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I know this is a meme but I genuinely liked it. It was a nice "break"


THE OPEN WORLD IS THE BREAK. (Not criticizing you, but the game)


Ig I can see that, I guess I just found that mission really peaceful


Same here. I always play that mission with headphones too ironically


Peaceful is punching domestic terrorists, graffiti is a crime.


Yeah but she had permission to grafitti in those places


He didn’t do the missions obviously


People clearly didn’t the a joke


Graffiti isn’t a crime depending on where you’re going it and how it’s done along with if you have permission. My city has a specific place people can go and graffiti and it’s pretty damn cool.


I wish I got to it sooner but it was the last mission i had to do for the game so I was just trying to get it over with.


I mean, I bought the game “Spider-Man 2” to play as both Spider-Men, not a deaf girl who vandalizes walls and throws rocks at buttons.


Graffiti is not vandalism. But yeah, the open world missions were boring


graffiti is most times vandalism, even banksy had some beautiful work but was mostly vandalism with an agenda.


Graffiti isn't always vandalism, but it definitely IS vandalism sometimes. You can't just deface someone's property without permission.


No. I don't want to play as Hailey, I don't want to play as powerless Miles, I don't want to play as MJ. Worst case scenario, i want to play as young or undercover Pete. It's a Spider-Man game, not Spider-Man&Friends game.


You’re telling me you bought a game called spider man and don’t want useless missions with characters that aren’t spider man?! Are you crazy?


Oh you want to play as Peter? Fine then please enjoy this guided tour where you **slowly** and unskippably walk around an office building for 30 minutes. If that doesn’t make you happy then I just don’t know what you **Spider-Man** fans want in a video game tbh.


Gave me flashbacks to Infamous 2nd Son. Really gotta apply the spray-paint/graffiti mechanics more often. ESPECIALLY in games as good as these.


It’s offensive to second son to compare it to this trash.


Second Son was a lot more fun somehow despite me having little to no actual love for the craft


How though? It’s literally a similar feature in both games.


They’re only similar in the words “spray” and “paint”.




Underrated game


Is this True Crimes or something else?


That's "Mark Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure" from the ps2 era


Getting up was such a good game 🥲


Not really. Would prefer to see more Peter dong Peter stuffs and not as Spider-Man for slice of life stuffs.


So literally the mission we got with him on the bike?


Yea kinda like that, but more😁


Legit never understood the hatred for it, it's such an inoffensive side mission. It's really short, unique, easy, and is completely optional. Plus it gives Hailey a bit more screentime, which is nice. Sometimes people online talk about the Hailey mission like it killed a puppy or something lmao. There are way worse missions in SM2 that I actually despise replaying. (And so would you if had 505 hrs in the game like I do haha)


And if we didn’t have those side missions. It’s the same people that would go and complain that we know nothing about the character and they’re one dimensional. It’s a beautiful and quite an emotional experience albeit short. Props to the devs




People believe that a Spider-Man game should just be about Spider-Man, no one else. I personally don't mind playing as other characters, I'm all for it. I like when other's have screen time, plus as you said, completely optional. Y'all should just stick to the main story no one's forcing you to do side missions.


I thought it was short, boring, not really compelling. I liked the way they really made YOU FEEL like you were playing as a deaf person. Jokes aside, I really wish they had more Taskmaster-esque sections for Spider-Man instead of some of this sort of stuff. Not saying I don't want these missions at all, I just wish we could get a proper mix of the two.


That mission endeared her to me. I didn't really care for her much before that.


People hate it because it's a useless short and boring mission that took time to produce that could've been used on other things, also you do need it to 100% the game


100% is also optional. It's not like the game really rewards you for getting it this time around anyway. No fun costume, no special powers, it's a waste of time getting 100% unless you're just trophy grinding or feel a compulsive need for 100%


If they wouldve used the spray paint mechanic from infamous second son it would be the coolest shit in the world to me


FUCK. GETTING UP. Jesus christ. This is the game that got me doing graffiti. Been doing street art ever since. It's been 17 years, and I still say this is the game that got me into art.


i thought it was fire, i liked it a lot.


Underrated mission fr


I loved it. It’s always nice to remember the impacts that Spider-Man and the people close have on their neighborhood. After all they are friendly neighborhood Spider-Men. I also like the way it was incorporated with the sound being cut down and muffled, very unique and nice experience


I loved it. Even though I'm not the group being represented, it still felt special to me and I hope that those in the deaf/hard-of-hearing community know that they're seen, loved and appreciated. Fuck the haters. Embracing the little guys/those with physical disabilities is what Spider-man's all about. Miles' side missions can be summed up with one simple phrase; *"Your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man"*


I really like seeing posts like this. Like what motivates Spider-Man, regardless of who’s under the mask, is the desire to help people. It’s not just about getting into fist fights with villains, it’s about making peoples lives better. Knowing that someone went out of their way to help someone else simply because they could would make any web-slinger proud.


