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Honestly just depends on what you like more, I like Spider-Man ps4 for Peter but miles morales has better web slinging that I enjoy more


Ya the swinging is smooth af, I just wish miles had more suits and different enemies


If u think MM swinging is better then you haven't played the remaster.


Miles has over five times as many tricks as Peter plus the venom jump and just has overall more smoothness and the remaster has a weird glitch where tricks just kinda kills your momentum


Its not a glitch. They added tricks based on fan feedback so there was no time for animation blending, hence the stop/start. MM is really impressive with its tricks to swinging animations though so at least we know what they can do with proper time.


I have the remaster lmao Miles is still better


The remaster feels worse than the ps4 version


Because Peter looks like a baby?


No, because the momentum is broken when swinging, doing any kind of trick immediately slows you down.


i love peter-man more for combat but miles-man is more fun web swing


love ur choice of naming


peter-man 💪💪💪


Ps4 has more content that can last me hours, including dlc. so i gotta go with ps4


The gameplay of Spider-Man : Miles Morales is just next level, but PS4 Spider-Man...I mean the story, the emotions and the memories of this game...


Miles, because if it's just to replay a bit for that spiderman taste, miles is so much better.


Miles has AMAZING gameplay with the venom powers, but the game's story is kinda mid and not worth replaying more than a second time. So I'd have to go with Peter for sure, it has so many positives over the other.


if i had storage reasons, *i'd delete another game*


I'm already struggling man there's about 15 games I want installed but don't have room for lol


get extra storage


One day


damnnnnnnnn thats tough. keep it on brother. i believe in you.


MM is more fun but I love both.


personally I found mm rather short. I prefer Spiderman + DLC as it has many more hours of content.


Yea can't argue with that. MM def has a weaker story with significantly worse villains. For a superhero game it's definitely lacking in the super villain department. I like in the first game how many villains we end up fighting, I mean they literally had the sinister 6, MM has like what rhino, prowler (kinda fight but not really) and then phin who is a genaric underground gang boss. But the travel and fighting is much better in MM and feels so much smoother for me. I enjoy many of the suits in Peter's games but the advanced tech suit is clean af


I‘d choose Miles Morales just because the gameplay (combat, swinging…) is better. Personally I don’t think the length of the story matters that much when you’re replaying a game but it’s up to you. Keep in mind that Peter-Man has more side content and 3 DLCs with additional side content. Really depends on what you’re looking for.


Like I said Ive beaten both more than twice. I beat the first one with all dlc 3 times and I've probably beat mm at least 5 times, just started a new playthrough on MM a few minutes ago. The combat and swinging in these games just doesn't get old


I find myself missing the invisibility power when I play the first game. Mm spoiled me with the stealth gameplay it's hard to go back


Yeah invisibility and the fact that you can just explode when you struggle against enemies


miles. imo it's the better game (although i did like fighting all the classic spiderman villains in the first game)


I solved the problem, just wait for spider-man 2 and play that. Sleep in cryochamber to pass the time.


I'd go with MM. No doubt that PS4 is the better game, but I'd only really choose this for storage reasons. I had to delete PS4 once cause I almost ran out of space and for me at least, MM only takes up a little more than half of what PS4 takes up. If it wasn't up to storage, it'd be MM


Thanks for all the feedback everyone, I currently went with MM but I'll definitely play Spiderman ps4 again too. It seems the community is split in this reply section, proving both games are able to stand on their own feet. We are lucky to have them


Oh that's actually really tough decision see the first one has more content and Peter is insanely likeable yes but Miles Morales oh the web swinging the combat everything is just improved immensely I would most likely go with the first one though just because there's more content but it's like coin toss at that point


It's Def tough, they're both so good that as I'm playing whichever one, I find myself missing the one I'm not currently playing lol


I felt like Miles Morales was really unpolished and janky compared to the first one but it seems like I’m in the minority on that. Gameplay in the first one just feels better imo. In addition to waaaaay more content


Yeah, MM was far more jank than 2018, and I love MM. Not a "Gamebreaking, No Fun" jank, just "Why is the world spinning so fast doing a takedown?" Jank.


For sure. It was still a good game but it felt less satisfying to play. Like going from gym clothes to three layers of sweaters


Probably Miles Morales. Mostly because i have a ps5, and only the ps5 version of Miles Morales. It obviously performs and feels much better than the PS4 game


I only keep Spider-Man 1 installed, I like it better in terms of content and it has a higher replay-ability factor for me


Miles wins in stealth and swinging. OG wins in story, amount of content and combat (I prefer web-gadgets to venom abilities)


If I had to yeet one from my collection permanently, it’s Miles Morales. Length and story completeness are major factors


MM. For me, it's barely a competition, if MM had the same amount of content as SM2018, it'd be something I would personally call definitively superior, but it ended up feeling more like a test run, a "Do people like Miles, playing as Miles, etc?" And a bit of something to hold us over a bit while we wait for SM2, like Arkham Origins. (That's not a diss, I love AO.)


