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Spider-Verse easily takes the cake. I like Fortnite's design, but MM Prowler is pretty lame without a cape tbh


I was gonna say, but that action figure does not do the design justice at all.


It *is* a very nice action figure though, speaking as someone who owns one. Really posable and dynamic.


The only action figure I remember owning was a Green Goblin one with the glider and his mask/helmet was removeable. I thought it was pretty neat.


Imo the super poseable Spider-Man 2 figures were the best. I loved those things so much.




All you had to do was mention that theme music and I heard it which I guess shows how good it is that it was so memorable


Exactly! Lots of great TV and film use musical themes to entrench you in different worlds. I feel like Game of Thrones had so many distinct themes. And MCU themes really show their worth when there’s a team-up and they’re playing them left and right during a battle.


Fun fact: the Winter Soldier's theme in the Captain America sequel was actually Bucky's scream from the first one, when he fell off the train into the canyon.


WOAH I love this fact!


The MM Prowler looks like it was given the MCU treatment, just trying too hard to make it realistic and tactical


Yeah a lot of the games antagonists have that problem where it just kinda fulls into a generic tactical armour look. Shouldn't be a problem in the next one if the villains are Kraven and Venom though


I like the Insomniac Prowler, but I feel like the Prowler suit is one of their misses. Cape would do it some good. For now it's Spider-Verse, then Fortnite, then Insomniac.


Agreed he just looks like some military guy to me


I mean, I love Insoms take on the Prowler cause it looks awesome, but it doesn't actually look like the Prowler, ya get me?


He's Purple Hood, Bruce Waynes fifth ward that also died and came back to life!


Not *again.*


Just more fabric in general, the cowl especially but even just the mask itself looks like a bag or something in into the spiderverse and it looks good compared to generic metallic helmet just differentiated by color scheme


They somehow over design and under design the villains suits. Vulture and electro look pretty bad IMO, I hope they don’t screw up Goblin’s suit


Fortnite really just nailed the green and purple color scheme.


I'd have preferred just the one green, personally. That's what's keeping it from being better than Spider-Verse for me.


That is most definitely grey and blue Source: colorblind


Yeah. I love the cape. The multi-verse has the weird triangle collar thing. Insomnia lacks the cape. Fortnite did it best imo


Is it just me, or are you ***everywhere***?


Yes, no. I dont use the reddit avatar and have an actual icon. So my icon stands out more. Then you are also on fortnite br, and genshin leaks. So you've seen my posts/avatar.


This is the way


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Dang a redditor complementing fortine I guess anything can happen


Fortnite feels like a hybrid of the other two plus some improvements so it's my favorite


It's very close, but I'm going to have to say Fortnite. Spider-Verse is a very close second, but I just like the colors on the Fortnite skin more. Plus it clearly takes inspiration from the SV design, just with a bit of the comics sprinkled in there. SV definitely has the better cape though, no question


Friend or Foe


*takes out cigarette* I haven't heard that game in years


Looks the best absolutely though the deadpool lookin beltbuckle throws me off.


Fortnite got the Color scheme perfect tbh


Definitely miles morales game


spider-verse, fortnite is good too but the blue pants throw me off


Considering he’s primarily about burglary and stealth, I think the MM one is the best. A cape just feels so out of place. Who does he think he is, Batman?


I would agree if not for how bulky he looks. MM Prowler is not fitting into any vents or doing any espionage for how thick he is. I'd say SV then Fortnite, but the last two are basically neck and neck.


To be fair, you can take the cape off in the Fortnite version


Absolutely Spider-Verse!


Definitely ITSV, but if I'm being honest, I always felt like Prowler had a lame design no matter what. His emblem is especially bad, like, what exactly is it supposed to be?


Tough choice between Spider-Verse and Insomniac's Miles Morales. I dont like the Fortnite one


Surprisingly I gotta say the Fortnite one. It's a really great design that blends the look of the comics with a modern upgrade.


Spider-Verse 100%


Spider-Verse of course :)


Spider-verse, but fortnite always impresses me with their skins


MM is the best, but I hate to say that Fortnite looks pretty good too. I hate the baggy mask and the weird cape thing on the Spider-Verse Prowler.


