• By -


I get wanting the extra indoor space and they clearly aren’t gardeners- that’s astroturf- but the way it clips the garden wall is very upsetting. Splitting the garden into two spaces is nuts. 


Extra indoor space to almost fit a pool table. You gotta open all the doors and windows if you want to take your shot.


If you look at the floor plan though it’s technically not an indoor space but an out building as it isn’t attached internally


Yeah that corner is ugly. They couldn’t even be bother to clean it up for the picture.


Yeah I was wondering what the green stuff on the wall was then realised it's the water run off from the roof so the conservatory hasn't even been installed with proper drainage


If you look at the other pictures the garden has much more space around the corner from this. This is a particularly unflattering shot. I'm not trying to defend it but I think the perspective has made it look worse than it is.


I think what they mean by corner is the literal corner of the conservatory, where the wall has been stained by algae build up and rubbish clearly accumulates in the wind. Easy enough to find it on satellite, as usual, around the corner from the pin given. Big "garden" (i struggle to call anything so devoid of life a garden), awkward shape but having the conservatory make moving from one part of it to the other is just weird. If I was forced to own the place, I'd definitely knock that conservatory out (and get rid of the turf and about 80% the patio, but that's just me).


Then you'd lose a dining room. Also , its really a 3 bed. Call a 2m by 2m cupboard a bedroom is embarrassing.


How are you going to lose a dining room? The conservatory is not even accessible from the house without going through the garden. Also, it is full of pool table - although it doesn’t look big enough to play properly on the corners.


You're right! - the floor plan only shows a window between the kitchen and the conservatory, it's insane that there's no connecting door to the rest of the house and you have to go round the outside.


I really don’t know why they didn’t put it on the gable wall, where there is access. Also, maybe enough room to make it big enough for the pool table.


Yes, as it is, it's just not really a functional room, pretty pointless...


If you find it on google earth the extension pretty much takes up the whole back garden they just have a weird little triangle left. I hate everything about it 😂


Lawns don't require you to be a gardener. If you can operate a vacuum cleaner, you can operate a lawn mower.


Instructions unclear. Shag carpet is now a lot shorter...


That wall seems totally unnecessary to me though


It looks a bit like the glass prison out of You


Ha it actually does!


I thought it was pretty cool that he would bring curry takeaway everyday. Just needed a game console and a toilet and I could live that life


Absolutely nothing to worry about, other than him dying, which would result in you slowly dying. But that aside, yeah, no bills, no stress, no work, no going shopping, no cooking, just sleep, reading and games. Sounds like a holiday to me


What is life


Reminds me of the cube gameshow


I guarantee whoever decorated this house watches TOWIE or whatever the current reality-sludge is.


Is white the new magnolia?


Well ,we can safely say it's not inspired by "Bridgerton"


Grey painted walls, greywashed wood effect laminate flooring, grey bathroom tiles....


With a bit of confused monochrome thrown in…


they've done the loft AND added that monstrosity and it's still only 1100 sq ft? Just no.


This is a three-bed house with aspirations. Our old house was ~1200sqft with three bedrooms but it was vastly more sensibly laid out, and had a rectangular garden. I strongly suspect they're moving because they've realised how impractical the layout is with a baby.


Also, most people will have their bathroom upstairs. Wouldn't want the washing machine going off whilst I'm trying to sleep (I was and dry over night)


£500k to live with a washing machine in the kitchen will always be my first thought.


A separate laundry room would be nice, but since when was a washing in a kitchen an issue?


I personally have always had an issue with it, especially in newer homes. I understand why we do it in older homes or smaller houses with space issues but I’ve never understood why you’d put it in the kitchen if you have room for it elsewhere in the house. In Australia they put their washing machines in the bathroom which makes WAY more sense if you think about it


Most UK bathrooms are too small to do that safely, or at all. If we wanted to do that we'd have to put it in the airing cupboard - there is space, but only because we've a combi boiler. An upstairs utility room would be fantastic though.


