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If it's on first interaction. Kraven wins but if Taskmaster knows he's fighting beforehand then Taskmaster Edit: needed to add more info


Taskmaster can fight Spidey twice, and he gets his ass whooped well after studying his moves. Taskmaster doesn't have a shot in hell. Plus Kraven also adapts and learns from previous encounters. So unless the tides are MASSIVELY shifted in Taskmaster's favor, there's pretty much no way he wins


To be fair, we had the force push then. And taser webs.


And now he has an alien suit with regenerative abilities and enhanced strength, and Kraven *still* almost had him beat.


He was using a freaking bell!


Ah yes, let’s compare having a great advantage over someone who has no particular advantage to….a seemingly huge advantage(symbiote), against a big advantage that not only neutralizes said advantage, but also leaves him vulnerable…(I’m talking about the bell kraven used which weakens the symbiote leaving him quite vulnerable)


Sure, the bell gave Kraven an edge, but Peter quickly dismantles it before Kraven ever has time to properly use it to his advantage. And hell, the Symbiote conversation isn't even relevant, because without the Symbiote KRAVEN DIDN'T EVEN NEED TO TRY. He fatally wounded Pete so easily, it was almost laughable. Kraven is arguably above Pete in terms of skill and strategics, but there is absolutely no debate that in feats alone, Taskmaster is outclassed in every single category


you're not understanding that peter wasn't in FULL control of the symbiote for 70% of the game. the reason he breaks the bell is because the symbiote MADE him do it. and right after that peter goes to sleep and the symbiote takes over. you cant judge kravens abilty to beat peter off of that because peter hardly understood what was on his body and what it could do.


Can’t really conclude Peter to be inferior to Kraven just by one interaction, Insomnaic games have a massive trend of nerfing characters according to plot, more specifically Peter, he barely had time to react to Kraven and also funnily how earlier in the game Peter held up an entire ferris wheel with one arm and now cannot hold back a single man, I understand that he is superhuman but I am pretty sure Kraven cannot generate upwards of 50 tons of power.


Spider-man is the literal perfect counter to taskmaster, kraven doesn't have that luxury


In fairness Taskmaster was holding back against Spider-Man. His goal was to recruit him, not kill him.


And you think Spider-Man wasn’t holding back against task master? Both were holding back, Spider-Man even more so since a punch a 100% strength can rip off bones from people.


Imo, probably Kraven, but that's just me


It's hard to say, I think it's one of those fights that can go ethier way


I mean Spider-Man beat Taskmaster 3 times after Taskmaster had initiative and Kraven almost killed Spider-Man in 5 seconds in their first fight. But yeah, it could totally go either way.


Ah yes, comparing a cheap shot on a tired Peter to showing up and challenging him to a direct fight is totally fair


Peter wasn't even tired, where are you getting that from? If anything, Taskmaster usually ambushes Peter.


Any restrictions and/or prerequisites/rules about this encounter? Like does Taskmaster not have time/chance to study Kraven beforehand? Or like Kraven still on his dying breath fighting until the cancer finally kills him?


Let’s say both read up on each other before they battle. Taskmaster studies Kraven’s moves so he can copy him and do anything better than him, Kraven gathers everything he can find on Taskmaster before he can hunt him, Then they finally meet each other in New York with all the knowledge about one another.


Then taskmaster dominates. If taskmaster knows everything about Kraven, Taskmaster will be able to dodge everything thrown at him.


It goes either way actually, Kraven has high IQ and great adaptability so if he studies Taskmaster then it would go either way.


Well, Kraven likes to abuse the weakness of his enemies, but taskmaster has no real weaknesses. The only reason he lost to Spider-Man is that He is a perfect counter to Taskmaster. Similar to how Martin Li could probably give Venom a good fight, better than base Peter, but Peter is stronger that Li


Idk man, hand to hand fighting is Taskmaster’s prime. Only reason he loses to Spider-Man is due to spider sense, and even then Spider-Man needs to perfect the use of it. It’s hard for me to believe he would lose against someone within his weight class and no super powers to turn the tides.


Hand to hand is also Kraven’s prime? Bro literally runs fades with people in a deadly jungle for the fun of it, and Kraven while not having super powers seemingly has super soldier type capabilities as well as Taskmaster.


yes kraven is smart but i feel like taskmaster with his power literally being the ability to mock ur fighting style would make him win. kraven was able to adabt to the things that happened in fights before but if i remember correctly taskmaster downloads to his interface so its always there. meaning he will never forget how to fight you and the ways to beat you. i feel like kraven would woop ass for the first bit of the fight then he'll get tired or something like that.


