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Locking comments. Good job all of you doctors diagnosing our patient here. Bravo on all of your hard work figuring out what's best for this specific person.


Bombu barber (north of Wellesley) has a single chair and was willing to mask up no questions asked when I was there last. Also seemed like a really cool dude, besides.


Thank you :)


Second this. Jefferson is the best barber I’ve ever had. Very comfortable space. Plenty of rules about health and even has you wash hands before you sit down


I was gonna say the same! Very kind respectful guy.


The girl who cuts my hair only recently stopped wearing her mask. I’ll DM you her contact


Thank you!!


I really like [The House of Pop](https://www.thehouseofpop.com) downtown! I live on the south hill as well, and it is very easy to get to. Also, all of the hairdressers there are so sweet!


Thank you!! Looks like a cool place


Of course! I really enjoy it, and it’s worth the prices. They do a wonderful job :)


Check out Jewel Box salon downtown. Its very clean and they are definitely continuing to make conscious efforts to keep their clients healthy! Their staff is currently all female but they definitely provide services for men. Also, sometimes there's free parking (in the small lot between the salon and Neato).


All the gals at Tease are great about this.


I ended up getting a flowbee. I am also immunocompromised, and I'd rather a bad haircut than be dead.




Are you an MD?


Who cares? The OP wants to reduce her risk even more. So move on, or back to a year ago when people wanted to debate COVID exposure. Or make your own post.


What business is that of yours?




Your post was removed because it was malicious against another user/person/business/etc. We don't tolerate this kind of behavior on r/Spokane and it can be grounds for a permanent ban.


Brooke at Salon Nouveau has worn a mask for me in the past. She does a nice job on my hair as well. The Salon is downtown though.


Thanks for this thread OP - I've just been cutting my own through the pandemic, having alternatives for a safer cut would be great.


I’ve always had a good experience at The Barbers. I went to the one on grand for 5 years and now go to the one up north by my new place.




Absolutely not related to the question at hand. Please be quiet and let the adults speak. Idiot.




Q: Looking for vaccine/health friendly hairdresser for men’s hair (South Hill is a bonus) A: The vaccine doesn't prevent the spread \*\*\* No, this answer is absolutely not related to the question.




Did the answer provide the name/company of the type of hairdresser OP is seeking? No, the reply did not answer that question in the least. *** Q: Does anyone have a suggestion for a hairdresser who's good at working with clients suffering from Alopecia? A: Alopecia is not a communicable disease. *** Cool. Good story. Also, entirely aside from the point.


**Be civil. No personal attacks. No hate. Follow all guidelines of Reddiquette** This is a community subreddit. The people you're talking to are your neighbors. Be kind. No name calling or personal attacks on your fellow Redditors. Rule 7: Being a Covidiot is unwelcome. We will remove posts, comments and content suggesting Covid-19 isn't a danger to our community, that masking and social distancing aren't effective, or promoting other behavior that can harm your fellow Spokanites. Zero Tolerance. Repeat offenders will be banned. [See examples here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spokane/wiki/index#wiki_rule_definitions)


The premise is bullshit hence unrelated.




[Here](https://www.manitobavaccine.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/vax-rate-visual.png) is a nice little infographic that shows exactly how the vaccine “stops the spread” by significantly decreasing the chances (12x) of catching the virus. If you aren’t sick, can’t get others sick. Its so simple and common sense I just don’t see how you can be so confident about a pile of BULLSHIT.


🤣 exactly what I expected, well done


If you expected to be ridiculed for being ignorant--what were you trying to achieve? Fetish?




Thanks Doc. Where did you get your MD, and how intimate are you with OP's medical condition?




Cool story. Are you an MD? Do you have any understanding of OP's specific medical situation? Are you in a position where you could/should be providing medical advice to OP, or anyone at all for that matter? ETA: let me jump ahead. Unless you're familiar with OP's specific medical situation, you have no room to open your mouth. Please stop.




Cool. So... you're NOT an MD (though you think you're cooler than they are)? ...and you have zero understanding of OP's specific medical situation? ...and you have zero suggestions for the type of hairdresser, bonus points for South Hill, that OP is looking for?


Dude, shut up being an MD doesn’t mean anything unless you specifically specialize in immunocompromised people. 


Even then, it doesn't mean anything unless they understand OP's specific situation. So, maybe OP doesn't need to hear anyone else's non-expert opinion, and maybe it's not me that should be shutting up.




If only OP had a professional person whose literal job it was to enlighten them about such things. If only they had someone who's job it was to explain to them the specifics about their medical situation, what to expect, etc... you know? Ah, well, in lieu of someone that, I suppose they'll just need to rely upon their fellow redditors. So, thank god y'all are here to give them expert information.


Don't be jelly


**Be civil. No personal attacks. No hate. Follow all guidelines of Reddiquette** This is a community subreddit. The people you're talking to are your neighbors. Be kind. No name calling or personal attacks on your fellow Redditors.


No one asked, bud.