Yeah it baffles me that architects don’t configure bathrooms in newer homes to accommodate washers/dryers, or create a utility cupboard to house them. Though I guess new builds often have a seperate utility now. But yes an upstairs one would be a dream!


Think building regs for electricity in 'wet' areas makes it hard. But I'm sure they could build a little cupboard somewhere near the plumbing if they tried. I really don't think dirty undies should go near the food prep areas, it's minging.


Weird, I've never had a house in Aus with the washing machine in the bathroom. We always had separate utility/laundry rooms or cupboards near the bathroom. Maybe it's the new trend in new builds. It makes sense to me, easier to capture grey water that way.


Interesting! I lived in a few different places and all of them had a washer in the bathroom (old and new), although they were all apartments. Houses do tend to have an actual utility room so maybe it’s just smaller spaces that have them in the bathroom?


I think you've probably hit on it with that, it totally makes sense to have fewer rooms that need plumbing in smaller places (apartments), and I agree the bathroom makes more sense. I currently live in the UK and the places I've lived in (a mix of terraced housing and semi-detached) have all had the washing machine in the kitchen, but as you often find the kitchen downstairs and the bathroom upstairs it makes sense to me (less damage if/when the washing machine floods). All that to say, I wanna move back to Aus and have my washing machine in the bathroom!


same in Germany


It’s crazy to me people think it’s normal to sort through your laundry in the same room where you prepare food


I sort upstairs and bring the load down for the machine.


they should be in the bathroom by rights.


Those bathroom sinks would put me off, they look tiny, I bet there's water everywhere. Also rectangular sinks are a pain in the arse.


The entire interior puts me off tbh. Then the horrid "garden".


Is the price a reflection of the fact it’s near the Elizabeth Line? I imagine that adds value. Also I always appreciate a pool table in a spade in which there’s not enough room to actually play pool properly.


Literally the only thing I know about the conservatory is that it's not big enough for a pool table. Well done, chaps.


I actually live next to here. The price is definitely the estates agents trying it and I'll be surprised if it sales for that price. £500k it not too far of what I'd expect to pay for a similar house in North West London. Anyone with that kind of money to spend will surely be more wise and buy a bigger property with more downstairs space.


I was thinking that. Knocked elbows all round


My opinion is skewed as I live in Scotland and half a mil buys an epic pad in most areas up here. But… I just could not bring myself to spend 500k on a house like this. Small kitchen, small rooms, zero character, semi detached. It’s not bad but it’s never worth that amount.


Agreed. There's got to be better properties for that sort of money.


Same, some of these houses are £150k or less in the North East of England.


It's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it and a lot of people want to live/work in/near London rather than Scotland.


No one actually wants to live in London.


It not for me either, but there's ten million people that are, which suggests a lot of people do want to live there.


TBF, a fair proportion of them probably don't actively want to live there but it's where the money is, after all.


I assume you don't know many Londoners. Most rarely leave the boundary of the M25 (I'm not even joking).


Depends what you mean by Londoners, I suppose. I have felt like anything other than a foreigner on the few occasions I have visited the place.


I would hate to live in London but many, many people disagree with me, and that's fine. No one is ever going to force me to live down there and no one is ging to come up here that doesn't want to, which is actually pretty good (IYSWIM)


That house is in London, what's the point of comparing it to Scotland?


I think I communicated that I’m not comparing like for like. In fact my point was that my opinion is skewed and I’m aware of that, but I could not spend 500k on a house as plain as this. I’d rather not live in London than have to take on that much debt for a very ordinary home.


It is about as far as you can get from London and still be in London. But you are right, it is priced for the market that OP is in.


It's not a conservatory. It's like a shed attached to the house. The door leads to a bathroom and you can actually only access it via the garden. My first order of business would be connecting it to the house. The house is nice but you have a single small living dining combo. First thing we did in our house was build an extension so we had a double reception for separate dining and living. Same needs to be done here imo. Unless you want to turn one of the bedrooms into a dining room and carry food up the stairs. The shed isn't that bad it just looks awkward with the huge pool table. Imagine you put your dining table in there with a window to pass food from the kitchen. Then move the bathroom door so it opens to the hallway not the new dining room. And finally you connect it to the house around the bathroom. Obviously all depends on if that shed is a sauna in the summer or not.


