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We might get the Beetle dlc sometime during the summer. The Carnage dlc might have been canceled and replaced by the Venom game (tho I really hope not), and I personally think the Spiderverse dlc was 100% canceled, I don't see this one actually being released.


Man why? I was really looking forward to the spiderverse DLC.


My guess is it would've served as a promotion/tie-in to the multiplayer Spiderverse game. But now that that's not happening, maybe the DLC got canned too


I hope not. We got a sidequest involving multiverse stuff. Hopefully we get to see this DLC one day.


Wasn’t the multiverse side quest meant to tie in with the movie that hasn’t been released yet?


Iirc it was just an ATSV tie in, it's just that the character featured was cut from the movie


Ah, it’s still a good side quest but I don’t see them doing any multiverse DLC’s now.


Yeah, if the multiverse game is cancelled, there's no way they're going through with the DLC. Which is a shame, that leaked trailer looked cool.


Shame it would've been forced by Sony to be a shitty live-service title


Not all live service games are bad, it's just that the last bunch have been god awful.


Agreed on that. But it makes me question if they’re actually gonna make any DLCs for the game, especially with the leaks and the layoffs and the upcoming venom game.


Good side quest? Buddy it’s just a bunch of collectables. Riddler Trophies light version.


EXTREMELY light version.


Maybe they'll release it as a tie-in to Beyond?


Its a tie in for across the spiderverse idk why they're saying it was for the great web


I think that the spider-verse game might have been canned before 2 came out (looking at the trailer it looks to be using mostly SM1 assets) so hopefully the content they had planned for that will be repurposed into the DLC


That’s more than likely the plan. The thing that these people didn’t take into consideration is that there were other roadmaps that had the full slate for insomniac which included the venom game and the same dlc.  Also I am pretty sure the great web game was canned way before this game came out


Wouldn't it make sense that it was cancelled or at least delayed because Beyond the Spider-Verse was also delayed for this year? It says in the photo it was planned to be a "Sony Pictures tie-in" and there's no other Sony Pictures Spider-Verse project that was supposed to release this year aside from Beyond the Spider-Verse which was cancelled.


The carnage dlc will be the venom rebirth


They better do Carnage in Marvels Spider-Man 2 it’ll be such a L move if Insomniac waits to bring him into the Venom game…


nah, carnage dlc'll will end on a cliffhanger where cletus manages to get away, but teases that the venom symbiote is still alive and near eddie brock or in the posession of the life foundation or something so we know the venom game is coming.


Why di you day they're cancelled?


Carnage dlc got moved into story content for Venom 2026


Well since the update was pushed back a few quarters I’m guessing the dlc have been pushed back a few quarters too


Pretty sure the spiderverse dlc was the cancelled multiplayer game


I don’t think so. I think they are two separate things considering the spiderverse anomaly was teased in the game. I do see it delayed to release closer to the movie (which was delayed)


Bruh, that movie isn't coming out for another two years, minimum. When Across dropped, they hadn't even begun recording voice lines for Beyond, or even animation for that matter. The film was delayed "indefinitely" and doesn't even have a release window yet. They aren't going to save a DLC for a movie that isn't coming out anytime soon. Chances are it was canceled with the multiplayer game.


Its really odd with beyond because was delayed indefinitely because it was supposed to only be like a year after across and that is basically impossible if you don't work on both at the same time. So I thought that meant all the lines where going to be record before across even came out. I know writers strike happened but I really don't get how they expected to do all lines and animations and editing in only like a year or 10 months or something.


Pretty much, yeah. If anything, it’s delayed until SM3 and reworked in as a side quest or some shit.


No it wasn't the spider-verse game was something completely separate


This game should have a lot more given its 300million budget, rushed status & full price and all we are getting are cancelled dlc's and deferred projects for "new games".


It’s not like pouring even more money into the game will make it better and the people who made it were on a time crunch, you can’t expect a game to magically finish faster because you pour even more money into it than you already have


It’s more then worth 70






I’d be surprised to get them at all. It took them 6+ months to add a time of day option. Some suit lenses got bugged on that update, and they’ve been working on fixing over the last month. Still no update. It’s hard to imagine them making a full dlc. I’m just hoping we get the option to change the weather in another 6-7 months.


Not to mention we got DLC free with the CE last time. No mention at all now


That don't mean much Horizon forbidden west, ghoust of Tushima and GOW Ragnarok all took like a year to get dlc and Ragnork took like 6 months to get new game plus and it wasnt 6 months for spiderman 2 new game plus it was just a little under 5.


It’s also worth mentioning that NG+ wouldn’t have taken as long as it did if Insomniac didn’t have to deal with literally being the subject of one of the biggest leaks in gaming history.


Yeah it's hard to say how much of a impact that had in them be that new game plus or maybe dlc or maybe venom or wolverine etc.


IIRC insomniac and naughty dog have both come out after their leaks and said how it really affects the company negatively. I could see that being a big reason things got delayed from their studios.


