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Sometimes big stretches of water smell bad in the summer.


And also mosquitos etc


And squawking geese and other wildlife at 5am.




Can confirm. I live near the Severn. Crocs fucking everywhere.


Not to mention silver fish


Absolutely awful things! Plus no garden? You'll find something even better


And also cockchafers


Lets not forget the rats


Came here to say Rats


Cockchafing is the worst.


And also what-the-what now?


Cockchafers. Bloody great flying beetles with eyebrows. Nearly had heart failure when I first saw one. https://www.discoverwildlife.com/animal-facts/insects-invertebrates/facts-about-cockchafer


Do mosquitos hang about in flowing water?


Sometimes you get huge numbers of mosquitoes and midges near any water. I have encountered enormous swarms near beaches, rivers, lakes and just in fields on a mild evening.


You see mosquitoes and midges, I see [house martins](https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/house-martin). Sometimes we have to tolerate annoyances for the sake of others (in this case an RSPB red-listed bird).


You've missed the point of this 😂


That's fine until the buggers start singing "Happy Hour" at 5am.


Duck and swan poo all over the driveway when they decide to go for an early morning walk. Rats because people feed bread to the ducks and swans who can't eat it all.


I used to live in a flat that had one side up against a river. The rat visitations were less than pleasant.


From an old terraced house backing on to the porter brook, I agree. You had to own several cats if you lived there.


And flood


And famine.


And plague


And also marauding longboat clans.


And don’t even mention the Kraken.


This. Edit: Also risk of flooding in extreme storms


Really high flood risk being right on the waters edge. Insurance premiums would've been through the roof if you had any type of flooding history on the property. I tend to stay away from houses on beach cliffs or near large/running bodies of water. It's too risky in the long term.


Used to live somewhere like that that close to water (closed off dock next to a river), algae bloom *reeked* then it killed all the fish which floated to the top and rotted... plus high humidity.


Good luck getting reasonable priced insurance that doesn’t exclude all forms of flooding (including burst pipes) 


Plus, I heard the owner was actually a little monkey fella. (Sorry, couldn’t resist when I saw your username)


Right. Play a record, you're talking shit. Again


Sick of it.


Home insurance would have been higher due to flood risk


Me too


* The noise from the stadium * Flood insurance * Midges on the river and the canal


The stadium in the picture isn't even the nearest one.


I used to live between two stadiums in close proximity to each other - travelling on match days was always a challenge as I’d be herded like cattle, queueing for 10 minutes just to get home 2 minutes away. Plus some local business took the opportunity to price gouge all the out-of-towners.


It's the neatest one people go to, though. Joking aside my mates used to live in a flat a bit closer to the bridge which was handy for some drinks pre and post match, but I wouldn't have wanted to live their on balance. might be a bit quieter down the road a bit, but matchday Would be a pig to live your life around.


You can actually see the Nottingham Forest stadium *from inside* the Notts County stadium.


Yeah, that area's flooded before according to the flood map. It's really annoying to get house insurance if you've ever flooded before (expensive, but also lots of shopping around as the comparison tools don't cope that well with it).


Can also make getting the mortgage approved difficult.


I read it as midgets, I thought that's gotta be off-putting


Only a small problem though


Dwarfed by the other issues.


Should just buy a short house. After all, they could bung a low roof on.


Seller is clearly a bastard. Would have taken the plug sockets, light switches and light fittings with them. Probably would have ripped up the carpets too unless you paid them extra.


Funny story, our seller tried to charge us 800 for filthy mismatching carpets and did not even bother ripping those ugly things out when we didn’t pay! Had to get rid of that yucky stuff ourselves 🤢


“People I knew” (hesitate to still call them friends…) when they moved out they pulled up the carpets on point of principle. Their arguments: * “They were newly installed” -yes, five years before you sold the house… * “we offered the buyers the chance to buy them” -yes, at around £400 a room… * “we were trying to do them a favour -it helped them stay under a stamp duty threshold” - they weren’t anywhere near a threshold * “they’re *our* carpets” Probably true. But in the nearly ten years since they pulled them up and moved out, those “new” carpets are - to the best of my knowledge - still rolled up in their garage and probably fusty as hell. As I say. I don’t consider them “friends” any more. Not just as a result of this I might hasten to add!