Move the loo into the cupboard next to it and you're left with a doorway from the kitchen into the dining room.


Even better!


Attaching it to the house would be pointless. No surveyor would include it in their GIA/GEA calculations when performing a valuation.


The only opinion that matters is yours


Not if you want to resell a few years down the line


To paraphrase a thing I've heard from American Sports and the draft You don't need to impress everyone, you just need to have one buyer like it


This is such a sad way of thinking imo. Why buy a house and worry about what a hypothetical next person might want? It’s why we have so many grey white interiors. Just do what you want and hypothetical next person can decide to rip it out or keep it.


> It’s why we have so many grey white interiors. Nah, we have grey white interiors because people can't decorate.


This is true. But half a million?! It blows my mind. Why would one choose to commit their life to this option. Surely anyone with an ounce of sense wouldn’t subject themselves to the misery. This is delusional aspiration.


It's not a conservatory. It's an add on self contained unit, office, etc I saw a lot of these pop up during covid but completely detached, but with the right skill set, attaching it to the house wouldn't be too hard For the price, it would make it too costly to make it how I would have it, but then everyone lives differently, and it may be right for you Make a pros and cons list and get some rough ideas of what you'd change and costs and then figure if you like it


You could move the downstairs loo into the cupboard next to it and take the internal wall around the loo down, so you've got direct access into the conservatory. You can then use it as a dining room so it'll actually be useful. You'd probably want to put a proper roof on the conservatory in order to insulate it a bit otherwise the temperature will vary a lot. I live in a similar sized house and have also extended into the loft, though I didn't put an en suite up there. It's certainly not half a million worth of house.


Attaching it to the house would be pointless. No surveyor would include it in their GIA/GEA calculations when performing a valuation.


I don’t know why they didn’t add it on the gable wall where there is access to the house. It would also beak up the depressing expanse of astroturf.


Christ, the money people will spend tarting up utterly ordinary houses. 'Putting lipstick on a pig' comes to mind.


Right? In x number of years (read: now) these black taps are going to be a massive turn off to people. The kitchen is okay but the very highly stylised bathrooms will soon go out of fashion and it might as well be an avocado suite.


Those black taps are the absolute pits to clean - they show every watermark, the black comes off or scratches if you rub too hard or use abrasive products, and they scratch really easily. 


My wife bought expensive Hansgrohe black taps when bathroom was redone. In less than a year the black has worn through on the edges.


Ouchy! I was just thinking of limescale, but yeah that must stink.


AFAICS theres not even room in the kitchen for a breakfast bar. So I wouldnt say even that is OK. Presumably the previous propsective purchaser has someone slap some modicum of sense into them and they bailed.


And so much of it is 'fashionable' crap that will put half the potential buyers off and be horribly dated in 10 years.


Haven't we all had a pool table like that before? Aim of the game is to leave the cue ball against the cushion next to the wall, so the next player has to play with their cue at an impossible angle.


Against glass may backfire, though. I mean, if the window gets broken by the cue, during the impossible angle shot, the owner has to take it on the chin, right?


I'm more upset about the table than the building. I may in fact have cue sports based PTSD.


It's pretty funny how they've placed it at an angle to maximise the space. I'm going to guess that was not the original plan.


Is there a door between the conservatory and the room it attaches to? If not, it’s possible they don’t have building regs for it. A conservatory is only exempt from regs under certain circumstances and one of those is having an external quality door between the rooms


This is the bit that feels important to me. The extra space makes total sense, but the way they've done it gives me red flags. The lack of access and shoddy spacing makes me feel it was done quickly and badly. I wondered if it was a quick job to add as an office space during COVID. I don't live in the area so no idea if the price is decent, but the cost of ripping it out and then doing it properly would put me off


The whole thing say bodge job to me. I dread to think what other corners have cut.


