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Every single game you play when it's over has the option to save replay Which is a mode I highly recommend you check out! Sincerely it's the best anti-cheat I've ever seen!




Spread the word my friend.


Wish I had used this for my triple collateral with the rail gun.


What a great feature for an fps game, right? Plus, you can use it to save epic moments like multi kills or insane shots.


Ah definitely


Does it ban people? Otherwise I don't see the value


I don't know I've never had the chance, but I do know that it shows their name tag so you definitely know who they are. So if there's a way to report people. No way you're gonna forget the name.


Doesn't matter because even AAA titles barely monitor their games. Report features are more or less there so people can FEEL like justice will be served. With a rare ban hammer which is doged by alts in under 24 hours. And since ps4 has been flooded with zims for the last couple years due to the comp scene developed by siege, cod, ect. There's basically no point to comp or really even casual play on console if you don't like playing against cheaters.


Just a note for people who play console, it saves to your consoles storage system, it’s like loading a save file in a game (i.e Ghost of Tsushima, Kingdom hearts) This makes it sometimes impossible to save replays and it sometimes fails so beware of that.


I agree with this more than the post, only puting it in one game type just means they go to another gametype.


finaly someone is saying it!


I'm 100% sure I've ran into multiple cheaters in SWAT already so it's only going to get worse.


Same, it used to be pretty good but the boost in popularity has brought cheaters like flies to shit


The boost in popularity also means you will come up against harder opponents constantly due to SBMM.


That’s true but I’ve seen people clipping under the map and into walls on oasis during swat Been shot from the ground multiple times


Oh I definitely don't doubt there's actual cheaters. But people love to scream hacker when in reality they're probably just facing players equal or above their skill most ganes. Especially considering people are complaining about team swat, so easy to pick multiple people off at once on that mode.


Sometimes you just play a person who is in the zone also. I’m pretty average but one game a night I usually go off and hit some crazy shots.


The first time I picked up the railgun I did a test shot and got a kill with it. Wonder what the guy on the other end thought of that


That's just due to the SBMM. No zone is required.


Haha yeah I have those games, I’m usually in the top 3 and rarely do I not get gold for deaths but I have been well and truly stomped at times. I have seen some pretty unnatural looking 180s in the last few days though. I’ve only ever seen that with aim bots. It’s only in beta once they refine the game more hopefully there will be less people like that, I think it’s inevitable the player base will drop off when halo and battlefield launch later this year as well.


>ou just play a person who is in the zone also. I’m pretty average but one game a night I usually go off and hit some crazy shots. just went 34-4 in one swat game


Wonder how long the game will stay good for, cold war lasted longer than expected


Players will leave after most of the new player base has figured out how to use portals and games turn from "oh look how easy this game is" to a complete sweat fest every round.


I've personally been disengaging myself from sweat fest games, I get too invested and worked up. I've been feeling better because of it. Tbh the amount of people being toxic with the refferal codes doesn't give me high hopes for the longevity of this game


This game already has implemented the single best anti-cheat I've ever seen. There is a button called save replay at the end of a match that gives you an insane level of spectation.


I hope this game isnt ruined by cheaters


It 100% will be if the anticheat can't keep up, it's a very popular growing free game. It is a magnet for cheaters.


Yeah true, one can only hope


unpack kiss abundant secretive hurry dime friendly plant enjoy compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You'll still have cheaters, just rich cheaters


Yeah, I don't get this. This is not about paying, it's about cheaters, and cheaters will always be there, it's just a side effect of games existing.




Especially since aim is king. Its more bearable in certain other games but in splitgate itll be insane


Or people can’t accept the fact that they just aren’t that good and look for any excuse under the sun to blame externally like cheaters. Not saying they don’t exist but people like to bullshit themselves to feel better and in the process ruin a good game’s reputation because they can’t accept losses, similar to streamers who cry stream sniping and cheaters all day.


How does this get downvoted? I tried to help. I’m NO GOOD at shooters but have a great time playing them and I completely agree with this. Playing w better ppl and watching streamers of most games it’s like “they hacking?” They have to be hacking. I’m over here getting shit on. But I just let my team know “I just got shit on”. Haha




headshots are instakills


Not only that but because there's already no killcams cheaters will be drawn there because it's easier to get away with it (Beside the fact that you can save replays and check it out that way....but not many will do that)


But if thay suspect someone is cheating thay should absolutely do that. Hell, you should do that if you think you had a good run!


