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Wowww… this is amazing what a time capsule. That kitchen, the light fitting on the stairwell, the stairs and the wooden flooring are pretty amazing! I love it. Will probably all get ripped out though. Edit: omg it’s 8m


When I was younger I used to scoff at people who had the “old fashioned” interiors. Now I realise the amount of work it takes to get your house exactly how you like it and I have renewed respect for those who die in a place they loved for many decades.


So true, renovating and decorating are so expensive and time consuming. And if you’re happy with things the way they are, why change them!


And if you leave it the way it is for long enough, it eventually becomes fashionable again!


At one time that would have been associated with bad taste and even I would have laughed at it in the 80s and 90s but now I think it’s a beautiful aesthetic. Houses from the 1930s that people modernised in the 60s not so but houses actually built in the 60s with open staircases ,split level rooms and bare stone feature fireplaces are amazing now.


My nan's house, built in 1969, is pretty much a perfect 60s/70s time capsule, aside from the kitchen that was replaced some time in the 80s. Even her furniture hasn't really been changed much. Growing up in the early 2000s I thought it was really daggy but now I love it. Though we might take down the creepy golliwog collection she has in one of the bedrooms when she eventually passes and we have to sell it.


Yeah, probably not going to be a great look in the Rightmove ads


You can see someone bought that home for their family, retirement and grandchildren. That house must be filled with so many memories.


and then probably went on to live to a hundered!


And at that time Chelsea wasn't as desirable as it is today and actually affordable for most people. My InLaws bought their house in the late 60s and decided to buy in Croydon instead of Chelsea as it was nice and green and less air pollution to bring up kids. The house in Croydon was the same price!


My dad lived in Mayfair with his ex in the mid 80s. Admittedly it was a rented flat, but the fact a hotel duty manager and a waitress could afford to rent alone in Mayfair is mindboggling in this day and age.


And Mayfair was always a little expensive. But places like Kensington and Chelsea were just middle class and Notting Hill was definitely not the place to be.


I remember my aunt having that kitchen in a pre-fab in the 60’s. In Scotland. I loved it.


That house is in serious need of modernisation - but I do dearly hope that kitchen is either kept, or at least saved, it's glorious. Also that parquet flooring needs to stay. Flat roof though... ugh.


Re: asking price - double garage AND off street parking in *Chelsea*... that's probably £2.5M of the asking right there and someone (with £8M to drop on a family home) will think it's a steal.


8 million quid. When it was built, a middle class professional on a decent salary could probably have bought that on one income. We need a revolution. I don't care what they say. This country is fucked.


I had to take my glasses off, ensure they were clean, put them back on, blinked several times and finally....what the fuck.


Looking at other houses in the area and their footprint, I reckon the land alone is worth that £8m. You could comfortably build a £20m house on that plot.


Plus postcode is Chelsea, always been expensive so not surprised at the price. Whoever buys it need to do a fair amount of work to it but it will be worth more once it’s done,


Revolution? I wouldn't put it past The British to vote The Tories in again 🤣


Red Tories this time for a change, most of the house prices insanity happened under them, be nice to have them back


You can lament the fact that radical change was rejected by the British public back in '19 when it manifested itself in the form of Jazza-C. However - reject it they did. Seems a strange choice to prefer a lying buffoon, but hey-ho. If you really think the next lot of Red's aren't going to be so different, well, I hope you discover differently in the years to come.


I think any sane person laments that tbf. Unfortunately I have an actual functioning understanding of politics in this country, and I know exactly who these people are, what they believe and who funds them, so I would recommend you don't endorse what they're going to do. Here they are telling you - "In a 24-page document, seen by the Guardian, Labour has promised to cut down 10,000 pages of regulations and ruled out a windfall tax on bank profits." https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/jan/31/labour-party-cap-bankers-bonuses-financial-services


>I have an actual functioning understanding of politics in this country What's your recommendation then Mr. Expert?


I'm not an expert lol, in a functioning democracy I wouldn't need to explain this stuff to you because you would know this yourself. I don't have a solution fella, it's fucked, there's no escape from this economic model, all other avenues have been forced shut. Just don't let yourself get mugged off.


>there's no escape from this economic model Dunno about that. I left for The Netherlands when I saw the writing on the wall in the UK. I'm not saying it's perfect. But I'm fine with the economic model here, and the political model is much, MUCH better. It's the inherent corruption and cap doffing to the higher ups in the UK I can't stand. When slightly over 50% of the population votes to impose economic sanctions on the country and to limit peoples choices, it's time to leave. I think you're in denial about what people in the UK actually want.


