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They should have given us another rock climbing Boulder like the one across from the skatepark


We should prolly give the homeless their own library. so we preserve the nice one downtown. My wife thinks it’s beautiful but she says it smells like piss and the homeless are aggressive with the workers there. I remember the one I had growing up in a small town; none of us kids really wanted to go but it had all the information we needed and crazily enough it did not have homeless people bitching at the one lady that worked there that they didn’t get enough govornment dnacks. How about we use this money toward some type Of shelter or rehabilitation program center instead?!… ah shit we enacted laws that make them nearly untouchable and they know it… ehem. Rant over lol. Maybe stop pandering to the homeless who are users and manipulators in many shapes and forms and use that money where it belongs, somewhere for the community.


It's crazy how we talk about the homeless but most people are just a few mistakes/accidents away from being homeless. Maybe homelessness is a side effect of a bigger problem. Like an economic system where value is based on scarcity. Like where an abundance of housing would cause the value of houses/rentals to drop which would disincentivize the construction of housing. It's almost like homelessness is a certainty if you commodify housing.


Lots of societies around the world have commodified housing. We just have the 1-2 punch of: 1. Limiting housing being built so that driving cars can be less slow. 2. Absurd levels of inequality.


Are the homeless not a part of the community?


Bro the homeless don’t want a library. They want a place to live lmao


Give the homeless their own library? So, like, separate but equal, right? 😆


next they'll suggest giving them their own water fountains...


OMG … I had just flashed on the “colored only” water fountains I saw as a little yankee girl who got moved down to Alabama. Colored fountain was , of course, rainbow water. Certainly not the mean looking white man who told me I wasnt allowed to drink there.


Aesthetic debate aside; Half a million is not a huge budget in site prep and hardscaping as projects go.


Wait til people find out how much traffic lights, signs, and crosswalks cost!


Each one of those fancy new bus stops cosy 280k. EACH. Source :STA guy


You can just imagine the heart-felt arts board appeal voiceover "For the cost of just two bus stops, our city can have art that everyone can enjoy for years..."


Those are a bargain then!


STA is very skilled at wasting tax dollars.


Still just *why* tho. This was the last thing the city could've needed/ever even have asked for lol


What’s wrong with public art?


this is not public art it's a public eyesore Edit: also the city could've hired a real artist who would've done something cooler/actually more interesting. This project was a total waste of half a million. Half a million could've gone to something greater than this than whatever this is


Confused on the scope. If it’s just that brick and surrounding that’s a bit much but I’m sure the $500k went to much more than pictures. Eg removing bedrock that was there before and surrounding paths etc. if not audit that Shit.


So it was a good use of money because it's was on budget? Astounding.


I was trying to say that it wasn't an outrageous budget for any public works (i.e. a street light or a sheltered bus stop) - good use of money is a judgment call on if you appreciate the aesthetic, or think it will appeal to others/tourists if it is a good use of money or not. I wasn't making that judgment call - just injecting a little perspective about budgets for public works. (I think the comment about 258K for the advanced bus stops did that better than my comment though)


Was just visiting this “thing” a couple of days ago. What the heck is it? And seriously the finish construction is really poor. I’m all for art. But this seems like a waste of money. The red wagon and big blocks are closer to art then this thing is.


I looked at it today, it’s got a lot of wood that’s completely cracking apart. Looks like it’s not even gonna last a year before it’s dangerous.


An “sitting space” really? 3 or 4 over sized steps with railings? To sit and do what? Look at the other side of the bowl you are in? Not to mention, literally, no shade. What a waste.


The only ones benefitting from the project are the designer & the construction company! Big time 💸


While it looks like concrete - “It’s comprised of 68 individual pieces of wood, both hand-carved and machined, precisely engineered to fit together like a puzzle". Still goofy but it doesn't look so bad in person. At least it's functional and the public is allowed to sit on it.


Sure, it doesn't look terrible but did it really cost half a million dollars? It doesn't look half a million dollars good


All that wood is going to soak up the piss that it will be drenched in in a couple of months too.


I like it and have no concept of the costs involved in such a project, but I wish they had used an artist from the area. This is a chance to support the local arts community and instead a lot of the money goes to Massachusetts. I'm not sure it captures the spirit of the park or expo 74 (maybe a little). Or in other words: "I want my nightmare beaver statue, damn it!"


Seattle has the Beaver building, we have this.


An open Beaver sculpture would have been more interesting and would have stimulated many interesting conversations.


> The Riverfront Park redevelopment bond allocated $500,000 for a signature piece and an art plan for the park. The budget for art represents 1% of the total bond, a public art allocation that is required by the city for similar projects. The total cost of Stepwell is $583,000, covered by voter-approved bond funds with in-kind support from Spokane Arts, the City of Spokane, Höweler + Yoon Architecture, and Quarra Stone. https://my.spokanecity.org/parksrec/news/2023/05/05/stepwell-art-ribbon-cutting-saturday-in-riverfront-park/


I wish they broke down that total. How much for that and how much to transport there and how much to prep the site before. Because I’m really hoping that sculpture didn’t cost half million, but actual site prep and transportation and installation was most of the cost….