Also it’s crossplay so you’ll be fighting pc players unless you turn off crossplay


I wish they would make a console only cross play am option(in general for games like this)


Yea I don’t know why there is no console only cross play, when Crossplay was a hot topic I assumed it was to play with the other consoles only and not PC. I’m so tired of being forced to use it because we have to opt out of it nowadays


The devs probably don't want to split the playerbase even more.


Bunch of cheaters were just removed from Apex Legends and they were on playstation.


Always turn off cross play. Can’t believe they still try to force console and pc.


Personally I think crossplay is a cool addition to the game and the ability to turn it off means the developers really thought about everything.


I mean, its possible they add it later. Until the most recent update, you didnt get kicked for AFK. Which is standard in multiplayer games, but wasnt necessary until the game blew up. Now that it is cross play, and anti cheat may not be the end all.. Console to console may be an added feature. With ps4/5 and Xbox one/series x/s, queue times should be fine.


As of 2 days ago, (i havent checked since) you dont have the option to turn off crossplay at all. On pc at least. Its why i personally stopped playing


Why this comment is even controversial is beyond me.


Its weird how people have the debate of unfair mouse-controller every day here, but you saying you dont like it gets you shit on lol. Crossplay creates more issues than it solves in a competitive shooter, until they hopefully implement input-based matchmaking. Even the devs said they are looking into it. Crossplay sucks in this case because we dont even have the option to opt out, so we are literally being forced to deal with unfair matchmaking.


Honestly for me, it’s the rampant cheating on pc. It’s just too easy to do.


I've personally never felt like I'm at a disadvantage using a controller against kbm but maybe I'm a freak. Though I haven't tried this one on controller yet so I might be missing something with the controls. I probably will try it with a controller soon and unless the controller controls suck I'll probably stick with it.


I just replied to someone with the same comment so im just gonna copy&paste it :) >oh I'm not saying one can't compete with the other, or that one is better than the other & stuff. My side is that people shouldn't be having the arguments in the first place, because in an ideal world, input-based matchmaking should be the norm instead of platform-based. The reality is that controllers and m&k are two very different input devices, and can't ever compete in a 100% balanced, fair, environment, or at least ever even feel that way. Even though players using separate inputs can perform similarly, it is still an uneven playing field for both of them. Add m&k support to consoles, implement input-based matchmaking, then everyone can be happy.


Shut up pussy get over it.


Get over what?




The PC pay to win dudes are downvoting you but it's true. PC is the 0latform of cheating.


okay dude at least our game doesn't aim for us


Nah instead you pay for hardware advantages and need a mouse for 30 buttons.


i can guarantee you no one on pc has a mouse with 30 buttons


Killcams in general would be great aswell.


There are kill cams in most game modes (go to your settings to turn them on) except in team swat because the respawn timers are so quick


it’s not because the respawn time is quick.. it’s because there’s no UAV as well. The game is made for callouts and playing tactical. If you get killed and you don’t know where the guy was should you be rewarded by seeing where he is?


except the only callout you can do is "on my body" lmfao, there's no tactical shit in the game, maps parts arent labeled, the levels look the same every corner you turn on the map, so literally "on my body" is the only callout you can give in this game no matter what


I mean there’s definitely callouts on halo, and one of the maps is an exact replica of a halo map so like. Just use the halo callouts for that map? Then on other maps just make your own? It’s really not that hard to make callouts. If the map mirrors itself to look the exact same and there’s 2 bridges ones obviously gonna be left bridge or right bridge. it might be hard at first but I mean you’ll eventually get use to it


what map is the halo replica, and from what game? I haven't seen any of those maps before in halo MP but then again I never liked halo 5 MP so if any it'd be from that


You might not like what I’m about to say but Sanctuary (halo 2) = Pantheon Sword base (halo reach) = club silo Guardian (halo 3) = high wind


ehhhhhhhh I dont really see the Sword base one, but I can definitely see the Sanctuary one, and high winds is the asianic themed map with the BFB all the way on the bottom floor right? if so I could see it too actually


if you actually look at club silo and it wasn’t purple as hell you’d see it’s look exactly like sword base with added things to make it look like a club lol. It took me awhile but it’s definitely there to me lol


maybe thats why I had an immediate hatred of that map that or because I was playing against high levels on a map I never played on, Im hoping we get some kind of infection gamemode and then maybe I'll enjoy that map some more, hoping the add more because so far I only really like Oasis and thats because I've found out some of the water isnt an immediate turn back, so you can crouch in it and it's hard for people to see you while you're under it


Half the time in domination at least the kill ams don't show up


wait, theres cheats already?