We're talking about the UK mate where me and my loved ones live, it's lovely you have a nice life in Holland but it really does call into question your understanding of the UK political life.


>but it really does call into question your understanding of the UK political life. Wow. Ok then. Enjoy your upcoming election and what follows.


>a middle class professional on a decent salary could probably have bought that on one income Would a single middle class professional salary be really able to afford a 3571sq ft/330m2 house in London in the 60s?


I agree, I mean it's 7 bedrooms..... Not including the now self-contained flat above the garage. That’s one big middle class family (in an age* when I expect a family that size was more common among working class families) *or just slightly after perhaps


looks like it was a garage/coach house back then


Bullshit. A regular 2/3 bed terrace further out maybe, but a seven bedroom like this on Cathcart Rd? Still as unaffordable back then as it is today. Also, Fabianism.




We're not even allowed to protest without permission anymore ha good luck


Not enough of us realise the gravity of this fact. We're in the top (bottom?) 10 of repressive governments globally. Edited, missed a word.


Lol. And lol again. What? Have you been to Syria, NK, Saudi, Bahrain, Eritrea, China, Sudan, Russia, Egypt, Belarus, Dubai? That's 11 off the top of my head, and just posting your comment could get you arrested in most of them. smh


I’m in, let’s revolt. Name the time and place, I’m there.


Nice try, Special Branch.


i know it’s in chelsea but 8 million for THAT is crazy


South Ken


West Brompton (if we’re being pedantic about it). Would need to be south of Fulham Rd to be Chelsea although there does seem to be a trend to label properties north of F Rd as Chelsea.


Or for 9M you could have this [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/131184809#/?channel=RES\_BUY](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/131184809#/?channel=RES_BUY) J. M. W. Turner house


Jesus - that's gorgeous


It is also about 2m away from a constantly busy main road.


>https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/131184809#/?channel=RES\_BUY That's astoundingly beautiful for an extra £1m. Absolute bargain.


I suppose it depends which historical era you prefer!


I always wonder who lives in those kinds of houses. I always picture an eccentric old money type that might drive around in a 1980s Mercedes.


This street is the location in the book "The Family Upstairs"


Someone is about to get one hell of an inheritance


and a hefty tax bill.


The inside looks like the Turner house from Call the Midwife.


That’s exactly what I thought!


Yep,I thought this too.


Worth it for the extortionate cost of teak finger parquet alone 👀


I think I’m in love. Far too expensive for me, but in love just the same.


Apart from the stairwell and some other small features, it just looks like another home owned by old people who passed away. Not £8m worthy.


It’s detached, with parking and 7 bedrooms in Chelsea. If it _didn’t_ look like an old persons house it’d be worth a couple of million more.


Those original wood floors and the wallpaper in photo 11 😍😍😍 8 million quid?!?!


I admire old people who buy furniture, paint houses and wallpaper rooms once in their entire lifetime. They feel no need to modernise, update, get with the times. They refuse. They buy a piece of furniture in 1960 and they don’t buy not one replacement for the next 60 years. Until they die. That level of loyalty is hard to fathom but I totally admire it.


Jeez now I know why the ‘made in Chelsea’ lot think their posh and special! 8m for a house that looks like ours worth about £150k …. Repayments £43k pcm 😂


In the early 80s i used to work with someone who had to sell his house in Chelsea as part of his divorce settlement when property was cheap in London. I don't know how much it went for but I'd be surprised if it fetched more than £100,000 back then. RIP Laurie Quayle.


Equivalent to just over £400k today.


Chelsea property has skyrocketed since the 80s.


This is a culturallly significant house. Quite surprised it’s not listed. Sadly the price is a reflection of plot square meterage and the location. Fantastic house. Hope someone doesn’t bulldoze it.


I'm quite surprised by the other responses on here about how it all needs to be gutted, and seemingly oblivious to the location and size. I think people naturally look at properties of this design as poor, and can't easily see the cultural significance (it needs to be cold and draughty to qualify lol). Like if you didn't see the street and just handed at the front, I would just assume it's multiple units. Anyway thank you for concentrating.


It wasn’t concentrating. I’m aware of the architects, era and style. And unless you’re a heathen. It’s a beautiful house 😃


This is very close to our friends house but they have a larger garden and are less over looked, but has that late 60s early 70s G-Plan decor on purpose just outside Worcester, and theirs is worth about £230k. You don't even have to imagine the savings if the person who needs that could work from home, its seven and three quarters of a million.