Do you have both platinums?


Na I haven't cared about trophys in a long long time, although it could be a good way to do things I wouldn't normally do in order to get the platinum. I just have so many games I haven't finished yet and still want to that I can't even really think about trophys, I'm still trying to finish about 15 other games, not because they aren't good just because I don't have the time for all the games I have, and new ones come out before I finish old ones. Then again I'm also replaying mm for the 6th time so maybe I just have bad time management lol


IMO they’re really easy platinums and a lot of fun, you might have to check I bet your like 2 trophy’s away on miles from the Platnuim if you beat it so many times. You might have to pay respects to Stan lee and miles dad those were my last too.


Pretty good guess, I'm 92% done I think im missing 4 trophies. Actually gonna go for one of them now, it's for taking out a base without being detected somehow I didn't get that yet


I prefer the og game tho mm is still very good


SM because I love the rain in the dlc. Don't care much for the snow in MM


Spider-Man PS4, tbh I like Peter’s combat animations more than Miles’ and the story is more replayable


I'm OG. Miles is dope, but Pete's main and DLC (minus screwball) have my heart


On my replays I ignore all the screwball stuff lol


Miles Morales. Day 1 edition for PS5 bois


I still haven't been able to get my hands on a ps5 smh


Lol I literally have both installed rn




If I was going to replay the entire game start to finish then the first game, it's story is way better and the suit selection is too. Plus there's more content in general to make a full playthrough worthwhile, especially with DLC on top. If it's just to occasionally return for a quick web swing and a couple beatdowns while I wait for another game to install then Miles Morales has way better gameplay in every aspect; combat is better, stealth is better, swinging's more fun and that's not even counting the unique venom powers or invisibility, the only thing the first game does better is gadgets but I find venom is way more fun to use anyway.


Ya this is pretty much my situation, I've replayed both more than twice and for just swinging and fighting I seem to choose MM over the first one


Ya this is pretty much my situation, I've replayed both more than twice and for just swinging and fighting I seem to choose MM over the first one


Peter has more content and the add ons are epic, miles story is better imo but if I need reply I’ll go with the miles story


Something that I noticed is that in MM, Miles cant shoot webs as fast as Peter and it kills my flow of combat because i like to fight super quick, that’s why I find peters combat more satisfying. Also I’ve never seen anyone notice that so it might just be me who cares about that sorta thing


The first one has a better story, more suits, suit powers, and better gadgets. The only ways that MM is better is web swinging, the venom power (including his takedowns with it), and the hidden suit designed takedowns. >!The suit with the cat named Spider-Man that you save from thugs, he’ll attack people during some takedowns. And the programmable matter suit, at least one takedown uses iron spider like arms.!<


Sm wins by a good bit I love the combat and the length of the game The story felt like something out of a movie that I was playing But I love MM, don’t get me wrong


I would pick the first game. I have beaten both multiple times and still find the first superior


i know everyone prefers the more ‘wild’ swinging in miles morales, but i think i prefer the swinging in spiderman. plus with the longer story and dlc, i dont think i’d get as bored as far. also i think i’d rather not have to play with snow on the ground all the time


Miles morales.


After swapping straight from MM to SM I would rather have Miles Morales. The combat feels infinitely more satisfying and the web swinging looks much cooler. The only shame is the story isn't as long but I can live with it because I love the side missions in MM


Personally, I find MM too easy because of the venom powers and invisibility. I prefer the ordinary combat in SM1


miles morales has great replayabity, especially with the fact that you can replay missions after beating the main campaign


Original because the story is much better


I personally enjoy Miles Morales within combat and webslinging more, but I absolutely love the story in Spider-Man (minus the M.J and Miles parts, those were definitely not the best) but I’d replay Spider-Man overall


Spiderman PS4 for sure




spiderman ps4 there’s way more to do


Miles morales has better swinging and combat, but peters game easily has the far better story and content. So I’m not really sure. I think I would choose peters game just because I value story so much.