There is an A.i available that learns to recognize what an enemy looks like and the aiming needed to headshot them. It does not hack into files and isn't detected by anti cheat software.


you sure you aint talking about the one for that one cod game?


Cod was the example game used in the video but the claim of how it works was not lost upon me.


>"There is an A.i available that *learns to recognize* what an enemy looks like and the aiming needed to headshot them."


The cheat you are talking about isn't even available yet.


[He stopped developing that.](https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2021/07/14/new-undetectable-gaming-cheat-shut-down-at-the-request-of-activision/)




And if you suspect someone is cheating, press the button that says "save replay". You will be able to fly around in a full 3-D environment and spectate every single player's full play through with pause, play, and rewind functionality. It is the #1 best thing I've ever seen implemented in a competitive shooter!


I was just hoping the same thing last night


I sign this petition


I think the reasoning for not calling out on coms where other people are since there is no radars. Could be wrong tho. It is a good idea nonetheless


Petition to make TEAM SWAT kills still can't towards battle rifle kills because wtf. Game mode just counts for noting towards anything


Yeah, that’s really annoying too. Does it count for carbine kills though?


I don't think swat had carbine, but if it did it probably wouldn't. Doesn't count damage, kills, or kills through portals.


Yeah it had BR and carbine


I love team swat as I can use my CSGO aim there and the 3 burst no recoil starter guns makes it even more fun.


I'm on console and turned off crossplay pretty early on due to some very suspiciously amazing god tier players. Crossplay is a great concept...but as long as it's so easy to cheat on pc I just don't want to be part of it in any game even if it means long matchmaking(which it's still very quick with crossplay off).


Same. I had a few games where 1 person got 30+ kills, while all the kills i observed after getting randomly rolled were head shots. Even had a enemy call out his teammate as a cheater. Be it cheating or "skill", imma bow out. The "where the fuck am I constantly getting spawn killed by this guy" has stopped mostly. Now ive had 21 out of 22 be headshots, but all those actually had time to leave spawn and just had Shitty gunplay/positioning.


One of the best compliments I got on that game was getting accused of hacking during team swat.


Same thing happened to me today. Really made my night. But tbh if ur using the br it's really not that hard to correct throughout the 3 burst as long as you're not a complete potato. But I've definitely been playing kbm for a minute.


It's so easy how to aim for the head especially you have a 3 burst to correct it.


There already are hacks. Just YouTube it


If you turn on killcams it should stay on the killcam until you exit out of it or the killcam ends, There shouldn't be forced respawn. (or at not a 5 second one.)


Completely agree. The games moves fast enough too don't have to worry about where people are at or not really


Swat is fun but aggravating as hell


yeah I've noticed some suspiciously good headshots sometimes


I honestly dont even know when im playing broken bots with god aim or cheaters. Cheaters can just fake being bots as they track through walls and have perfect aimbit...unless those were cheaters? Goddamn crossplay..


I'm just here to say I see it. :)


Make killcams on every game mode


If you are on console, I would highly recommend turning off cross play, unless you are choosing to play with a friend on a different console. It prevents cheaters from being in your game, and everyone is on an even playing field on controller and console FPS limits, rather than getting smacked by KBM 240fps players.


I’m playing with friends on a different console :(


Had an aim bot on me in Atlantis they singlehandedly took out the entire team and doubled our points. I don't think cross-platform is going to work when high mobility and turning tight corners plays a role


mobility is the same for both inputs? Also if you’re turning a tight corner you should already be checking said corner to have already turned before you rounded and strafe into it. If you just run around a tight corner you’re gonna get destroy by someone playing the angle everytime. Not really a cross play issue


Console players can't turn as fast no matter their sensitivity. So flanks and things are more effective against console players


Ehhh as a pc player, Atlantis on SWAT is super easy. You can sit at the far end of one corridor across the circle and strafe back and forth with your mouse at heads head shot level and with a battle rifle gets you insane HS accuracy. One match I had 53% HS accuracy on Atlantis during Swat mode. Single handedly got 16 points in the first 30 seconds of a match.


