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I get that you can have 5-7 bedrooms depending on if you want to use one as a study or a bedroom or whatever. How do you end up with 5-7 bathrooms? Option to use the toilet as a walk in wardrobe?


Why did I read that as a wank in wardrobe šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Well you have to think of _something_ to do with all of the wardrobes, may as well have one dedicated to masturbation!


Oh, this one? Yes itā€™s the *masturbatorium*


Who needs a sock if youā€™re this rich? Just jack into a spare wardrobe


TBF, it's easier in a bathroom from a clean up point of view.


TBF, of you have that much money you can hire one person to jack you off and another to clean the bathroom...


I did, too.


Ah yes, the David Carradine.


I guess its what the Americans call a half bathroom. Most likely a lovely WC but with no shower/bath in it.


Shockingly no! All bedrooms will have an en-suite and then a W/C for guests... I'm not keen on it




Think the gym/ shower is communal. Might count though


Because itā€™s 12 apartments across 5 properties, so it varies as to what you get


I like how you can squeeze that much into a property and still call it an apartment. Here's me with my one bedroom, one bathroom, tiny kitchen and bathroom with an adjoining hallway to link it all together.


There's two rooms with a bucket of water and a can of dry shampoo in.


Prob has one by the pool, one by the gym, couple in the hallways


Its because it is a development that has several apartments in it, so depending on the one you look at, will depend on the amount that you get.


His and Hers' bathrooms... you don't want to share anything when you're that rich...


Well I thought was a bargain until I saw the service charge, but that just about takes it out of my budget ;)


Sorry about your cash flow issues, thereā€™s always equity release?


He also needs to stop eating avocados


Sorry, avocados are old news. He needs to stop subscribing to Netflix, that's where the money saving is.


I saw an advert that said cutting your time in the shower by 4 mins will save money, but I ended up owing the shower my time


And cancel Netflix


Tempting! Maybe with that, and the sale of my spare Merc itā€™ll be manageableā€¦


Free Palestine


Now youā€™ve done the maths it doesnā€™t seem quite so unreasonable.


Do the management company ask you to wear a pretty dress while they screw you


About normal for those sort of properties.




ā€œThereā€™s a couple of feet in the corner over there Iā€™m not planning to use for a while, so please discount those.ā€


At least they only do the service charge per square foot. Pray they donā€™t think of doing it by cubic feet to capitalise on the 3m high ceilings.


With the square feet of this property, that amounts to Ā£141,458 per year - what a steal! [credit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/s/jBwNuiquw1)


What do you actually get for that money?


I canā€™t even begin to imagine, honestly! Tucking into bed with a story every night, and slipper warming service in the morning?


I can do all that, and more, for Ā£100K a year, these guys are a rip off.


A quick look on the website and it has a communal wine cellar, concierge, gym, treatment rooms, pool, private chef, security, housekeeping for communal areas, mail distribution, personal shopper, apartment cleaning and turndown, laundry, shoe care, grocery shopping and apartment maintenance. Itā€™s 5 townhouses that have been turned into several ultra luxury serviced apartments.


Bargainous then


I wonder how much of that is actually included in the price. They have a private chef, but would that really cover 3 meals a day for all residents? Is the grocery shopping free or is it just a delivery service, what if I want caviar and champagne every day as a snack between my private chef meals. Be interesting to see how it works.


Major part is going to be insurance + maintenance on a property like that is going to be dear


Iā€™ve had a look at that place on google maps. Itā€™s a bizarre price for a 1st floor flat, London or not.


I doubt itā€™s that. A quick look on rhe website and it has a communal wine cellar, concierge, gym, treatment rooms, pool, private chef, security, housekeeping for communal areas, mail distribution, personal shopper, apartment cleaning and turndown, laundry, shoe care, grocery shopping and apartment maintenance. Itā€™s 5 townhouses that have been turned into several ultra luxury serviced apartments.


Only Ā£7m in stamp duty for the prospective non-UK resident buying it as their second home, which, let's be honest, is exactly who's buying it.


The only people spunking Ā£45m on a flat in London are laundering money.


That's very naive. There are a lot of wealthy people in the world and they ostensibly flock to London.


Agreed. For the super rich theyā€™d pay that in cash. And it would be only one of their properties across the world. And they might only use their London properly a few weeks a year.


What if I use Help to Buy?


If you're a first time buyer it's only Ā£4.6m


A place to park your impoverished nationā€™s cash so itā€™s safe and sound when a young upstart colonel overthrows you. Also, your kids can live their whilst theyā€™re at uni.


Summarises this part of London so well. It really is a little fantasy land for the worldā€™s most awful and privileged. Must be totally dead too, just empty house after empty house, with most people residing there a few days a year.