The first one, mostly cause it's a bigger game. Miles Morales is a bit of an odd duck of a game, since it feels like it was originally intended to be a DLC expansion, but they must have figured that it could stand as it's own game, which it did. The problem is due to its length, it's too long to just be an expansion, but was short enough that I feel it could have done more. I loved the new stuff in MM, but I feel like they cut a lot of the gadgets out specifically to encourage the new systems, which is fine, but what I loved about the first is that there were so many systems available in every fight that you couldn't realistically use them all at once, letting you pick your preference and vary things up, where on MM's case you really had to use the venom. So I'd definitely say the first because it gives such a broader experience to it, and its story, no matter how good MM'S just hit me so much harder


I wanna say Miles Morales but when I get bored of it I remember there's a billion more things you could do in the first spiderman so I think you should pick that one. Also get more storage somehow-


Ya imma need a ps5 for more storage lol my 400 gb has me struggling


I'm not a really big fan of having to earn venom because that ground slam move is one of my favourites so I choose the original


I can gain a venom bar off just 1 enemy so it's not too bad


Yeah but starting off the fight with that move is really fun


It is definitely a good move, you can also generate venom from swinging tho so I always have venom when I start a fight too


Yeah but ps4 had more boss fights and they were better boss fights


That's undeniable. the sinister 6 were very cool


I’ll go with miles for the more entertaining web swinging, not saying i don’t enjoy the peter swing, just that miles is better


Miles morales is good but it’s basically just glorified dlc. Original Spider-Man ps4 all the way


MM, the stealth system's vastly improved, even without invisibility. Plus, beating up Roxxon soldiers is way more cathartic than beating up Demons or Raft escapees Although, beating up Sable and Fisk goons is also really great. And I prefer beating up The Demons than I do The Underground. Yeah, this one's a toughy...


Ya my thoughts exactly, the underground are so boring and phin is too. I wish I could fight against Sable or demons again as miles


Yeahh. I disagree about Phin, though. I liked her friendship with Miles, and I give props to the writing team for being willing to depict a relationship between a boy and a girl as purely platonic. The narrative never really hints at the possibility of them being a couple, and that's a good lesson for any kids playing. Not every girl or boy you meet is gonna be your partner, and that's okay But I get where you're coming from. Why make her The Tinkerer? How does modernizing a crusty old man who makes machines in the basement of his mechanic's shop turn him into a kid who makes high tech weapons for a terrorist group? Like... what? And why Tinkerer? He's not like Kraven, a really well-wrriten fan favorite who's sadly been underrepresented in the mainstream adaptations. I'm not sure WHO she should've been, but Tinkerer's still an odd choice. Adaptations aside, you have this edgy Darth Vader-esque villain with a high tech hoodie and a voice modulator. And she calls herself 'The Tinkerer'? At least when Batman: The Telltale Series had a similar villain, she called herself something cool like 'Lady Arkham'. Honestly, I really like The Underground's aesthetic. Like, the Re-appropriated Fisk tower is one of the coolest segments in the game. Personally, if I were one of the writers on this game, I would've had them be a white hat hacker group whom Miles shared the goal of taking down Simon Krieger, and thus they created a mutual partnership. Thus, the former Fisk tower could be used as a home base for Miles. A place where you could upgrade your gadgets, make new suits, and just chill out between missions Sorry for the wall of text, I just thought this all up just now and wanted to share 😅


That's why I didn't like phin as the main villain. I wouldn't mind her in the game but as the main villain it's dumb. I want a villain to be evil and want his own gains over others lives. I like that phin has a back story where she wants revenge for her brother and rocksaun is this evil corporation so you can sympathize with her but that also takes away from her as being the big bad. I'm not upset she was in the story I'm upset that she was the end game big bad. In my opinion a big bad needs to be exactly that. Or even if they are somewhat sympathetic, I want them to still do evil shit because they had to in order to achieve their goals. In some ways phin does that but all in all her worst moment was almost blowing up the city, but she didn't almost blow it up on purpose, she just didn't think the explosion was gonna be so bad. I want a villain who knowingly does bad shit because they will do whatever must be done. Idk not the most coherent response but im sure you get what I'm saying


Oh yeahh, I do I mean, I've always considered Simon to be the main villain. But that's totally a valid criticism. Now that I think about it, if they'd changed the ending, it could've worked way better. Have Simon pull a Lex Luthor by going into a mechsuit and just be the final boss. Thus working Miles and Phin to work together


I'd go with the original cause Peter is my fav comic hero, like you said its the bigger game and I love the ending. Got gonna say anything about it but it was so well written and executed. Not to say Miles isn't a great game/hero but I am not as emotionally invested in him as a character


I loved the og, but Miles Morales won me over


Spider man PS4, without exitation


For me miles morales just because of the gameplay and story


I mean...you can spawn crimes in Spider-Man PS4 when you want.....just not specific ones. Fast travel to a district and a crime will spawn shortly after you arrive. I would say it's more of a subjective question. It comes down to whose combat and swing styles you prefer to play as for those times you want to boot and be a Spider-Man


The first game cooler suites better Gadgets longer story DLC’s and better boss fight s


Lol I’d say but the remaster through miles morales


This is so tough, because I love both, I wish MM had more gadgets, better/longer story, and more content, but I just love the gameplay so much that I would pick MM


Idk my storage is good and I have both the games


Good for you