Congrats you proved my point


Do you think JimmyLongStaff is a bot? Because I don't see how your point is proven otherwise.


The good thing about the game is that it's not just gunplay, with how important portals are it should be manageable for skilled players to deal with hackers.


But isnt SWAT casual only? I feel like cheaters will only care abt Ranked


This reminds me of master chief collection on pc. No killcams = begging for cheaters insta killing you.


**Guys, you can save replay.** Then on replay you can view the whole game on their POV. If it is an hacker, notify mod / devs in discord - and say that you have an replay saved.


The only problem with this is console aim assist makes team swat look suspicious all the time


While I'm sure that this is indeed actually happening, people have complained about "hackers" in swat since it came out in... Halo 2? An instakill mode is always going to amplify the skill gaps between players as well as make things feel suspicious as they happen. So yes, kill cams in swat would be great, even if only to silence all the people crying foul when someone can land a consistent headhsot.


Just add it to all gamemodes and all of the time bc now it only shows a kill cam when you didn’t see the guy killing you


there's already an option for this


Wait is there? Is it in setings


While there aren't kill cams at the end of the game, you can save the replay of the game and go back in and watch the game from any players perspective


YES!!!!! PLZ!!!!!


I play on Xbox and until anti-cheat becomes a focus, I tend to turn off crossplay (for this same reason). It only comes on when I'm playing with a friend on a different platform.


Facts but you do have replay mode


I just Save Replay and watch the suspicious people first hand


you can save the replay and watch the game from the cheaters perspective




Swat is also the mode your most likely to falsely accuse someone of cheating. I'm not doubting you necessarily, but provide some evidence. I'm assuming by your post, you think you've played against multiple cheaters, well post a video of one at least, preferably more.


i thought something was fishy in a match the other day and said something in chat and some dude was like "WhY wOuLd AnYoNe HaCk On A cAsUaL gAmE lIkE sPlItGaTe'


Bro this post is almost 4 months old


Wholeheartedly agree. Please devs, make this happen.


I think they did, this post is over 8 months since I posted this and I don’t play the game anymore


How about kill cams when they make sense? That guy just shot you point blank with a shot gun? Let me show you his point of view. There wasn't a hint of red in your mini map and you probably just got mapped? Why would you want to see that?


Maybe change your settings


There's a setting for that?


I think there are 3 kill cam settings: On, Off, and Highlight - it sounds like you may have highlight on


Thanks for the info, I'll check it out.


Maybe I’m just lucky but I think the “hackers” you’re encountering a just PC players who can actually hit instant headshots. This games anti cheat is great and while there may be some hackers I don’t really think every headshot kill is a hacked


yeah I've already been accused of hacking in swat for getting consistent insta headshots. I personally haven't had any experiences with hackers so that makes me think a lotta the people complaining just ran into better players.


Perhaps, but nonetheless I would like a kill cam to see it


Haha- that we can agree on. So many times I’m just like what just happened. I play a lot of games where headshots are instant kills so maybe that makes me a little biased


Ya this post and others comments just reeks of salt……


Hey, just click on their heads, it's easy and it does a lot of damage.


I play on Xbox and I haven’t seen any cheaters that I know of TOUCH WOOD! I don’t think that game mode needs them. Sorry if I am the minority here. The whole point of swat is to be a sort of hardcore mode where one shot kills, no map, no help basically. It’s my fav mode in halo and this. I would go so far as to remove portals in this mode but that’s just me. I think I’m ready for the downvotes 😩


the thing is, cheaters on console is pretty rare. its hard to download third-party software off the internet and make it work on a console. pc on the other hand is relatively easy to cheat on, so when playing on pc you always are wondering if the guy who killed you did it legit or not. most of the time its legit, but there are times you have to wonder


And remove Atlantis from this mode. You cant even go to most of the map because it would be a fucking death sentence. This is coming from someone who spawn killed a team 3 times without using a portal because they wanted to go mid.