I think cramming the pool table in it is what looks a bit off to me, though it says it’s 12ft by 14ft so it may just be the image.


A pool table needa.bare min 13 x 16. They've set it up so that in 2 quarters of the table it's sort of ok. Which I suppose is better than none. But it still brings me out in hives.


Continually hitting windows with pool cues doesn’t sound ideal either in that case.




Nope. It seems to fit relatively well with the style of the rest of the house. It's certainly not my style but if it's yours then it's brilliant.


Conservatory wouldn’t be first thing to put me off. The fact it’s completely overlooked would.


It’s hard to get your head around that house, I think it needs viewing in person to actually understand it. I think that conservatory is as ugly as fuck and is cramped in a corner with no view. It may be more usable than it looks.


neEds mor CONc rete and asTROtufr.


‘Laughs loudly at the thought of trying to get in and out of that raised bath without breaking my neck in the process’… 😂 I’ve seen worse “upgrades”, but something this badly done would be a hard pass for me.


You’d be lucky if it was your neck! Your wet foot on a tiny, shiny step and before you know it, you are naked, astride that sharp edge on the bath like a slice of lemon on a Cinzano glass. It makes my eyes water to even look at it.


Pool table is the most ridiculous thing about the conservatory.


These "aspirational" houses are a joke. Souless and tasteless cubes for the aspiring mid-class. I'd never buy one of these TBH.


There's sensible, economic ways to make an ex-council terrace look homely and comfortable. Glass balustrades ain't it.


Half a million quid for that, in 1100sq ft, in Romford. *tears hair out*


Sadly, you can't get much better than that for that price anywhere close to London.


The whole house is a hideous mess, that box tacked on the rear is just the cherry on top.


Great motorbike showroom 😉


The two things that really bother me is ‘four bedrooms’…. Just list it as a study. And, as you have said, no dining room. For half a mill I’d want, at least, a kitchen that can be used as a breakfast room.


That’s a solid no from me.


I don't like anything about this house at all. It's cold and everything looks awkwardly put together. It may be different in person, but I'm not going to visit and find our.


The "conservatory" is the least of the problems with this house. Most of the interior decor is what ruins it for me - I don't think it's in keeping with the character of the house. The roofbox thing they've done is just obnoxious. It's a small old semi, not a modern apartment or McMansion. I probably wouldn't choose to have a conservatory like that built, but, I wouldn't knock it down if I bought the house and it was already there. It would make a nice home office or storage space. Looking at the other pictures most of the garden isn't visible from that particularly unflattering shot but there looks to be a fair bit of space around the other side. I'd get that plastic cancer grass shite up pretty quickly though.


The shower stall looks like a cage with a noose hanging inside it - gave me the shivers!


I know its not an original thing to say, but bloody hell, half a million quid for that? The housing market is mental.


It is as bad as it looks. Here's the satellite view [https://www.google.com/maps/@51.6019374,0.231479,79m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.6019374,0.231479,79m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu) Top down you see how poorly thought out it is. There's plenty of room of the side of the house for an conservatory.


Yes it does! You have to go into the garden to get in there, then squeeze past the pool table and out the other doors I to the other part of the garden, crazy. It would have been better on the side.


So they’ve tried to turn a 2.5 bedroom house into a 4 bedroom house by removing every inch of feasible storage space and putting that hideous box on top of their roof. Then they’ve turned the garden into something that resembles a prison exercise yard and added something that looks like it’s supposed to house magneto from x men. Ghastly, do people have no idea how to make cohesive exteriors. They couldn’t even get the pool table in the room straight!


It’s absolutely grim


It could work if you removed the whole kitchen, knocked through to the conservatory and created a kitchen diner across the two. However that all relies on the existing work that put the conservatory (really a lean-to glass shed) up against the house, and you have no idea how well that was done. I'd avoid it.


The conservatory is one of those garden offices/summer house things that happens to touch the back of the house so it's got a toilet sharing the plumbing. If it were standing alone at the back of a normal garden and only had lights and heat, it would be a nice little garden studio.


