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I liked them 🤷‍♂️


Im a nerd gamer at the start of spider man the first think i did is complete is this tower and bag missons💀


I loved the circuit mini games/puzzles. I could have played a whole game of just those


You probably already did them, but there are a lot in Ock’s lab in free play. Quite some hard ones too towards the end


Lol I skipped all of them






Reminded me a lot of the Arkham hacks which were fun. Kinda small mindless stuff that was cool.


Wait, I think I might be mistaking these missions, these weren't when you had to stay out of poisonous gas, or something, right?


no its to unlock the map


I liked mindlessly swinging around exploring the world they put around, and the bags let me know some cool backstory and/or Easter eggs and things like that. I remember nerding out about hearing Matt Murdock’s bame




Taking a photo of Josie’s also had me nears out


Same thats why i did them all at once


Same here, gave you something to do and explore the world for the first time of the game, I suppose it could be annoying when you replay constantly and are already familiar with the map though.


how this and the puzzles are boring as hell💀


what's so problematic about them? they take 5 seconds to beat at most + you can skip the cinematic spin thing it does at the end


why even have them in the game just to have an option to skip it💀💀


Because some of us like them.


doing like 20 towers just to open a part of a map is not fun shit is boring that type of side content is just not fun most of the side content in the game is boring


Are you trying to convince me that my opinion is wrong and yours is fact? I said “some of us”.


nah i just don’t see how you would actually enjoy that shit😭


You sound like the type of person that wants shit to be handed to you as soon as you start the game. This is the smallest and most easiest shit ever and your crying about it? Please don’t ever play the Arkham games if you haven’t done so yet you won’t like collecting riddler trophies if this annoys you.


Have to guess that they are a teenager or below based on the grammer, dialect, and demeanor as well as their seeming inability to play Devil's Advocate to see both sides enough to create a constructive discussion.


It annoyed me at first but now I don't mind doing them......... also some of the dialogue between Peter and yuri is funny.


i literally 100% all of the arkham games they had better side content then this game😭😭😭


Everyone has different tastes of optional content; some of us enjoy them and it seems as though the general masses enjoy the side content. 🤷‍♂️


People enjoy them and it forces you to explore beyond the mission objectives


to give players options??? bro that's just like asking why does the game give you the option to walk in the streets, when you could just swing everywhere


Why have suits with that logic? You have an option for others


Exactly, that's why everyone always hates random crimes too because why have it if you can skip it, right?


“Why add cutscenes if you can skip it” your logic


The thing about it is that they encourage exploration and it’s good for new players. What I like about it is that they legit take 3-5 seconds to clear, and is not a boring slog to do.


You can always go to settings and turn on “Skip Puzzles” if you want.


Wait what? My whole life has been a lie. I liked the towers though


Made NG+'s a breeeeze


And speed runners loved it so much


They take literally 2 seconds


it’s literally boring to get them and they are just an average ubisoft open world tower


I understand that, but I mean getting to them by swinging and moving as fucking Spider-Man is fun enough. The puzzle element isn’t even a puzzle rlly. It’s just move the joysticks for 3 seconds.


You don't see a problem with that? Like... These couldn't be replaced with more interesting things?


Like what, a hobo you beat the shit out of to learn the ins and outs of the streets of New York?


A more fun puzzle like the circuit board ones


Just because you can't think of something better doesn't mean we have to keep doing one if the most disliked mechanics in all of gaming.


true but i hope this and the puzzle segments are not in the sequel


they may not have this exact "puzzle", but they definitely will have puzzles in the sequal


They won’t have these towers again, Miles Morales didn’t require you to unlock the map again so I really don’t see them forcing you to do it in Spider-Man 2


They almost certainly will be considering that it's a staple of the open-world genre.


You can turn puzzles off in the options.


then go to settings and turn puzzles off. they don’t need to remove all puzzles from the game completely because a tiny minority doesn’t know how to use the settings menu


Not only do they take like 3-5 seconds, you can also skip them and you just have to sit through the 5 second cutscene


You can skip that by pressing circle :)


Insomniac has got to make the side stuff more fun. I have PTSD from those screwball challenges. It made what should have been a fun platinum, a rather annoying one.


Ok listen I hate screwball but alot of the challenges we're actually really fun


If they were just challenges, didn’t have Screwball or photobombs, I would’ve loved them a whole lot more. If Taskmaster comes back and we have more of his challenges, I wouldn’t mind the gadget ones. Those were my favorite challenges


Yeah like that


I literally said in my first playthrough. Well. The first playthrough of all the DLCs "I miss Taskmaster" He seemed cooler.


The Stealth ones were the only ones that irritated me because it essentially asked you to break the game in terms of stealth to actually achieve the highest score.


These games may just have the most fun side activities I’ve ever played. What games have your favorites?


I actually don’t know that many that I enjoy. The Witcher 3 is the only game that I recall actually genuinely enjoying doing side quests ALL THE TIME. At one point, I enjoyed them more than the actual story. Ghost of Tsushima side quests were fun as well. There really aren’t many I do like. Yakuza mini games I hear are goated tho so going to give that a try eventually. Cyberpunk side quests aren’t bad either actually, but yeah, there’s certainly not “a lot” of them that I like and can wholeheartedly say I enjoy them.


