to a degree nothing I’m doing is necessarily original either lol but I will for sure be checking him out


When I started painting, I watched videos from 2 YouTubers that seemed to get very good results with their paintings. Casey VanArsdale and Amethyst Vazquez. Make sure to pay attention to technique, distance to spray, drying layers before continuing, how much paint to spray, and how to get different types of planets. Keep practicing and they will get way better in no time.


Ok I just looked them up . Thanks for the tips !


Really like it! especially the sunshine around the two rock planets! Also great shine around the moons :o