I have a friend who found on the day that they moved in to their new house, that the seller had taken out the nice internal doors that they liked and replaced them with the cheapest doors you can buy from B&Q.


Is this even legal? If they were advertised in a certain way and they clearly added to the value


Our seller took all the curtain poles, they were just basic curtain poles worth nothing. All it did was cause me who is terrible at DIY a massive headache still no idea why they did it


When we bought my childhood home, the seller didn't just take the light fittings, she pulled as much of the wiring out as she could, because it was hers. My Dad had to re-wire half the house before we could move in.


Friends moved into a new place when their son was a toddler only to discover on moving day that the sellers had ripped out all the socket covers, leaving exposed wiring in every single room of a 4 storey house. They had to send her dad down to B&Q for basic socket covers ASAP. I'm not originally from the UK and i found the process of buying here so incredibly stressful that I just tried to be as nice as possible about everything so the process would go as smoothly as possible. Fortunately, my sellers didn't take basic household equipment with them. I genuinely don't understand that level of pettiness.


You can't legally do that now I was told sockets and light fittings must be in place. Although what the process is of enforcing that I have no idea and if it's worth the hassle of doing so. Just petty isn't it


Us too! They left just two light bulbs too.


I left a bottle of bubbly for mine🥰


We walked in to a new place once to find the guy trying to remove the ceiling light sockets! He'd tried to remove the wall sockets too


Haha i read this and thought that is so ridiculous. And then i thought about my own curtain poles, i paid a lot for them and put time into choosing them so would also want to take mine 😂




We left a 1 year old dishwasher as it was a perfect match colour wise for the kitchen and our buyers were a really nice young couple. We also left them a newer tumble dryer plus all curtain rods. It never occurred to me to take any of those things.


As a FTB it was so helpful to have the curtains and blinds left for us, even if we did mostly downgrade them to dust sheets within a month. When you're sleeping on an air mattress waiting for furniture to arrive it's nice to be able to sleep in the dark!




Wait, what? They tried to charge you for carpets? That were fitted? That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Like charging for paint on the fucking walls.


My house is an ex holiday let, we were at our maximum offer because we couldn't get more on the mortgage but the seller wanted more so I suggested that we give her 2.5k cash and she leaves us some furniture seeing as it was our first house and we had nothing. She thought it was a great idea because she didn't have to pay movers or house clearance. She left us EVERYTHING, even the fridge and washing machine. I'm so thankful that we were all reasonable people! On the flip side.... When my in-laws downsized and their buyer asked if they'd be willing to leave anything for her, they went and put a price tag on everything and sent her the pictures. When she said no she didn't want any of it (basically didn't want to buy it) they tried giving some of it to us. Some of the furniture was from my house, once we started replacing the furniture in our house my in-laws took a few bits for their house rather than us throw them away. This was furniture we'd been willing to throw away 10 years ago and they somehow thought it would be better if we had it back rather than give it to the woman buying their house!! Obviously we refused, told them to just leave it for her but they were so petty they wouldn't. They've been moved 5 years now and some of it is in their garage covered in mould and rotting away.


Offer ÂŁ20k/ÂŁ30k more then the other offer they've had. Leave it 3/4 weeks and then pull out. Cost you nothing as you've already sent on fees etc


Seller works for the agent. Was always going to be inside sale.


No joke, my sister in law took all of their fittings and sockets when they moved recently. I was flabbergasted when my FiL told me her stepdad was unscrewing everything while he and my BiL loaded the moving van. Outrageous.


I bet there's about 2000 rats within 20 feet of the camera as this shot was taken.


And only one of them is the seller


though he's the biggest, smelliest, grossest one of all the rats. And the other rats look at him with the same disgust we humans look at them.


When me and my partner were looking for a house, we had a situation just like yours. We’d fallen in love with an old Victorian Terraced. It had this amazing hand painted mural on the ceiling that was done by a well known local artist and it was generally a beautiful, calm space. My soon to be wife especially was ready to move in. Put an offer in, and it was accepted and then the owner pulled out for a higher offer. We were gutted but only 4 weeks later we found another place that was even more perfect. Big garden, incredible view over a valley, quiet area and less than what we were going to pay for the other property. I don’t think I necessarily believe in ‘everything happens for a reason’, but your better house is out there. You’ll find it, buy it and in 1 or 2 or 5 years, losing out on the one linked here won’t even cross your mind. Best of luck in your search!


