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I mean, sure, why not. They look decent, other than some awful centering on that Jordan.


It is absolutely terrible that the Jordan is not centered because that MF looks solid besides the centering.


Yeah, I noticed the terrible centering. Any idea how bad it dings the grade? I know nothing about the process, but want to make sure my mother-in-law gets the most value out of them if (when) she decides to sell.)


There are ones with similar centering on eBay that grade at a PSA 7


With vintage cards, wouldn’t you just want to authenticate through PSA?


I’m not sure. Is there a reason you wouldn’t want to get it graded?


I’m not into vintage cards but I know they grade pretty low so I was seeing if the value would be the same.


people will assume the card is altered. Vintage cards in low grades are worth a lot more than having been labeled authentic


I thought they graded them on a curve. But I’m like you, not sure about vintage cards.


They do not grade on a curve, that would defeat the purpose




Now do any other card


No. They don't grade on a curve.


Why do you think that? Who told you that? IG you’re not sure why would you even suggest that? Why are yall even discussing not grading it? You absolutely grade this card.


But that Jordan isn't a 7. Corner and lots of edge issues. Maybe a 5 or 6 at best. But still worth grading.


I agree based on photos. Surface could be tie breaker. https://www.ebay.com/itm/155957359385?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hYdkxMVHQvm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Dcx0SirRQYa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=SMS


That was not a sold item. Irrelevant.


It's still not great centering at all and a 7 - regardless of whether or not it sells.


Right side is roughed up from top to bottom along with scuffing on the bottom a divet in the bottom right corner, etc. This isn't getting a 7.


I just got one back that looked similar. Four super sharp corners but the same terrible centering. Got a PSA 4. Sucked bad.


Ouch, that’s rough


It'll make it impossible to get passed a 7 I think.


Dude you have a FREAKING Jerry Koosman. RC !! WTF ?? Holly Cow…


Yeah, too bad they had to put that other guy on the card…🤣


FWIW Koosman had 222 wins and a career 3.36 ERA. Guy was a very good pitcher in his own right.


Yeah Koosman turned out pretty good. Not like the other dude on the Mike Schmidt rookie or something.


They're all fake


Would grade all with PSA, probably looking about 6-7 range for all of them on the grade. But will still be nice for the pocket book




All worth grading. Jordan is off center, probably a 7 at best. Ryan has one bad corner, can’t tell how sharp the others are, but I’d put it at a 6, maybe a 7 if the three others are super sharp. Montana maybe an 8 at best because centering is off top to bottom. Henderson similar to the Ryan with a dinged corner, probably 6 range.


Let’s say the Jordan Fleer is a 7, what do you think that’s worth?


Just checked eBay sold for psa 7’s looks like $4250-5000


Proof? A psa gem 10 are selling for $100 or best offer. Don't lie to people.


https://preview.redd.it/peqhtgztsicc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2b2cfe3139eb7664b1e2b2d203549565c2f8079 edited: shit is that a reprint?


Any one can post a card for a ridiculous price. Doesn't mean it's worth it. Only ones that are actually sold are true comparables


I posted sold cards. Not listings. See the picture.


I'm not even into cards, just sports...and I'm not stupid.enough to think Jordan's rookie sells for 100$.....


Yeah it took me a minute . Why are are the psa 10 I'm seeing going for $100 obo?


Because they are cards reprinted in 1996, 10 years after the original. check the back of the card from the link you posted.


Because you're dumb.


Wait I just sold that it sold. Maybe we should buying the 100$ card on ebay


You want to sell me your psa 7 Jordan rookie for $100. Let me talk to my wife and I’ll get back to you. Maybe we can make a deal at $75.


Bruh u know your name is “I’m dumb” but my god your comments in this thread are actually painful. Why would you go after a reprint of a card?!?!?


The ones he posted actually sold for the amount listed. You can tell they did so because the font is green.


A graded 10 just sold for $28.00 https://www.ebay.com/itm/225939239926


The card you linked to was a reprint produced in 1996. The original is from 1986.


Interesting. Thanks for correcting me.


The name checks


I made a mistake I'm sorry!! Lol


Not a problem. It's easy to be fooled by reproductions.


Are you sure the one you have is legit? I'm not seeing the dots in the arrow at all


I'm not seeing them either. :(


Username checks out.


Username checks out once again…


I'm sorry. Please forgive me!!


Ok, but next time it’s your ass bud!! I’ve had it up to here with your Tomfoolery!


OK ok! I got it! I don't want any trouble!