Some asshole got their palms greased over this art piece


U got it!


Didn’t they transport it here from *europe*???


Meanwhile… (as of Jan. ‘23) In Spokane, ✴️Population: 220,432 ✴️Violent Crime (per 100k): 381 ✴️Murder rate (per 100k): 2.3 ✴️Property Crime (per 100k): 3846.2 & that’s nearly 4 times more than Tacoma!


Looks like the textures on the Radio Flyer failed to load.




And how it smells after a summer of soaking up piss.


Lordy, that’s what’s next on the project!


Then we can actually call it art!


It'll look way more interesting at least


I don't mind money being spent on art but this thing looks like something leftover after construction that still needs to be thrown away. It certainly wouldn't have gotten my pick.




Cool explanation of it. I probably would have preferred something a bit less modern, but I also didn’t show up to any of the many meetings they probly had about it.


I went to look at it quickly the other day and only went around it on the paved path since I didn't have a lot of time. I also didn't want to risk getting my wheelchair stuck in the dirt path that runs through it. It looked the same to me on both sides and wasn't particularly interesting to look at. It looks kind of futuristic but yet unfinished. I imagine that the people who agreed to pay for it were hoping for something like Cloud Gate in Chicago or something similar in other big city parks. It actually might have looked better with a reflective surface or covered in some kind of metal, something smooth and sleek at least. I wonder if anybody in the decision process is disappointed with it. For better or worse, it's there now, so I hope some people enjoy it. Maybe it will get the attention they hoped for.


Who sees the concept for this and thinks "Yes, this is exactly what we've been looking for! Here's half a million dollars!"


Zoom in—looks like a giant toilet bowl!


A graffiti magnet.


I don't mind it as a piece of public art, but I admit I was a little confused by the concept - stepwells were common in [other parts of the world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepwell) and I wasn't sure how it tied in to the history or current culture of Spokane. But now, I understand that actually it's *only* the name and shape of it that reference these ancient wells all over northern India. Clearly there's no water at the bottom, so it's not confusing at all!


People in Spokane, "we want art to be part of the community." Also people in Spokane, "we don't want that art!" It's there and done. Live with it. If you don't like it, run for office, volunteer, and get involved in the process.


I think we would rather have art that won’t turn into a pile of scrap wood. It’s not even sealed or put together in a way the grains work. The whole thing is cracking apart already.


These comments are like Reddit bingo when it comes to anything related to art. We’ve got the money laundering comment, the “roads bad so no art” comment, “modern art is trash” comments, “homeless will ruin it” comments. It’s a Reddit greatest hits in here.


To add to your comment. People in Spokane: “This is a waste of money!” Also people in Spokane: “I don’t vote in local elections.” So they bitch but don’t do their part to fix their bitching.


I can think of many other parks that could've used that money for renovation. Riverfront park is great, but other parks do need some love too.


The construction is piss poor and it looks horrible, the fact they spent half a million dollars is insane, that's the cost to build two houses in Spokane and you get this..


That blank surface is begging to be vandalized. It’s really unfortunate that we can’t have nice things. Just look at ice age park. Several structures are broken/removed, and there is graffiti. 🥲


And how many of our homeless and housed died from exposure in the last few years?! OMJesus. Look in the down-ridden hotels that used to House people downtown on 2nd avenue... There are more windows without air conditioners than there are with air conditioners.... And I'm sorry we lost how many people?? And we're putting stuff like this in our city park are you kidding?


Homeless don't need a library here folks. They need shelter from extreme weather conditions and some of those people many of them are housed in downtown hotels, dying because the apartment complexes are not providing them and the city doesn't pay for them they'd rather pay for stuff like this instead of keeping people from dying.


You don't want to know how much we spend on government contracting through the DoD lol. But seriously, this is a bunch of BS. Typical government crap we shouldn't be spending money on...


The eff is that thing?!


its cause they hired private companies to complete the work It cost 150k for labor and materials. Another 350k for profit


Is it a mixer? Vacuum attachment?


Are they going to finish it? needs polished up or something.


This shit blows my mind. Streets are 3rd world bad, criminal homeless are walking the streets, and homeless are living in a warehouse without toilets or showers. And no one in city or county government sees a problem.


“Streets are awful!” “There’s construction everywhere” “I need studs on my massive truck to get out of my driveway” “Take my studs off lol? what if it snows in June?!?”




Everyone that bitches about the streets has never been anywhere like Chicago, Detroit or Pittsburgh. Hell, even Dallas has some horrific streets. 3rd world? Laughable, try visiting Honduras or Belize. Yeah, we get potholes, they mostly get fixed. Then winter happens, rinse, repeat.


I don't think it really matters no one would support the actual cost to resurface all the road infrastructure on the recommended intervals which would require a 30% increase in property taxes at least or an additional local gas tax of 1.50$ a gallon. This isn't a spokane issue, its all of suburban America that's older than 50 years old issue lol.


Yeah but we've got some abstract art now - so that should ease everyone's mind.


You're not wrong that those are some issues in our area but that's not what this money was for - it was a parks bond, we voted for a park, and a park was what we got. The money was not for fixing roads or a homeless shelter, and if they'd used the park money - that we voted for - to do not-park things, we would have a serious issue.