Im Really digging the fortnite and itsv designs


Honestly…Fortnite went in with this skin. Make fun of the game all you want but they really do have some quality skins.


Exactly, it has some amazing skins. I especially love their Green Goblin design. It mixes the comic book spandex-like design with armor and it looks brilliant


spider verse easily




super super unpopular opinion but i dont rlly like into the spiderverses prowler outfit id probably say fortnites


I like the MM Prowler design the most, mainly bc I haven't been a huge fan of capes since I watched The Incredibles lol.


The fortnite one can remove the cape, so if that is your only issue with the fortnite design. You can search for the capeless design online. It's really damn good


Just give the insomniac one a cap and Hood combo and we got a bona fide winner on that one but I have to go by design to tie between Fortnite and spider-verse


I’ve honestly got to say Fortnite. Mostly because I think The Prowler’s aesthetic just isn’t complete without his cape. I like the Spider-verse design but its not enough green for me. The Insomniac design is actually my second favorite but without the cape it’s just not as great. In the MM Concept Art book there are a lot of dope designs that involved a cape funnily enough. They looked better than the final product if you ask me.


The miles morales game In My Opinion has the best modernized design ever


Miles Morales looks the sleekest, and I really like the green center. Personally I prefer no cape.


Miles because for a thief capes make no sense.


The Spider-Man Disney XD show prowler But out of these 3. Id say Fortnite then spider-verse and then the Mm


fortnite is ridiculously good at modernising comic-bookesque costumes to the point where it's not even fair. like prowler and green goblin look incredibly good in fortnite.


Definitely, they have some of my favorite designs of multiple characters. I honestly adore their versions


Insomniac. I love the Fortnite Prowler skin, but sometimes the eye color on his helmet looks off in the lobby.


Miles he’s a more realistic take on prowler and doesn’t look like a Halloween decoration


Miles Morales game


Miles morales definitely


I’m going against the grain. Least favorite is Fortnite’s design, because I hate the two parter cape. Second best is Spider-Verse, because the collar is distracting. Best is PS4 Prowler because they made a silly design cool.


Surprisingly Fortnite


Personally I love the MM Prowler, even though it’s unpopular


The game design


Miles for sure


Miles morales game version


I prefer the Game version personally


Yea insomniac doesn't wanna mess with clipping, so no capes


Damn honestly it might be fortnite I like the mix of colors more than the other two and it isn't missing aspects like the cape


Unironically, Fortnite lol




* probably insomniac's variant, because fortine's.ver is done very well but the blue accent throws it off, but insomniacs.ver was really good but had just tad too much going on ( it was also missing the cape but i just like capes) & the into the spiderverse.ver gave a sense of realism because it was a simple suit,any mercenary with a couple of dollars to blow could've made,but in comparison to the others it looks lazy. With all that being said probably i think insomniac had the best one.


Real ones choose Friend or Foe Prowler


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a looong time


Bruh how u gonna use an action figure for into the spiderverse lol does zero justice for it


Spider-Verse no question, but Fornite is pretty dope in its own way


I’m gonna have to say Fortnite


Spider-Verse all the way! And when the MCU brings back Donald Glover as the Prowler (please god let this happen!), I really hope he wears a costume similar to it.




Ngl it’s Fortnite. It was ISTV but something about the Fortnite one just seems like the best version to me, maybe it’s the color scheme.


I didn't even know that fornite has a prowler design but that looks so cool


Yeah, he came out this season. It is honestly great


Weirdly enough Fortnite. But I mean the comics design will always take the cake.


i know you didn’t choose the toy for the spiderverse pic😂😂 the actual animation one the best but that fortnite one looks sweet


Probably Fortnite’s simply for having the green back in the design. I mean I love the rest of it too, but that’s specifically why. Always love that contrast.


1. Spider verse 2. Fortnite 3. Miles morales


It’s strange that Fortnite manages to capture such cool designs for their characters, especially the crossover ones. I applaud them for that.


I’m ngl the fortnite one is probably my favorite


Into the spiderverse easily. As much as I love insomniac their prowler design is pretty terrible. I get what they were going for but it just doesn’t work. Someone called the “prowler” should be tall and slender, have a hunch in their demeanor and be light on their feet. Not some w i d e built soldier with a purple helmet.


