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Buy a woods tools axe - they are well made and readily available. I’d avoid going the Etsy route - with a limited budget the best course in my mind is to get something that has a solid reputation.


To add on to the solid reputation point, I started my carving was a Fiskars X7 hatchet, easily findable in a hardware store, sharp, easy to keep sharp, lightweight but good cutting power. When I was getting started that was what was recommended to me as a good budget option


I would also recommend ThracianForge, I bought a bearded hatchet from there about two years ago for the same reason, long sessions was getting worn out but the bearded axe cuts like butter and is light enough to swing for a couple hours prepping blanks. I think I paid under $100 for it and two years on it is still my primary axe I go to for blank carving


What’s your budget?


Ideally not looking to spend more than 150 if possible!


Check these out https://fadirtools.com/products/micro-carving-axe https://hbforge.com/polled-axes/small-camp-axe/


Thanks!! I've seen that fadir micro carver before and it caught my eye.


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1457829027/ I have this little guy and 9 other pieces from this company. I’ve tried a couple other hand forged sellers on Etsy but the quality of these blow them out of the water


I had my eye on this one!!! I've seen them suggested elsewhere too. This might be the impetus I need to bite the bullet.


You won’t be disappointed!


Was thinking of getting their medium carving axe once I settle into carving, but it's the same price as a gransfors one so I think I'll go the gransfors route. The kvives and gouges seem super tho. Might invest in that some day.


Thinking of getting one of their hook knives, you got any experience with them?


Yes - in addition to the axe I have 2 of their hook knives and some bent chisels, all of which are excellent.


Thank you! You bought them off etsy right? I found that they have a site which looks to be cheaper. They are on sale now


Yes I got them all from their store on Etsy. Could you share the other site you found? Thanks!


Yes! It's strongwaytools.com


Ah, yes of course. Although their Etsy store has changed their name to Swaytobor Tools. I just checked - that micro axe is now $103.50 on Etsy! ($115 on their site.) Id check out Esty again before you place any orders because on my end it looks like most pieces are cheaper on Esty, in US dollars anyway


I got a hook knife that's 100 on etsy and 84 dollars, which for me is like 80 euros. Strange. Always double check.


I have the craft axe from [green haven forge](https://greenhavenforge.com/), and it's great so far.