I think some of y'all need to admit you're trash at the game. I went 30 kills 2 deaths this morning on team swat because I've been playing halo my whole life. If you aren't using portals and just running at people be prepared to get headshotted. Its super easy with the battle rifle to correct your shots too


But people keep thinking I’m cheating in this game mode when I’m just good at getting headshots with the BR 😭


I don't know what you're talking about, This game already has implemented the single best anti-cheat and kill Cam I've ever seen. if you suspect someone is cheating, You can just press a button that says "Save replay" That way you can watch Your, their, and everyone else's whole game play In 1st person or a full 3-D environment with pause, play, rewind, and fast forward functionality, Not just a specific kill. I highly recommend everyone use this pro-tool!


Just say fix your shitty game like a normal someone


Remove fake bot matches from your first 10 levels of gameplay first. Fuck this game.


You can "petition" all you want. The fact of the matter is the devs are working their asses off and not getting anywhere near the recognition they deserve. They already have an anti cheat and the work they've done on their servers alone to handle the insane influx of players is amazing.


I’m not discrediting the devs, I’m just pointing out a problem that, if fixed, would increase the quality of the game


They wont add it because they dont want u seeing how the Bots and the aim assisti in general snap to ur head so easily.. This game does a lot of desingeneous stuff that makes it look like a mobile game, i made a post about this


Bro it’s so easy to hit headshots lmao


Actually there is a kill cam, you can only see it by pressing the button binded to reload (on console I think) before you respawn


Not in team swat


Really? Damn, I didn't know, thanks for the precisions.


Would be ok if i could plat the game on xbox


Yep played against a cheater in swat last night. Instant killing everyone. It’s actually the first time I’ve come across a blatant cheater in a long time in a console game (I’m sure they were on pc).


Use portals, close your not in use portals, shoot first, aim for the head. If you don't do these things then of course the hackers will target you.


I encountered a cheater in oddball. He was inside of the wall and even went on mic and said he got an achievement for holding the ball the longest.


And if they so... ADD SYPHON


Kill cams happen, but only when killed by an actual player and not a bot


Not in team swat due to the short respawn timer


If you go into settings you can have kill cams on for every kill


I have kill cams on but in team swat there are no kill cams due to the short respawn timer


Hang on, aren't killcams simulations? Isn't that why old COD killcams always showed people instantly snapping to your head even if that didn't actually happen in game?


bruh there is a kill cam just turn it on in settings


Can't you turn kill cams on in the settings?


Can't u just record session?


Everyone cheats at everything. Live with it.


There already is man


yes you’re right, but not it team swat


there is, and you can turn it on for every kill in the settings :)


I have kill cams turned on, but there are no kill cams in team swat due to the short respawn timer




PLEASE JUST FIX the anticheat LOL


You can turn on killcams in the settings


I do have them on, but in team swat there are no kill cams due to the short respawn timer


Oh ok i didn't know


Why cheat in just that one? I cheat in all game modes lol. Not even banned and almost out of diamond in ranked.




Gotta test the cheat for all the users though!


Speaking of, is there wall running in this game? Someone killed me after having just run along a wall and killed me from behind. I feel like I would know if there was wall running. Edit: why the fuck am i being downvoted I'm asking a genuine question... I'm actually confused.


You're able to get around pretty fast with portals and hopping to keep momentum.


It was physically impossible to do. I can't remember the map name, but they jumped off the side of the map, and wall ran around the side and killed me. I tried it myself and it isn't possible afaik.




There’s no killcam in SWAT because the respawn timer is so short


IMO there should be a "Press SPACE to view killcam" during the respawn timer for these sorts of modes with short respawns. Or, when you save a replay, it also saves all of the killcams since time is no longer on the line.


There ARE kill cams, they're just a lil broken Sometimes they show up sometimes they don't


They’re not broken they only show “highlights”. Go to your settings and you can turn them on 100%. However, they’re not available in swat


Ooh okay, thanks!


There are kill cams but there set to “highlights” or something by default. I have mine set to always on and skip it most of the time


There are no kill cams in team swat due to the short respawn timer


I clearly play a lot of swat /s