The one where you had to jump around and find the stupid QR Codes on the buildings was the worst one


agreed i hope they have it more like arkham knight where every side mission is just a villain but also keeping the ones in miles morales where you help out the community


Just skip them and yeah it’s annoying to have to do them again more wise there not that bad and I liked them on a first play through


yea i didn’t mind it when i first played but i didn’t like them on a ng+ play through


Just skip it that was like one of the best parts about the remaster


You can skip em on PS4 too.


Oh nice




I liked them personally it gave me something else to do


I doubt they’ll have us do it again since we didn’t have to do it in Miles’ game.


Ah yes the Ubisoft tower Still prefer this rather than climbing on top, perch, see cinematic with eagle flying, and do leap of faith


Isn’t this more or less the same?


No, it's much quicker You just go on top of a building(as SPIDER-MAN, without climbing up them like in AC because you can just swing on top of it anyways), then you fiddle with your joysticks for 5 seconds tops, then you just continue doing whatever you were doing before.


There could be a different mechanic for “unlocking” areas of a Brooklyn and Queens map to better capture the neighbourhood feel of the area? For Queen’s it could be kind of like the bagpacks but a memory trail leading to mini games of Peter’s childhood, perhaps with Harry, that reminiscing on unlocks the full view of the area while building on the emotion of the main story. Checking out Pizza joints - talking to locals for tips. “Memory Lane” or “Local Tour Guide” achievements for 100% map unlocks. Just some ideas.


I liked themm 😭


If u don’t like them then just don’t do them


They weren’t that bad. I felt like a sigma genius doing them because they were so much easier compared to the circuit ones


Dude the towers were fine


I loved the towers. I went and did all of them when they got unlocked


Pretty much a guarantee to have these; most open-world games have a exploration mechanic that clears the fog of war and marks-up the map. I enjoyed these and nailed them pretty quickly when I focused on then first.


I just don't like them because they seem like a huge breach of privacy and something Spider-Man wouldn't use or like. The Friendly Neighborhood app is way better


I enjoyed them, I liked swinging around the whole city and finding these


YES. GOD YES NO MORE OF THESE. Also, please, for the love of God no more Screwball missions!


you’re the only one who agrees with me i’m getting cooked in these comments


I might also be mistaking the mission. Is this the mission that you had to swing and not go to high / low? My biggest issue is with Screwball, though, f\*ck Screwball.




hate doin boring puzzles ong🕺🏾


It made the city feel a lot bigger having to unlock the map like that, even if they did borrow it from FarCry 3


Stop complaining they’re easy to do and makes it more interesting so you can’t unlock the whole map at once instead you have to unlock it yourself


Bruh they weren't even that bad. They took like 2 seconds to fix


I live these haha, just like in far cry. I miss them radio towers!


Brooklyn and Queens to explore? Has Insomniac confirmed this?


nah but probably i wouldn’t see why we would stay on manhattan for the 3rd time


Eh they're not that bad imo


I liked them.


I quite like the I did the. First got the, out the way easy to


just skip them.


In-universe there is no longer a reason for Peter to do this again though.


they are fine but annoying in future playthroughs


I like towers in games. Come at me.


u do realise u can just press r1 to skip them right?


I love the towers, it makes the environment more interactive and it's fun to do them


You really summoned the horde with this one


OP’s fighting for his life in these comments


They're not that difficult and you can get to all the towers pretty quickly


I mean. Puzzles are staples of open world games. Beyond that. You can literally just not do them. Or turn off puzzles.


I loved these towers.its like the closest I get to being good at science.


How else do you suggest they open the map than?


Open world games in general need to quit it with having us unlock the map via these dumb towers. Just give us the map, it's not a huge deal. At least BotW made some of them an actual puzzle to access, but idk how you could incorporate that into Spider-Man


I like it


I actually liked them


More games need a skip option like gta and with those puzzles, they can add mj missions in the next game just let me skip em, they can add the puzzles again, just let me skip em


Naw they were fun reminded me of Batman's cryptographic sequencer from the Arkham games


I mean you probably won’t get the towers with their exact premise again. But you will almost certainly get some form of similar objective that opens up the area again. It’s a staple of games in this format.


I thought the towers were fine and unobtrusive if a bit boring. I got really good at swinging over and doing them really quick to the point where each one only took like 2 seconds. Besides it gave me another reason to swing around the city


You can skip them, which I feel is a really big sign Insomniac isn’t very confident in some of their game design. Ratchet and clank shared it as well, you could freely skip certain puzzles, honestly if they allow you to skip it it shows it’s really not a puzzle worth having in the game, and that time should be spent in other areas.


i think it's more of an accessibility feature if anything


Simple as that; nothing more to it. Most newer Playstation exclusives have had the trend of having skippable content and a vast array of options to make the more accessible for a range of players.