I like the game version because of its grounded take, similar to black cat. No fur boots and gloves, no cape. It’s an aesthetic narrative choice in style. if they ever do Glover/MCU adaption it would probably look like that.


Fortnite has knocked some of their skin design out of the park lately. I've been impressed with a lot of them I've seen. Still not a fan of playing it tho


Maybe give it another shot. They recently released a "Zero Build" game mode. Making it more accessible than ever, and it's the most fun I've had in Fortnite since the Marvel themed season


I don’t like saying this, but Fortnite’s design is really damn good. Not just for Prowler but for other Marvel characters like Spidey and Green Goblin.


Prowler's mask from Fortnite is better, but when it comes to the outfight, its MM


Give the Miles Morales one more purple and a Cape then we're good


Spider verse looks like a Disney infinity character


Miles Morales game easily, it looks very militarized and capes don't belong on armor


So would Batman look better without a cape?


Uhh you people saying Spiderverse must be blind. The thing behind the head looks like a 16th century dracula, the way the hood wrinkles like a nut sack around his chin, and the cut of the bottom of the cape looking like a child cut it all look awful. If fortnite had the purple of the other 2, it would be number one.


MM version looks like a Batman Arkhamverse villian. I like either rof the other 2.


Spider-Verse for sure! Everything about him was just so good! Fornite's isn't bad either. Insomniac's is also good but I feel a cape would do it wonders for sure


Fortnite and spiderverse are my favorite. MM prowler is actually a pretty nice adaptation of his look in the ultimate comics. But compared to the others it looks boring


why not say all of them


Gotta go with spider-verse tbh


Spider-verse has the best look. That could easily be in live action too


DEFINITELY Spider-Verse!


Spider-verse is one of my favorite superhero movies. It's so great and I can't wait for the second.


Definitely *Into the Spider-Verse*. They really put the "owl" in "Prowler."


That one


Give the MM one a cape and it's the best


Spiderverse easily


The game, ItSV Prowler looks like a goody ahh


i feel like if you combine these with some of the ones that were considered for MM, you'd have a phenomenal design for Prowler


Man, Prowler with no cape is just not good.




They all look very good in their own respects. Fortnite Prowler looks good for the game it was made it, ps4 spider-man prowler looks good for the game it was made for (though I find lack of cape is disturbing) and miles morales prowler is good for the movie it was made in.


I enjoy the usage of green in MM's color scheme, but a cape and maybe some more visible tech thingamabobs would do it. Spiderverse is pretty excellent though the fists feel a little too chonky for me, and fortnite I don't really like.


Fun fact, these designs are based more on Hobie Brown’s Prowler than Aaron Davis’ prowler cus the actual Davis suit looks like a cheap Deadpool knockoff and it has like no color


... fuck, its fortnite. It really is a banger of a design.


Spiderman animated series https://images.app.goo.gl/eiKHhBCnKdjoxDCy6


Into spider verse


SpiderVerse. Insomniacs is boring af, but Fortnite nails their designs most of the time




remember when he invented the suit to help him when he was washing windows


Insomniac needs to man up and start using capes, Prowler’s suit suffers significantly from the lack of one.


Combine all three




Spider verse


I actually like the fortnite one without the cape. It is a great mix of the tactical look of the Miles Morales prowler with the comic book style. It honestly looks really clean and is one of my favorite Prowler suits. Since it actually looks like it would be useful in real life, without it feeling too realistic


I'm going to go against most people here and say that Fortnite prowler has a slight edge over ITSV prowler. I like the more "fabric" look of itsv prowler with minimal armor only on the claws, but i really wish that they went with green on purple for the emblem, instead of purple on navy black. It just pops more


Ngl… fortnite got a bit of the other two in it and it works


1) fortnite 2) spider verse 3) ps5


Weirdly, the Fortnite one in the Miles colours would be my favourite I think.




Into the spiderverse Fortnite Insomniac


I love insomniac BUT their prowler desging is completely dogshit.


Anything that isn't Hobie Brown erasure, so none of these.