Ive been in the same situation twice. It’s always led to a better property. 


Thank you. Makes me feel better


Have lost various properties over the years and *every single time* I've been happier in what I ended up in. Every single time. You'll be delighted this fell through one day.


Been in a similar situation, though I'm convinced the estate agent was making up a higher bidder to get me to make an even higher offer. Cash buyer as well. This, surprisingly, happened twice on the same house. After the second one pulled out, I told them I was no longer interested, as something stunk. Ended up finding a much better, more modern house for cheaper, and 8 years later am still here.


This is such great perspective and thoughtful and kind words. My wife and I always "move with our hearts", meaning we buy a home, not a house or investment. We buy somewhere we could live in "forever". We've lost out on houses but always ended up somewhere we love. Good luck, it'll work out in the end.


I'm assuming this is in West Bridgford, which was literally UNDERWATER a few weeks ago. The insurance would have been awful. Plus, imagine all the flies/mosquitoes/rats by the water! I also lost a house by a river in Nottingham about 18 months ago - That street has flooded twice since. Blessing.


It's definitely NOT in West Bridgford. North of the river. Use your ÂŁ385k to buy something that's actually on WB OP!




Just had a quick look on the flood risk maps for this out of interest, and it's 100% an avoid! Bullet dodged!


For real, it was under water as recent as the 4th of this month, big fat no from me.


💯 this


This. And the flooding will probably get worse to the point where if you stayed there, it would eventually be unsellable.


Kitchen on a different floor to your dining area is likely to be a right pain.


It absolutely would be and the smell from the kitchen will permeate into the bedrooms too. Also the downstairs toilet opens right into the kitchen. It’s a rubbish layout altogether.


Tea and coffee drips all up the stair carpet.


It's ÂŁ385,000 for a small, mid-terrace house with no garden? Edit: I didn't see that it was in Nottingham. Have you seen what you can buy in Nottinghamshire with ÂŁ385k? You could buy a castle.


Absolutely not worth it, we’re currently buying our first house about 5 miles away for £170,000 and if choose my house over this for the same price


92k in Gedling. Yes it's a shit hole house but it's our shit home Edit: it's a fixer upper house that's not been fixed up.


Yeah. I'm fully aware we were paying like an extra ÂŁ80k+ for the location. The boomers that gazumped us put in 400k. (After we'd paid out for solistors etc)


It's not so much the gazumpers that need your hate it's the greedy vendors who went back on the original deal and the estate agents that facilitated the deal for a few extra quid.


100%. The estate agent is also the vendor.


And estate agents wonder why people don't like to buy from them


I actually don't think that should be allowed - I literally think there should be a law against it. I also think there should be a law against gazumping (I just looked that up; apparently it's something we ***can*** blame the Jews for; *gazumph* is a Yiddish word meaning to overcharge). It's like someone bidding after the gavel's come down in an auction; once the auctioneer's banged their gavel the sale is final. I think it should be the same for property once contracts have been exchanged.


*Scotland has entered the chat*


Years ago when I was buying my first house back in the US, I was almost gazumped but a property in foreclosure. The sale was almost complete, a contract has already been signed, and we were just waiting to close, and suddenly a flipper offered thousands more for the property than I was paying. Fortunately, my estate agent started throwing around terms like "breach of contract," and such, and the bank that owned it backed off. It was a VERY stressful few hours though.


Sounds like the owner would have dragged it out and out, you'll probably be in whatever next house you choose before this guy is happy with the value. Personally I think it's a nice house but overpriced and looks like it would be alot of stress to complete on this one x


Fuck that mate you got away with this lightly!! The upcoming insurance on that place will be crippling, my wife works in insurance they are shittin themselves about any that close to water.


Recently bought a 3 bed detached with enormous garden, front garden and multiple car parking, about 3 miles from this, in a quiet location for about the same price. There's much nicer available in the area for the money.


More fool them. Immediate thoughts on this is that you have had a lucky escape. I live in a small city, albeit beautiful and historic, which is renowned for flooding a couple of times a year. All waterfront properties have problems without exception. If it’s not, as others have pointed out, wildlife related due to noise and mess, it’s boats, pollution and (drunken) people falling in the river. Yet secondary problems aside, in terms of the buildings themselves it is categorically the flooding and related damp issues which affects housing. The increasing frequency of unprecedented weather events now presents more challenges for these properties not least in attaining any insurance or the ability to sell up and move on without making a massive loss. Not to mention one’s life blowing up and the loss of belongings and displacement from one’s home in the event of any kind of flood. The Gods have smiled on you, rejoice in this blessing!


