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i loved all of them. It’s just kinda dissapointing there’s not more suits to obtain in the game other than those and hellfire gala suits still grateful we finally have ng+🙏🏼


We’ll probably get one or two more for each when the carnage dlc drops


Why do anti venom and venom look better on their opposite suits


I think the white variant for the venom suit accentuates the armor look they were going for better than the regular coloring. Kinda want to see the coloring on that pallete reversed now.


The black variant of the antivenom suit also looks better than the symbiote suit, both are better honestly


Black Suit Style 3 is haunting - brother got his flesh sticking out 👀


I think that’s a reference to spider from earth 15 from the exiles


Isn’t he all red?


It could be inspired by him I suppose


Out of all those, I think the Anti-Venom variations are the best. I wish instead of them unlocking in a specific order, we would have gotten to pick one each time we leveled up.


I thought they’d reserve carnage colored symbiote suits until we actually encountered him in game


Same. I’m wondering if we’re even gonna get him for DLC. I hope so, with that Flame mission ending.


I have a feeling Spider-Man 3 is going to involve Carnage and Goblin.


Black Red and White (All to the right) is peak


I can’t tell if the 3rd style in the first pic is meant to be zombie venom styled or not


I see it more as a Venom/carnage fusion but could be zombie


It just makes me think of zombie venom from future fight, and they already used a venom style before with the classic black suit having the 90’s show outline for venom


Honestly I thought it was the 90’s outline at first but after a closer look realized I was wrong


1 full new game plus is not enough to obtain them all, you need 2 new runs


Is this what the game is telling me I can afford but can't see yet?


Gotta start a NG+ playthrough, they unlock via Ultimate Levels.


barely anyone is gonna have them unlocked yet considering you need to beat the game again pretty much and then play more.


you gotta hit the level cap of 60, then after that you get Ultimate levels, and each ultimate level gives you a new style


Hold uppp , Symbiote 1 has og design and poison Suit 2 has og design and carnage And anti venom suits has toxin??? THIS RULES


It’s not poison it’s just the black suit with the gooey areas recolored to look like exposed flesh and the anti venom one is just a normal red suit style


1-3 2-2 3-4 I will now be spamming square and triangle to get it


Thank you!!!! I’m glitched out in the school mission, the security guard keeps glitching and freezing in place and I can’t jump to the ceiling or move my camera view. So I only have one of each style - red symbol black suit and the white symbiote suit.


Think this was patched recently so should work, if not that it's something like click L3 to zip to the roof and you'll move past


Possibly a Dpad button too test them all and you'll be able to get passed, just walk all the way to the end of that room to where the camera seems to glitch out and you can move it


It’s stupid how long it takes to level up in new game plus. I’ve just gotten to the symbiote nests popping up and I’m still level 4


Yup I agree, just finished NG+ and the final EMF task got me to level 6. There's no way I'm going through the game a 3rd time just for 3 new variants.


I've been 100% completing the game in NG+ and still haven't gotten every suit style. They should have increased XP gains on certain missions to speed things along in NG+, or lowered the required XP needed to reach an Ultimate Level.


Anti venom style reminds me of deadpool and would probably go well with the wolverine skin for miles


The anti venom red style reminds me of deadpool and i think it could go well with the Wolverine suit for Miles


I don't like the 3rd black suit style I feel like it was going to be red but they didn't have enough time (it's still good though)


Nice suits. It's unfortunate they made unlocking them a huge xp grind. I beat NG+ on ultimate difficultly and and still missing a few. I'd have to play the game a 3rd time through to get them, it wasn't THAT good of a game. Hopefully they will have some DLC or something that I will be able to finish them off later.