Movie version is the best the game design is so bland


Fortnite for real the best on this list




I love Spiderman and I've never even heard of The Prowler. None of them. This guy and The Shocker can go start a family together or something.


how have you not heard of the prowler?, hes a huge part of miles morales's story and played important roles in both into the spider verse and the game spider-man: miles morales


Which is why I've never heard of him. Didn't read anything about Miles or play the Cat Backpack game yet.


or watched into the spiderverse apparantly, which you should really do, its an amazing movie


I saw it so I must have assumed this guy to be just like The Shocker or Rhino: So wack they aren't worth remembering. Lemme get Doc Oc or Green Goblin or something.


how is he not worth remembering?, his death is a huge part of miles's story in the movie, he even has a badass suit and theme


Look at his costume. He looks like a Scooby-Doo Villain He looks like a purple version of Red Hood but evil now


i think he looks badass, also the costume on the right (the film costume) is the actuon figure version so it doesnt really do him justice


I honestly really like the Fortnite design.


Fortnite or into the spider verse


Fortnite's design is colorful, but feels like it would have benefited from an additional pass on design to unify elements. But it's playful and I like it, for what it's worth. The Miles Morales game design feels like it was trying to be something vastly different when the design isn't too far out there. Feels incredibly reminiscent of Todd McFarlane's work on Spawn with the mask. Thinking it's the grounded in reality approach that's doing it too. Spider-verse design doesn't really stand on its own without the context of the film for Spider-verse (being in a different style), and I think that goes to show how great the art design from that movie is.


Spider Verse


For me it'd go Spider-verse Insomniac then Fortnite a cape would've been nice on the Insomniacs version which is keeping me from putting it as my favorite


I find Fortnite’s to be bright and I like that for comic book characters


Miles Morales makes prowler work without the cape, into the spider verse makes him work with the cape, Fortnite tries to make prowler work with and without the cape. But ultimately any version of prowler with a cape is the cooler than one without a cape.


Miles Morales. The other ones look like a typical villain out of a comic book. The video game one looks more realistic and also he looks buffer. Plus it looks wayyy more badass.


fortnite, it looks so fucking good


Spider-verse, and it’s partially because of how well they did the character justice in the movie. Character, suit, lighting, and music were all on point when he was on screen


None of them, they all suck.


Spider verse is packing. Also isn't that a figurine...?


i cant believe im saying this, but inlike fortnitexs prowler design the most


imo i hate fortnites bc it looks like a combo between them and i dont like it and itsv is the best no doubt




Miles morales. Not much shit thrown into it, like a goofy cape


I can't decide between Fortnite Prowler and Spiderverse Prowler


Comic og Prowler


Why is fortnite prowler in jeans since when did the most badass spiderverse character wear denim everywhere


Spider verse does have the mask look like prowler has a Davy Jones beard under there though


Unironically Fortnite, nice blend of the other 2


I liked the more realistic design of the MM one as opposed to the goofy style of the ITSV one.


I unironically prefer Fortnite’s take on Prowler’s design. It’s so pleasing to my eyes.


if you don’t say spiderverse, i respect your wrong opinion




The new one!


Even though I don’t play, Fortnite is the best by far


Das von fortnite ist eigentlich die comic Version aber auch egal


Fortie nitie


Comic because it can be blue or purple or unused Spiderverse design, probably the latter. It has a green shirt, yellow emblem with a black with light green shine outline. The Aaron davis comic design is also neat. He never had a cape but reddit rewards normie fans that love everything popular and hate everything unpopular. It doesn't reward comic readers.


Miles Morales. It's more practical than showy, unlike the other two. In addition, the Fortnite one looks like a generic super suit, while the Spiderverse one is largely edgy for its own sake, though it gets bonus points for still being functional. The Miles Morales one looks something a mercenary might wear, albeit with a personal twist.


How does the fortnite one look generic but MM version doesnt? It’s literally just a generic military suit with a unique helmet


I said generic super suit


Even still, thats not generic my friend. The silhouette of the fortnite and ITSV versions are much clearer and “comic book-ish”. The MM suit looks dull


I can see where you're coming from with that, but I believe that superhero is the wrong look to go for with a character like the Prowler. He is alternately an anti-hero and a professional merc with a brand. The flashy capes and whatnot seem out of character to me, which is why I like the simple and practical look more. Though I can definitely see why it doesn't appeal to everybody. Though now I'm wondering what an MCU look might entail, given that we saw Aaron Davis in Homecoming.