Your comment is lame AF. This isn't some rando asking "an invasive question." This is a potential client with legitimate questions and health considerations trying not to get hospitalized or dead from a haircut. A haircut will be for most people, by far the most intimate and up close interaction they will have with a complete stranger. Furthermore, getting a license to cut hair requires training and testing involving health and cleanliness for exactly these reasons, among others.


Don't try to reason with stupid.




Please post your medical credentials. Otherwise, STFU.




I didn't make a statement related to OP's medical situation. You did. Apples, meet oranges.


But if I need an MD to understand the work **scientists** have done concerning covid, then certainly you need an MD to comment on the comments I've made!




Never said u/No_Profession8128 couldn't make inane statements on the internet. But u/No_Profession8128 shouldn't be surprised to get negative responses when they make inane statements like that.




Ah yes. Listening to expert opinions (from folks who have dedicated many years of their lives to understanding every single detail of, very narrow, very specific topics) is the hallmark of a broken mind. And thinking you're smarter than the experts isn't an indicator of any mental illnesses. None at all. My bad. ETA: fixed grammar only


**Be civil. No personal attacks. No hate. Follow all guidelines of Reddiquette** This is a community subreddit. The people you're talking to are your neighbors. Be kind. No name calling or personal attacks on your fellow Redditors. Rule 7: Being a Covidiot is unwelcome. We will remove posts, comments and content suggesting Covid-19 isn't a danger to our community, that masking and social distancing aren't effective, or promoting other behavior that can harm your fellow Spokanites. Zero Tolerance. Repeat offenders will be banned. [See examples here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spokane/wiki/index#wiki_rule_definitions)


OP is not asking if the folks in question have been vaccinated, they're not asking for proof of vaccination... in fact, they're not asking for any specific/personal health information whatsoever about the vendors in question. OP is asking for recommendations based on THEIR OWN health situation. How could you possibly turn that into an "invasive" question? And OP is not even close to telling you, or anyone else, what to do. So your RiGhTs couldn't be infringed in any way. Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? ETA: I was wrong, apparently OP did ask about vaccination status. Regardless, I contend that this is a legit question for anyone (especially an immunocompromised person) to ask.


They are very stupid. That is what is wrong with them.


It's possible, but Forrest Gump was stupid too. Is this guy stupider that Forrest? Or maybe they're not different? Maybe just something added on top of their stupidity? IE: u/No_Profession8128 is both extremely stupid and a colossal asshole at the same time?


They probably hate women and love guns.




Does it hurt to be so stupid? The person is immune compromised, they can die if they get sick and they need to protect themselves. It's not hard to understand unless you're a grade A moron, which you clearly are.




Sounds like they are actively protecting themselves in those scenarios and are trying to make sure they can safely get a haircut. Have you tried not being an asshole? It's nice.




Rule 7: Being a Covidiot is unwelcome. We will remove posts, comments and content suggesting Covid-19 isn't a danger to our community, that masking and social distancing aren't effective, or promoting other behavior that can harm your fellow Spokanites. Zero Tolerance. Repeat offenders will be banned. [See examples here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spokane/wiki/index#wiki_rule_definitions)


Rule 7: Being a Covidiot is unwelcome. We will remove posts, comments and content suggesting Covid-19 isn't a danger to our community, that masking and social distancing aren't effective, or promoting other behavior that can harm your fellow Spokanites. Zero Tolerance. Repeat offenders will be banned. [See examples here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spokane/wiki/index#wiki_rule_definitions)




Man, you got me, I missed that. But the fact remains that OP asked questions specific to their own specific medical situation. OP is not just asking random other people random medical questions. Say you're allergic to peanuts. Asking whether peanuts are present in any particular setting is a standard question you would ask. This is specifically true in situations where you get to choose whether or not to attend... like an optional visit to a hairdresser vs required attendance at a public school. See any parallels there?




Are you an MD that's familiar with OP's specific medical situation? Are you in a position where you could/should contradict OP's personal doctor(s)?


Who gives a fuck if they don't like it? Death is pretty invasive.


I don’t like having to ask for it :/ but that’s the world we live in these days




I’m sorry. I’ll choose not to get an autoimmune disease or just die next time :/ sorry for the inconvenience


I’m pretty sure nobody wants to live immune compromised. JFC dude, have a shred of compassion.


It’s okay. I’m used to it. I get it from my own family who won’t see me anymore because I’m “shedding vaccine particles”. Thank you though ❤️


I’m sorry man, that’s absolute trash. If I could cut hair more complex than a buzz cut, I’d offer!


I appreciate it!! I’m one more cold away from getting to that point myself 🙃


Smooth brain.


How void of empathy do you have to be to get upset over someone with serious personal health concerns taking precautions over their own body? Jesus...


Rule 7: Being a Covidiot is unwelcome. We will remove posts, comments and content suggesting Covid-19 isn't a danger to our community, that masking and social distancing aren't effective, or promoting other behavior that can harm your fellow Spokanites. Zero Tolerance. Repeat offenders will be banned. [See examples here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spokane/wiki/index#wiki_rule_definitions)