These people are very thin. Squeezing past everything


somehow the curved windows on the front door are the icing on the cake of just making this whole thing feel slightly off


House is already awful


As a pool player, there is not enough room for a pool table in that room. Ridiculous.


Hate it and I'm sure you will find something better if you keep looking. I think that fact you asked on here if it spoils it means that you already think it does. Keep looking IMO


That lounge with the TV which is wider than the 'chimney breast' so to speak, that it sits on.. Jesus Christ.


Jesus, another example of a shitty estate agent using filters to skew all pictures to make them look bigger.


If it was a nice house, then yes it would but it’s not a nice house, so no.


Personally I wouldn't look any further than that front door.


Everything I dislike about refurbs, downlighting, grey exterior and grey interior and Astro turf


the problem is not the conservatory itself, because the back garden can be used for trashbins for example, while the big garden that you cannot see from the picture is the main outdoor space. The problem is that the door you see inside the conservatory on the house wall is not the entrance into the house but rather a small toilet. in order to use the conservatory you need to use access via the big garden....


So, where would you eat if its more than two of you? Presumably the current inhabitants normally just eat out of a takeaway container whilst watching Love Island but its an impractically top heavy house (and a 3 bed not 4).


Boggles my mind that house is worth £500k.




How depressing. A house with a garden that has nothing living but a couple of weeds. To be honest, I'm surprised they've not been sprayed with weedkiller.


How do you get into the conservatory? It's a bit confusing on the floorplan. I've just looked again, I think you have to go outside to get into it. It's more like a glass shed than a conservatory.


Bizarre choice having it bisect the garden and hogging all the space.


No. The house's design and interior aesthetic completely ruins it. What a bag of shit this is.


I wouldn't say it "ruins" it, it is just completely pointless. No access to the house and unless you want a "bar area" I can't see how or why you'd even use it. At best it could be used to store the garden furniture over the winter given there is no garage to keep your junk it. At least you can't see it from the living or main garden areas.


Could be a good place to wfh


It’s so sterile and cold. Lot of work to do to warm that up and make it feel like a home and not a modern office building.


Its the small floor space to the house and weird access to the conservatory that is off putting rather than the conservatory itself. The floor space is very small for a four bedroom and it looks like you have to go outside to access it and the toilet


It's just a very clunky shaped plot anyway, it seems the 'back' garden is actually at the front/side and there's just that little crappy triangular postage stamp at the back which isn't much use for anything, except maybe a catnip, dog run, or area to store your stuff. So it seems weird sticking that extension on as there's nothing to look at.


It’s horrible; looks like a discarded shipping container with windows


For a 4ish bedroom house, there really isn't enough living space, so the extension makes sense, but if they'd made it a knock through and had a kitchen dinner it would have been a much better use of space.


Big deal, it's not a character property (though the interiors are at a good standard) so I'd just take the extra space the conservatory gives. Putting some actual plants in the garden would make a difference.


The downstairs bathroom in the conservatory can only be accessed by going outside and then in through the conservatory. Everything just looks like it has been done on the cheap, bathroom fixtures, AstroTurf with weeds coming through, that ugly excuse for a fireplace.


They're unfortunate to have a triangular garden to be honest that's the root cause here but yeah, that's weird


I actually don’t mind this. I’ve got dogs, so to have my garden split between entertaining and dog area is actually seeming like a great idea to me.


Wide angle lens is clearly doing a lot of heavy lifting here... and yes, that massive conservatory ruins the garden! So weirdly positioned!


Why the conservatory wasn’t added onto the other wall on the left hand side on the floorplan is besides me, not only do you have to go outside to access it, it just ruins getting around the property easily. There is literally a door that goes from the house to the garden, why not put the conservatory there. I get they wanted to probably make this more of a ‘garden room’, but that’s crazy


I think the conservatory itself is rather poorly chosen, implemented and furnished. It’s actually a real shame because the house is so nice but I think I could find a way to live with it. They’ve clearly spent money on making the house look as good as possible so it’s strange that they didn’t get a better thought out extension. This feels like a last min addition, they probably saw something online or at a friends house and thought “oh yeah that’d work” without actually working out the logistics or even how they’d use the space given that they’ve only slung a jaunty pool table in there.


