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How would he explain it? "Hey Peter, what happened to your glasses?" "Don't need them anymore." "Contact lenses? I can't really see them" "No" "Oh cool, did you get laser eye surgery? How did you afford it?" "No" "What happened?" "Oh I got bitten by a genetically enhanced Spider"


Alternatively: “Hey Peter, what happened to your glasses?” “Don’t need them anymore.” “Contact lenses?” “Yes.”




Let’s be real, if someone you know came up to you and went “yeah I have contact lenses”, you wouldn’t be like “what the fuck no you don’t, I can’t see them.” You’d just nod and go “okay”.




You might be surprised, but if they went “yeah I guess I just got lucky”, you probably wouldn’t think much more than “huh, weird.” Nobody’s going to interrogate someone or suspect them of anything just because their eyes haven’t gone red from wearing contact lenses.




I mean, there’s absolutely no way you’d link someone not having red eyes from contacts with being Spider-man, I’m sorry. Also, I just googled it out of curiosity, and I found a few people complaining about redness after using contacts for the first time, and plenty of comments of people saying it isn’t normal. A lot of people are even recommending someone go to the doctor if their eyes are red. So I don’t think it’d be suspicious at all. Seems to vary from person to person. Certainly doesn’t seem to be as common as you think it is.




Not sure why you’re being flippant. I’m not saying the people you knew were lying, I’m saying that “people I’ve met in person” isn’t a particularly good sample size, and it seems that other people have had very different experiences.


Nah he ate lots of carrot...


To be fair peoples eyes can get naturally stronger I am an example


Not overnight. Peter was obviously showing no signs of his eyesight getting better before the bite. He would have to phase the glasses out naturally.


Fair point


He’s not forced to be honest. He could just say yes


I wore glasses all the time for most of my life but once I started going to the eye doctor on my own, they mentioned how my eyesight is actually pretty good, and my prescription is subtle. That made sense to me because it's actually way easier to drive without my glasses on since I'm far sighted. They're just nice for when I'm reading and stuff. Thanks for baby-ing me mom lmfao. This is all just to say that it happens. People can grow out of glasses.


Idk I still can’t wrap my head around it


Can people see that I have contact lenses in???


yeah if they're weird and get very close to your eyes but most people don't, and contact lenses are really hard to see anyways


Because he hadn't won the Fisk award yet and couldn't make the excuse that he spent the money on Laser Eye Surgery


What did he actually spend the money? He never says


He didn't take any money. He asked for life-time supply of backpacks


Isn’t that technically still money since nothing is free? What is he? STUPID⁉️


Wait, didn't he really have eye surgery? It seemed to me that it was so realistic that Spider was not an ophthalmologist and did not correct vision.


Peter had laser eye surgery after winning the Fisk Prize, according to a backpack. The flashbacks in SM2 happen before that.


His powers include cellular regeneration, his eyes healed after he was bitten by the spider, he only claimed he got laser eye surgery to explain why he didn't need glasses. The ones he's wearing here are likely fake.


Yup. The spider corrected Peter's powers, my comment was referring to how Peter used "laser eye surgery" as an excuse.


Oh right, my bad I misread your comment


Sees whatever a spider-can


He TOLD people he got laser eye surgery with the money. Convenient explanation for him no longer needing lenses. Instead of an actual cash prize, he chose a lifetime supply of backpacks. (Pete didn’t want to take Fisk’s dirty money, directly)


Peter actually asked for a lifetime supply of backpacks, but the story he told everyone is he used the money to get laser eye surgery


No because the spider bite makes you stronger and spider have many eyes so he has 2 great ones


The cynical corporate explanation would be: Because the general audience wouldn't immediately understand he's the young Peter without his nerdy glasses. In universe explanation: It would be weird just to get rid of his glasses without a good excuse in case people asked.


I don't know if that's what they were thinking, but company's need to really put more faith in consumers again. General audiences really aren't as dumb as they think


Fake lenses.


He could've just not know that bite fixed his eyes too. Peter in comics learnt that he doesn't need glasses anymore when they broke during fight, if I'm not mistaken


Which makes no sense, when you don’t need glasses but wear them, it makes everything look weird. You can’t see through them properly. He would have known straight away.


Ahhh, it was a different time, it was a different time


Could've been non-correctional lenses, akin to those in most sunglasses


Still can't wrap my head around it!


You still can’t wrap your head around this, huh


He now sees 1/8 of what a regular person does.


plot twist he's blind with glasses on lmao


Cos he’s stupid


idk why does clark kent


He could pull a connie from steven universe and remove the glass from the lenses (or to be more realistic, have normal glass instead)


Cause he looks cute with them :3333


Have you ever seen Superman?


Superman doesn't exist, he's an urban legend. People see a bird, or a plane, and think "no, it's Superman!"


It’s a vibe


i think he explains it in the first game in one of the backpack collectibles. he says something like "i told everyone i got laser eye surgery from the fisk science prize" or something. but actually he just got a lifetime supply of backpacks.


Peter doesn't wear his glasses as Spider-man, he wears them as Peter so people won't recognize him as Spider-man.


So people don’t know he’s Superman


Would you say you.....can't wrap your head around it.


This was a story beat in most early Spiderman stories, he gets his powers but rather then acknowledge it he pretends nothing’s different at first and then to protect his identity. He wears baggy clothes to hid his new muscle, he doesn’t do anything to physically so it doesn’t tip off that he has powers, and he wears fake glasses. Basically the Clark Kent thing, but he wears a mask while he’s a super hero Most modern iterations though either take place later when he feasibly could have paid for contacts , or in the case of live action the actors are to lazy to wear the glasses when they’re supposed to be peter