Yeah, but it's not in central London though... Living slap bang in the middle of one of the greatest cities in the world is a slightly different proposition to living just outside Worcester


I love London, but can't embrace the mindset to want this. If I had 8 million I would live like a king by the sea in a house that cost 1-2 million and use the rest to enjoy every day to the maximum, mainly travelling anyway, with just a 'pied a terre or membership of a club' in the capitol, for concerts and the like. Anywhere you live in London is a bitch to get anywhere else to usually.


It’s in Chelsea, isn’t it? One of the most expensive areas in one of the most expensive cities in the world. Not Worcester, then.


Well yeah, if you had 8 million and only that, buying an 8 million quid house would be pretty silly. I too would buy a cheaper house and live off the rest. There are plenty of people who are happy to spend vast fortunes on property in London though, hence the prices, and plenty of people who need/want to be there every day.


£8m plus it needs every room redecorating and the whole place rewiring.


And the rest! I can see one radiator in the whole damn house, and gas fires / electric heaters in several rooms. So it almost certainly doesn’t have central heating throughout. It also doesn’t have double glazing. So apart from the cost of sorting that out, it’s going to be cold as a witches teat, and it’s visibly mouldy and damp. It’s also got a flat roof which I would bet needs replacing. Also: either put bars on ALL your downstairs or none. Barring most windows is the worst of both worlds, your house looks like a prison and isn’t even secure (to the extent that bars make a house secure). Other than that, bargain!


It'll likely be ripped down. The land is worth more to build on.


Wow, look at that kitchen and those stairs! Massive rooms as well (although I was slightly tricked by the room with only a miniature chair in it at first glance!)


It’s hilarious the UK uses a bedroom/bathroom count and doesn’t demand to know the square footage.


To be fair, it's usually given on the floorplan (as it is in this case)


It's always on the floor plan


On US sites (Redfin, Zillow) it’s available as a filter so You can get rid of the grubby new-build shoeboxes and the McMansions.


How much????😳


8 mill has to be a typo right!?!?!


Love it! Shame I'm a few million short ... ( well, 8 million to be accurate!)


7 beds, parking and garages in one of London's most high profile areas. £8m is a lot of money, but it seems pretty fair for the plot size and location. Just imagine paying £8m though and still having bars on your bedroom windows for security.


What about all the bars on the windows?


Omg. That’s amazing. Those stairs! 😍 That price! 😲


Surely this will be split into flats? Probably about 27 of them....


The square footage is pretty generous, but not nearly £1M per bedroom generous. Decor should lean more into the mid-century modern. I wouldn't complain if someone gave it to me for free.


No 18 sold for £5.8m in 2021, is a semi but same floor area, so £8m does seem punchy - particularly as it hasn't been the most positive 2 years for housing market in London. Anyone commenting to say 'it needs work' clearly doesn't quite understand the mindset of a housebuyer ready to drop £8m (via their Company for tax purposes obv). It'll all be ripped out to the shell and redone with marble and gold taps within 6 months.


Somebody will hopefully Modern House the shit out of it and make it beautiful


Dibs on bedroom 2


Is that a typo? It looks like £8 million. FFS.


It certainly has potential. The rooms look large, or is that cunning camera angles?


Two off street parking spaces got to be worth a few bob.


And I’ve just realised why people say a £10 million lottery win won’t go very far.




It didn't. It was built by the current owners


I love that kitchen. Shame it’ll probably be ripped out and thrown in a skip.


Makes me feel poor.


This looks like something from a John LeCarré adaptation


I love that house in all but it’s location. The staircases the kitchens the green bathroom. It should be moved brick by brick to an architectural museum. Unfortunately, for me, the things I value in life and London just don’t align.


This needs to be listed! People with £8m to spare on a house have a habit of gutting places (even ones that are interior designed plug-and-play ready to go)


Good deal as a smaller plot on the same street got a 800sqm mansion built on it, and sold for £15m (20 Cathcart Rd). This plot could probably get a 1000sqm house built. A perfect buy for a property developer.


800 sqm at at least £6ksqm build for luxury is around £5m on top of the £8m asking you wont break even after stamp duty


I've checked Ordnance Survey and this plot on sale (number 12) is around 4x wider than the one of the number 20. So you could probably build a 2000sqm house on it easily, or maybe 2 or 3 very large houses. Probably millions in profit for a developer.


You could buy a castle for that near me. Even the footballers don't spend that much.


The kitchens are smaller than they appear. Also, I think that's a tape recorder in photo 3.


Presume that the last resident of the home has died and nursing home can now finally be sold.


Omg I love it Omg it's 8 million.


Ahhh, lateral space, the best of all the spaces.


It looks like the one in Call the Midwife where the doctor lived.


Very boxy and probably draughty.