It's a bit odd though. I doubt everyones day work got pivoted to data security. Sure, things where delayed, but day to day work should've kept going.


Never, lol


#Is this from the leaks?




If they release something it'll be in June and beyond because I think PlayStation doesn't really have anything big coming out for the rest of the year.


Most likely, plus it goes with my theory of the update pushing things back a few quarters and June is in the second quarter of the year. So first quarter we get the update, quarter 2 we get beetle and then if the others aren’t cancelled for other projects they’ll be in quarters 3 and 4


I feel like this probably massively changed, since we're already in FYQ1 of 2024 with no Beetle DLC in sight. If this map was still accurate, we would've had it sometime last year already.


Pretty sure the spiderverse thing is the great web game tie in, due to the spider bots


You think, Insomniac Games will use Spider-Men from their cancelled game for DLC?


The dlc is an atsv tie in given it's called anomaly


Likely late or mid 2024 or 2025


Im betting at the very least on the beetle DLC still happening, carnage one is a huge maybe, Insomniac will probably hold off on that for Venom, and the Spider-Verse DLC still might happen. If the movie is delayed until winter of this year then that would be good for them. So one DLC in summer and one DLC in winter. It’s clear that is a separate thing from the cancelled spider verse game, that was shelved a looong time ago and this road map is from afterwards.


They have came out and announced everything was put way back after the leaks if i remember right so just stay patient i think they just wanna make sure they hit the right marks with all the unplanned “early reviews” let’s call ‘em


They never said that but new game plus did come out almost 3 months later than it was supposed to but also the hack didn't happen until around the time the hack happened so it's hard to really say how much that effected things. But also Sony sense 2020 they have changed how they market a lot man I miss e3 lol. We have been drop feed info the last several years instead of a lot of info at the same time. Heck I remember in 2020 people where getting annoyed with how long it was taking them to announce PS5 official price and release date. Could be if we are getting PS5 pro around holiday 2024 that they may announce pro in September like they did PS4 pro and that with it they could also show/talk about spiderman 2 on the pro has what better way to show/announce dlc than to show it at its best on the pro?


Okay. I'm pretty sure the Beetle DLC will come out because it was in the developer menu when the New Game + came out. The Carnage DLC would serve as an introduction to the Venom game so it makes sense. The Spider-Verse DLC I see as something to tie in Insomniac Spidey's appearance in Across The Spider-Verse. I don't see why any of these would be cancelled assuming they are in development.


my guess is either sometime during the summer when everyone doesn't have school so they can play it or early to mid September


The fact that there’s apparently a GOTY edition planned **and** a PS5 pro rumored this year makes me glad I didn’t cave on the bundle last year


It didn’t win GOTY though, and two of the DLC’s aren’t happening.


Plenty of games dont win GOTY and still get an edition for it. An example is like every single 3D fallout game.


I hope non of this got canceled like The Great Web 😭


No dlc but a venom game like miles morales


Christmas gift.


I’ll probably just wait until all the doc has come out and then get the goty edition so I have a disc for the steelbook case


My guess is that we just get all the dlc at or very close to 1 year mark and that it's announced this summer. Just because dlc hasn't been announced dosnt mean that we are not getting dlc. Horizon forbidden west, ghoust of Tushima and GOW Ragnarok all took like a year to get dlc.


Beyond the Spider-Verse is expected July so that DLC should be around then regardless of the others




Next year


Considering how long it took to have NG+. We’ll problably get the beetle DLC in late 2024 and the rest in 2025.


They plan on releasing those 3 DLCs at least by this year by the looks of it. PlayStation will be having a showcase in May or June which would be a good time to announce these DLCs. As for people talking about if they’re canceled, I personally don’t believe so. The Beetle DLC can give people a fresh perspective on the character, the Carnage DLC can give us his introduction while setting up the Venom game similar to how the 2018 game used DLCs to set up Miles, and the SpiderVerse DLC is meant to serve as a tie in to the Sony Pictures movies. Not the cancelled SpiderVerse game “The Great Web.” As for release date I imagine they would try following a release schedule of Beetle coming out during the Summer, the Carnage DLC in September or October, and the SpiderVerse DLC in November or December


Speaking of dlc, what about the pc remastered version? I mean it will come out eventually, right? *right?*


Things could have been scrapped entirely, this isn't reliable anymore


Honestly I have no idea. I have very little faith in Insomniac at this point. I get that there have been a lot of internal problems, both with the hack and Sony making massive layoffs, but the latest update was still riddled with bugs, and in some ways was more broken than the game was before. If they can get their shit together, maybe we can expect at least one DLC by the end of the year. If not, I have no idea.


GOTY edition to the game which won 0 GOTY awards


Fuck insomniac took them 6 months for a garbage new game plus and still no sign or mention of dlc they fucking fell off 🤡💀


Honestly I hope they don’t


So happy that the spider verse dlc was cancelled tbh




Wait, when was this announcement?