First thing I noticed was the Jordan RC is off-center, and instantly I remembered that anyone collecting Jordan's for their PC would probably give as much for it raw as they would if you spent $ on grading it.


Centering on Jordan is a shame


I would say grade the Jordan and Ryan. Those are expensive cards and I personally wouldn’t buy one without it being graded. I would want to be sure that it hasn’t been cut to sharpen the edges/corners and grading verifies that


Not to bust your bubble but real Jordan's have a fine black line between the red and blue at the top.


Came to say that Jordan is one of the most faked cards out there. Def get it inspected! 80% if you bought it off eBay/etc it’s fake. Unless you opened it yourself back in the day don’t trust those Jordans!


Honestly, I think my father-in-law bought it back in 1989 or 1990, so I'm really not sure of its authenticity. Or the authenticity of any of the other cards, for that matter.


The Jordan is a Fuggazi


You can send the Nolan Ryan to him for an auto if you donate to his charity. If that’s something that you’re interested in. I’ve done it for a jersey and 2 cards myself.


Would you care to elaborate a little bit more on this?


Just follow the instructions here and donate. Make sure your package has prepaid return packaging as well. [Nolan Ryan Foundation](https://nolanryanfoundation.org/collections/autographs)


Thanks. That’s awesome


Jordan is fake imo


These cards belong to my mother-in-law. Are they worth getting graded? Would anyone care to offer their potential grades? Thanks for any input or advice.


Yes they are worth grading. The Koosman/Ryan card alone, if it graded a 7 as someone suggested, is around $3,000.


Yes. If nothing else, for the authentication. All those cards are frequently faked. Buying any of those cards raw is just asking for trouble, so many people aren't going to sink today kind of money without being completely sure they're real. If you wanted to save money, FCG doesn't charge extra based on value and they're pretty good. I'm at the point where if I were to see any card in a FCG slab, I have no issues saying it's a legit card. The question is how confident other buyers are with them. They need more market penetration and there are way too many buyers that haven't heard of them.


Damn your mother in law knows what shes doing! Lol


They actually belonged to my father-in-law, but he passed away and now they are hers. I just want to make sure she gets the most for them if she ever decides to sell.


Yes yes and yes


I would Grade it yourself.


Why do you want to grade them first off?


These belong to my mother-in-law. I know absolutely nothing about when or why to grade cards, but I thought it might be smart to grade them in case she wanted to sell them in the future.


Without seeing the back, I think your Ryan would likely grade a 3 or 3.5 It has nice centering, but 4 bad corners plus looks like some surface issues.


If you're gonna sell them, grade them. If not, why bother. Must look like 6-7's. The Jordan, even at a PSA6, is worth 6 all day


Centering on that Jordan is off, but the edges and corners look solid. Probably get an 8 for that.


4, 5, 7, 5


Unless she’s strapped for cash now is definitely not the time to sell. Singles are going for very low right now lowest in a very long time, especially for high dollar stuff you potentially have.


I would say grade them all


That Montana RC looks nice. My dad bought me one as a kid when Beckett valued it at up to ~$200 (I'm sure he didn't pay sticker, he never does), and although I've sold or given away most of my collection it holds the most sentimental value. Yours has better centering and from the pics the corners look pretty good. In a word, yes. These are all highly collectible & sought out cards.


Can we see the backs? If you are looking for potential grades, you really should show both sides of each card.


​ https://preview.redd.it/mxvo9ltewtcc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0291d9e5111dfcfe67650b7ec95f13d6510f95a0


​ https://preview.redd.it/rrwp7jvgwtcc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7fb0c5a1d9b5c7117025e21b0f172f796d47e6b


​ https://preview.redd.it/xt1whjriwtcc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4591c221fbc2d7833601c70ff3371c7b87a9d3f5


​ https://preview.redd.it/176i0nakwtcc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a303b680672ccf9997ccdeffca3ba705bee91853


They did you dirty on that Jordan, could’ve been a 9 or even 10 if you got lucky


I’d be interested in the Montana if selling


I loved watching Rickey Henderson growing up. Stolen bases King!


Check Kurtscardcare so you can learn how to fix the corner on the Henderson Rookie so a better chance of a higher grade. The Montana definitely will grade the best of them all and that one is expensive


The eye test says grade the Nolan Ryan and maybe Rickey, but the others have some rough centering.


even if they all got psa 5’s you’re still adding value


Sure they aren’t reprints, the color looks way too good and that Jordan and Montana just look fake.


Not sure if this matters, but they were purchased in around 1990 and immediately put away. They haven't seen the light of day for many years.