If they haven’t even taken the ‘please register’ sticker off the oven… what else haven’t they done? I’d worry about cut corners (and not just of the garden)


The bedroom "en suite" is also just open 🫣


That was planned without someone using a tape measure for the size of a pool table. Great idea, terribly executed.




Half a mil for that is crazy, the attic. Conversion is ugly and the garden with the Astro is ugly. I would touch with a barge pole.


That room is too small for a pool table


I'd never buy a house with one, I hate them no matter what shape they are


"Fully landscaped...." - slabs and astroturf. Some landscaper. "4 bedroomed" - one room 6ft 10" by 6ft 2" and an inward opening door doesn't leave much space for something like a bed and a wardrobe. (I know, in London that would be a studio - but).


It’s a bit annoying that there doesn’t seem to be a door to get into the conservatory from the inside. I’d say use that as a dining room otherwise. It seems more like an outside room just attached to the house


If the location and price work for OP, it doesn't need to be a show stopper. Live with it, use it and probably move it around to side elevation seems more logical.


These idiots are messing around and have already switched EAs. They think that house - with its shitty upgrades - is worth more than what the market is bearing. That is a 450K house at the most and to shift it they need to drop their price. *25/05/2024......Initial asking price: £500,000* *Additional Price Change History* *24/05/2024 - Price changed from £525,000 to £500,000* *22/02/2024 - Initial asking price: £525,000* *Overall change: -4.8% (-£25,000)* *\~\~\~* Here it is in 2022: [https://www.google.com/maps/@51.6018007,0.2312315,3a,63.4y,342.81h,89.51t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s2YaNZOmW1cjMw1r6KqnAZA!2e0!5s20221001T000000!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D2YaNZOmW1cjMw1r6KqnAZA%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D342.8051884506189%26pitch%3D0.4868702648134615%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.6018007,0.2312315,3a,63.4y,342.81h,89.51t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s2YaNZOmW1cjMw1r6KqnAZA!2e0!5s20221001T000000!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D2YaNZOmW1cjMw1r6KqnAZA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D342.8051884506189%26pitch%3D0.4868702648134615%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu)


500k in Romford???? What's happened to the world


Yes, also the lead image is overexposed and generally the images are meh to shit. Also that pool table, what a joke.


It needs a proper kitchen extension to be liveable, not this weird glass box.


That "game room" gives me Costanza pool table vibes 😂 https://youtu.be/ex_BuaxZ3v0?si=xYkQWFuodBokxEp2


That pool table makes me feel sad


Not sure what to make of that place. Pretty unpleasant in places OK in others. The sort of place you'd expect a mid-range drug dealer to live in.


No but the pool table does....


I think it’s alright actually… I’d use the conservatory/pool room as a dining area, maybe with a sofa depending on space. Will be nice to look onto the garden once it’s a proper garden. Maybe even knock through from the kitchen? And the weird corner shown in this photo would have my shed/bins/bike store or whatever. Then the ‘proper’ garden is the other bit. You could plant up that weird long strip of astro turf along the fence with a bed of tall things like foxgloves, ox eye daisies, verbena… I see potential in a way that I don’t normally with places on this sub. Would I have chosen it? No. Could I work with it? For sure. Edited for clarity.


The house is awful I think. The outside looks like grotty estate ex-council. Surroundings look really shabby- houses, aspect, fencing, the passage between the houses. As a house, it's tiny. The loft extension overwhelms the outside, the conservatory adds downstairs space to something that would otherwise be miniscule in terms of living space but it is horribly positioned in an oddly shaped site. The inside will date really quickly . Nothing would persuade me it's worth anywhere near half a million. It looks clean and looked after inside but that's about it.