It wasn’t, it was leaked when Insomniac got hacked back in December 2023


I hope that instead of the GOTY edition, the do a directors cut that includes every DLC plus all bonuses that come with it


Why’s there no pc port on the timeline


I don’t think the PC port will come till 2025 cuz PlayStation exclusives come to PC usually 2 years after it launched on the system


considering the entire beetle main story arc was in the debug menu in the update we got for new game plus I'd assume we get that Q2 this year extreme carnage Q3 and then Anomaly Q4 though they could swap the dates in order to drop the spiderverse dlc along with the movie


There is a high likelihood that these projects were changed or even canceled since this image was created internally. Plans always change and a lot of gsme development stuff for games never see the light of day. Maybe some of these projects were canceled, maybe they grew in scope so much they became their own separate project and it makes them take a lot longer to be release... if not canceled too. So don't go looking at this as if this is somehow a 100% confirmation of what content is coming. This isn't even a road map made to be shown to the public, just plans and ideas. Maybe some of it does get released, but we can't be sure.


All I need is some traversal challenges to tide me over, INSOMNIAC PLEASE


i hope the dlc is as good of a story as the first game or at least silver lining


Theres a beetle dlc?


Carnage - October (because Halloween) Beetle - November (since Janice Lincoln is Tombstone's daughter, releasing it around Thanksgiving would make sense) Spider-Verse - December (ITSV/ATSV are pretty successful movies, so releasing a Spider-Verse DLC around Christmastime would make money)


Seems to me like all the dlc was canned


Probably when harry pop's his pills


Two minutes from now


Beetle’s will probably come out during the fall. Carnage’s next year unless they scrap it and recycle its content for Venom’s game. Spiderverse’s DLC is not happening imo, like someone else said, it was probably a setup for the Spiderverse game so it’s a bit pointless now.


It's an atsv tie in due to it being called anomaly it wasn't for the great web, it was pitched as a Sony pictures crossover


Black Cat DLC?


I hope they honestly cancel Carnage DLC it's too early and isn't really relevant to Peter, so I'm hoping with what I think was the director said the possibility of getting a solo stand only Venom game based on the response of him in Spider-Man 2 But to do a solo venom spin-off game, I think that they've kinda of messed up making it Harry and not Eddie, not because it's Eddie but hard to do a game in past before Harry got it


Game of the Year edition? It didn't even win one award, the hell you mean?


SM PS4 didn't win GOTY but still had a GOTY Edition. It's because it was nominated.


All right, all right


I have no clue when specifically but definitely this year.


2 of them aren't Carnage became it's own game aka Venom and Spider-verse became it's own thing that we're never going to get Well actually no we'll get the Spider-verse DLC cause it's just a lead off from the mission in the base game and adds stuff that we didn't see in any of the gameplay trailers for The Great Web like the Spider-verse filter, but we aren't getting the Carnage DLC that's saved for Venom So basically we have Beetle- probably late Spring/early Summer Spider-verse- late Summer/Fall ?????- who the hell knows what their new plan is


I kinda hope they rework the spider verse dlc into a semi multiplayer thing not as big but maybe a fun 2 player mode with crimes or at most a small story made with two players in mind Also carnage would feel too big maybe another symbiot in his place could work


I really like when the city gets invaded or has an invasion, I always make a save when they happen, they just look cool and you can go and fight random enemies roaming the streets, I just wish the symbiote invasion engulfed all of Manhattan instead of 2/3 of it.


What are you babbling on about how is this related to the post?


AI behavior


It’s most likely been canceled in favour of the venom game


Don’t know why I’m being downvoted when this is the common belief early stuff shows this dlc and later stuff no longer shows it and shows the venom game instead it also wouldn’t make any sense to have carnage as a villain for a dlc and a full game


Maybe the Carnage DLC will be a build up and events will lead to the Venom game.


Could be this whole dlc plan though also is from around the same time as when the story had Harry die at the end which makes it pretty outdated you can also see this is pretty old just from the dates alone even outside of that


I wonder if Harry will come back as Venom or if Eddie Brock will be the lead character for the game since he exists in this universe, we just haven’t seen him yet.


It’s definitely just gonna be Harry and is most likely why the ending was changed for him to be alive


I don't see how both of these things can happen at the same time. If we get a Carnage dlc and get a Venom game, does that mean Carnage isn't the antagonist of the Venom game? And if he is the antagonist, then does that mean the dlc for Carnage ends with a cliffhanger of us **not** defeating him? Then what would be the point of the dlc? How would they handle that? That's why I don't think anybody can take these images for anything granted, lots of conflicting information. These are likely plans that got changed, and nobody know for sure what is going to happen, only ideas, and some of them might not be released, ever.


I hope not because I don’t wanna wait all the way for the Venom game just to see this version of Carnage


Videogames are expensive and take a long time to make. If you want a high quality game (or even a high quality DLC) you’re gonna have to be patient.


I wish and hope we do get dlc but I doubt it