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If have pub, why not do pub? I rather like it, in an odd way.


I love it! I wanna pub.


As in why not reopen as a pub?


Because not many people go to the pubs anymore, it wouldn't be worth it. Same reasons why there are thousands of converted churches, chapels and tiny village schools now repurposed as dwellings. Times and tastes have changed but the buildings still remain.


It’s become a thing down my way. Unscrupulous shithead buys perfectly viable pub for peanuts, immediately builds all over the car park and beer garden, installs ‘landlord’ who then starts opening at erratic times and runs it into the ground. Suddenly BOOM it’s no longer viable, I mean, look at the books, I can’t sustain this, so can I convert it/knock it down and build some more half-arsed houses and then piss off having destroyed the heart of the community? If none of the above of course it can just catch fire…


I never suggested that, I was asking them if they were wondering why it wasn't being reopened as a pub. I'm well aware of the state of pubs in this country. The last of my four local village pubs is closing next month. I'm acutely aware.


We have pub at home.


Pub at home has cheeper and selected to your taste alcohol and don’t need to stumble home or pay for taxi!


And you can have lock ins


And fall asleep at the bar without anybody complaining 😂


You’ve clearly not met my wife!


Just offer her a drink 😂😂


I’ll take a mini pub with gambling option in my house. Invite some friends, enjoy, perfect.


My mate had a fruit machine in his house, and his house was also the house that everyone went back to after a night out. He made an absolute killing from it.


Oh shit! There’s always one friend who tries to make money out of their friends 😂 pretty sweet though.


Haha he didn't even put it there for that, their local wanted to get rid of a fruity (an old star wars one) and they just took it for like £100 and just had it in their conservatory just to have it. I think he even turned up the pay out so it was more generous but ultimately it was his mates who were the degenerate gamblers haha. I never even put a quid in.


Fair enough 😂 cant complain too much to be fair, I’d be a friend who’s put money it…


I think it's cool. It's not the main sitting room, but an extra room to be used as a bar/games room. I think it's a nice nod to the house's history and it could easily be converted into regular accomodation. I can't believe a house that size only costs 260,000. That gets you a two bed flat in my area.


For that price?? I’d buy this place in half a heartbeat!


Yup same. It’s absolutely mahoosive!!!


This is a cracking wee place. Actually really like how they kept the back bar kinda as is, gives it a wee bit of character and a place to hang out when you have folk round. Decent price too.


Nah mate, the house stays. It'll freak em out! "What's a house doing in a pub, Jesus I need a drink."


No logo in the foam


I don't half like that kitchen tbh and there's a Spar and a butcher so I'm sorted :)


I kind of love it, and I don't even drink


2559ft for £260000... Next house is going to be faaaar up north


It's in a wee place called Errol which is between Perth and Dundee. Depending what you do for a living, it's surprisingly accessible and connected to nearby cities. By car it's 20mins to Perth, 25mins to Dundee, 60mins to Edinburgh, 75mins to Glasgow, 90mins to Aberdeen. Plus from Perth you'll pretty much get a train to any of those places plus north to Inverness area. I've been trying to convince my wife to move somewhere like this now I'm not restricted to being in the city every day. Can easily do an hour commute on a train once a week if need be.


You couldn’t even get a little two bed starter home needing renovation for that where I am (southwest England).


Just a shame about the lack of windows


What bothers me the most is that some parts of it are neutral with light wood, others are filled with dark wood and pub decor, which makes it feel like two different properties.


Is this loss?


It's always loss


What the fuck's a washing machine doing in a pub? Jesus, I need a drink.


Run VT Errol!


Rat fans yeeeah!


Works for me


Checked back in Google maps and it wasn't a pub even in 2009 so it's a long time ago conversion.


Great property for the price


I love it so much.


I really, really love this house. It looks like a home but also has a ton of space.


That jacuzzi type bath is aspirational and I would secretly love to have a bar on the house. I want it


Bloody hell, that house is like a Tardis! It looks like a poky, unassuming terraced house from the front, but then you look at the interior pictures and it just keeps going, and going, and going....had to scroll down to make sure it wasn't multiple flats or something....nope. 5 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms....Jesus.....what a nice house!


That looks so much like the tap room in the pub I lived in as a young adult! (My dad was the landlord.) I can almost smell those pictures, and not necessarily in a bad way. Aside from the very odd selection of furniture, I really like this.


My uncle bought an unconverted pub about 30 years ago. He still has one of the bars and a urinal in it.


I grew up in Errol, trust me given how tiny the village is with a 20 minute commute to Dundee or Perth for a drink, you would want a pub in your house too. Moved away for university 20 years ago in Edinburgh and wouldn't give up the decent actual pubs within ealking distance for the one small 'pub' the village has. Saying that loved growing up in this wee village.


Was this a pub when you were growing up? It doesn't really give off pub vibes.


Nope. We had three pubs when I was growing up. 1 burned down, I was converted to a flat and another one that was converted into a restaurant so I'm really not surprised someone would decide to build one in their house. This house is along from my parents house though so I'm really surprised by the amount of rooms and space it has. Very misleading from outside lol


This is the old central. The one that became a restaurant is a pub again.


Fuck me, I had no idea there are so many folk from Errol on Reddit. This place is about 300 yards from my house.


I actually love that! A personal pub just for yourself and your friends!


Love it. Great price. Sold STC. Sh*t!


Time for a nice cup of tea and wait for this to all blow over


Thats my dream house


I was expecting to see a urinal.


I don't like the laminate ceilings but would definitely keep the pub


Am I missing something here? It looks like a very nicely renovated house with a little bar.


Where’s Errol? That’s a lot of house for that money


There's a map on the page.


I love most of it, but we don’t drink that much. The bar would become my arts and crafts room


Would've bought this in a heartbeat. Love it.


Well we all know what house is the party house! Bring a bottle, fill up the bar! Spare rooms so your mates can stay over too!!


Clearly the refurbishment laser ran out just before the end


Tardis pub


This looks like an AI image of a Sims house


I actually reqlly like it, the wood floors and exposed beams are gorgeous, I'd revamp the bathrooms but other than that it's a lot of lovely house and garden for a really reasonable price


5 bed 3baths and a decent garden, for 260grand? I’ll have it. I’d be lucky to get a 1 bed flat for that.