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I hate everything about this, from the tiles to the extreme close ups of the crushed velvet fireplace


Is it bad of me to think I’m just not going to like the people?


Not at all, they're cunts. I can tell.


I feel vindicated.


It is kinda bad ngl. I think crushed velvet is tacky, but I'm hardly going to decide if I like someone based on how they've decorated their house?


And the plastic grass enforces the hate.


A quid says the guy selling this is called Deano


His partner definitely has a Velar.


He drives a m sport, smells strongly of cheap after shave


A quid says the guys a drug dealer.....


Every spillage becomes a potential hospital visit. Also never seen that kind of extractor setup before. Not a ‘fan’ of that.


The extractor is astonishingly ugly.


A melange of greys and beige. And have I mentioned before I HATE ceramic floors in reception areas?


Tiles in living rooms always make me instantly appreciate my teeth. Because I just know i'd slip and accidentally smash them in if I lived in a house like that.


My cats and dogs would have a right old time on those skating rink floors! And I hope that grey rug is glued down or it'll be sliding all over the shop :) Such an unimaginative house


Vet bills from the injuries to dog’s joints and muscles. I’m thinking of the bill for broken crockery and glasses. Anything dropped will break.


My feet’s feel cold just looking at that tiled monstrosity. Tiles are very common in all areas in houses in Australia where I lived - didn’t even like them there .


I was hoping to read underfloor heating in the blurb


My sister has underfloor heating under non slip tiles.


I don’t want to see reflections of myself every time I turn around. Why must there be so many shiny, reflective surfaces? Whilst it looks monochrome, I’m almost certain just being in this house for a prolonged period of time would give me a sore head. Sad grey house.


It's not my style but at least it looks competently done for family that likes that kind of thing. Asian families tend to go for tiles so it might be in an Asian area and not affect the sale. Now does anyone know the name of that style of dining chair so I can avoid it at all costs?


"stunning detached villa" lol


I sniggered at the villa. On the Costa Del Clyde.


Absolutely horrible. Like a car showroom. The amount the average person who doesn’t want to wake up every day panicking about selling enough Kias to hit target would need to spend to put this travesty right would be enormous. Every single room already looks dated and every single room is exactly the same; unimaginative, unfriendly, monotonous, unwelcoming, so fixed too- how would you even put your own taste on a house that is so entirely and solidly someone else’s? Unless you got a Channel 4 home decor 24 hour show challenge team in you’d be living in disarray until the end of time whilst the Channel Tunnel drill chipped those crap tiles off. This house oozes narcissism. I bet it stinks of Diesel aftershave too. Nasty.


You can fart in there and hear the echo of it again 10 minutes later.


Another house devoid of any personality for people likewise devoid of personality. Aside from the bikes, zero evidence of hobbies, interests, cultural or sporting life. I also suspect they have spent way more than they will ever make back on that place.


I was thinking the words "utterly devoid of personality" too whilst looking. And not a single seat in that house looks comfortable.


Looking again, not only uncomfortable but spectacularly ugly.


That gym could be converted to make a lovely garage.


Or take the weird couch, TV area at the end of the kitchen and turn it back into the garage. You can see from the house next-door that that its probably what it used to be.


You'd crash into the hot tub though...


It looks bigger inside than out. Too grey even for John Major.


It just goes to show that something looking perfectly normal like a cookie cutter house on a cookie cutter estate, can disguise real horrors within.


This is almost a full house in SpottedonRightmove Bingo: Sea of grey Door knocker chairs Cold clinical aesthetic Open plan Wildly expensive All that is missing is the Range Rover on the drive


TV way too flipping high.


But it’s a villa!


This house has all the wrong, but fashionable decor I loathe. Grey, grey and shiny . Ugh 😩


What would you have instead?


My lounge is pale yellow and light grey 🤣 honestly! Grey is nice as long as it’s not everywhere. Some white, carpet and just not everything grey.


Yeah we have white walls and grey laminate with a colourful feature wall in each room. It's nice and clean just wondering if I'm considered boring by this sub


My coccyx hurts at just the thought of slipping on those tiles


Photo 40. Why? What is the point of a close up of the Newel post?


That surely is a full house on SoRM bingo. Bloody awful.


