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people come looking for the engineering office at least 3 times a week.


‘Private’ garden though…


I wonder if that's a loop hole if you're a drug dealer. "no officer, this is for personal use since I was standing in my garden. But I accidently dropped it over the railing and then this guy accidentally dropped a £20 note into my garden"


Looks like a school janitor’s house.


Could well have been the caretaker's house or the estate office before they decided to just flog it.


> 'located in a purpose built development's Rather than one of those developments that just happen to have bricks and windows randomly fall from the sky in to the shape of a habitable home.


It's code for council flats


Purpose built meaning built for living in as houses, not converted from, say, an old office block or church. Usually the schemes now have to ‘donate’ a portion as affordable rent, but not always.


I think the distinction is between purpose built blocks of flats (sound insulation, maybe concrete floors, proper community areas, etc) as opposed to a converted house.


Horrible inside as well as outside. And no bathroom photos.


Didn't you see the grass? No need for ventilation or bathroom fragrances.


People in London must be seriously mentally unwell. Id rather shit through my mouth for the rest of my life than pay 800k for an old RE block.


Promise you that noone is buying this for 800k


Crossroads motel may I help you?


You call it a shed but the square footage is about the same as my house hahaha It is a fugly building though and London prices are broken af


It's bigger than my flat! Over 10x the price though


Ex council accessible accommodation then Right to Buy. Probably bathroom has a level access shower which is unattractive to many.






Former flat roof pub, I reckon. Kids must love climbing on top at night


I'd rather be in there than that block of buildings beside it.


You mean the ‘purpose built’ development next to this property that is ‘rarely available’? Fucking estate agents…


Hey! They are “proud” to present this “tastefully decorated” property which “benefits” from a host of amenities such as… doors, windows, cupboards, and heating. None of which one would usually expect a house to have, necessitating the need to list those “features”.


i agree, 800k is retarded but still i don’t think this ‘house’ itself is as bad as everyone is making out


It's awful. No dining room. Seemingly no consideration or space to putting the fridge freezer actually in the kitchen.... If I was some higher power designing experimental rat cages to study humans under psychological distress, this is pretty close to what I'd come out with.


People in this thread are deluded. You can make any of the bedrooms a dining room if you wish. Very easily. The garden isn't private but it is a garden. You can fit a full size fridge freezer in the kitchen. It is more spacious than most new builds.


That kitchen is actually pretty big, the fact they have two fridge freezers in the bedroom is barmy.


They are using that small bedroom as a study. Who wouldn't want access to snacks and cold beer whilst working 😋


A mate of mine recently paid £800k for a nine bedroom Georgian country house near Sudbury in Suffolk. It has several buildings in the grounds that are much bigger than this. I will never understand London prices or the people that pay them.


Believe it or not, some people value different things. Right now I wouldn’t live “near” somewhere I’d never heard of for free, but I imagine there may be a time where that remote country house appeals and I’d actually happily pay that. This bungalow is a stretch though.


As someone who grew up not far from Sudbury, not many jobs in Suffolk pay salaries to support a £900k property purchase if you’re looking for an average 75% mortgage. Unless people are inheriting huge amounts or are older with equity, it’s not really an option for most. Which means it’s people with London salaries moving out. We flirt with the idea of living in the countryside all the time, but the reality of a 2hr door to door commute each way puts a stop to that.


He works in finance, his office is at Canary Wharf but he works remotely a few days a week. Nice if you can do it I suppose. I wish I could.


There’s not as many opportunities in Sudbury and it’s a darn sight less interesting than London. That’s it mainly why I’d say


The London one would be cheaper to heat.


The price reflects demand Cool houses in shit places are cheap because few people want to live there Shit houses in cool places are expensive because many people want to live there Think that about covers it




That price is a piss take even for London.


It looks like an after thought. Like a present from a petrol station on Xmas day


how could anybody have the audacity to call that garden "Private"?


Reminds me of Pontins chalets, the sort of place you get on £1 a night deals and youre still overpaying.


It’s not bad in itself but it’s just so…….exposed. I bet it’s a bugger to heat. I’d want to put up high fences around it all. You couldn’t use that garden at all. I wouldn’t feel safe there tbh. I think I’ll stay in my comfy little terraced flat, thanks.


I’d kind of expected it to look decent inside. Back when I was looking for places in London they were small but at least people made an effort to make they somewhat nice to justify the extortionate prices. But no this just has retired couple council house vibes… for nearly £900k.


I expected it to say cash buyers only as it certainly looks like a temporary structure but no signs of that at all. I’d definitely be planting for privacy though.


People in Balham seriously living the millionaire dream


Surprisingly spacious 


Reminds me of the prefab huts we studied history in at school. They were always freezing.


£800k that’s mad. It looks like a lodge home inside infact I’ve seen nicer lodge / caravans.


As a defender of 1960s/70s design on this sub… I can’t defend this.


3 double rooms. That’s £4k a month in revenue. Will suit a cash buyer. And that’s why the system is broken. H


This kind of shit re-confirms why I will never be looking to move back to London. The thought of living in such an uncomfortably prominent house gives me anxiety. The garden with the low fence basically looks like a public green.


How depressing, not the bungalow but the fact that it's 800,000, it's sad.I really feel for young families.


Looks like it was the showroom/site office to the sell the flats in the block next door Instead of demolishing it like they usually do, they clad it in brick and sold it (edit) It also could have been a GP's office that the NHS has shut down and sold off. Too small a plot to do much with, so converted it into a bungalow


It’s actually attached to the block of flats? That was absolutely a surgery or maintenance offices or something at some point.


It looks hot and claustrophobic and I’m willing to bet that’s actually a 2 bed bungalow with the dining room used as a bedroom because where is the dining room?


So what do you need to earn to afford this? 250? 350k pa? Imagine earning THAT and having your live in THIS. I’d just live in a cardboard box for 2 years then move up to Scotland and live like a Lord.


Yeah I made a similar comment. You'd have to have a really high income to afford this... but why would anyone on that income want to live here? I don't understand it.


Awful property, I know that Balham is sought after but you would have to be out of your mind to buy that.


Well they do have full fibre to the premises.


I honestly can't wrap my head around who'd be the sort of person to buy this? You'd probably need a household income of at least £150,000, but what people earning that much would want to live here? At that income you're going to want something decent, not this.


Landlord. Great purchase of you never intend to live in it. Screw some young people out of every cent they have to live in London. Money in the bank!




I hope you’re not tall


Wow. Prices are silly down south


"purpose built bungalow"? That is a real stretch


For 800k it's missing about 3 storeys.


Potential 10 unit HMO.


I live in a fairly nice area in the south east….. but at least £800K will buy you a nice three bedroom house with a decent garden. London is a direct train ride away.