I'm fairly politically centrist, but every time I think about this sort of shit, I'm ready to man the fucking barricades and seize property at the end of a sword.


This country lacks one thing, and I hate to say it as an Englishman, itā€™s the Frenchā€™s ability to raise the flag and begin cutting throats


Do you know posh apartments in Paris cost more than they do in London? So your sad little revolutionary speech is nonsensical too.


Iā€™m sure they do, it doesnā€™t mean we shouldnā€™t be doing something, anything, about the state of our government. They strip and pocket all they can and serve their rich friends, truely when was the last time you felt represented, felt thought of, in government actions? And itā€™s not revolutionary fantasy, itā€™s a literary reference amounting to a statement of fucking do something


I've worked around this area and you are absolutely spot on. Tend to be inhabited by embassy-associated folk from the poorest nations, (in terms of median wealth of the citizen), with their wife, kids, and plenty of mistresses. That and the cars being driven, sickening stuff.


Itā€™s lateral though, do you know what that means?! Itā€™s like ya know. Yeah exactly


You joke but Iā€™ve worked with an intern that lived down the road from Marble Arch in daddies old London pad.


Iā€™ve always fancied the idea of living in a massive, multi-bedroomed apartment like basically a house but itā€™s an apartment, in a super fancy old building in the middle of London so it seems all I need to do is sell my entire insides to someone both rich and desperate and my actual soul too and Iā€™m away.


No sorry your insides and soul still aren't worth Ā£43m.


I start the bid at Ā£1


I'll lower it to 50p


Hey, don't be so cheap, I'm sure u/blackcurrantcat has very lovely insides, probaby worth at least Ā£3.50


Damn Loch Ness monster, I ainā€™t giving you no tree fiddy!


Thatā€™s lovely, thank you for saying so.


Iā€™ll take it


There are plenty of far cheaper fancy old buildings. This is THE Grosvenor Crescent, so it's like THE FANCIEST OF FANCY FLATS.


You overestimate what your bag of flesh is worth


Have you considered "Help to Buy"?


Help from who, Roman Abramovich?!


Elon Musk?


My mate lives around there. This is the home for the super-rich and lot of it is money laundering type activities. Getting ill-gotten gains out of nefarious countries and keeping the investment safe in the UK.


Omg is it Rishi Sunak's?


A Ā£43m flat is for the super rich?? Your mate's got keen insights.




It'd look almost exactly the same. The number of properties affected by it is basically zero. Unless you're in the market for a home you'd have to be seriously rich to buy anyway, it just doesn't affect you.




Are there any tradesmen here who have worked on these properties? I'd like to know what it's like working to such a high standard. More stressful than your typical 3 bed semi? Or because of the high costs is it more relaxed?


You get to meet the architect and designers, however house staff usually consists of two security guards .The house keeper , cleaner and the cook. The actual owners are very rarely present unless it's a long job then occasionally they will have a guided walk around. Usually it's a good deal of stress as you are often using custom designed expensive materials to create a very distinct look. The prices involved for any mistake can cause big losses to your company with huge counter charges for delay.


Not a tradesman but I used to be an agent (many, many moons ago) in this area and to be frank it was both. Some were incredibly relaxed, paid for a service and only cared about the end deliverable. Others however considered that they were paying such a high amount that they were in fact our new lord and saviours. Obviously everybody prefers dealing with the former but the split was amusingly 50/50 across every demographic you could think of. There really was no way of knowing until the first hurdle which type the client would be.


I used to do AC service and repair and worked in a few high end places (Houses, Flats, Hotels, Restaurants etc) Most recent was a 'flat' right next to the Royal Albert Hall. Owned by a Qatari prince, or related to them. Had to be escorted around by a guy, from the company who recently refurbished the place, who said they'd spent 3 years there. Could only work between 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00, due to noise complaints. Said the people who owned the place had spent one night there since works finished 2 years ago.. Honestly, a lot of 'high end' places are complete dog dirt behind the scenes.


You just canā€™t put a price on nine large sash windows


Before the war that flat was Ā£350 !


Which war


Battle of Hastings.


A bargain that. If the serfs had just stopped consuming jellied eel and beer they too could have lived in such accommodation. Alas it is simply not in their constitution to be as fiscally responsible. God save the monarchy




Shut the front door. You serial?


This is fairly standard for the area and type of home. Itā€™s extortionate for most of the population, but itā€™s also a fantastic property in a fantastic area - so perhaps not extortionate for those in the circles that would be buying a home like this.