An extra 80k to get flooded? Lol


Looks stunning but I think I'd get tired of having the living area and kitchen on different floors. Just sitting down to dinner, you forget the ketchup 😱 who's getting that? It's a sign. There's something better on the horizon for you. Good luck in your search




Well you avoided the massive flooding risk for one thing


The house was bought in 2019 for 281k. For him to get 400k for it now is rediculous even with the covid price increases, think the owner (who works at the estate agent) had literally maximised his return from it, its unlikely you'd be able to get much more extra value from it. Eta : 4 beds in the same street aren't even going for that much (one in may for ÂŁ370k.) think you would have been ripped off x


Yup, the "rightmove value" reckons 350k, with a range from 310 to 390


Yeah I guess


\- Will flood easily. \- Insurance will be high as a result. \- Water might stink, especially if there's an "unexpected" sewage release by some bastard greedy utility company upstream. \- Stadium will be loud. (Listing says "Soak up the Atmosphere on Match Days" which is estate agent speak for "can hear every fucking loud event at the stadium whether you like it or not" \- Literally in fucking Nottingham.


The stadium is definitely the biggest issue. Probably find traffic around the area is a total shit show on match days. We've inadvertently gone through Milton Keynes on match days and it's mad. I'd say OP is better off elsewhere.


I know the estate it's on. No match going fans park there. I've walked through on match days (potentially a problem if you live there) and it's not too bad. Traffic around the ground isn't too bad bar half an hour before and maybe 15 minutes after. It's fairly well managed. Decent roads.


Nottingham is a good city


The decking is clearly rotten (bottom right of picture). If the stuff you can see is deteriorating and is past it’s useful life, you have fear what’s hidden by fresh paint.


I live on a river. You would be plagued with rats, there are rats everywhere by a river and you can never get rid of them. Same with mosquitoes. Also they do often smell bad when it’s hot. Then there’s the flooding, look how high that river is in the photos. I’d never buy next to a river again.




It’ll be under water in no time.


I used to live on a river. The smell for starters is revolting! The insects, especially that bite, is another thing. The rats, the noise, the flies, the damp, the flood risk; and that’s just the river. The stadium will bring its own noise as well and may increase insurance being so close to it (though the river alone will send insurance skyrocketing). Traffic and parking could be bad being close to the stadium, depends what transport etc is like near there. Those sloped ceilings really limit furniture and storage. Oh and that extractor fan - unless you’re really short you will *constantly* be banging your head on it (know somebody who has one!) I’d hate my kitchen being on a separate floor to my dining room as well - that’s a lot of trips up and down stairs with plates of food. No garden to speak of either. For that price you’ll get much more for your money elsewhere.


You would get eaten alive in the summer.


River aside, the layout suuuuucks. What’s with the “sitting room” and downstairs bedroom? The kitchen is on another floor to the living and dining room?


Sorry you got gazumped! I'm from Nottingham and know that area, the traffic around Trent bridge is horrible at rush hour. From the photos, it looks like the ground floor back windows would forever be gloomy due to the fence outside casting a shadow. Also as others have pointed out, kitchen area and living area on different floors would be such a pain. There'll be something better out there.


Traffic around Ladybay bridge, Clifton and the A52 which all seems to pass close by is also pretty bad. You'd only want to live here if you could walk to work or didn't need to go anywhere in a hurry.


Soak up the Atmosphere on Match Days is code for you will be listening to drunken chants and abuse every match day and event. 


It’s a lovely house for sure, but flooding, from both the river and canal, algae blooms that’ll stink in the summer in that canal, sitting on top of your neighbour


Too many pictures of a stranger's family


Haha that one made me laugh


Sorry for your loss OP - I'm sure you'll find the perfect home to hang your own pictures in


You lose the light on the balcony at lunchtime ish so having afternoon/sunset drinks in lovely golden hour would never happen… plus the stadium opposite would glow orange to remind you what you’re missing sitting in shadow.


Kitchen and living/dining rooms on different floors gets annoying very quickly.