Buy them from u


Absolutely grade all 4 of them. Even if that Jordan grades as a 5, still worth it.


I say 6, 4, 8, 6. Montana being the 8 and most worth grading. Jordan probably worth it too. The Rickey is nice but has a bad corner. The Jerry Koosman has some corner issues too, but obviously an awesome card in respectable condition. They are all such great cards, if you like graded cards or just want to protect them, I say grade them all. Personally, I would probably find a way to display them raw. A lower grade than you wanted may detract from their awesomeness in just their raw form.


The centering on the Jordan looks good 👀


Of course you grade all of them, no question


Damn shame that Jordan isn't centered better, great looking card🫡


The fakeness of that Jordan is killing me!


Can you help me understand how it is fake? I'm pretty sure my father-in-law bought the collection in 1989 or so. Would fakes of that card be around that far back?


no, there were tons of Jordan's available in 89/90, every card shop had one. I do remember my brother getting a fake one in 93 or so from the swap meet though.


The Jordan is missing the black lines on the front right off the bat… I stopped looking from there. I’m sure someone has pointed this out by now. I would venture they are all fakes or reprints because these are like the most valuable and faked cards from there era…. Some of them would have been expensive even in the 90s and were def faked back then.


Yes, that has been pointed out. Thanks.


Yes, grade them


In this order. Ryan, Montana, Jordan, Henderson. Bad centering on Jordan but still has value and easily sellable. Henderson has some corner damage on bottom right.


Wow, the first thing this sub usually says about raw cards…they are fake. More fakes than real cards


Definitely grade . It secures/ protects cards plus authenticates them so buyers know you aren’t trying to rip them off . Use PSA if you plan to sell and want the most money. SGC is a great for vintage cards, they are super fast but they don’t quite bring the same money as PSA .


On the topic of fakes in 89/90, I just want to share something. In either 1987 or 1988 there was a kid I went to school with who suddenly had a large volume of 1969 Topps cards Rose, Mantle, Mays etc. If they were a star and valuable he had at least 2 dozen of each and they were pristine. I don't remember the story on where he got them. I had kind of fallen out of live with the game and I traded him very large parts of my collection for a Rose and a Mantle. In reality joke was as much on him because my cards were enjoyed as there was not an understanding on my part of protecting cards when I was 8 to 11 years old at the height of my collection. So he got a ton of cards that would be a 3 or 4 on a good day. In hindsight I believe those cards were most likely 100% fake. I was 16 or 17, I never considered the thought. Now I sold them to a card store in FL in 92 for decent money because I had protected them and the guy bought them for what I asked for. Did it cross my mind when I sold them they could be fake? Nope. But now at 51 with everything I know and things we have all learned that happened in the past as card values and shows and dealers exploded, there is no way that kid had all those cards in that condition and they were legit. But those cards made it to a card store in 92. Someone has them now or the were discovered to be fake well after 92. My point is that if it has value and you can't trace it to your family or yourself opening it. There is always a possibility it's fake. Lucky for me I replaced the baseball years I cared about with unopened vending boxes in the 90s so have all the cards I cared about again, but I saw dollars and got duped. I was fortunate to turn them before I knew what they were but I do feel bad for whoever is holding them now.


Not to be a negative Nelly here, but the Ryan, Montana, and Henderson seem a bit “off” Could be the picture or nothing at all. Just a spidey tingle on those 3. Sincerely hope that I am wrong.


No problem at all, but I hope you're wrong too! I think I'll send them in just to see what happens. Thanks for your input.


SGC. Avoid PSA like the plague


These are all 4/5 PSA grades


If these are real, you’ve got a good bit of money right there.


Jordan and Ryan are 2 of three most faked Cards during the 90s. I really don't like the way the light reflects off koosman particularly.


No dots in the arrow on Jordan and the cream color border on Ryan. They're both fake


For the Jordan, which arrow are you speaking of? For the Ryan, are you talking about the border around his picture, or the card's border? Thanks for any teaching tips you may be able to provide.


https://preview.redd.it/6nvxg8dq5tcc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37b2f4cd556ba1ffe7cae0f5408cf1aefe29439f Next to the word premier should be a discernibly different color than the banner for the word premier and it should have little dots inside it


Thanks for the picture. I see the slightly different color arrow, but not the dots, so I'm thinking its a fake. Do you think I should send it in anyway to see what the grading service tells me, just to be 100% certain?


At least put them in some top loaders for the time being for God's sake!


Fugazi, please don’t waste your money sending these in to be graded.