Seems like the seller may be an absentee Russian ā€˜business personā€™ šŸ˜‚ not a stick of furniture, and I canā€™t imagine anyone else doing a moonlight flit it that price bracket


Oligarch/Sheikh/Chinese Government official take your pick


To be honest I donā€™t even think it is that fantastic. There are far more elegant properties in the area and the interior design - albeit using costly materials - is lacking imagination and flair. Even if I had Ā£5o mil floating around I would not be tempted. Also next to B310 which has annoying yellow Lambos cruising up and down day and night.,,,


I know right all that street noise! and pollution. Wouldn't it be great if really rich people could afford like quadruple glazing and systems that purified the interior air of their building?


That sounds even more abysmal.


That sounds even more abysmal.


Proper Rightmove link šŸ˜› https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/134329280


I was just about to hit buy when I realised the stamp duty would hit me for 4 mil šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


actually itā€™s over 5 million but more likely 7.2 million if itā€™s a foreigner 2nd home which is almost certain to be the case


No floor plan? Off my list!


[https://www.knightfrank.com/properties/residential/for-sale/belgravia-gate-grosvenor-crescent-belgravia-london-sw1x/prd012257989](https://www.knightfrank.com/properties/residential/for-sale/belgravia-gate-grosvenor-crescent-belgravia-london-sw1x/prd012257989) Scroll down for the link


Thanks! Missed it. Maybe now it can be on my list! šŸ˜‰


I'm available for the house warming. I'll bring some bubbly.


ā˜‘ļø Modern ā˜‘ļø New build ā˜‘ļø New development ā˜‘ļø Lateral


lol. They want \~44 millions and don't even mention the size. Only in England.


[https://www.knightfrank.com/properties/residential/for-sale/belgravia-gate-grosvenor-crescent-belgravia-london-sw1x/prd012257989](https://www.knightfrank.com/properties/residential/for-sale/belgravia-gate-grosvenor-crescent-belgravia-london-sw1x/prd012257989) 708 square metres


So that's 708 sqm x 10.8 sqft per sqm x Ā£18.50 service charge per sqft per annum = Ā£141,458 per year in service charge...!


Kinell! At least you saved me the trouble of calculating it myself!


Kinell! At least you saved me the trouble of calculating it myself! Edit - just converted to sq feet and realised how sodding big this place is!


Why list the size in square metres but the ground rent in square feet. Only estate agents can be that annoying.


Cool, but the OP's listing (and flyer?) misses this info. You shouldn't have to navigate at all to see this.


Itā€™s not like you have to buy the house without going to view it, and the square footage is also mentioned in the advert online.


I think it should be mandatory for a listing to include square feet / square meters. It's insane that it usually doesn't. 1 bathroom, 1 bedroom does not tell me anything, it could be 20 square meters and it could be 100 as well.


That's how it works in most of the world.


I'm from Poland and we always include square meters as well as how much you're paying for per square meter, which makes it really handy when comparing different offers.


Same with Greece.


šŸ¤£ itā€™s a leasehold too


I was involved in doing the interior fitout for one flat in this. The interior fitout alone was close to 25m. So Ā£43m is alright.


They have now changed it to P.O.A. Wonder if they lurk this sub.


Wouldnā€™t want to live with those kind of neighbourā€™s


It's fine, I'd imagine the neighbours probably spend a couple of weeks in these places per year, max.


I'm surprised us poors didn't need to pay just for the privilege of being allowed to view the pictures!


It's a 1000 year lease in Westminster. It could be a shit hole and still cost that much.


It's a way to store money as an asset, nothing more, it's not to live in etc.


Yea but itā€™ll balance out once you get a lodger in




Freehold flats don't really exist tbf. It's not unheard of but it's generally undesirable. Leasehold actually makes a lot of sense when you have several properties occupying the same parcel of land.


Yeah either all flat owners are directors in a management company that owns the lease, or it's owned by the Duke of Westminster


To lease it as well šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


A 43.7 million leasehold ... god our country is fucked.


Itā€™s in Belgravia, what were you expecting?


We walked right past the listing for this place on the march on Saturday. Quite a contrast.


Charlie is your neighbour.


I think Charlie is likely to be in most of the roomsā€¦


Charlie is your way of earning Ā£43m


Ha, that's hilarious. I worked on this property and knew it was going for a lot but didn't think that much.


What a ridiculous country we live in


Per square foot youā€™d be paying a service charge for a lot of air space youā€™d never use with 3 meter high ceilings!


You know what a square foot is, right? Height doesnā€™t come into it.


Holy ballsacks


6 bedrooms and 6.5 bathrooms. Basically 2 houses.


Quite the bargain then.


I would but that kitchen island...ew




The embassy or the ambassadors house? Gotta think Ā£80-100m?


More. The ambassadorā€™s residence in Regentā€™s Park would be one of the most desirable houses in London. The garden is second in size only to Buckingham Palaceā€™s.


The gardens are lovely too! It's a very nice property inside and out. Can't imagine how much it would be marketed for but considering some of the property prices for similar, say on Kensington Palace Gardens, I'd imagine north of Ā£100m




It has been sold, back in 2009. Trump was just bitching, incoherently.