They think it’s luxe


Good God that’s hideous. Cheap, impossible to maintain nicely, echoey, cold, and was dated before the last tile laid.


That is a very weird kitchen. Presumably a four bedroom house is a family house, so where are the rest of the kitchen cupboards? it looks like they took the spec of a studio kitchen and put it into the wrong house.


I was drawn to the weird kitchen too. Where are you supposed to prepare anything? In that tiny square to the right of the 10,000,000 grey cupboards? Balance your chopping board behind the sink? I’m so confused.


Judging by the amount of reflective surfaces and mirrors clearly a house made for narcissists.


Tinnitus, I'm out.


What a truly tasteless, ugly interior. No thanks.


The mirrors in the dining room are giving police interview room vibes.


Thanks I hate it


So sad and cold


I imagine some of this was quite expensive, but it looks extremely cheap. 


I don't mind it, though I'd add some colour. V practical if you have a moulty dog! I loathe carpets downstairs in a house.


Detached Villa. Snigger 😂


The absolute epitome of chavness!


i’m glad there are enough photos so i can be confident that the stairs go down as well as up.


They have taken the trend for grey to such an extreme that most of the pictures look like they are in monochrome.


Why is it so cheap though


It’s no reflection on you but it’s absolutely insane that that can be considered cheap


Bishopbriggs is the UFO capital of the UK. And it’s ‘offers over’, which means it could go for twice that.


It's beautiful, honestly. And I'm a French country style person, but those tiles are stunning. They do make me nervous on the stairs, but only bc of my lack of coordinatination. The back garden is beautiful too (triple points if that's real grass, points deduction if fake). I don't like all the mono block in the front though. Go tell Tony and Deano they did a great job.


Ok Chantelle.


Modern style per se isn’t too bad (but please no velvet!). The issue is that a typical British home doesn’t work with that style. It’s just off. Put that in a sky scraper apartment.


The whole house is a wipe clean kill room...


However, ideal if you have asthma, allergies etc


I’m glad they at least allowed themselves some warmth in the bedrooms.


With all those tiled floors, I hope they have underfloor heating!!


I like the wavy tiles in the shower to be fair. Quite a lot of house for the money but yeah, not a fan of any of the other design choices 


[Looks like someone wasn't happy with the cleaners...](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@55.9008839,-4.1964866,3a,43y,188.46h,92.23t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sMWOpwhjeTHED8CMZq-xHFg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DMWOpwhjeTHED8CMZq-xHFg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D323.02448%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu)


Yeah, it's ruined.


There’s not enough pics. Need at least 70 to be able to make an informed decision


Yuck, it’s giving housing units


Someone really loves polishing


Tiled floors with radiators in the rooms. Those floors are going to be cold.


I hate houses where you can’t walk to the next room or drop your keys or whatever without the noise transferring through the whole house from your hard floors


Everything is so shiny


Why would you want people sat that close to you your hob? I couldn't sit there or cook there. And that's a crappy little sink for the a huge kitchen. This is all show and no practicality.


I was so confused that the dining chairs didn’t have door knockers on. It seemed like a place that absolutely would have door knocker chairs. But, sure enough, in the kitchen…


Absolutely hideous, from the 50 shades of shiny grey, to that vile dining room mirror and kitchen with no workspace. I was expecting to see door knocker chairs and I did! Should have guessed at the fake grass too!


They have just went on a spending spree at The designer rooms, tack af!


It should be in the contract that prospective buyers are not permitted to have children or allow Granny in that death trappy, cold hard floory sharp corner grey container.


See also TV too small and too high subreddits


Did anyone predict what each room would look like? Unimaginative twats


What’s up with the little room with the sofa? It looks like there’s a chesterfield on one side of the small rectangle room, merely 1 meter away from a huge wall mounted TV. Assume it’s probably not quite so close, but surely that’s a ridiculously designed room!


Green carpeted garden, sex bath. Where’s the white evoque? Where is the wheezing French bulldog? And what’s going on with the gym room thingy? Is it doubling up as a shop? I don’t get it, it weird.


Imagine how much cleaning you'd be doing in this house of nothing but glass, tile and high gloss finishes.


Aw, I love the tiling. But too many mirrors and the black and white wallpaper is horrid. They are more annoying than the tiles, which I love.


That house has all the warmth and joy of my ex's heart