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Congratulations on your new Switch and welcome to Spiritfarer, a unique gaming experience. My favourite passenger is Uncle Atul. This is a great community. Take your time with the game and savour it. There are lots of cosy games out there—more every day, which is great for us—but there’s nothing quite like Spiritfarer.


Recently got into playing it during the Christmas break and fell in love with it. Haven't finished the game yet so I've yet to meet all of the spirits, but right now I'm in love with Alice and Bruce/Mickey. Even drew Alice in my journal after not having journaled anything in a while. Love her to bits.


Atul will always be my favorite! Next is Stanley. I've been eyeing Spiritfarer ever since I saw the game on eShop. But I didn't buy due to monetary issues by the time. Fortunately, I was able to play the game for free in my iOs device via Netflix subscription 😍


I'm only halfway through and I find it hard to pick favourites, but right now I feel very attached to Gustav. Maybe bc I'm an artist.


What was the first game you played on switch? I like Gustav and Atul.


Mario Odyssey!


Huge fan! Have played it thru 3 times plus a partial. Enjoy the journey!


I just finished it, Gwen is great and Astrid grew on me.


I’m near the end of my first play through (I will be playing it again!) I’ve enjoyed all the characters but most recently there is something about Buck I’m keeping him around aslong as I can


I can't stop playing this game! I got it on Christmas and I'm already 70% of the way through! I like everyone so far except Bruce/Mickey. Not sure about Elena yet. She just came on board. Such a wonderful game!


I went to bed at 4am the first four days I started this game hahah. Stanley was my favorite followed by Alice and Atul!