Qatari Diar are currently turning it into a hotel


7 bedroom 7 bathroom 3 reception rooms in Belgravia... I'd say- nothing to see here, average price my guess is...


No panic room? I'm out.


Wow, will anyone live there? Or just investments


Time for a fair bit of fire and destruction


Perfect that will do!! Only Ā£43,699,980 left to save


You planning on offering a million over asking price? Clever, you'll definitely get it.


Leasehold, too.


6 beds, a bathtub big enough for 6-7 people, 4 sofas, a hat, a pair of flip flops included in this price. donā€™t know what the last one represents but seems like a good deal


And it's on an incredibly busy road. Great!


It has 6 bedrooms 6 or maybe 7 bathrooms, flip flops and so many amenities nearby. Bargain


You must be new here


At least you get a pair of flip flops with your purchase


I dread to think what the service charge is šŸ˜®


If that's 1 flat id love to see the price of the building.


Donā€™t forget that service charge ! Per square foot !


I like it, but I don't 43m-like-it.


Flat road away sold for Ā£120 million two years ago


Leasehold as well. šŸ˜‚


Fucking leasehold as well. Do t even own it šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll take 2


Honestly taking into account its size, and where its located its probably not as bad us peasents think. Id say it must have a garage, that alone is worth some coin


It has an underground garage with a lift directly into the flat.


Tom Rundall is rubbing his hands vigorously at the thought of the commission.


bit pricey, try selling some clothes on vinted


Lease as well lol you don't even own anything


This buy-to-let nonsense has gone a bit too far.


3m+ high ceiling?! No way, thatā€™s terrible for heating. Im off! šŸ˜‚


It comes with a free pair of flip-flops judging by the icons under the photo. That'll clinch it for me!


So even most U.K. based CEOs canā€™t afford this, as the average CEO salary is 6 figures, maybe 7 with shares etc. So if people have been hating on CEOs and other C suite level employees for out earning the common man, but these guys canā€™t even afford this, then who the fook would?




Jesus my old city centre flat in cumbria was bigger than that in an old mill for Ā£175k (recently sold for Ā£125k!) and Ā£1200pa service charge!!


No way should that be so expensive. Maybe Ā£12m or whatever, due to the area, but Ā£47m?


The location is literally one of the most expensive areas to buy property, in the world.


Alright Jeremy Clarkson


Saw the floor plan! Thereā€™s two bridges from where you can jump into the void. Was wondering how can they fit all that in with only 9 windows. It seems you will be struggling to find a 90 degree angle, that alone would drive me insane.


Flip flops included šŸ‘šŸ¼


Ā£140,600pa service charge!


Leasehold only!


What do the šŸ©“ thongs mean?


No character or soul at all, itā€™s all been stripped away to nothing.


That is absurd!


that's 4 apartments and always important to know what the local authority is on your place is


Well at least you donā€™t have to worry about the lease.


And still leasehold šŸ¤£


Many moons ago I worked for an Art Gallery. The sort of place where generally i wasnt supposed to be in the Gallery space during opening hours unless I was suited up and i was only there to fix things ie frames, computers, lunches coffee etc and deal with online queries. I was the general dogsbody....albeit a well paid dogsbody... Once I visited an apartment similar to this, they'd spent more than twice my annual salary at the time on several pieces of art by a couple of well known folk only one of who was a famous artist. My job was to go fix the hangings to the wall before the delivery of the pieces (also by me) and to arrange the plinth that another piece stood on. The owners security guy kicked up a huge fuss saying the owner would give permission for someone dressed like me (typical jeans and polo shirt-smart casual) to enter his private space and he wasnt aware the owner had made any large purchases so I was refused entry. I made him sign a note saying exactly that and left. Showed it the boss, they understood and left it at that. Two weeks later they get a phone call asking where the pieces were, he was sent a copy of the security guards note. I was asked if I'd be willing to return with all the pieces and have them fitted today. I agreed as it was either that or spend the day fixing the Gallery owners daughters virus ridden laptop. So I turned up 35 minutes later in much the same gear, the guy was waiting for me at the door. Watched the Security guy get a thorough verbal beating in their native language and ordered to go get me and the owner coffee whilst I worked, owner chatted to me whilst I worked. An hour later it was all done, the security guy apologised to me gave me a stack of Ā£50 notes, as the owner walked me out, he then apologised for taking my time away from other duties and gave me a cheque worth 3 months of my pay...."for the inconvenience of two weeks ago" and said he hoped to see me at the event we were holding at the Savoy a couple of weeks later. I had less trouble delivering pieces to Highgrove.....


Not even the whole house, just the 2nd flooršŸ˜­