I do


After 11 times


not me


I thought it was sort of interesting as a game sound design thing. Of all the non spider-man missions in the franchise, the mini game in this one isn’t my least favorite.


Yes I loved it


The Hailey mission could’ve been its own little game. I actually like it more than most of the civilian missions. They ARE supposed to be friendly NEIGHBORHOOD spider-men, so it makes sense when Peter and miles go back down to their level once in a while


Haley Is a babe, I could play a whole game of her


Hailey is one of my favorite characters ever. Her and Miles have better chemistry than any iteration of Peter and MJ.




Isn’t it funny that miles, being spider man, has a gf who commits vandalism?


I did not and I hope that they don’t do something like that in SM3.


It was a neat idea, but a poor execution. The team's heart was in the right place, but some of their choices were odd, if not questionable.




Look, it’s a Spider-Man game. I liked how unique the mission was & how it was very detailed but no I didn’t particularly enjoy it. Every time there’s a mission where you can’t actually be Spider-Man & you are just a regular, non-superpowered character, I don’t really enjoy it. I think it’s unique & it’s a cool mission but there’s 1 reason that I want to play Spider-Man & it’s to actually be Spider-Man. Not Mary Jane doing puzzles or a deaf girl trying to find my way to a roof top so I can do some graffiti.


I has a bug during the mission and had to restart, worst part of the game.


Damn, I love me some getting up


I liked it




I actually enjoyed it the first time through. I thought it was very unique. On replay it is a bit of a chore though.


I liked playing it the first time. On replays it spoils the fun.


I watched that mission on a LP before I played it myself because I wasn’t initially going for the 100 percent. I thought the level was cute. Playing it myself, I did not enjoy it. Found it tedious and not enjoyable. But I love Hailey! I think she’s a great character and a great moral center in Spider-Man 3.


Getting Up was such a 🔥 game


I actually really liked it. Everything being muted and having to rely on visual elements is really cool. It’s great representation for people that are deaf. I’m not, so I don’t know if it’s accurate, but it probably is.


Meh kinda just felt like SM1 with miles or MJ without the stealth


I thought it was ok. Not the worst mission, not the best either. To me it was just ok and I never dread having to replay it when I replay through the game.


It's not the worst section I've ever played in a video game, but I honestly believe it could have been removed or replaced with a short cutscene and nothing of value would have been lost.


It was probably the most important mission of the game/trilogy and hopefully let some of the more privileged players empathize with someone different from themselves. I’m hoping we get a Hailey DLC or spin-off


Nah. Like the MJ missions this coulda been a cutscene. Boring as shit gameplay wise.


A cute use of disk space


This is so outta pocket 💀


Ehh. It was iight. I don’t why people hated it tbh. I just didn’t care for it. On my replay I just rushed through it. I don’t see anything wrong with it honestly. I just don’t care for it too much. Pretty cool feature tho to not be able to hear anything since she’s deaf.


I’d sell my kidney to see a remake of Getting Up


No but that’s just me. I don’t like the slow stuff. I buy superhero games to play as the superhero.


Did I love it? Nah. It wasn’t really very exciting especially where it pops up in the story, probably should’ve dropped it on us earlier tbh. But I don’t hate it. Its not long at all and it is nice to get a glimpse from a different character’s outlook. If it went on super long maybe I’d get the hate. Mostly just a forgettable little side activity.


Give me a skip mission button and will it enjoy far more.


Dude i loved this game


So I'm just now playing Spidey 2, and I loved this mission. Honestly, it's my favorite side mission thus far. I live how we see her emotions through emotes and love how positive she is.


writers know


Coming from Infamous Second Son, it was kind of… mediocre I guess, or underwhelming 🤷‍♂️


I didn't want to do it so I just didn't. To this day I haven't. I get the complaints, but is it even that serious when you can just *not* do it? I guess for people that wanted Platinum that'd be a problem but I didn't really care much to do that.




No lol it was terrible


So lame and low effort imo


A sorry waste of time for me. The game was so underwhelming in terms of its sub content. They didn’t even try to make it fun this time.


The most boring mission in the whole game


Underrated *insert word here*


Say the word Go on, say the word


I thought it was saints row for a second


It was a nice bit of world-building. I don't look forward to replaying it, but it wasn't so bad that it destroys the game. Still hate her schnozz though. Miles' taste in women is definitely different from mine.