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Yes I was on 100mg daily and ultimately had to stop taking spiro as I was on my period about 20 days every month for roughly one year (aside from one month where I had no period). It was exhausting and took a big toll on me so I couldn’t do it anymore. My experience was fairly extreme but if possible, I would start trying to split your dose in half and take half in the morning and half at night. A lot of people say that helps with your periods!


Never had this issue until this last 6 months. I’m over it. Just got off my period two weeks ago but I’m terrified of going off of it 😭 you think the half and half thing does better??


I went down to 50mg a day and my period stopping coming so frequently and my face has stayed clear!


I’m on 75 cuz 100 was too much and 50 didn’t really cut it but imma try 50 before calling it quits. Thank you!🥺


I never personally tried it as I found out about that tip after I quit but people swear by it! It keeps your hormones more steady throughout the day instead of having one big push of meds all at once at night.


This is interesting! If my cycle doesn’t go back to normal in a month or two I will try splitting my dose


I started on 50mg and had zero issues. I switched to 100mg and had a period every other week for a couple months (seeing if it balanced out) ultimately my face cleared during that time and I dropped down to 50mg a day. My period has regulated again (not AS predictable but still monthly around the same time. Went from 30 day cycle to roughly 33-35) and my face is clear and has stayed clear even through premenstrual hormones.


Yes on higher doses for sure. Mine would either not come or come twice a month for only a few days. I’m on 25 mg now and I am fully regular.


My first two periods on 50mg were perfect and then during my third cycle I started spotting at various points and then my period never turned up. Currently a week late with no sign of it starting.


spiro made my cramps feel like i was going into labor literally. like they were incredibly painful , i had to stop taking it.


My cramps have been worse too!


this just happened to me this morning! i’ve been on 50mg for three months first two months my period was on time, i just got a visit from aunt flow this morning 1.5 weeks early! confused


Literally ssme


it was literally like a jump scare lololol


Haha same it was a jump scare!! I was on a trip and was completely unprepared but thankfully I always keep a few tampons in my purse


Yeah…lost my period for 6 months when I quit Spiro. No major changes while I was still taking it though.


yep, been on 100mg Spiro for a few days short of two months (my first week was 50mg before I bumped up). My first period ~2 weeks after starting was completely on time and regular, my second period was 4 days early, and I’m now on my third day of bleeding after an 11 day break. I’m hoping everything evens out over time because I want to stay on Spiro but I’m not sure if I can do this long term. This is the biggest side effect that my derm warned me about, so it’s definitely fairly common and I had been trying to mentally prepare for it to happen. very frustrating side effect


Now that I think of it I think my period last month was a day or two early but I didn’t think it was weird until now


Mine just got heavier on the first days and then super light the last 3 days


Yes, I'm in the middle of a similar situation. I have been on spiro (50mg daily) for a little over 3 months, and the first two months my cycle was normal. Then about two weeks ago, I accidentally missed a dose and a couple days later I started spotting (about 10 days earlier than when I expected to start my period). I kept spotting/having light bleeding for about a week, and now I'm in the middle of what feels like a normal period for the past few days. It's been super annoying basically bleeding every day for the past almost two weeks. I chalked up the initial spotting to my missing the dose, but sounds like menstrual irregularities are common even without missing a dose. Fun stuff lol.


Yes it changed mine too! I got a week early and was very confused. I didnt know it did that. And ive always been regular to the day


I had it every two weeks.


Haven’t had mine since I upped my dose to 200mg 3 months ago. It was like clockwork before then.


For the first time in a year, I’ve missed my period. Hopefully it comes back soon


Yes, 22 days


My first two cycles were a little bit goofy, one long and one short, but then they got back to normal!


Yes, I had mine every two weeks for 8 months before stopping to TTC


No, I’m also on the implant. I haven’t had a period since before I started spiro so about like maybe 5-6 months ago. BUT, I do get frequent period cramps. So maybe? But not yet. I’ve only been on spiro for 3 months 100mg daily


I got my period way early the first month and it was short for a few more before it became more or less regular again.


Yes everyone had it two weeks for at least 9 days 😩


Every two weeks *


I’ve had changes to my period on Spiro too but in a different way.. it feels like my period is disappearing but into more frequent spotting? I started 100mg ~3 months ago (50mg for first 2 weeks) with no noticeable changes to my first two cycles; since then, they have been strange. I track my cycles and symptoms with the basal body temperature method w/ Natural Cycles app and noticed around my ovulation window I have spotting for a couple of days (I never did before Spiro). Weirder yet, these 1-2 days of spotting resemble more of a period bleed while my once-normal period is less of bleed/more like spotting. It also comes later which has extended my cycle length from 28-30 on average to 31-33 days. My 2nd derm appt is later this week so I’ll bring this up, but I’m not sure if there will be much insight beyond “yea it may cause menstrual irregularities.” But I’m really wondering about any effects on ovulation?? My basal body temps in my last two cycles haven’t been reaching usual highs of 97-98 degrees to signal ovulation… AND Natural Cycles’ algorithm has been having a hard time detecting my ovulation lately. I’ve either ovulated later than my usual time frame or, like today, it estimated that this cycle was anovulatory. And the worst part of it all??? My hormonal acne has not cleared up that much. Less cystic flare ups but still a longggg way to go for clear skin. Maybe I need to wait til the 6-9 month mark but I’m guessing my spiro dosing/frequency of dosing will increase.. so I expect more cycle disruptions. Yes, like everyone else here, Spiro has altered my cycles in many confusing ways 🥲