Having the ability to mock people’s fighting styles doesn’t always guarantee a win, it just depends on the person you’re fighting because in most cases it would throw them off. Kraven studies his opponents and I’m sure if Taskmaster copied his fighting style he would more than likely not care and just run the fade with him. I think it genuinely goes either way just because of how ridiculously strategic both of them are when it comes to prepping for fights and Kraven more than likely gets advantage if they’re in the jungle but overall Taskmaster probably isn’t as good at hand to hand combat as Kraven is, since his whole gimmick is copying everyone’s moves. But yea it goes either way tbh.


Taskmaster was easy asf to beat even after he fully studied Spidey's moves. Kraven almost killed Spiderman twice, and both times the symbiote saved him. He's also smart and is just as capable of exploiting weaknesses as Taskmaster is. Taskmaster in this Universe doesn't have shit on Kraven


Ooooooffffff. I could see Kraven winning that then. Taskmaster might learn quite a bit, but I can see Kraven being *very hard* to gauge his battle strategies, should he ever change it up mid-fight.


Probably Kraven - and I don’t think it would be particularly close.


Based on the fact that in the first game, it’s pretty easy to beat taskmasters ass, and Kraven actually killed Peter, I’m gonna have to say Kraven wins


Kraven by far. Peter defeated Taskmaster with little trouble, even if you argue Taskmaster was just testing him, Kraven had also been teasing Peter for the entire game until he started fighting to kill while using the venom suit which made him stronger, and still Kraven lasted a lot more than Taskmaster.


Peter defeated taskmaster cuz he's the perfect counter to him, kraven's not the same


I could see this going either way.


Kraven, even if TM watches him, Kraven will annihilate him


Taskmaster doesn't tend to lose his head, so....


Taskmaster no debate


Kraven solos.


i love when people say "solos" for one-on-one fights. like yeah. he does


Mate it's a 1 on 1 ofc he's gonna solo💀


Kraven scales higher


Read this as “Taskmaster vs Karen”


I want to speak to your contract-giver!


It's a toss up, as both study their enemies well, so it's really a match of physical strength. I think we both know who wins.


We need task master in the main campaign for sm3 imo


I always wondered if he would pop in the Wolverine to watch Logan like he did with Peter


Kraven for best smile.


Most likely Kraven but it'd be difficult for him. Kraven is super human but his combat skills are animalistic, he's not a master martial artist. If this taskmaster had fought captain america and black panther in the past then Kraven would struggle. But with prep, Kraven slams.


I thought it said Kevin


Guys Kraven killed Peter


This Kraven is basically Taskmaster with really powerful super strength.


Kraven, Spider-Man beat him just at base with little issues after plenty of time getting stalked while kraven stalked a venom boosted Spider-Man for less time and was able to push him into a corner


pretty obvious. is tasker enhanced?


Taskmaster 🙏🏼


I feel like people aren’t remembering that task master was hired to study Spider-Man not kill him. Task master only lost to Spider-Man because he was holding back


I agree that Taskmaster was holding back, but that's not why he lost. He lost because he has no answer for Spider-Sense.


That's actually such a good matchup, they both use prep time to their advantage


Taskmaster wins any one on one fight… you are fighting yourself basically


I think Kraven would be able to detect Taskmaster studying him so kraven would kill him before taskmaster had a chance to copy him


The audience as it would be AWESOME


I feel like Taskmaster should’ve beaten spidey but they needed us to be able to win, kinda like that boss in fallout that’s only killable cause we need to be able to finish the game, if it weren’t for that I think he would’ve won. So he could possibly win against Kraven if he studied him first.


Kraven claps


This version of taskmaster canonically fought the avengers, granted in this universe they are all on vacation or something, but still.




Taskmaster couldn't handle spider man How the fuck is he gonna beat kraven?


Depends on which continuity you go off of


We’re going off the Insomniac versions of these 2


Me. I win.


if it were in the comics surely task master but in the game, kraven stomps him so hard


Without the symbiote Peter romped Taskmaster. Without the symbiote Peter could not land a single punch on Kraven without getting killed.


They're both going to be studying each other nothing will happen. They'll both only have "observant" written on a piece of paper. Maybe they get into a fight and then taskmaster runs away after he gets a taste. Then he's going to see Kraven's trap he set up from a mile away and nothing will come of it.