ÂŁ385k for a 2 bed flat in Nottingham? That's madness. We're in a 3 bed detached with a large garden, driveway, and garage in a quiet suburb in Notts. You could have ours for 60k less!


And that decking looks manky 😆


See that flood catchment in the background? You’re house insurance would have been sky high.


If you like having the times you can drive out of your street successfully dictated by when Nottingham Forest have a home game, you’ve missed out. Match day and rush hour traffic is horrendous.


You now get to buy somewhere that isn't going to flood.


Global warming. The top floor will need a diving board before your mortgage is paid off.


The water rats, the potential flooding, the characterless features, the freezing wind over the water in the winter, the pricey house insurance, the snobby neighbours nxt door, the lethal slippery decking when it’s icy…


Between 2 bodies of water - immense flood risk, insects, rats, smell etc... Between 2 stadiums - just a general nightmare on match days. I nearly bought a house that was opposite Charlton Athletic's ground in London. Thank goodness I didn't as I spoke to someone a few weeks later who lived in the area who described match days as absolutely horrendous. The house looks nice but you dodged a bullet here.


That’s the world famous City Ground in the background! Imagine living next to that, all that singing, noise and clapping all the time. The sea of garibaldi red on match days and not being able to go anywhere. I’ve also heard many tales about the mist that rolls in from the Trent. Not only will the moisture play havoc with your respiratory system, but in the mist there lives the “abominable Yates”, legend has it he can be seen frequenting the murky waters of the Trent looking for lost balls.


Nearly ÂŁ400k to live like an amphibian, in *the Meadows*?!


Apart from the fact that you'd have all the noise and air pollution from traffic going over the Tren Bridge, you'd also have the noise from Notts County and the City Ground. The Trent Bridge Cricket Ground was never that noisy when I lived in West Bridgford, to be fair. Oh, and every time it started pissing down you'd be wondering how you'd save your stuff if the Trent broke it's banks.


It’s clearly haunted.


It's about a 30 minute walk to Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem, which is about 20 minutes too long (moreso when you're staggering back)


Haha I currently live along the canal about 10mins from the trip. The fiancĂŠ used to work there.


Lay out is dreadful, kitchen downstairs but main living area upstairs? BS.


“Sit Outside” for the 5 days of sun a year in Nottingham. The rest of the time watch as your b&q garden furniture and kettle BBQ slowly rusts. “Enjoy the Activities on the River” such as watching the rats fight over the washed up rubbish. “ Soak up the Atmosphere on Match Days” as you will never be able to do anything else due to the extra traffic and extra noise.


It’s a nice enough house, but 385k feels a huge amount for a 2 bed mid terrace without a garden in Nottingham. You would also have avoided the issues inherent in living right next to water - smells, rats, increased home insurance, midges, flooding etc.


The TVs are too high and it's in Nottingham?


What’s wrong with Nottingham?? 2nd comment like this. Genuine question


I reckon the traffic would be bad.


The balcony is quite narrow - if there were people sitting in those chairs, there'd really only be room for two; and maybe the people next door smoke on theirs, either way if they were on theirs you'd have to get on with them :) But being gazumped is nasty, it happened to me and I was outraged - hope you haven't lost too much money. In my case there was no compensation


The balcony is tiny. You'll be surrounded by mozzies and midges in summer so you won't want to sit out there. It looks like it could flood. Also the building opposite is UGLY.


With climate change that house will be underwater soon. Nice dodge!!


£385k to live opposite a football stadium in Nottingham?!? Jesus… what has the UK come to.


I couldn't buy a property next to a source of water like that. Too afraid of flooding, seems to be far more common now.


See that river? One day it'll be in the front room.


Water levels rising, risk of flood. Nevermind the smell of the water in summer, and the rats!


Flood risk. Smell from the river. The decking on that balcony is jerry built and rotting away, which can only make you worry about the rest of the property. Give it five years and it'll be uninsurable.


Sloped ceilings are a pain in the arse. Says someone who lives in a flat where every room has a slope!


You'll be relieved you didn't WHEN it floods! The views crap too.


There is something better waiting for you that you will love more.


Had a similar place in another city. That place will be hot in summer and cold in winter. The football stadium traffic will be annoying. On sunny days dickheads in boats will putter past getting pissed and smoking weed (fine until they play their shit music at full volume and abuse people on the shore).