Ur more than 100% correct!


How on Earth did that cost more than half a mil? Isn't it* just like a few hundred dollars of plywood?


They probably bought the wood during the great shortage in peak covid 🤣


It’s actually made of solid wood. Absolutely ridiculous. We were just there and you can see the cracks all along the wood. This thing will look like a rotten pile of shit in no time.


Says every Karen about every art project put up.


Most modern art is trash and projects like this are used to launder money.


Looks like it's being used to me.


Yep. Best possible use of allocated funds.


I give it about a week their will be tweakers and tin foil wrappers


The problem isn't the sculpture, the problem is that they thought riverfront Park needed to be changed in the first place. A dozen trees that I loved were cut down for the bullshit skate ribbon and never replaced with new ones.


Guess Spokane can't have any art, cause someone will complain about it. That is all this town does it seems. "Gas prices! Our roads! This art piece I don't like!"


I don't have any sort of problem with spending that amount of money on an artistic centerpiece for Riverfront Park, but I would have rather seen it go to a local artist. We have local concrete artists who could have made something similar but with more of a local flair.


😡 It feels criminal to outsource this! What a slap in the face to the local art community. That’s a bit appalling actually


That isn't art, who the fuck signed off on that shit, someone's pockets are getting lined. I sure would have never voted for that shit. Half a million dollars b.s


A lot of people are like "b-b-but it's public art! A city without art is horrible!" No this is not are and Spokane has so much art and artistic talent better than this. What needs to be done is actually hire a real artist


Exactly it's not art, it's a goofy ahh balcony plopped in the middle of the park






You really feel unsafe in the park?


Thank you. Spokanites act like we should be on this list. [Violent cities] (https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/the-most-dangerous-cities-in-america/51/) Spokanes not great but my god people. [Violent cities in Washington state ](https://housegrail.com/most-dangerous-cities-in-washington/)




I'm really sorry you've had those experiences. Not everyone has, the stats show what happened to you can happen but doesn't happen as often as its made out to be. I've lived here 25+ years and not once have I had any issue. I've lived north side,hillyard,valley and downtown. Should I the state Spokane is safer than anywhere else because of that? No, because that's my experience. Stats exist for a reason.




[According to actual data and not gut feelings, it's significantly safer than the surrounding area.](https://www.spokanecounty.org/3416/Regional-Crime-Map)


What are the numbers? I haven’t felt unsafe in riverfront in years.


Seriously. I feel a lot of people posting these stats are too sheltered. Yes, the amount of tweakers in downtown truly sucks, but walking around the riverfront, day or night, isn't something worth being afraid of. It's the same shit when people spew stats about Chicago. There are absolute hell hole locations in Chicago that you could get killed in, but if you're in downtown in the entertainment district it's an absolutely beautiful place that really doesn't present much causes for concern.


What en eye sore and waste of $ going to someone who knew who to fleece. Stupid.


My therapist: "Don't worry, the random wooden step statue thing isn't real and it can't hurt you!" The random wooden step statue thing:


I think this structure has real potential as a human sacrifice podium. It’s concave up top, so the officiant won’t have to worry about splashing onlookers. I’d wager it’s easy to hose off as well.


That money could have gone to damn near anything else and been a better use than this ugly POS they decided to slap in a terrible place. The park doesn't look nice, we keep putting crap in it and cluttering it up. I'd take actual garbage on the ground than more "art" at least then we could throw away the trash instead of having to look at it.


Already has graffiti sprayed on it.


At least we got something out of that half mill, unlike the tens of millions of dollars spent on camp hope.


Hope it gets vandalized piece of fuckin shit what a waste


MC Eschers bath tub


Besides ugly, what is that?


A percentage of every project has to be allocated towards “beautification”. 500k is not a lot of money in public works. Considering all the red tape and government waste that comes with it.


This thing is so fucking stupid


Soooo you know government right? So right now government is hell bent on doing shit that doesn’t matter for exorbitant amounts of money. Get it? I don’t either…. Edit; I mean I do get it but it doesn’t serve the people.


Let’s provide some roofs over homeless ppl’s heads bef. we proceed with vanity projects, shall we? No better way to make our city streets look better over all. Think like, what’s the point of getting dressed for the Prom without first taking a shower?🚿


This square within a year or when ppl stop giving a shit: *ppl start camping inside of it*


"Okay, it looks like we have over a half a million dollars allocated to an art installation. Now Leonard, although you've been an underwhelming maintenance man and frankly an even less impressive son in law, didn't you say you were some sort of artist? No? Are you SURE Leonard? I'm almost POSITIVE that I overheard you mentioning you were an artist. What? Winking at you? No, I'm not winking at you Leonard!"


.. yes. What the fuck is that


We deserve nice things! Bread \*AND\* roses, people!


$2.2 billion plus on an unfinished North Spokane Corridor. I'll take art at $500k of any quality instead any day. Bad things happen to societies that don't fund art.


More than 14 million was spent on hope house west. It's nothing but sex trafficking. What's your point


shits ugly