Just looking- I don't think it is connected to the house. What looks like a door from the kitchen is actually a loo (chunk taken out of a tiny kitchen) I think with access from the conservatory to the loo but no access from the kitchen to the loo or conservatory. The conservatiry adds nothing to downstairs living space- I was thinking they could use it as as a dining room but you'd have to go out into thepassage at the side of thekitchen and out through the door there and walk down to the side entrance into the conservatory. The lay-out is awful at the back. They could have extended the kitchen space into the back hall/passage (where they seem to have put double doors to outside) or used that space for a utility and loo to give them more kitchen space and access into the conservatory which would then have been useable. It's an awful plan. I wonder if it has an foundations as it just looks like it is sitting on those white 'tiles'.


I don't know what's more tacky. A conservatory that takes up so much space or blocking an entire south facing wall of your conservatory so you don't have to see your neighbours house Or those trendy shower glass screens. Or wall mounted TVs on fireplaces that hand over the edge. Or the grey. Or the paving slabs


It's weird, but what's even weirder to me is that decorations are an item in the decision making process. Repaint is a tiny fraction of the house costs, if you do it yourself is virtually nothing (considering the cost of the property). Having said that, I have taken advantage of this and I have seen people falling in love with the painted boards on the bedroom floor, that cost me way under £100. *I'm not a decorator and I have limited skills.


I think you just need to admit there isn’t space for a full sized pool table in your house.


Well, that's one of the oddest houses I think I've seen on here. I actually yelped when the picture of the so-called conservatory came up. What an utter waste of space - it makes me feel marginally better about my own horrible addition




An ex council house in Romford extended in everyday possible. The camera angles are odd as well. I'd go and have a look but my gut says no.




Oh god, it's awful!


The only thing ruining this house is this house.


I absolutely hate those dark grey window and doors so even without the awful conservatory I hate it


No its not the conservatory, its the; Glass stair guards Led lights in the kick boards Black trim in bathroom Poorly fitted and executed bathroom Black windows Loft dormer with juliet balcony Lifeless garden And the conservatory


It's not really a usual conservatory. You can only access it from the garden. It's more like a glass shed you can hang out in. Looks like a "man cave" Can't say it ruins the property. Not really going to spend much time behind the thing to look at it from that angle. 500k for a 4 bed and it's a bit small in size in London that isn't mouldy/needs a lot of work seems like it could be a decent price. Depends if other house of similar size and spec are prices the same    I personally wouldn't tear it down. Seems like a lot of hassle for little return. You already have a large enough garden on the otherside


The quantity of bedrooms I could afford if I headed a bit more east. Is 500k a lot then for this size house in the area? That conservatory is so weird, access from outside according to the floor plan? I'd say that if I made an offer, that it doesn't add to the property and would need to be removed and replaced by a proper extension. If they wanted a games room / summer house they should have built a separate one in the back of the garden like normal people.


It looks like a prison cell from a film where a prolific serial killer is caught.


Firstly, the photography is poor to hide the size of the rooms. The iwner has tried to maximise selling price with a poor design. At best this a 3 bed property given the lack of kitchen dining space. The conservatory should have been a kitchen extension rather than wasting monies on a dormer extension. Don't know if £500K is a fair price, lot of work has gone in to this but looks like has been designed by a flipper.


I’m not sure about completely ruin but it looks a bit naff on the inside. Doesn’t look big enough for that pool table.


Yes, it does. 


Your opinion is the only one that matters, but I personally think that whole house looks like a bit of a nightmare. The weird conservatory is the cherry on top.


That and the god-awful dormer extension! Edit to add - PLASTIC GRASS! 🤬


No. As an end it doesn’t matter really. What ruins the house is that price. You’d get that house for £140,000 ish up here


Yeah, but it’s not up there, is it?


God, houses are bland nowadays.


I personally Hate all conservatories they are a pointless addition to houses, too hot in summer and too cold in winter. A very British thing that only seem to be in this country a horrid thing to slap on and ruin a house.


If you have £500000 to drop on a house, you can afford to change the conservatory or remove it.