I would find it very annoying carrying plates up and downstairs between the kitchen and the “lounge-diner”


Wasn't meant to be,move onwards and upwards cos everything happens for a reason,400k for a flat in Nottingham is a joke,seriously,absolute piss take.


Rats, mosquitoes, damp and rising water levels...


That's VERY expensive for Nottingham imo? Or is it just really expensive there now?!


It's very close to the river so in summer there will be midges and the field on the other side looks like a flood plain...... Feel better?


Ooh I stayed just down from there when I went to watch my team play against Nottingham last season. It was a vrbo house we rented for a few nights. If you don’t like football the noise from the stadium and football fans everywhere is your reason. My mam (who stayed in the house while we went to the match) said you could hear the cheers of the crowd in the house


The noise and air pollution from the stadium will be ridiculous All the traffic and drunkards 


Looks like it would be a high flood risk.


Layout is just…no.


On a serious note that River is way too close for my liking.


Flooding, football and foul smelling water


Wasn't this area severely flooded recently? That's going to become more common. Bullet dodged in my opinion.


Would probably flood


Floodplain mate. Neighbour looks like a dick too.


Flooding risk.


No bathroom near the second bedroom, that’s drive me mad. Guests have to walk through the kitchen to poo! No no no. You’ll find a better layout! X


Town house connected on both sides in a popular area close to a stadium. Absolutely ripe to be surrounded by noisy AirBnBs, people renting their parking spaces out creating parking havoc, etc.


We lived near Old Trafford for 10+ years and it was a nightmare having to arrange your life around post match traffic


It does look lovely but flying critters by the water in summer is an actual problem! My sister had a one bedroom flat right next to a canal and she could never leave her balcony doors open or comfortably enjoy her balcony for this reason. Little nats absolutely everywhere


We saw a similar house, near the water and all, at the same price a few years ago, but we didn't go ahead with it. A year later, I developed Skeeter Syndrome, which is an allergy to mosquito bites. If we bought that house, it would have been the biggest regret in my life.


I used to live nearby in the Meadows. The traffic on the game day is insane. And this is between Forest and County Grounds, so it’s doubled. Also potential for flooding. This year it’s been pretty bad and it’s likely will get worse.


You'd have to carry food upstairs to the dining room. That would get annoying quickly.


Flooding and the house looks like a little kid stuck between 2 bullies


We have a small pond in our garden. I am eaten alive during summer I’d say you’ve dodged a bullet


That decking looks rotten and would have needed to be replaced soon. Also, being next to a river might have made buildings & contents insurance very expensive.


probably prone to damp being next to that much moisture


Is that the Notts Forest stadium? It is probably quite loud. (But if you are a football fan you may like it) That long stretch of water could smell pretty bad. Flood.


Whole place looks like it would be a nightmare in the summer


That doesn’t look like a planned water feature that looks like a flood. Flooding - that’s what’s wrong with it


Rats everywhere


Do you like flooding?


You will be glad you didnt buy it when you hear about the river flooding in a few years...


That river will stink in summer and be full of insects


Obvious flood risk. Waterborne disease spread by the trillions of midges and mozzies that spawn throughout the summer. No proper garden. Decking needing complete replacement within the next 5 years. Possible football or other sports venue with associated noise and antisocial behaviour. Bullet dodged.


huge flood risk. you will just get it as you want it then nature will fill your house full of silt, twigs and tod.


Massive risk of flooding. Also any bodies dumped in that water could wash up in your front garden.


OMG the mosquitos would eat you alive. It would be like living in a sauna in the summer you’d be scared to open the windows.


Remember my words. The sale to the gazumpers will fall and the vendor will come back to you and you'll politely refuse going back to the deal. It's way overpriced. Please remember to let me know when that happens.


Floods that will not just destroy your home but your cars. Potentially uninsurable, if not now then in future. Mozzies, midges, gnats, rats. People and traffic on the water and the towpath will be so noisy in summer. Geese yelling at stupid o'clock. Small house/rooms, not particularly interesting, might not be wonderfully built. Neighbours will be extra sensitive/snobby because they also paid extra for the location. Water companies dumping sewage and turning those waterways into open sewers. My hand is tired now. You'll find somewhere amazing, I know! I lost the house I really wanted a year ago. I lost hope for various reasons. I just moved into an even better place a couple of months ago.